예제 #1
        public void SetJointData(Data.Joint jData, Data.Joint prev = null)
            jData.isLeft   = isLeft;
            jData.chainPos = chainPos;

            jData.position      = _root.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position);
            jData.rotEuler      = _root.InverseTransformDirection(transform.rotation.eulerAngles);
            jData.rotQuaternion = _root.transform.rotation * transform.rotation;
            jData.rotMat        = new float3x3(

            jData.geoDistance           = joint.geoDistance;
            jData.geoDistanceNormalised = joint.geoDistanceNormalised;

            jData.inertiaObj = inertiaObj;
            // jData.COM = centerOfMass;
            jData.totalMass = totalMass;
            if (prev == null)
                jData.velocity        = (jData.position - initPosition) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                jData.angularVelocity = (jData.rotEuler - initRotationEuler) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                jData.velocity        = (jData.position - prev.position) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                jData.angularVelocity = (jData.rotEuler - prev.rotEuler) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            jData.linearMomentum  = jData.velocity * totalMass;
            jData.inertia         = math.mul(jData.rotMat, math.mul(jData.inertiaObj, math.transpose(jData.rotMat)));
            jData.angularMomentum = math.mul(jData.inertia, jData.angularVelocity);

            jData.x = new BioJoint.Motion(joint.X);
            jData.y = new BioJoint.Motion(joint.Y);
            jData.z = new BioJoint.Motion(joint.Z);

            if (keyBone)
                jData.tGoalPosition  = target.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position);
                jData.tGoalDirection = target.InverseTransformDirection(transform.rotation.eulerAngles);

                jData.cost = DistanceObjective.ComputeCost(transform, target, _root);

                jData.contact = Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position, transform.position) < threshold;
                contact       = jData.contact;
                jData.key     = keyBone;
예제 #2
        public void Record(int contactFrames = 5)
             * Assumes the target is already placed.
            replaying = resetting = false;
            contactingFrames = 0;


            List <Frame> frames     = new List <Frame>();
            List <float> timestamps = new List <float>();

            Data.Joint[] joints;
            Data.Joint[] jointsPrev = null;
            int          len        = _rig.joints.Length;

            bool[] contacted = new bool[_rig.joints.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < this.clipSize; ++i)
                // Set joint data for each joint in the rig
                joints = new Data.Joint[len];
                if (i == 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j)
                        joints[j] = new Anim.Data.Joint();
                        var jojo = _rig.joints[j];
                        jojo.SetJointData(joints[j], null);

                        if (joints[j].contact)
                            contacted[j] = true;
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j)
                        joints[j] = new Anim.Data.Joint();
                        var jojo = _rig.joints[j];
                        jojo.SetJointData(joints[j], jointsPrev[j]);

                        if (joints[j].contact)
                            contacted[j] = true;

                if (contactingFrames > -1 && contacted.Count(ifTrue) >= _rig.targets.Length)

                if (twoFold && contactingFrames < 0)
                    foreach (var jo in _rig.joints)
                        jo.joint.X.TargetValue = jo.joint.defaultX.TargetValue;
                        jo.joint.Y.TargetValue = jo.joint.defaultY.TargetValue;
                        jo.joint.Z.TargetValue = jo.joint.defaultZ.TargetValue;

                var targetTransforms = new float3[_rig.targets.Length];
                var targetRotations  = new float3[_rig.targets.Length];
                for (int ii = 0; ii < _rig.targets.Length; ++ii)
                    targetTransforms[ii] = _rig.targets[ii].transform.position;
                    targetRotations[ii]  = _rig.targets[ii].transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                // Set frame data
                var f = new Anim.Data.Frame();
                f.joints           = joints;
                f.targetsPositions = targetTransforms;
                f.targetsRotations = targetRotations;
                jointsPrev         = joints;
                // Append timestamp and frame data to the sequence

                // Use BioIK to compute the next pose

            if (clip == null)
                clip = Instantiate(prefabSequence);

            clip.frames    = frames.ToArray();
            clip.timestamp = timestamps.ToArray();

예제 #3
        public void Record(float amplitude, float frequency, float stepSize)
             * For locomotion

            List <Frame> frames     = new List <Frame>();
            List <float> timestamps = new List <float>();

