void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FrameIs.ErrorFinish(frameOn)) { Close(); } else { if (needElevation) { StartSelfElevated(); } else { ShowFrame(frameOn + 1); } } }
void ShowFrame(Frame frameNum) { frameOn = frameNum; switch (frameNum) { case Frame.Checking: //Update checking screen panelDisplaying.ChangePanel(FrameType.Update, clientLang.Checking.Content, String.Empty); btnNext.Enabled = false; if (!isAutoUpdateMode) { CheckForUpdate(); } break; case Frame.UpdateInfo: //Update Info Screen panelDisplaying.ChangePanel(FrameType.TextInfo, clientLang.UpdateInfo.Content, clientLang.UpdateBottom); // check if elevation is needed needElevation = NeedElevationToUpdate(); btnNext.Enabled = true; btnNext.Text = (installing ? clientLang.InstallButton : clientLang.UpdateButton); if (QuickCheck) { // return 2 if we're just checking if (QuickCheckJustCheck) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputInfo)) { // output the changelog //Console.WriteLine(ServerFile.NewVersion); Console.WriteLine(panelDisplaying.GetChanges(false)); } else if (OutputInfo != null) { try { using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(OutputInfo)) { outfile.WriteLine(ServerFile.NewVersion); outfile.WriteLine(panelDisplaying.GetChanges(false)); } } catch { } } ReturnCode = 2; Close(); return; } ShowInTaskbar = true; WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; TopMost = true; TopMost = false; QuickCheck = false; } else if (isAutoUpdateMode) { updateHelper.SendSuccess(ServerFile.NewVersion, panelDisplaying.GetChanges(true), true); } break; case Frame.InstallUpdates: //Download and Install Updates panelDisplaying.ShowChecklist = true; panelDisplaying.ChangePanel(FrameType.Update, clientLang.DownInstall.Content, String.Empty); //show status for the downloading update SetStepStatus(0, clientLang.Download); if (!isAutoUpdateMode) { DownloadUpdate(); } btnNext.Enabled = false; break; case Frame.UpdatedSuccessfully: //Display Congrats Window panelDisplaying.ChangePanel(FrameType.WelcomeFinish, clientLang.SuccessUpdate.Content, clientLang.FinishBottom); btnNext.Enabled = true; btnCancel.Visible = false; btnNext.Text = clientLang.FinishButton; break; case Frame.AlreadyUpToDate: //Your Product is already up to date screen panelDisplaying.ChangePanel(FrameType.WelcomeFinish, clientLang.AlreadyLatest.Content, clientLang.FinishBottom); btnNext.Enabled = true; btnCancel.Visible = false; btnNext.Text = clientLang.FinishButton; break; case Frame.NoUpdatePathAvailable: //No update to the latest version is available if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerFile.NoUpdateToLatestLinkText)) { panelDisplaying.SetNoUpdateAvailableLink(ServerFile.NoUpdateToLatestLinkText, ServerFile.NoUpdateToLatestLinkURL); } panelDisplaying.ChangePanel(FrameType.WelcomeFinish, clientLang.NoUpdateToLatest.Content, clientLang.FinishBottom); btnNext.Enabled = true; btnCancel.Visible = false; btnNext.Text = clientLang.FinishButton; break; case Frame.Uninstall: //Uninstall screen panelDisplaying.ShowChecklist = true; panelDisplaying.ChangePanel(FrameType.Update, clientLang.Uninstall.Content, String.Empty); //Show uninstalling status SetStepStatus(0, clientLang.UninstallFiles); btnNext.Enabled = false; InstallUpdates(UpdateOn.Uninstalling); break; case Frame.Error: //Display error screen //TODO: make the return codes error specific ReturnCode = 1; // show details button to hide all the complex crap from users panelDisplaying.ErrorDetails = errorDetails; panelDisplaying.SetUpErrorDetails(clientLang.ShowDetails); panelDisplaying.ChangePanel(FrameType.WelcomeFinish, error, clientLang.FinishBottom); btnNext.Enabled = true; btnCancel.Visible = false; btnNext.Text = clientLang.FinishButton; // show wyUpdate if if (QuickCheck && !QuickCheckNoErr) { ShowInTaskbar = true; WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; TopMost = true; TopMost = false; QuickCheck = false; } break; } // handle all success / error cases if (FrameIs.ErrorFinish(frameNum)) { // allow the user to forcefuly exit BlockLogOff(false); EnableCancel(); // allow the user to exit by pressing ESC CancelButton = btnNext; // set the error return code (1) or success (0) ReturnCode = frameNum == Frame.Error ? 