public static void Draw(Rect rect) { if (currentProfilerInformation == null || GUIController.CurrentProfiler != null && currentProfilerInformation.Value.method != GUIController.CurrentProfiler.meth) { GetGeneralSidePanelInformation(); } var statbox = rect; statbox.width = Panel_Tabs.width - 10; var pRect = rect; pRect.x = statbox.xMax + 10; pRect.width -= statbox.xMax; pRect.AdjustVerticallyBy(tabRect.height); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(statbox); Panel_Stats.DrawStats(statbox, currentProfilerInformation); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(pRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; tabRect.width = Mathf.Min(100f, pRect.width / 3f); tabRect.x = pRect.x; tabRect.y = pRect.y - tabRect.height; Drawtab(tabRect, ProfileInfoMode.Graph, "Graph"); tabRect.x = tabRect.xMax; Drawtab(tabRect, ProfileInfoMode.Patches, "Patches"); tabRect.x = tabRect.xMax; Drawtab(tabRect, ProfileInfoMode.StackTrace, "Stacktrace"); tabRect.x = tabRect.xMax; DubGUI.ResetFont(); switch (ProfileInfoTab) { case ProfileInfoMode.Graph: graph.Draw(pRect.ContractedBy(1)); break; case ProfileInfoMode.Stats: Panel_Stats.DrawStats(pRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; case ProfileInfoMode.Patches: Panel_Patches.Draw(pRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; case ProfileInfoMode.StackTrace: Panel_StackTraces.Draw(pRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; } }
public static void Draw(Rect rect, Rect bigRect) { if (currentProfilerInformation == null || (GUIController.CurrentProfiler != null && currentProfilerInformation.Value.method != GUIController.CurrentProfiler.meth)) { GetGeneralSidePanelInformation(); } var buttonColumn = rect.LeftPartPixels(" + ".GetWidthCached()); rect.AdjustHorizonallyBy(" + ".GetWidthCached()); DrawButtonColumn(buttonColumn, rect.width); panels[panels.Count - 1].width = (panels.Count <= 1) ? rect.width : rect.width - (panels[panels.Count - 2].xStart + panels[panels.Count - 2].width) - 18; for (int i = panels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var panel = panels[i]; var panelRect = new Rect(rect.x + panel.xStart, rect.y, panel.width, rect.height); if (i != 0) // Drag Rct { var r = new Rect(rect.x + (panel.xStart - Window_Analyzer.DRAGGABLE_RECT_DIM), rect.y, Window_Analyzer.DRAGGABLE_RECT_DIM, rect.height); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(r); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Mouse.IsOver(r) && !panel.dragging) { panel.dragging = true; } if (panel.dragging) { var newPos = Event.current.mousePosition.x - (rect.x - Window_Analyzer.DRAGGABLE_RECT_DIM / 2.0f); var delta = panel.xStart - newPos; panel.xStart = newPos; panel.width += delta; panels[i - 1].width -= delta; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { panel.dragging = false; } } Widgets.DrawMenuSection(panelRect); { var topRect = panelRect.TopPartPixels(Text.LineHeight); panelRect.AdjustVerticallyBy(Text.LineHeight); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(panelRect.x, panelRect.y, panelRect.width); panelRect = panelRect.ContractedBy(2f); var label = " " + panel.type.ToString(); var leftPartRect = topRect.LeftPartPixels(label.GetWidthCached()); Widgets.Label(leftPartRect, label); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(topRect.RightPartPixels(Text.LineHeight), ResourceCache.GUI.Menu)) { var enums = typeof(RowName).GetEnumValues(); var list = (from object e in enums select new FloatMenuOption(((RowName)e).ToString(), () => { panel.type = (RowName)e; panel.graph = panel.type == RowName.Graph ? new Panel_Graph() : null; })).ToList(); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); } } panelRect.AdjustVerticallyBy(2f); // ALL OF THESE FUNCTIONS MUST HANDLE THE CASE WHERE CURRENTPROFILERINFORMATION IS NULL. switch (panel.type) { case RowName.Graph: panel.graph.Draw(panelRect); break; case RowName.Stats: Panel_Stats.DrawStats(panelRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; case RowName.Patches: Panel_Patches.Draw(panelRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; case RowName.StackTrace: Panel_StackTraces.Draw(panelRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; } } }