            Data.Joint[] joints;
            Data.Joint[] jointsPrev = null;
            int          len        = _rig.joints.Length;

            var locomotion = _rig.locomotion;


            for (int i = 0; i < this.clipSize; ++i)
                // Set joint data for each joint in the rig
                joints = new Data.Joint[len];
                bool contacted = false;
                if (i == 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j)
                        joints[j] = new Anim.Data.Joint();
                        var jojo = _rig.joints[j];
                        jojo.SetJointData(joints[j], null);
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j)
                        joints[j] = new Anim.Data.Joint();
                        var jojo = _rig.joints[j];
                        jojo.SetJointData(joints[j], jointsPrev[j]);


                var targetTransforms = new float3[_rig.targets.Length];
                var targetRotations  = new float3[_rig.targets.Length];
                for (int ii = 0; ii < _rig.targets.Length; ++ii)
                    targetTransforms[ii] = _rig.targets[ii].transform.position;
                    targetRotations[ii]  = _rig.targets[ii].transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                // Set frame data
                var f = new Anim.Data.Frame();
                f.joints           = joints;
                f.targetsPositions = targetTransforms;
                f.targetsRotations = targetRotations;
                jointsPrev         = joints;

                // Append timestamp and frame data to the sequence

                // Use BioIK to compute the next pose

            if (clip == null)
                clip = Instantiate(prefabSequence);

            clip.frames    = frames.ToArray();
            clip.timestamp = timestamps.ToArray();

예제 #4
        public void Record(List <float3[]> path, float[] timings, int contactFrames)
             * Introduces a random path for the key-joints for a random duration, before spawning the target.
            var disableIK = true;

            contactingFrames = 0;

            replaying = resetting = false;

            List <Frame> frames     = new List <Frame>();
            List <float> timestamps = new List <float>();

            Data.Joint[] joints;
            Data.Joint[] jointsPrev = null;
            int          len        = _rig.joints.Length;

            int[] keyframes = new int[timings.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < keyframes.Length; ++i)
                keyframes[i] = (int)(timings[i] * this.clipSize);
            int keyframePtr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.clipSize; ++i)
                // Set joint data for each joint in the rig
                joints = new Data.Joint[len];
                bool contacted = false;
                if (i == 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j)
                        joints[j] = new Anim.Data.Joint();
                        var jojo = _rig.joints[j];
                        jojo.SetJointData(joints[j], null);

                        if (joints[j].contact)
                            contacted = true;
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j)
                        joints[j] = new Anim.Data.Joint();
                        var jojo = _rig.joints[j];
                        jojo.SetJointData(joints[j], jointsPrev[j]);

                        if (joints[j].contact)
                            contacted = true;

                if (disableIK && i < keyframes[keyframePtr])
                    int k = 0;
                    foreach (var jo in _rig.joints)
                        if (jo.keyBone)
                            var jojo = jo.joint;
                            jojo.X.TargetValue = path[keyframePtr][k].x;
                            jojo.Y.TargetValue = path[keyframePtr][k].y;
                            jojo.Z.TargetValue = path[keyframePtr][k].z;
                    if (++keyframePtr >= keyframes.Length && disableIK)
                        disableIK = false;

                    if (contacted)

                if (twoFold && contactingFrames < 0)
                    foreach (var jo in _rig.joints)
                        jo.joint.X.TargetValue = 0;
                        jo.joint.Y.TargetValue = 0;
                        jo.joint.Z.TargetValue = 0;

                var targetTransforms = new float3[_rig.targets.Length];
                var targetRotations  = new float3[_rig.targets.Length];
                for (int ii = 0; ii < _rig.targets.Length; ++ii)
                    targetTransforms[ii] = _rig.targets[ii].transform.position;
                    targetRotations[ii]  = _rig.targets[ii].transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                // Set frame data
                var f = new Anim.Data.Frame();
                f.joints           = joints;
                f.targetsPositions = targetTransforms;
                f.targetsRotations = targetRotations;
                jointsPrev         = joints;

                // Append timestamp and frame data to the sequence

                // Use BioIK to compute the next pose

            if (clip == null)
                clip = Instantiate(prefabSequence);

            clip.frames    = frames.ToArray();
            clip.timestamp = timestamps.ToArray();

            // ResetPose();