private void colorToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (config.currentMode != Settings.mode.color) //If current mode is same, do nothing { currentForm.Hide(); //Hide the current form colorForm.Show(); //Show new form currentForm = colorForm; //Set currentForm to the new form lastRed--; //Change lastRed to force the color to update config.currentMode = Settings.mode.color; //Set current mode to new mode } }
private void Ambilight_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //All the control windows videoForm = new VideoForm(config); audioForm = new AudioForm(config); colorForm = new ColorForm(config); ambientForm = new AmbientForm(config); //Makes our life easier with the multithreading Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; config.setDefaultConfiguration(); //Set configuration to default to avoid errors LoadConfig(); //Load the configuration file packageData = new byte[config.numberOfLeds * 3 + 1]; //Update the size of data port = new SerialPort(config.port, config.baud, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); try { port.Open(); //Try to open the port } catch { //If the open fails the program will quit and xml-file must be changed MessageBox.Show("Could not open port, check config or arduino."); exitApplication(); } //Start all the background workers backgroundWorkerDataSender.RunWorkerAsync(); backgroundWorkerVideo.RunWorkerAsync(); backgroundWorkerAudio.RunWorkerAsync(); backgroundWorkerColor.RunWorkerAsync(); backgroundWorkerAmbient.RunWorkerAsync(); //Initiate all child forms this.IsMdiContainer = true; videoForm.MdiParent = audioForm.MdiParent = colorForm.MdiParent = ambientForm.MdiParent = this; colorForm.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(config.redAmount, config.greenAmount, config.blueAmount); //Open the form corresponding to the mode if (config.currentMode == { currentForm = videoForm; videoForm.Show(); } if (config.currentMode == { currentForm = audioForm; audioForm.Show(); } if (config.currentMode == Settings.mode.color) { currentForm = colorForm; colorForm.Show(); } if (config.currentMode == Settings.mode.ambient) { currentForm = ambientForm; ambientForm.Show(); } }