1 : 0; if (QuickCheck) { if (frameNum == Frame.Error && !QuickCheckNoErr) { Visible = true; TopMost = true; TopMost = false; } else { if (frameNum == Frame.Error) { if (OutputInfo == string.Empty) { // output the error Console.WriteLine(error + "\r\n"); Console.WriteLine(errorDetails); } else if (OutputInfo != null) { try { using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(OutputInfo)) { outfile.WriteLine(error); outfile.WriteLine(errorDetails); } } catch { } } // If we're starting a process on error, then start it if (StartOnErr != null) { try { LimitedProcess.Start(StartOnErr, StartOnErrArgs); } catch { } } } WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; ShowInTaskbar = false; Visible = true; Close(); return; } } else if (isAutoUpdateMode) { // if it's reasonable to expect a client to be waiting for an error // that is, if we haven't already started the update process // then send all waiting processes the error message if (update.CurrentlyUpdating < UpdateOn.ClosingProcesses) { // wait for any clients to connect if (!updateHelper.RunningServer) { StartQuickAndDirtyAutoUpdateMode(); } // send the error to any running "client" processes updateHelper.SendFailed(error, errorDetails, autoUpdateStepProcessing); } if (frameNum == Frame.UpdatedSuccessfully || frameNum == Frame.Error) { // save whether an update succeeded or failed AutoUpdaterInfo auInfo; if (frameNum == Frame.Error) { auInfo = new AutoUpdaterInfo(updateHelper.AutoUpdateID, oldAUTempFolder) { AutoUpdaterStatus = AutoUpdaterStatus.UpdateFailed, ErrorTitle = error, ErrorMessage = errorDetails }; } else { auInfo = new AutoUpdaterInfo(updateHelper.AutoUpdateID, oldAUTempFolder) { AutoUpdaterStatus = AutoUpdaterStatus.UpdateSucceeded, UpdateVersion = ServerFile.NewVersion, ChangesInLatestVersion = panelDisplaying.GetChanges(true), ChangesIsRTF = true }; } auInfo.Save(); try { // start the updated program as a limited user LimitedProcess.Start(updateHelper.FileOrServiceToExecuteAfterUpdate, updateHelper.ExecutionArguments); } catch { } // if the app fails to start, no big deal } // we're no longer in autoupdate mode - cleanup temp files on close isAutoUpdateMode = false; Close(); return; } else if ((update.CloseOnSuccess && frameNum == Frame.UpdatedSuccessfully) || (StartOnErr != null && frameNum == Frame.Error)) { // If we're in normal mode but the user has specified they want "CloseOnSuccess", then do it. if (log != null) { if (frameNum == Frame.UpdatedSuccessfully) { log.Write("Updated successfully."); } else { log.Write(error + " - " + errorDetails); } } // If we're starting a process on error, then start it if (StartOnErr != null && frameNum == Frame.Error) { // if the "failure" process fails to start then show // the error screen. try { LimitedProcess.Start(StartOnErr, StartOnErrArgs); } catch { return; } } Close(); return; } } try { // so the user doesn't accidentally cancel update. btnNext.Focus(); } catch { } // if silent & if on one of the user interaction screens, then click next if (isSilent && (FrameIs.Interaction(frameOn))) { btnNext_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty); return; } }