public static int collidingWithNPC(character input, float dist) { int output = -1; //float output = 0; for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length; i++) { if ( != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].name) { if (Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position + input.B_baseProps.v_velocity, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].B_baseProps.v_position + world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].B_baseProps.v_velocity) < dist) { //if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].brain.aip_current == input.brain.aip_current) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].brain.secondary_package_tag != "slowed") { output = i; } } } } } return output; }
public static character[] LoadCharacters(ContentManager content) { CharFunc.shadow = content.Load<Texture2D>("graphics/textures/characters/shadow"); StreamReader sr; sr = new StreamReader(content.RootDirectory + "/world/characters/charList.txt"); int i_numChar = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); character[] char_out = new character[i_numChar]; string name; for (int j = 0; j != i_numChar; j++) { name = sr.ReadLine(); //for (int i = 0; i != i_numChar; i++) //{ char_out[j] = LoadCharacter(name,content); //} } return char_out; }
private static character RemoveWeapon(character Char,string name) { int thisWeapon = itemFunc.findInventoryItem(name, Char); Char.Inventory.items = itemFunc.killItem_INVEN(Char.Inventory.items, thisWeapon); return Char; }
public static character setTo(character c) { character ouput = new character(); ouput.accuracy = c.accuracy; ouput.angle = c.angle; ouput.armor = c.armor; ouput.B_baseProps = c.B_baseProps; ouput.body = new block[0]; ouput.body = new block[c.body.Length]; for (int i = 0; i != c.body.Length; i++) { ouput.body[i] = c.body[i]; } ouput.controlType = c.controlType; ouput.current_weap = c.current_weap; ouput.currentAnim = c.currentAnim; ouput.f_currentFrame = c.f_currentFrame; ouput.attrib = c.attrib; =; ouput.pointingRight = c.pointingRight; ouput.Primary_weap = c.Primary_weap; ouput.Secondary_weap = c.Secondary_weap; ouput.SideArm_weap = c.SideArm_weap; ouput.Type = c.Type; ouput.action = c.action; return ouput; }
public static character packageAttackKill(character input) { input.action = "idle"; input.angle = 0; input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.idle; input.brain.current_package_tag = ""; input.brain.secondary_package_tag = ""; return input; }
private static character packageTurnIntoZomb(character input) { if (input.attrib.hp_current <= 0) { if (input.brain.aip_current == aiPackage.turnIntoZomb) { if (timeWaited(input.brain, 750)) { input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.none; input.attrib.hp_max = 1000; input.attrib.hp_current = 1000; input = CharFunc.setAnimation(input, "zomb_idle"); input.action = "idle"; input.Type = CharType.zombie; } } } return input; }
private static character packageKeepDistance(character input) { if (input.brain.aip_current == aiPackage.keepDistance) { if(timeWaited(input.brain,100)) { input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.none; input.brain.current_package_tag = "-1"; } float angle = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[Convert.ToInt32(input.brain.current_package_tag)].B_baseProps.v_position); input.B_baseProps.v_velocity = gfunc.TranslateOnAng(4,angle + (float)Math.PI ); } return input; }
private static character packageFollow(character input) { if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.follow)// || timeWaited(input.brain, (int)gfunc.RandomNumber(200, 500))) { input.brain.tick_last = Game1.time_ticks; for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length; i++) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type == input.Type) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].attrib.kills > input.attrib.kills) { if (Vector2.Distance(world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].B_baseProps.v_position, input.B_baseProps.v_position) <= input.brain.ais_senses.radius_sight) { input.brain.current_package_tag = i.ToString(); input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.follow; } } } } } else { int tag = Convert.ToInt32(input.brain.current_package_tag); if (tag > world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length && tag < world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length) { float distance = Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position); if (distance > 180) { float angle = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position); float velocity = distance * .03f; input.B_baseProps.v_velocity += gfunc.TranslateOnAng(velocity, angle); } else { input.brain.current_package_tag = ""; input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.idle; } } else { input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.idle; } } return input; }
public static int findCharacter(character c) { int o = -1; for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length; i++) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].attrib.hp_current > 0) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].name == { o = i; } } } return o; }
public static void drawItemName(SpriteBatch sb, character input) { int targTag = pickup_targetItem(input); if (targTag != -1) { string name = world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items[targTag].name; sb.DrawString(UI.pump_font, name, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items[targTag].B_base.v_position - camera.v_pos - new Vector2(20,60), Color.Red); } }
public static character draw(SpriteBatch sb, character Character, bool pointingRight) { character reordered = Character; if(!Character.reordered) reordered = ReorderSprites(Character); sb.Draw(shadow, (reordered.B_baseProps.v_position+ new Vector2(0,20) - camera.v_pos), null, Color.White, 0,//+(float)Math.PI, new Vector2(shadow.Width,shadow.Height)/2,//new Vector2(reordered.body[i].texture[DmgLvl].Width,reordered.body[i].texture[DmgLvl].Height) - reordered.body[i].pivot, camera.scale*2, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0); for (int i = 0; i != reordered.body.Length; i++) { Color blockCol = Color.White; switch (Character.Type) { case CharType.survivor: blockCol = Color.GhostWhite; if (Character.controlType == ControlType.player_current) blockCol = Color.White; break; case CharType.zombie: blockCol = Color.Gray; break; } if (!pointingRight) { int DmgLvl = reordered.body[i].damageLevel; Vector2 tempPivot = reordered.body[i].pivot; Vector2 tempPos = reordered.body[i].position; tempPivot.X = reordered.body[i].texture[DmgLvl].Width- tempPivot.X; tempPos.X = -tempPos.X; if (reordered.body[i].name == "HAND_L" && reordered.current_weap.bolt_back != null) { Character.current_weap.angle = weapFunc.drawWeapon(sb, reordered, i, false); } if(Character.special_tag!=-1) DrawItemInHand(sb, ref Character, ref reordered, i, ref blockCol); sb.Draw(reordered.body[i].texture[DmgLvl], (reordered.B_baseProps.v_position - new Vector2(0, Character.B_baseProps.f_Position_Z) - camera.v_pos) + tempPos, null, blockCol, -reordered.body[i].angle,//+(float)Math.PI, tempPivot,//new Vector2(reordered.body[i].texture[DmgLvl].Width,reordered.body[i].texture[DmgLvl].Height) - reordered.body[i].pivot, camera.scale, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0); } else { int DmgLvl = reordered.body[i].damageLevel; if (reordered.body[i].name == "HAND_L" && reordered.current_weap.bolt_back!=null) { Character.current_weap.angle = weapFunc.drawWeapon(sb, reordered, i, true); } if (Character.special_tag != -1) DrawItemInHand(sb, ref Character, ref reordered, i, ref blockCol); sb.Draw(reordered.body[i].texture[DmgLvl], (reordered.B_baseProps.v_position - new Vector2(0, Character.B_baseProps.f_Position_Z) - camera.v_pos) + reordered.body[i].position, null, blockCol, reordered.body[i].angle, reordered.body[i].pivot, camera.scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); // Vector2 v_temp = (reordered.B_baseProps.v_position - new Vector2(0, Character.B_baseProps.f_Position_Z) - camera.v_pos) + reordered.body[i].position-(reordered.body[i].pivot); // for (int j = 0; j != reordered.body[i].v_collison_map.Length; j++) // { // sb.Draw(Tex_null, v_temp+reordered.body[i].v_collison_map[j], Color.Red); // } } } return Character; }
public static character CreateActor(Vector2 pos, float Z, CharType type, ControlType ctype, string name) { character output = new character(); int tag = 0; if (name == "") { int CharID =6; while(world.characters[CharID].name == "SPECOPS") { CharID = (int)gfunc.roundUp(gfunc.RandomNumber(0, world.characters.Length - 1)); } //output = world.characters[CharID]; output = character.setTo(world.characters[CharID]); } else { for (int i = 0; i != world.characters.Length; i++) { if (world.characters[i].name == name) { tag = i; } } //output = world.characters[tag]; output = character.setTo(world.characters[tag]); } for (int i = 0; i != output.body.Length; i++) { if (output.body[i].name == "HEAD") { output.body[i].maxHP = output.body[i].currentHP = 250; } output.body[i].maxHP = output.body[i].currentHP = 250; } output.attrib.hp_current = output.attrib.hp_max = 1000; output = setAnimation(output, "human_idle_stand"); output.B_baseProps.v_position = pos; output.B_baseProps.f_Position_Z = Z; output.Type = type; output.controlType = ctype; if (ctype == ControlType.player_current) { = Gamer.SignedInGamers[0].Gamertag; } else { = gfunc.RandomName(true); } output.special_tag = -1; output.Inventory.maxWeight = 20; if (output.controlType == ControlType.NPC) { = true; output.brain.ais_senses = new aiSenses(500, 700, 40, 0, 0, 0); } return output; }
