private void updateCompShow(ComponentEx comp) { this.txtModel.Text = comp.component.Name; this.nudWidth.Value = (decimal)comp.component.Width; this.nudHeight.Value = (decimal)comp.component.Height; this.lswDotLoad(comp); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = this.txtModel.Text; if (this.curPinfo.UserComps.Contains(name)) { MessageBox.Show("can not delete the component"); return; } ComponentEx comp = this.findCompByName(name); if (comp == null) { return; } this.curUserLib.Remove(comp); if (this.curUserLib.FindAll().Count > 0) { this.curUserComp = this.curUserLib.FindAll()[0]; if (this.curUserComp.component.GetPoints(getTech()).Count > 0) { = this.curUserComp.component.GetPoints(getTech())[0]; } } this.canChange = false; this.updateCompShow(this.curUserComp); this.updateDotShow(); this.lswUnEditedLoad(); this.canChange = true; }
private void btnClone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = this.txtModel.Text; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return; } bool isFind = checkComponent(name); if (isFind) { MessageBox.Show("the component is in the Lib"); return; } if (this.curUserComp == null) { return; } int index = findMaxIndex(this.curUserLib); ComponentEx cmp = new ComponentEx(index + 1); cmp.component = this.curUserComp.component.DepCopy(); cmp.component.Name = name; this.curLib.Add(cmp); this.lswLibLoad(); this.drawComponent(this.curUserComp); }
private void drawComponent(ComponentEx comp) { if (comp == null) { return; } this.componentShape1.AddRect((float)comp.component.Width, (float)comp.component.Height); //List<PointD> points = new List<PointD>(); //foreach (var item in comp.component.GetPoints()) //{ // points.Add(item.point); //} if (this.rbtAdh.Checked) { this.componentShape1.AddPoints(comp.component.GetPoints(Technology.Adh)); } if (this.rbtSold.Checked) { this.componentShape1.AddPoints(comp.component.GetPoints(Technology.Adh)); } this.componentShape1.AddOnePoint(; this.componentShape1.BeginPaint(); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = this.txtModel.Text; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return; } bool isFind = checkComponent(name); if (isFind) { MessageBox.Show("the component is in the Lib"); return; } int index = this.findMaxIndex(this.curUserLib); this.curUserComp = new ComponentEx(index + 1); this.curUserComp.component.Name = name; this.compName = name; this.curUserComp.component.Width = (double)this.nudWidth.Value; this.curUserComp.component.Height = (double)this.nudHeight.Value; this.curUserLib.Add(this.curUserComp); this.canChange = false; this.lswUnEditedLoad(); this.updateCompShow(this.curUserComp); this.drawComponent(this.curUserComp); this.canChange = true; }
public void GetPoints(ComponentLib lib) { this.points.Clear(); bool isFind = false; PointD pRotated; ComponentEx cmp = new ComponentEx(0); if (lib == null || lib.FindAll().Count == 0) { return; } foreach (ComponentEx item in lib.FindAll()) { if (item.component.Name.Contains(this.Comp) || this.Comp.Contains(item.component.Name)) { isFind = true; cmp = item; break; } } if (isFind) { if (tech == Technology.Adh) { if (cmp.component.AdhPoints.Count > 0) { foreach (GlueDot p in cmp.component.GetPoints(Technology.Adh)) { GlueDot dot = new GlueDot(); dot.IsWeight = p.IsWeight; dot.Weight = p.Weight; dot.Radius = p.Radius; dot.NunShots = p.NunShots; dot.index = p.index; dot.point = new PointD(p.point); this.RotateComp(dot.point, this.rotation, out pRotated); dot.point = pRotated + this.mid; this.points.Add(dot); } } else { GlueDot dot = new GlueDot(); dot.point = new PointD(this.mid); this.points.Add(dot); } } } else { GlueDot dot = new GlueDot(); dot.point = new PointD(this.mid); this.points.Add(dot); } }
public void GetUserLib() { int index = 0; this.LibUser.Clear(); foreach (string item in this.UserComps) { index = this.LibUser.Count; ComponentEx compnt = new ComponentEx(index + 1); compnt.component.Name = item; compnt.component.Width = 0; compnt.component.Height = 0; this.LibUser.Add(compnt); } }
private void colorListItem() { foreach (ListViewItem item in this.lswUnEdited.Items) { ComponentEx cmp = findCmpByName(item.SubItems[1].Text); if (cmp != null && cmp.component.Width > 0 && cmp.component.Height > 0 && cmp.component.GetPoints(getTech()).Count > 0) { item.ForeColor = Color.Black; } else { item.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } }
private void lswLib_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (this.lswLib.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { this.canChange = false; compName = this.lswLib.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; this.txtModel.Text = compName; this.curLibComp = this.findComponentInLib(this.curLib, compName); this.curLibComp.component.Tech = this.getTech(); this.updateCompShow(this.curLibComp); this.lswUserShow(); this.drawComponent(this.curLibComp); this.lswLibShow(); this.canChange = true; } }
