GetErrorMessage() 공개 메소드

What error message should be generated for the various exception types?
* Not very object-oriented code, but I like having all error message * generation within one method rather than spread among all of the * exception classes. This also makes it much easier for the exception * handling because the exception classes do not have to have pointers back * to this object to access utility routines and so on. Also, changing * the message for an exception type would be difficult because you * would have to subclassing exception, but then somehow get ANTLR * to make those kinds of exception objects instead of the default. * This looks weird, but trust me--it makes the most sense in terms * of flexibility. * * For grammar debugging, you will want to override this to add * more information such as the stack frame with * getRuleInvocationStack(e, this.getClass().getName()) and, * for no viable alts, the decision description and state etc... * * Override this to change the message generated for one or more * exception types. *
public GetErrorMessage ( RecognitionException e, string tokenNames ) : string
e RecognitionException
tokenNames string
리턴 string
예제 #1
        public static SyntaxErrorException Report(BaseRecognizer source, RecognitionException e)
            var input = source.Input.ToString();
            if (source.Input is ANTLRStringStream)
                input = new String((Char[])typeof(ANTLRStringStream).GetField("data", 
                    BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(source.Input));

            var antlrMessage = source.GetErrorHeader(e) + " " + source.GetErrorMessage(e, source.TokenNames);
            throw new SyntaxErrorException(input, antlrMessage, e);