public static character collided_projectile(character c,int charTag,Projectile p) { //character output = c; if(Vector2.Distance(c.B_baseProps.v_position+new Vector2(0,-100),p.B_base.v_position)<190) if (c.attrib.hp_current > 0 || c.currentAnim.f_frame.Length/2 >c.f_currentFrame) { if(p.owner < world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length) if (p.owner != charTag && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[p.owner].Type != c.Type) { Vector2 pos = p.B_base.v_position; Vector2 velocity = p.B_base.v_velocity; for (int i = 0; i != c.body.Length; i++) { Vector2 v_temp = (c.B_baseProps.v_position - new Vector2(0, c.B_baseProps.f_Position_Z)) + c.body[i].position - (c.body[i].pivot); Vector2 dims = new Vector2(c.body[i].texture[0].Width, c.body[i].texture[0].Height); //float dist = (float)Math.Sqrt((dims.X * dims.X) + (dims.Y * dims.Y)); //if (Vector2.Distance(v_temp + c.body[i].position, pos) <= dist/8) { for (int j = 0; j != c.body[i].v_collison_map.Length; j++) { if (Vector2.Distance(v_temp + c.body[i].v_collison_map[j], pos) < gfunc.i_collision_accuracy*4) { #region ManagesDamageLevels int damageMult = 1; if (c.body[i].name == "HEAD") { damageMult = 100; if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[p.owner].controlType == ControlType.player_current && c.special_tag != 1337) { PlayHeadshot(); c.special_tag = 1337; } { world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[p.owner].attrib.score += 2000; } } c.body[i].currentHP -= p.damage; if (c.attrib.hp_current > 0) { c.attrib.hp_current -= p.damage * damageMult; } if (c.body[i].currentHP < 0) { c.body[i].currentHP = 0; c.action = "dead"; c = dropInventory(c); if (c.Type == CharType.zombie && c.action != "dead") { PlayZombDie(); } } int NumDmgLvls = c.body[i].texture.Length; int oldDmgLvl = c.body[i].damageLevel; int DmgLvl = gfunc.roundUp((NumDmgLvls - 1) - ((c.body[i].currentHP + 1) / (c.body[i].maxHP / (NumDmgLvls - 1)))); if (oldDmgLvl != DmgLvl) { if(gfunc.roundUp(gfunc.RandomNumber(0,4))==1) createGibs(ref c, ref p); } c.body[i].damageLevel = DmgLvl; #endregion particle temp; if (c.attrib.hp_current > 0 || world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length<5) { PlayFleshImpact(); if (c.Type == CharType.zombie) { PlayZombHit(); } #region CreateBloodSpray temp = particles.blood_spray[gfunc.roundUp(gfunc.RandomNumber(0, 4))]; temp.Velocity = (new Vector3(velocity.X / 4, 0, velocity.Y / 4) + new Vector3(gfunc.randomPos(-Vector2.One * 10, Vector2.One * 10), 0)) / 2; temp.position = new Vector3(pos.X, c.B_baseProps.v_position.Y, pos.Y - c.B_baseProps.v_position.Y); temp.angular_velo = gfunc.RandomNumber(-.25f, .25f); PEngine.particle_create(temp); #endregion #region CreateBloodSpurt temp = particles.blood_spurt[gfunc.roundUp(gfunc.RandomNumber(0, 3))]; temp.position = new Vector3(pos.X, c.B_baseProps.v_position.Y, pos.Y - c.B_baseProps.v_position.Y); PEngine.particle_create(temp); //temp. #endregion } if (c.attrib.hp_current < 0) { if (c.controlType == ControlType.player_current) { thisPlayerLiving = false; } world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[p.owner].attrib.kills++; //if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[p.owner].controlType == ControlType.player_current) { world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[p.owner].attrib.score += 1000; } c.attrib.hp_current = 0; c = dropInventory(c); if (c.body[findHead(c)].damageLevel < 4) { c = Zombify(c); } else { = false; } } //output = true; } } } } } } return c; }
