public void TestCantDefineEmbeddedRegionAgain() { string dir = tmpdir; string g = "a() ::= <<[<@r>foo<@end>]>>\n" + "@a.r() ::= <<bar>>\n"; // error; dup writeFile(dir, "g.stg", g); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "g.stg")); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); string expected = "g.stg 2:3: the explicit definition of region /a.r hides an embedded definition in the same group" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestArg() { string templates = "foo(a,) ::= << >>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:6: missing ID at ')'" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestNamedArgsNotAllowInIndirectInclude() { string dir = tmpdir; string groupFile = "f(x,y) ::= \"<x><y>\"\n" + "g(name) ::= \"<(name)(x={a},y={b})>\""; //0123456789012345678901234567890 writeFile(dir, "group.stg", groupFile); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "group.stg")); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // TODO: this could be more informative about the incorrect use of named arguments string expected = "group.stg 2:22: '=' came as a complete surprise to me" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestUnclosedTemplate() { string templates = "foo() ::= {"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:11: missing final '}' in {...} anonymous template" + newline + "t.stg 1:10: no viable alternative at input '{'" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestParen() { string templates = "foo( ::= << >>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:5: no viable alternative at input '::='" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestMissingImportString() { string templates = "import\n" + "foo() ::= <<>>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 2:0: mismatched input 'foo' expecting STRING" + newline + "t.stg 2:3: missing EndOfFile at '('" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestMap2() { string templates = "d ::= [\"k\":]\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "[t.stg 1:11: missing value for key at ']']"; string result = errors.Errors.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestDefaultArgsOutOfOrder() { string templates = "foo(a={hi}, b) ::= << >>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "[t.stg 1:13: Optional parameters must appear after all required parameters]"; string result = errors.Errors.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestNestedDefaultValueTemplate() { string templates = "t(a={x | <x:{y|<y>}>}) ::= \"ick\"" + Environment.NewLine; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Load(); string expected = "t(a={x | <x:{y|<y>}>}) ::= <<" + Environment.NewLine + "ick" + Environment.NewLine + ">>" + Environment.NewLine; string result = group.Show(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestCantDefineEmbeddedRegionAgainInTemplate() { string dir = tmpdir; string g = "a() ::= <<\n" + "[\n" + "<@r>foo<@end>\n" + "<@r()>\n" + "]\n" + ">>\n"; // error; dup writeFile(dir, "g.stg", g); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "g.stg")); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Errors.Count); Template template = group.GetInstanceOf("a"); string expected = "[" + newline + "foo" + newline + "foo" + newline + "]"; string result = template.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestMissingRegionName() { string dir = tmpdir; string g = "@t.() ::= \"\"\n"; writeFile(dir, "g.stg", g); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "g.stg")); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); string expected = "g.stg 1:3: missing ID at '('" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestEmptyDictionary() { string templates = "d ::= []\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group = null; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Errors.Count); }
public void TestDictEmptyDefaultValue() { string templates = "typeInit ::= [\"int\":\"0\", default:] " + newline + "var(type,name) ::= \"<type> <name> = <typeInit.(type)>;\"" + newline ; writeFile(tmpdir, "test.stg", templates); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "test.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); string expected = "[test.stg 1:33: missing value for key at ']']"; string result = errors.Errors.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestUnloadingGroupFile() { string dir = tmpdir; string a = "a(x) ::= <<foo>>\n" + "b() ::= <<bar>>\n"; writeFile(dir, "a.stg", a); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(dir + "/a.stg"); group.Load(); // force load Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a"); int originalHashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(st); group.Unload(); // blast cache st = group.GetInstanceOf("a"); int newHashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(st); Assert.AreEqual(originalHashCode == newHashCode, false); // diff objects string expected = "foo"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); st = group.GetInstanceOf("b"); expected = "bar"; result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestValidButOutOfPlaceCharOnDifferentLine() { string templates = "foo() ::= \"hi <\n" + ".> mom\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "[t.stg 1:15: \\n in string, t.stg 1:14: doesn't look like an expression]"; string result = errors.Errors.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestEOFInString() { string templates = "foo() ::= << <f(\"foo>>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:20: EOF in string" + newline + "t.stg 1:20: premature EOF" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestEOFInExpr() { string templates = "foo() ::= \"hi <name:{x|[<>]}\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:34: premature EOF" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestErrorInNestedTemplate() { string templates = "foo() ::= \"hi <name:{[<!>]}> mom\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:29: mismatched input '!' expecting RDELIM" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestErrorWithinTemplate() { string templates = "foo(a) ::= \"<a b>\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "[t.stg 1:15: 'b' came as a complete surprise to me]"; string result = errors.Errors.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestIt() { string templates = "main() ::= <<" + newline + "<@r>a<@end>" + newline + "<@r()>" + newline + ">>"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Errors.Count); Template template = group.GetInstanceOf("main"); string expected = "a" + newline + "a"; string result = template.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestMap3() { string templates = "d ::= [\"k\":{dfkj}}]\n"; // extra } writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "[t.stg 1:17: invalid character '}']"; string result = errors.Errors.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestMissingRPAREN() { string templates = "foo() ::= \"hi <foo(>\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:19: '>' came as a complete surprise to me" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestNewlineInString() { string templates = "foo() ::= \"\nfoo\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:11: \\n in string" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestNonterminatedComment() { string templates = "foo() ::= << <!foo> >>"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:20: Nonterminated comment starting at 1:1: '!>' missing" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestParen2() { string templates = "foo) ::= << >>\n" + "bar() ::= <<bar>>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:0: garbled template definition starting at 'foo'" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestRotPar() { string templates = "foo() ::= \"<a,b:t(),u()>\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:19: mismatched input ',' expecting RDELIM" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestUnterminatedString() { string templates = "f() ::= \""; // extra } writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "[t.stg 1:9: unterminated string, t.stg 1:9: missing template at '<EOF>']"; string result = errors.Errors.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestValidButOutOfPlaceChar() { string templates = "foo() ::= <<hi <.> mom>>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer(); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "t.stg 1:15: doesn't look like an expression" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestArg3() { string templates = "foo(a b) ::= << >>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroupFile group; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); // force load string expected = "[t.stg 1:6: no viable alternative at input 'b']"; string result = errors.Errors.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestMissingNamedArg() { string dir = tmpdir; string groupFile = "f(x,y) ::= \"<x><y>\"\n" + "g() ::= \"<f(x={a},{b})>\""; //012345678901234567 writeFile(dir, "group.stg", groupFile); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "group.stg")); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); string expected = "group.stg 2:18: mismatched input '{' expecting ELLIPSIS" + newline; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }