예제 #1
        private static AmazonEC2Client GetEC2Client(string regionName)
            AWSCredentials creds;
            //try the environment variables first
                creds = new EnvironmentVariablesAWSCredentials();
            //fall back to .aws folder / config 
            catch (Exception)
                creds = new StoredProfileAWSCredentials();

            return new AmazonEC2Client(creds, RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(regionName));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the set of <see cref="AWSCredentials">AWS Credentials</see> based on the
        /// combination of credential-related parameters that are specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The order of resolution is as follows:
        /// <list>
        /// <item>
        /// 1.  If AccessKeyId is found
        ///     <item>a.  If Session Token is found, returns Session AWS Credential</item>
        ///     <item>b.  If no Session Token, returns a Base AWS Credential</item>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// 2.  If Profile Name is found, return a Stored Profile AWS Credential, with
        ///     an optional, overridden Profile Location
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// 3.  If an IAM Role Name is specified, get the credentials from the local
        ///     EC2 instance IAM Role environment; if the special name '*' is used,
        ///     it uses the first IAM Role found in the current EC2 environment
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// 4.  Otherwise, assume credentials are specified in environment variables
        ///     accessible to the hosting process and retrieve them from the following
        ///     variables:
        ///     <item><code>AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID</code></item>
        ///     <item><code>AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY</code></item>
        ///     <item><code></code>AWS_SESSION_TOKEN</code> (optional)</code></item>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        public AWSCredentials ResolveCredentials()
            AWSCredentials cr;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AwsAccessKeyId))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AwsSessionToken))
                    cr = new SessionAWSCredentials(AwsAccessKeyId, AwsSecretAccessKey, AwsSessionToken);
                    cr = new Amazon.Runtime.BasicAWSCredentials(AwsAccessKeyId, AwsSecretAccessKey);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AwsProfileName))
                cr = new StoredProfileAWSCredentials(AwsProfileName, AwsProfileLocation);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AwsIamRole))
                if (AwsIamRole == IAM_ROLE_ANY)
                    cr = new InstanceProfileAWSCredentials();
                    cr = new InstanceProfileAWSCredentials(AwsIamRole);
                cr = new EnvironmentVariablesAWSCredentials();

            return cr;
예제 #3
 public void EnvironmentalVariablesAWSCredentialsTest()
     SetEnvironmentVariable("testKeyId", "testSecretAccessKey", "testSessionToken");
     EnvironmentVariablesAWSCredentials EnvCredentials = new EnvironmentVariablesAWSCredentials();
     Assert.AreEqual(EnvCredentials.GetCredentials(), new ImmutableCredentials("testKeyId", "testSecretAccessKey", "testSessionToken"));