protected override IDbConnection CreateConnection(DBObject dbObject, out string dsn) { var dataSourceName = dbObject.IP ?? dbObject.Node; var connStrBuilder = new OracleConnectionStringBuilder(); if (dbObject.ConnectedMode == DBObject.Mode.Direct) { connStrBuilder.DataSource = string.Format(@"(DESCRIPTION = (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER=DEDICATED)(SID = {0}))(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = = TCP)(Host = {1})(Port = 1521))(ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = = TCP)(Host = {1})(Port = 1526))))", dbObject.Node, dataSourceName); } else { connStrBuilder.DataSource = dbObject.Node; } connStrBuilder.UserID = dbObject.ID; if (LazyPassword.GetLazyPasswordEnabled(dbObject)) { dbObject.Password = LazyPassword.GetPassword(new OracleConnection(), dbObject.ID, dbObject.LazyPasswordSecretKey, dbObject.LazyPasswordSecretKeyNode); } connStrBuilder.Password = dbObject.Password; var extra = dbObject.ConnectionString as OracleConnectionString ?? new OracleConnectionString(); var ps = typeof(OracleConnectionString).GetProperties().Select(r => { var attrs = r.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <Attribute>(); return(new { Value = r.GetValue(extra, null), DisplayName = InternalHelper.GetValue <DisplayNameAttribute, string>(attr => attr.DisplayName, attrs), DefaultValue = InternalHelper.GetValue <DefaultValueAttribute, object>(attr => attr.Value, attrs), }); }); foreach (var p in ps) { var value = p.Value ?? p.DefaultValue; if (value != null) { typeof(OracleConnectionStringBuilder).GetProperty(p.DisplayName).SetValue(connStrBuilder, value, null); } } dsn = dbObject.Node; return(new OracleConnection(connStrBuilder.ConnectionString)); }
protected override IDbConnection CreateConnection(DBObject dbObject, out string dsn) { var connStrBuilder = new OracleConnectionStringBuilder(); if (dbObject.ConnectedMode == DBObject.Mode.Direct) { var dataSourceName = dbObject.IP ?? dbObject.Node; var port = dbObject.Port ?? "1521"; connStrBuilder.DataSource = string.Format(ConnectionStringPattern, dataSourceName, dbObject.Node, port); } else if (dbObject.ConnectedMode == DBObject.Mode.DSN) { connStrBuilder.DataSource = dbObject.Node; } else if (dbObject.ConnectedMode == DBObject.Mode.TNSNAME || LazyPassword.GetLazyPasswordEnabled(dbObject)) { if (!_flgTnsnames) { var path = AncestorGlobalOptions.GetString(""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { // try to find tnsnames.ora file for resolve name alias var oracleHome = FindOracleHome(); if (oracleHome != null) { path = Path.Combine(oracleHome, "NETWORK", "ADMIN", "TNSNAMES.ora"); } } if (File.Exists(path)) { _LastTnsLocation = path; } _flgTnsnames = true; } if (_LastTnsLocation == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("no tnsnames.ora found"); } lock (TnsNamesMap) { // try resolve tnsnames.ora try { TnsNamesMap.Clear(); // parse tnsnames.ora to TnsNamesMap var stack = new Stack <StringBuilder>(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); int c; using (var fs = File.OpenRead(_LastTnsLocation)) using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs)) { while ((c = sr.Read()) != -1) { switch ((char)c) { case '#': sr.ReadLine(); continue; case '(': stack.Push(sb); sb = new StringBuilder(); break; case ')': var t = stack.Pop(); if (stack.Count == 0) { var s = t.ToString(); var splited = s.Split(new[] { '=' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (splited.Length > 0) { var name = splited[0].Trim(); var dns = sb.Insert(0, "(").Append(")").ToString(); dns = Regex.Replace(dns, @"[\r|\n|\s]", string.Empty); TnsNamesMap.AddOrUpdate(name, dns, (n, v) => dns); } sb.Clear(); } else { t.Append(sb.Insert(0, "(").Append(")").ToString()); sb = t; } break; case '\r': case '\n': continue; default: sb.Append((char)c); break; } } } } catch { } } connStrBuilder.DataSource = FindDataSource(dbObject.Node); } connStrBuilder.UserID = dbObject.ID; if (LazyPassword.GetLazyPasswordEnabled(dbObject)) { dbObject.Password = LazyPassword.GetPassword(new OracleConnection(), dbObject.ID, dbObject.LazyPasswordSecretKey, dbObject.LazyPasswordSecretKeyNode, GetLazyPasswordConnectionString); } connStrBuilder.Password = dbObject.Password; var extra = dbObject.ConnectionString as OracleConnectionString ?? new OracleConnectionString(); var ps = typeof(OracleConnectionString).GetProperties().Select(r => { var attrs = r.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <Attribute>(); return(new { Value = r.GetValue(extra, null), DisplayName = InternalHelper.GetValue <DisplayNameAttribute, string>(attr => attr.DisplayName, attrs), DefaultValue = InternalHelper.GetValue <DefaultValueAttribute, object>(attr => attr.Value, attrs), }); }); foreach (var p in ps) { var value = p.Value ?? p.DefaultValue; if (value != null) { typeof(OracleConnectionStringBuilder).GetProperty(p.DisplayName).SetValue(connStrBuilder, value, null); } } dsn = dbObject.Node; return(new OracleConnection(connStrBuilder.ConnectionString)); }