예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies from another instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to copy from.</param>
        /// <returns><c>True</c> if anything could be copied from the object, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
        public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))

            var from = obj as ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource;

            if (null != from)
                using (var token = SuspendGetToken())
                    ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions dataSourceOptions = null;
                    DataTableMultipleColumnProxy       inputData         = null;
                    IDataSourceImportOptions           importOptions     = null;

                    CopyHelper.Copy(ref importOptions, from._importOptions);
                    CopyHelper.Copy(ref dataSourceOptions, from._processOptions);
                    CopyHelper.Copy(ref inputData, from._processData);

                    ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions = dataSourceOptions;
                    ImportOptions = importOptions;
                    InputData     = inputData;

예제 #2
        public static void ShowExpandCyclingVariableColumnDialog(this DataTable srcTable, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataRows, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataColumns)
            DataTableMultipleColumnProxy       proxy   = null;
            ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options = null;

                proxy = new DataTableMultipleColumnProxy(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnsParticipatingIdentifier, srcTable, selectedDataRows, selectedDataColumns);
                proxy.EnsureExistenceOfIdentifier(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnWithCyclingVariableIdentifier, 1);

                options = new ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Current.Gui.ErrorMessageBox(string.Format("{0}\r\nDetails:\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.ToString()), "Error in preparation of 'Expand Cycling Variable'");

            var dataAndOptions = new ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions(proxy, options);

            // in order to show the column names etc in the dialog, it is neccessary to set the source
            if (true == Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref dataAndOptions, "Choose options", false))
                var destTable = new DataTable();
                proxy   = dataAndOptions.Data;
                options = dataAndOptions.Options;

                string error = null;
                    error = ExpandCyclingVariableColumn(dataAndOptions.Data, dataAndOptions.Options, destTable);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    error = ex.ToString();
                if (null != error)

                destTable.Name = srcTable.Name + "_Expanded";

                // Create a DataSource
                var dataSource = new ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource(proxy, options, new Altaxo.Data.DataSourceImportOptions());
                destTable.DataSource = dataSource;

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputData">The input data designates the original source of data (used then for the processing).</param>
        /// <param name="dataSourceOptions">The Fourier transformation options.</param>
        /// <param name="importOptions">The data source import options.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// inputData
        /// or
        /// transformationOptions
        /// or
        /// importOptions
        /// </exception>
        public ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource(DataTableMultipleColumnProxy inputData, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions dataSourceOptions, IDataSourceImportOptions importOptions)
            if (null == inputData)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inputData");
            if (null == dataSourceOptions)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSourceOptions");
            if (null == importOptions)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("importOptions");

            using (var token = SuspendGetToken())
                ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions = dataSourceOptions;
                ImportOptions = importOptions;
                InputData     = inputData;
예제 #4
 public ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions from)
 public ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions(DataTableMultipleColumnProxy data, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options)
     Data    = data;
     Options = options;
예제 #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Average the columns to average for each repetition period.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="srcTable">Source table of the ExpandCyclingVariableColumn action</param>
		/// <param name="columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod">The columns for which the data should be averaged over one repeat period.</param>
		/// <param name="options">Options containing the column numbers of the columns to average.</param>
		/// <param name="repeatRanges">Designates the start and the end of each repetition period.</param>
		/// <returns>Array of data columns which contain the averaged columns. Inside a column the row index designates the index of the range.</returns>
		private static DataColumn[] AverageColumns(DataTable srcTable, IEnumerable<DataColumn> columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options, IList<ContiguousIntegerRange> repeatRanges)
			// make the averaged property columns
			var propColsTemp = new DataColumn[columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod.Count()];
			int nDestCol = -1;
			foreach (var srcCol in columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod)
				var destCol = (DataColumn)srcCol.Clone();