public static character characterFireWeapon(character c) { if (c.current_weap.timeWaited >= c.current_weap.ROFdelay && != "human_sprint_twohanded_armed" && !c.B_baseProps.airBorn) { if (c.current_weap.clipCurrent > 0) { skill attrib = c.attrib; float inaccuracy = (c.current_weap.inaccuracy / attrib.str_current); c.current_weap.shooting = true; Vector2 muzzPos = weapFunc.findMuzzlePos(c.B_baseProps.v_position, c.B_baseProps.v_position + c.body[7].position, c.current_weap.muzzPos, c.angle, c.pointingRight); Vector2 actPos = weapFunc.findMuzzlePos(c.B_baseProps.v_position, c.B_baseProps.v_position + c.body[7].position, c.current_weap.actionPos, c.angle, c.pointingRight); int i = findCharacter(c); PlayGunSounds(i); if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].current_weap.Pt == ProjectileType.SG_pellet) { for (int r = 0; r != 3; r++) { float angle = gfunc.RandomNumber(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy); c = weapFunc.FireShot(c, muzzPos, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].current_weap.angle + angle, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].current_weap.Pt, i); } } else { c = weapFunc.FireShot(c, muzzPos, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].current_weap.angle + gfunc.RandomNumber(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy), world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].current_weap.Pt, i); } c.current_weap.clipCurrent--; c.current_weap.timeWaited = 0; int force = 5; if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].current_weap.Pt != ProjectileType.P357 && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].current_weap.Pt != ProjectileType.P38) { #region CreateShell effects.particle p_temp = effects.particles.shell_ar[0]; switch (c.current_weap.Pt) { case ProjectileType.AR223: case ProjectileType.AR762: case ProjectileType.SR308: case ProjectileType.SR50: p_temp = effects.particles.shell_ar[0]; break; case ProjectileType.CAR22: case ProjectileType.SMG45: case ProjectileType.SMG9: p_temp = effects.particles.shell_pistol[0]; break; case ProjectileType.SG_pellet: p_temp = effects.particles.shell_shotgun[0]; break; } p_temp.Velocity = new Vector3(gfunc.randomPos(-new Vector2(1, 0) * force, new Vector2(1, 0) * force), gfunc.RandomNumber(-force, 1)); p_temp.friction = .95f; p_temp.position = new Vector3(actPos.X, c.B_baseProps.v_position.Y, actPos.Y - (c.B_baseProps.v_position.Y + (float)gfunc.RandomNumber(-2, 2))); p_temp.angular_velo = gfunc.RandomNumber(-.5, .5); effects.PEngine.particle_create(p_temp); #endregion } #region CreateSmoke effects.particle p_temp1 = effects.particles.smoke_local[gfunc.roundUp(gfunc.RandomNumber(0, 1))]; p_temp1.position = new Vector3(actPos.X, c.B_baseProps.v_position.Y, actPos.Y - c.B_baseProps.v_position.Y); force = 5; p_temp1.Velocity = new Vector3(gfunc.randomPos(-new Vector2(.25f, .25f) * force, new Vector2(.25f, -.75f) * force), 0); p_temp1.angular_velo = gfunc.RandomNumber(-.1, .1); effects.PEngine.particle_create(p_temp1); force = 3; p_temp1.Velocity = new Vector3(gfunc.randomPos(-new Vector2(.25f, .25f) * force, new Vector2(.25f, -.75f) * force), 0); p_temp1.angular_velo = gfunc.RandomNumber(-.1, .1); p_temp1.position = new Vector3(muzzPos, 0); effects.PEngine.particle_create(p_temp1); #endregion if (c.controlType == ControlType.player_current) Controller.set_rumble(PlayerIndex.One, 0, c.current_weap.ROFdelay, 5); //shake the controller when firing } else { if (c.current_weap.wear != -1) { c.current_weap.wear = -1; weapFunc.PlayDryFire(); } } } else { c.current_weap.shooting = false; if ( c.current_weap.timeWaited++; } return c; }
private static character updateAttributes(character input) { if (input.Type != CharType.zombie) { if (input.attrib.hp_current > 0) { input.attrib.score++; #region Hunger if (input.attrib.hun_current < 1) { input.attrib.hun_current += 0.00001f; //hunger input.attrib.hp_current -= (float)Math.Abs(input.attrib.hp_current - (input.attrib.hp_max / (input.attrib.hun_current + 1))); if (input.controlType == ControlType.player_current) { if (input.attrib.hun_current > .9f && input.attrib.hun_current < .901f) UI.addMessage("Hunger is at 90%"); if (input.attrib.hun_current > .5f && input.attrib.hun_current < .501f) UI.addMessage("Hunger is at 50%"); if (input.attrib.hun_current > .75f && input.attrib.hun_current < .751f) UI.addMessage("Hunger is at 75%"); } } else { input.attrib.hp_current -= 0.001f; //if hunger is max then kill player slowly } #endregion #region Stamina if (input.attrib.sta_current < input.attrib.sta_max) { input.attrib.sta_current += (1 / ((input.attrib.hun_current / 2) + 1)) / (250f); input.attrib.sta_prog += 1f / 2500f; if (input.attrib.sta_prog > input.attrib.sta_max) { input.attrib.sta_max++; input.attrib.sta_prog = 0; if (input.controlType == ControlType.player_current) UI.addMessage("Stamina increased to level " + input.attrib.sta_max.ToString()); } } #endregion #region StealthAndStrength input.attrib.stl_current = (input.attrib.stl_max / ((gfunc.findVelocity(input.B_baseProps.v_velocity) + ((input.attrib.hun_current + 1) * (input.Inventory.CurWeight)) + 1))); //update stealth