private void lswUnEdited_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (this.lswUnEdited.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { this.canChange = false; compName = this.lswUnEdited.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; this.txtModel.Text = compName; this.curUserComp = this.findComponentInLib(this.curUserLib, compName); if (this.curUserComp.component.GetPoints(getTech()).Count > 0) { = this.curUserComp.component.GetPoints(getTech())[0]; } this.updateCompShow(this.curUserComp); this.updateDotShow(); this.lswUserShow(); this.drawComponent(this.curUserComp); this.canChange = true; } }
public void adjustLswDotWidth(ComponentEx comp) { if (comp.component.GetPoints(this.getTech()).Count > 0) { int width1 = 0; int widthBack = 0; int widthSum = 0; foreach (ColumnHeader item in this.lswDots.Columns) { widthBack = item.Width; item.Width = -1; width1 = item.Width; if (width1 < widthBack) { item.Width = widthBack; } else { item.Width = width1; } widthSum += item.Width; } int columnCount = this.lswDots.Columns.Count - 1; int widthAvg = (this.lswDots.Width - widthSum) / columnCount; for (int i = 1; i < this.lswDots.Columns.Count; i++) { if (this.lswDots.Columns[i].Width < widthAvg) { this.lswDots.Columns[i].Width = widthAvg; } } int widthEach = (this.lswUnEdited.Width - widthSum) / columnCount; if (widthEach >= 0) { for (int i = 1; i < this.lswUnEdited.Columns.Count; i++) { this.lswUnEdited.Columns[i].Width += widthEach; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 将用户Lib融入到已有Lib /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnMerge_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isFinded = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.curLib.PathLib)) { return; } ComponentLib lib = new ComponentLib(); lib.Clear(); lib.AddRange(this.curLib.FindAll()); this.curLib.Save(); int index = findMaxIndex(lib); foreach (var userComp in this.curUserLib.FindAll()) { isFinded = false; foreach (var libComp in lib.FindAll()) { if (libComp.component.Name == userComp.component.Name) { isFinded = true; continue; } } if (isFinded == false) { index++; ComponentEx cmp = new ComponentEx(index); cmp.component = userComp.component.DepCopy(); lib.Add(cmp); } } string path = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.lib", Path.GetDirectoryName(this.curLib.GetPath()), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.curLib.GetPath())); lib.SetPath(path); lib.PathLib = path; lib.Save(); }
public void lswDotLoad(ComponentEx comp) { this.lswDots.BeginUpdate(); this.lswDots.Items.Clear(); int count = 0; foreach (GlueDot dot in comp.component.GetPoints(this.getTech())) { count++; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = count.ToString(); item.SubItems.Add("(" + dot.point.X.ToString("F3") + "," + dot.point.Y.ToString("F3") + ")"); item.SubItems.Add(dot.Weight.ToString("F3")); item.SubItems.Add(dot.Radius.ToString("F3")); item.SubItems.Add(dot.IsWeight.ToString()); item.Tag = dot; dot.index = count; this.lswDots.Items.Add(item); } this.lswDots.EndUpdate(); adjustLswDotWidth(comp); }
private void getType() { for (int i = 0; i < CADImport.libStrArray.Length; i++) { string line = CADImport.libStrArray[i]; if (line.Contains("[") && line.Contains("]")) { int mid = line.LastIndexOf(','); int last = line.LastIndexOf(']'); string before = line.Substring(0, mid); string after = line.Substring(mid + 1, last - mid - 1); int redindexStar = i; int redindexEnd = i; int solindexStar = i; int solindexEnd = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < CADImport.libStrArray.Length; j++) { if (CADImport.libStrArray[j].Contains(".adh")) { redindexStar = j; } if (CADImport.libStrArray[j].Contains(".end")) { redindexEnd = j; break; } } for (int j = i + 1; j < CADImport.libStrArray.Length; j++) { if (CADImport.libStrArray[j].Contains(".sol")) { solindexStar = j; } if (CADImport.libStrArray[j].Contains(".end")) { solindexEnd = j; break; } } List <PointD> pointsred = new List <PointD>(); pointsred.Clear(); for (int k = redindexStar + 1; k < redindexEnd; k++) { PointD p = new PointD(); string[] splited = CADImport.libStrArray[k].Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); double x = 0; double y = 0; if (double.TryParse(splited[0], out x) && double.TryParse(splited[1], out y)) { p.X = x; p.Y = y; } pointsred.Add(p); } List <PointD> pointssol = new List <PointD>(); pointssol.Clear(); for (int k = solindexStar + 1; k < solindexEnd; k++) { PointD p = new PointD(); string[] splited = CADImport.libStrArray[k].Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); double x = 0; double y = 0; if (double.TryParse(splited[0], out x) && double.TryParse(splited[1], out y)) { p.X = x; p.Y = y; } pointssol.Add(p); } int index = this.lib.FindAll().Count; ComponentEx comp = new ComponentEx(index + 1); comp.component.Name = after; foreach (var item in pointsred) { GlueDot dot = new GlueDot(); int cout = comp.component.AdhPoints.Count; dot.index = cout + 1; dot.point = new PointD(item.X, item.Y); dot.Weight = (double)0; dot.Radius = (double)0; comp.component.AdhPoints.Add(dot); } foreach (var item in pointssol) { GlueDot dot = new GlueDot(); int cout = comp.component.SldPoints.Count; dot.index = cout + 1; dot.point = new PointD(item.X, item.Y); dot.Weight = (double)0; dot.Radius = (double)0; comp.component.SldPoints.Add(dot); } lib.Add(comp); } } }