Subscribe() 공개 메소드

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public Subscribe ( SubscribeRequest request ) : SubscribeResponse
request SubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Subscribe service method.
리턴 SubscribeResponse
예제 #1
        public static void CreateEmailSubscription(string topicArn, string emailAddress)
            using (var client = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.Secret))
                var request = new SubscribeRequest(topicArn, "email", emailAddress);

예제 #2
 public virtual void CreateSubscription(AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient snsClient, string queueArn,
     string topicArn)
     // Create the request
     var subscriptionRequest = new SubscribeRequest
         Endpoint = queueArn,
         Protocol = "sqs",
         TopicArn = topicArn
     // Create the subscription
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a user account for SNS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">The user to create a SNS account for</param>
        /// <param name="number">The user's phone number</param>
        private void CreateSNSAccount(String userName, String number)
            AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient();

            //Create topic first.
            CreateTopicRequest request = new CreateTopicRequest
                Name = userName

                CreateTopicResponse response = client.CreateTopic(request);
                CreateTopicResult result = response.CreateTopicResult;
                String[] strings = new String[1];
                strings[0] = "Success! Assigned ARN is: " + result.TopicArn + "\n";
                TempData["result"] = strings;
            catch (Exception e)
                TempData["error"] = e.Message;

            String arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:727060774285:" + userName;

            SetTopicAttributesRequest request2 = new SetTopicAttributesRequest
                AttributeName = "DisplayName",
                AttributeValue = "Cookbook",
                TopicArn = arn

                SetTopicAttributesResponse response = client.SetTopicAttributes(request2);
                ResponseMetadata result = response.ResponseMetadata;
            catch (Exception e)

            //Add SMS number to topic.
            SubscribeRequest request3 = new SubscribeRequest
                TopicArn = arn,
                Endpoint = number,
                Protocol = "sms"

                SubscribeResponse response = client.Subscribe(request3);
                SubscribeResult result = response.SubscribeResult;

                string resultSubscribe = "Success! Subscription Arn is: " + result.SubscriptionArn + "\n";
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #4
    public static void SNSCreateSubscribePublish()
      #region SNSCreateSubscribePublish
      var snsClient = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient();

      var topicRequest = new CreateTopicRequest
        Name = "CodingTestResults"

      var topicResponse = snsClient.CreateTopic(topicRequest);

      var topicAttrRequest = new SetTopicAttributesRequest
        TopicArn = topicResponse.TopicArn,
        AttributeName = "DisplayName",
        AttributeValue = "Coding Test Results"


      snsClient.Subscribe(new SubscribeRequest
        Endpoint = "*****@*****.**",
        Protocol = "email",
        TopicArn = topicResponse.TopicArn

      // Wait for up to 2 minutes for the user to confirm the subscription.
      DateTime latest = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);

      while (DateTime.Now < latest)
        var subsRequest = new ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest
          TopicArn = topicResponse.TopicArn

        var subs = snsClient.ListSubscriptionsByTopic(subsRequest).Subscriptions;

        var sub = subs[0];

        if (!string.Equals(sub.SubscriptionArn,
          "PendingConfirmation", StringComparison.Ordinal))

        // Wait 15 seconds before trying again.

      snsClient.Publish(new PublishRequest
        Subject = "Coding Test Results for " +
        Message = "All of today's coding tests passed.",
        TopicArn = topicResponse.TopicArn
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Utility method for creating at topic and subscribe the email address to it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="emailAddress"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    static string CreateTopic(string emailAddress)
        var snsClient = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient();
            var topicArn = snsClient.CreateTopic(new CreateTopicRequest
                Name = "TranscodeEvents" + UNIQUE_POSTFIX

            snsClient.Subscribe(new SubscribeRequest
                TopicArn = topicArn,
                Protocol = "email",
                Endpoint = emailAddress

            return topicArn;