input.attrib.str_current = input.attrib.str_max / (input.attrib.hun_current + 1); if (gfunc.findVelocity(input.B_baseProps.v_velocity) > 0) { input.attrib.stl_prog += (1f / 2500f) * input.attrib.stl_current; if (input.attrib.stl_prog > input.attrib.stl_max) { input.attrib.stl_max++; input.attrib.stl_prog = 0; if (input.controlType == ControlType.player_current) UI.addMessage("Stealth increased to level " + input.attrib.stl_max.ToString()); } input.attrib.str_prog += ((1f / 2500f) * ((input.Inventory.CurWeight))); if (input.attrib.str_prog > input.attrib.str_max) { input.attrib.str_max++; input.attrib.str_prog = 0; if (input.controlType == ControlType.player_current) UI.addMessage("Strength increased to level " + input.attrib.str_max.ToString()); } } #endregion input.attrib.med_current = input.attrib.med_max / input.attrib.hun_current; //med update input.attrib.mech_current = input.attrib.mech_max / input.attrib.hun_current; //med update } } return input; }
private static character packageAttack(character input) { #region ZombieAttack if (input.Type == CharType.zombie) { if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.attack) { if (timeWaited(input.brain, 65)) { input.brain.tick_last = Game1.time_ticks; for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length; i++) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type != input.Type) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].attrib.hp_current > 0) { if (Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].B_baseProps.v_position) < input.brain.ais_senses.radius_hearing) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].attrib.stl_current < gfunc.RandomNumber(.75, .90)) { //if (collidingWithNPC(input,40) == -1) //{ CharFunc.PlayZombMoan(); input.brain.current_package_tag = world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].name; input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.attack; //} } } } } } } } else { int tag = findNPC(input.brain.current_package_tag); //tag is target if (tag != -1) { float distance = Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position); if (distance > 100) { float angle = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position); float velocity = distance * .03f; tag = collidingWithNPC(input, 40); input.B_baseProps.v_velocity = gfunc.TranslateOnAng(velocity, angle); if (tag == -1) { input.brain.secondary_package_tag = "none"; } else { //input.B_baseProps.v_velocity=Vector2.Zero; //input.B_baseProps.v_velocity.Y *= -3; input.B_baseProps.v_velocity /= 3; //input.B_baseProps.v_velocity += gfunc.randomPos(input.B_baseProps.v_velocity, input.B_baseProps.v_velocity * 2); input.brain.secondary_package_tag = "slowed"; } } else { input.action = "attack"; } } else { input = packageAttackKill(input); } } } #endregion if (input.Type != CharType.zombie) { if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.attack) { if (findWeapon(input) != -1) { for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length; i++) { CharType target = findLargestThreat(input); int tag = findClosestNPC(input, target); if (tag != -1) { input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.attack; input.brain.current_package_tag = tag.ToString(); } } } } else { input.current_weap.shooting = false; if (input.action != "reload") { int tag = Convert.ToInt32(input.brain.current_package_tag); if (tag < world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length) { float targetDist = Vector2.Distance(world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position, input.B_baseProps.v_position); if (targetDist < input.brain.ais_senses.radius_sight) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].attrib.hp_current > 0) { #region IfUnarmedEquipWeapon if ( == "unarmed" || == null) //if no weapon is equiped { int weapTag = findWeapon(input); //find weapon that has ammo if (weapTag != -1) { input.current_weap = weapFunc.FindWeapon(input.Inventory.items[weapTag].gameTag); input.action = "reload"; } else { input = packageAttackKill(input); } } #endregion if (input.current_weap.clipCurrent > 0) //if the clipisnt empty { #region Aim float desiredAngle = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position); if (input.B_baseProps.v_position.X > world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position.X) { input.pointingRight = false; input.B_baseProps.v_velocity += gfunc.TranslateOnAng(0.001f, desiredAngle); } else { input.pointingRight = true; input.B_baseProps.v_velocity += gfunc.TranslateOnAng(0.001f, desiredAngle); } if (!input.pointingRight) { desiredAngle = -desiredAngle + (float)Math.PI; } input.angle = desiredAngle; #endregion #region Shoot if (Math.Abs(input.angle - desiredAngle) < .25f) { input = CharFunc.characterFireWeapon(input); } #endregion } else { int weapTag = findWeaponAndAmmo(input); if (weapTag != -1) { input.current_weap = weapFunc.FindWeapon(input.Inventory.items[weapTag].name); input.action = "reload"; } } } else { input = packageAttackKill(input); } } else { float desiredAngle = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position); float velocity = 5; input.B_baseProps.v_velocity += gfunc.TranslateOnAng(velocity, desiredAngle); if (!input.pointingRight) { desiredAngle = -desiredAngle + (float)Math.PI; } input.angle = desiredAngle; } } else { input = packageAttackKill(input); } } } } return input; }
private static character packageFlee(character input) { if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.flee) { if (input.Type != CharType.zombie) { for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length; i++) { if (input.Type != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].attrib.hp_current >0) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i] != "unarmed" && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i] != null || world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type == CharType.zombie) { if (Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].B_baseProps.v_position) < input.brain.ais_senses.radius_hearing) { input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.flee; CharFunc.PlayCharFlee(); float ang = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].B_baseProps.v_position); float velocity = 10; input.brain.destination = gfunc.TranslateOnAng(velocity, ang + (float)Math.PI); input.brain.current_package_tag = i.ToString(); input.brain.tick_last = Game1.time_ticks; } } } } } } else { //int tag = Convert.ToInt32(input.brain.current_package_tag); float dist = Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, input.brain.destination); if (!timeWaited(input.brain, 50)) { //float angle = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[tag].B_baseProps.v_position); input.B_baseProps.v_velocity += input.brain.destination;//gfunc.TranslateOnAng(velocity, angle + (float)Math.PI); } else { input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.idle; input.brain.current_package_tag = ""; } } return input; }
public static int findHead(character c) { int output = -1; for (int i = 0; i != c.body.Length; i++) { if (c.body[i].name == "HEAD") { output = i; } } return output; }
private static character packageIdle(character input) { if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.idle || timeWaited(input.brain, (int)gfunc.RandomNumber(200, 500))) { input.brain.tick_last = Game1.time_ticks; input.B_baseProps.v_velocity.X = gfunc.RandomNumber(-0.1, 0.1); } return input; }
public static character updateNode(character input) { if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.turnIntoZomb) { //input = pakageIdle(input); if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.attack && input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.pickupItem && input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.flee) { if(input.brain.aip_current!=aiPackage.follow) input = packageWander(input); } if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.attack && input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.flee && input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.follow) { input = packagePickUpItem(input); } if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.pickupItem && input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.attack && input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.follow) { input = packageFlee(input); } if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.attack) { //input = packageFollow(input); } //if () { input = packageAttack(input); } } else { input = packageTurnIntoZomb(input); } //input = packageKeepDistance(input); return input; }
