/// <summary>
		/// Adds convenience methods to determine the current Animator state as boolean methods to the class code 
		/// element (e.g. IsIdle ()). NOTE that this method relies on classes from namespace UnityEditorInternal 
		/// which can be subject to changes in future releases.
		/// </summary>
		public static void ProcessAllAnimatorStates (Animator animator, ProcessAnimatorState callback) {
			AnimatorController controller = GetInternalAnimatorController (animator);
			int layerCount = controller.layerCount;
			for (int layer = 0; layer < layerCount; layer++) {
				string layerName = controller.GetLayer (layer).name;
				UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm = controller.GetLayer (layer).stateMachine;
				for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; i++) {
					UnityEditorInternal.State state = sm.GetState (i);
					Motion motion = state.GetMotion ();
					float duration = (motion != null ? motion.averageDuration : 0f);
					string motionName = (motion != null ? motion.name : "");
					StateInfo info = new StateInfo (state.uniqueNameHash, layer, layerName, state.uniqueName, state.tag,
						state.speed, state.iKOnFeet, state.mirror, motionName, duration);
					callback (info);
예제 #2
        public override void Perform(LayerStatus [] statuses, Dictionary <int, StateInfo> stateInfos)
            LayerStatus status = statuses [layer];

            if (status.State.Current == stateId)
                // seems awkward but null check first costs almost no performance, but a dictionary lookup does
                if (OnActive != null || OnEnter != null || OnStay != null)
                    StateInfo currentInfo = GetStateInfo(status.State.Current, stateInfos);
                    if (currentInfo != null)
                        if (status.State.HasChanged)
                            if (OnEnter != null)
                                // fire once after a state change
                                OnEnter(currentInfo, status);
                        else if (OnStay != null)
                            // OnStay starts firing the 2nd time we are in this state
                            OnStay(currentInfo, status);
                        if (OnActive != null)
                            // fire always
                            OnActive(currentInfo, status);
            else if (status.State.Previous == stateId && status.State.HasChanged)
                StateInfo previousInfo = GetStateInfo(status.State.Previous, stateInfos);
                if (OnExit != null)
                    OnExit(previousInfo, status);
예제 #3
 public SpecificStateHandler State(int nameHash)
     if (StateInfos.ContainsKey(nameHash))
         StateInfo info = StateInfos [nameHash];
         // reuse handler if possible to maximise performance in FixedUdpate;
         // drawback: we have to create a handler first to get the hash ID
         SpecificStateHandler handler = new SpecificStateHandler(info.Layer, nameHash);
         int id = handler.GetHashCode();
         if (!StateHandlers.ContainsKey(id))
             StateHandlers [id] = handler;
         return((SpecificStateHandler)StateHandlers [id]);
         Debug.LogWarning("There seem to be no animator state with nameHash [" + nameHash + "]. Maybe you need to update the corresonding AnimatorAccess component.");
		/// <summary>
		/// Callback from InternalAPIAccess to process a single Animator state.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layer">Layer index.</param>
		/// <param name="layerName">Layer name.</param>
		/// <param name="item">State name.</param>
		public void ProcessAnimatorState (StateInfo info) {
			string layerPrefix = (info.Layer > 0 || config.ForceLayerPrefix ? null : info.LayerName);
			string name = CodeGenerationUtils.GenerateStateName (config.AnimatorStatePrefix, info.Name, layerPrefix);
			name = name.FirstCharToUpper ();
			string fieldName = CodeGenerationUtils.GenerateStateName (config.AnimatorStateHashPrefix, info.Name, layerPrefix);
			fieldName = fieldName.FirstCharToLower ();
			// field declaration
			GenericFieldCodeElement field = new GenericFieldCodeElement (typeof(int), fieldName, "" + info.Id);
			field.ReadOnly = true;
			field.Summary.Add ("Hash of Animator state " + info.Name);
			classCodeElement.Fields.Add (field);
			string methodName = "Is" + name;
			// IsXXX method ()
			MethodCodeElement<bool> method = new MethodCodeElement<bool> (methodName);
			method.Origin = "state " + info.Name;
			method.Code.Add ("return " + fieldName + " == animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (" + info.Layer + ").nameHash" + ";");
			method.Summary.Add ("true if the current Animator state of layer " + info.Layer + " is  \"" + info.Name + "\".");
			classCodeElement.Methods.Add (method);
			// overloaded IsXXX (int nameHash)
			MethodCodeElement<bool> methodWithLayerParameter = new MethodCodeElement<bool> (methodName);
			methodWithLayerParameter.Origin = "state " + info.Name;
			methodWithLayerParameter.AddParameter (typeof(int), "nameHash");
			methodWithLayerParameter.Code.Add ("return nameHash == " + fieldName + ";");
			methodWithLayerParameter.Summary.Add ("true if the given (state) nameHash equals Animator.StringToHash (\"" + info.Name + "\").");
			classCodeElement.Methods.Add (methodWithLayerParameter);
			// state dictionary is filled in overriden method InitialiseEventManager
			object [] parameters = new object[] {info.Id,
			string parameterList = CodeElementUtils.GetCallParameterString (parameters);
			EventManagerInitialiser.Code.Add (StateInfoDict + ".Add (" + info.Id + ", new StateInfo (" + parameterList + "));");