/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="group"></param> /// <param name="itemIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override int GetIndexWithinGroup(OLVGroup group, int itemIndex) { return(group.Contents.IndexOf(itemIndex)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="group"></param> /// <param name="indexWithinGroup"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override int GetGroupMember(OLVGroup group, int indexWithinGroup) { return((int)group.Contents[indexWithinGroup]); }
/// <summary> /// Create groups for FastListView /// </summary> /// <param name="parmameters"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override IList <OLVGroup> GetGroups(GroupingParameters parmameters) { // There is a lot of overlap between this method and ObjectListView.MakeGroups() // Any changes made here may need to be reflected there // This strategy can only be used on FastObjectListViews FastObjectListView folv = (FastObjectListView)parmameters.ListView; // Separate the list view items into groups, using the group key as the descrimanent int objectCount = 0; NullableDictionary <object, List <object> > map = new NullableDictionary <object, List <object> >(); foreach (object model in folv.FilteredObjects) { object key = parmameters.GroupByColumn.GetGroupKey(model); if (!map.ContainsKey(key)) { map[key] = new List <object>(); } map[key].Add(model); objectCount++; } // Sort the items within each group // TODO: Give parameters a ModelComparer property OLVColumn primarySortColumn = parmameters.SortItemsByPrimaryColumn ? parmameters.ListView.GetColumn(0) : parmameters.PrimarySort; ModelObjectComparer sorter = new ModelObjectComparer(primarySortColumn, parmameters.PrimarySortOrder, parmameters.SecondarySort, parmameters.SecondarySortOrder); foreach (object key in map.Keys) { map[key].Sort(sorter); } // Make a list of the required groups List <OLVGroup> groups = new List <OLVGroup>(); foreach (object key in map.Keys) { string title = parmameters.GroupByColumn.ConvertGroupKeyToTitle(key); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parmameters.TitleFormat)) { int count = map[key].Count; string format = (count == 1 ? parmameters.TitleSingularFormat : parmameters.TitleFormat); try { title = String.Format(format, title, count); } catch (FormatException) { title = "Invalid group format: " + format; } } OLVGroup lvg = new OLVGroup(title); lvg.Collapsible = folv.HasCollapsibleGroups; lvg.Key = key; lvg.SortValue = key as IComparable; lvg.Contents = map[key].ConvertAll <int>(delegate(object x) { return(folv.IndexOf(x)); }); lvg.VirtualItemCount = map[key].Count; if (parmameters.GroupByColumn.GroupFormatter != null) { parmameters.GroupByColumn.GroupFormatter(lvg, parmameters); } groups.Add(lvg); } // Sort the groups if (parmameters.GroupByOrder != SortOrder.None) { groups.Sort(parmameters.GroupComparer ?? new OLVGroupComparer(parmameters.GroupByOrder)); } // Build an array that remembers which group each item belongs to. this.indexToGroupMap = new List <int>(objectCount); this.indexToGroupMap.AddRange(new int[objectCount]); for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; i++) { OLVGroup group = groups[i]; List <int> members = (List <int>)group.Contents; foreach (int j in members) { this.indexToGroupMap[j] = i; } } return(groups); }
/// <summary> /// Return the index at which the given item is shown in the given group /// </summary> /// <param name="group"></param> /// <param name="itemIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual int GetIndexWithinGroup(OLVGroup group, int itemIndex) { return(-1); }
/// <summary> /// Return the index of the item that appears at the given position within the given group. /// </summary> /// <param name="group"></param> /// <param name="indexWithinGroup"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual int GetGroupMember(OLVGroup group, int indexWithinGroup) { return(-1); }
/// <summary> /// Create a OlvListViewHitTestInfo /// </summary> public OlvListViewHitTestInfo(OLVListItem olvListItem, OLVListSubItem subItem, int flags, OLVGroup group, int iColumn) { this.item = olvListItem; this.subItem = subItem; this.location = ConvertNativeFlagsToDotNetLocation(olvListItem, flags); this.HitTestLocationEx = (HitTestLocationEx)flags; this.Group = group; this.ColumnIndex = iColumn; this.ListView = olvListItem == null ? null : (ObjectListView)olvListItem.ListView; switch (location) { case ListViewHitTestLocations.StateImage: this.HitTestLocation = HitTestLocation.CheckBox; break; case ListViewHitTestLocations.Image: this.HitTestLocation = HitTestLocation.Image; break; case ListViewHitTestLocations.Label: this.HitTestLocation = HitTestLocation.Text; break; default: if ((this.HitTestLocationEx & HitTestLocationEx.LVHT_EX_GROUP_COLLAPSE) == HitTestLocationEx.LVHT_EX_GROUP_COLLAPSE) { this.HitTestLocation = HitTestLocation.GroupExpander; } else if ((this.HitTestLocationEx & HitTestLocationEx.LVHT_EX_GROUP_MINUS_FOOTER_AND_BKGRD) != 0) { this.HitTestLocation = HitTestLocation.Group; } else { this.HitTestLocation = HitTestLocation.Nothing; } break; } }