private static character packagePickUpItem(character input) { if (input.Type != CharType.zombie) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items != null && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items.Length != 0) { if (input.brain.aip_current != aiPackage.pickupItem) { //int tag = findClosestItem(input); int tag = -1; int tempammo = findClosestAmmo(input); if (findWeapon(input) == -1) { tag = findClosestGun(input); } else if ((tempammo != -1)) { tag = tempammo; } if (tag != -1) { tag = findClosestItem(input); } if (tag != -1 && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items.Length != 0 && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items[tag].weight < (input.Inventory.maxWeight - input.Inventory.CurWeight)) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items[tag].type != itemType.junk) { input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.pickupItem; input.brain.current_package_tag = tag.ToString(); input.brain.destination = world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items[tag].B_base.v_position; } } } else { float distance = Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, input.brain.destination); if (distance > 5) { //int tag = Convert.ToInt32(input.brain.current_package_tag); float angle = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, input.brain.destination); float velocity = 5f; input.B_baseProps.v_velocity += gfunc.TranslateOnAng(velocity, angle); } else { input.action = "pickup"; } } } } return input; }
private static int findClosestItem(character input) { int tag = -1; float currentLowest = 9999f; for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items.Length; i++) { float dist = Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items[i].B_base.v_position); if (dist < input.brain.ais_senses.radius_sight) { if (dist < currentLowest) { tag = i; currentLowest = dist; } } } return tag; }
private static character packageWander(character input) { if (input.brain.aip_current == aiPackage.idle || Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, input.brain.destination) <= 10 || timeWaited(input.brain,200)) { input.brain.tick_last = Game1.time_ticks; input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.wander; input.brain.destination = LvlFunc.randomPositon();//gfunc.randomPos(new Vector2(175, 400), new Vector2(1000, 750)); input.current_weap = input.Primary_weap; input.f_currentFrame = 0; if (input.Type == CharType.zombie) CharFunc.PlayZombMoan(); } else { float angle = gfunc.PointAt(input.B_baseProps.v_position, input.brain.destination); input.B_baseProps.v_velocity += gfunc.TranslateOnAng(5,angle); } return input; }
private static int findClosestNPC(character input, CharType type) { int tag = -1; float currentLowest = 9999f; for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length; i++) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type == type && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].attrib.hp_current > 0) { float dist = Vector2.Distance(input.B_baseProps.v_position, world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].B_baseProps.v_position); if (dist < input.brain.ais_senses.radius_sight) { if (dist < currentLowest) { tag = i; currentLowest = dist; } } } } return tag; }
public static character packagePickupKill(character input) { input.brain.destination = Vector2.Zero; input.brain.current_package_tag = ""; input.brain.aip_current = aiPackage.idle; return input; }
private static CharType findSmallestThreat(character input) { CharType output = CharType.zombie; int zombies = 0, bandits = 0, soldiers = 0, survivors = 0; for (int i = 0; i != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living.Length; i++) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].attrib.hp_current > 0) { if (findWeaponAndAmmo(world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i]) != -1 || world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type == CharType.zombie) if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type != input.Type) { if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type == CharType.zombie) zombies++; if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type == CharType.survivor) survivors++; if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type == CharType.soldier) soldiers++; if (world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].char_living[i].Type == CharType.bandit) bandits++; } } } int smallest = 1000; #region FindMost if (zombies < smallest) { smallest = zombies; output = CharType.zombie; } if (bandits < smallest) { smallest = bandits; output = CharType.bandit; } if (soldiers < smallest) { smallest = soldiers; output = CharType.soldier; } if (survivors > smallest) { smallest = survivors; output = CharType.survivor; } #endregion return output; }
private static character LoadCharacter(string name,ContentManager content) { character c_temp = new character(name,Vector2.Zero,ControlType.player_current,CharType.survivor); c_temp.B_baseProps.v_position = new Vector2(0, 0); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(content.RootDirectory + "/world/characters/" + name + ".guy"); //sr.ReadLine(); //attributes start; #region LoadAttributes c_temp.accuracy = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.angle = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.armor = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.attrib.hp_max = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.attrib.mech_max = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.attrib.med_max = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); int fake = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.attrib.sta_max = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.attrib.stl_max = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.attrib.str_max = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); #endregion //sr.ReadLine(); //blocks start c_temp.body = new block[Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine())]; for (int i = 0; i != c_temp.body.Length; i++) { //sr.ReadLine();//block starts #region getChildren c_temp.body[i].children = new int[Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine())]; for (int j = 0; j != c_temp.body[i].children.Length; j++) { c_temp.body[i].children[j] = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); } #endregion #region getParents string temp = sr.ReadLine(); c_temp.body[i].parents = new int[Convert.ToInt32(temp)]; for (int j = 0; j != c_temp.body[i].parents.Length; j++) { c_temp.body[i].parents[j] = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); } #endregion int numTex = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.body[i].texture = new Texture2D[6]; c_temp.body[i].TexturePath = new string[6]; c_temp.body[i].TexturePath[0] = sr.ReadLine(); for (int j = 0; j != 6; j++) { c_temp.body[i].texture[j] = content.Load<Texture2D>(("graphics/textures/characters/" + c_temp.body[i].TexturePath[0] + j.ToString())); } c_temp.body[i].v_collison_map = gfunc.collision.MakeCollisionMap(Vector2.Zero, c_temp.body[i].texture[0], gfunc.i_collision_accuracy); c_temp.body[i].angle = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.body[i].height = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.body[i].width = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.body[i].name = sr.ReadLine(); c_temp.body[i].zorder = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); Vector2 pivot = Vector2.Zero, pos = Vector2.Zero; pivot.X = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()); pivot.Y = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.body[i].pivot = pivot; pos.X = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()); pos.Y = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()); c_temp.body[i].position = (pos + c_temp.B_baseProps.v_position); if (c_temp.body[i].v_collison_mapOR == null) { c_temp.body[i].v_collison_mapOR = gfunc.collision.MakeCollisionMap(Vector2.Zero, c_temp.body[i].texture[0], gfunc.i_collision_accuracy); } else { c_temp.body[i].v_collison_map = new Vector2[c_temp.body[i].v_collison_mapOR.Length]; for (int j = 0; j != c_temp.body[i].v_collison_mapOR.Length; j++) { c_temp.body[i].v_collison_map[j] = c_temp.body[i].v_collison_mapOR[j]; } } } return c_temp; }
private static int findWeaponAndAmmo(character input) { int output = -1; if (input.Inventory.items != null && input.Inventory.items.Length != 0) { int weap_tag = -1; float weap_quality = 0; #region FindWeaponWithAmmo for (int i = 0; i != input.Inventory.items.Length; i++) { if (input.Inventory.items[i].type == itemType.weapon) { if (input.Inventory.items[i].quality > weap_quality) { weapon weap_possible = weapFunc.FindWeapon(input.Inventory.items[i].name); int ammoTag = weapFunc.FindAmmoType(input, weap_possible); if (ammoTag != -1) { weap_tag = i; weap_quality = input.Inventory.items[i].quality; } } } } #endregion output = weap_tag; } return output; }
public static int findInventoryItem(string name, character c) { int output = -1; for (int i = 0; i != c.Inventory.items.Length; i++) { if (c.Inventory.items[i].name == name) { output = i; } } return output; }
private static int pickup_targetItem(character c) { int tag = -1; if(world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items != null) for (int j = 0; j != world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items.Length; j++) { Vector2 offset = Vector2.Zero; if (c.pointingRight) { offset = new Vector2(100, 0); } else { offset = new Vector2(-100, 0); } if (Vector2.Distance(world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items[j].B_base.v_position, c.B_baseProps.v_position + offset) < 40 && world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items[j].usable) { tag = j; j = world.levels[world.i_currentLvl].items.Length - 1; } } return tag; }