				var statistic = new Altaxo.Calc.Regression.QuickStatistics();
				int nDestRow = -1;
				foreach (var range in repeatRanges)
					foreach (var idx in range)
						statistic.Add(srcCol[idx] - srcCol[range.Start]);
					destCol[nDestRow] = statistic.Mean + srcCol[range.Start]; // Trick: we store the averaged values temporarily in index 0 of the property column
				propColsTemp[nDestCol] = destCol;
			return propColsTemp;
예제 #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a property column for each averaged column of the source table.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="srcTable">Source table of the ExpandCyclingVariableColumn action</param>
		/// <param name="columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod">The columns for which the data should be averaged over one repeat period.</param>
		/// <param name="options">Options containing the column numbers of the columns to average.</param>
		/// <param name="destTable">Destination table where to create the property columns.</param>
		/// <returns>Indices of the newly created property columns. The indices have the same order as the columns to average.</returns>
		private static int[] CreatePropColsForAveragedColumns(DataTable srcTable, IEnumerable<DataColumn> columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options, DataTable destTable)
			var propColsIdx = new int[columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod.Count()];
			int nDestCol = -1;
			foreach (var srcCol in columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod)
				var destCol = destTable.PropCols.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
				propColsIdx[nDestCol] = destTable.PropCols.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
			return propColsIdx;
예제 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Expand the source columns according to the provided options. The source table and the settings are provided in the <paramref name="options"/> variable.
		/// The provided destination table is cleared from all data and property values before.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inputData">The data containing the source table, the participating columns and the column with the cycling variable.</param>
		/// <param name="options">The settings for expanding.</param>
		/// <param name="destTable">The destination table. Any data will be removed before filling with the new data.</param>
		/// <returns>Null if the method finishes successfully, or an error information.</returns>
		public static string ExpandCyclingVariableColumn(DataTableMultipleColumnProxy inputData, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options, DataTable destTable)
			var srcTable = inputData.DataTable;

				ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.EnsureCoherence(inputData, true);
			catch (Exception ex)
				return ex.Message;


			DataColumn srcCycCol = inputData.GetDataColumnOrNull(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnWithCyclingVariableIdentifier);
			var repeatRanges = DecomposeIntoRepeatUnits(srcCycCol);

			// check if there is at least one averaged column
			var columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod = inputData.GetDataColumns(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnsToAverageIdentifier);
			if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.FirstAveragedColumn && columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod.Count == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("In order to let the first averaged column being the x-column, a column to average is needed, but the options didn't provide such column!");

			// get the other columns to process

			var srcColumnsToProcess = new List<DataColumn>(inputData.GetDataColumns(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnsParticipatingIdentifier));
			// subtract cyclic variable column and average columns
			foreach (var col in columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod)

			// --- Create and calculate the averaged columns, for now only temporarily ---
			var propColsTemp = AverageColumns(srcTable, columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, options, repeatRanges);

			// --- avgValueOrder designates the ordering of the first averaged column and therefore of the sorting of the ranges and of the first averaged column
			int[] avgValueOrder = Sorting.CreateIdentityIndices(repeatRanges.Count);
			// --- prepare the sorting of columns by first averaged column ---
			var rangeOrderSorting = options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable ? options.DestinationColumnSorting : options.DestinationRowSorting;
			if (propColsTemp.Length > 0 && rangeOrderSorting != ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.None)
				avgValueOrder = Sorting.HeapSortVirtually(propColsTemp[0], avgValueOrder);
				if (rangeOrderSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)

			// prepare the sorting of the cycling values
			var cycValueSorting = options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable ? options.DestinationRowSorting : options.DestinationColumnSorting;
			// create a dictionary with the cycling values (unique) and the corresponding ordering index
			var cycValueOrder = GetUniqueValues(srcCycCol, cycValueSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending);

			if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable)
				int[] propColsIdx = CreatePropColsForAveragedColumns(srcTable, columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, options, destTable);

				// --- Fill the x column, take the row sorting into account ---
				var destXCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCycCol), srcCycCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.X, srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCycCol));
				foreach (var entry in cycValueOrder)
					destXCol[entry.Value] = entry.Key;

				if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupOneColumn)
					// foreach sourceColumnToProcess create as many destination columns as there are cycling ranges available
					foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
						int nCreatedCol = -1;
						var destColumnsToSort = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
						foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
							var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
							var destCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCreatedCol.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
							var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
							foreach (var nSrcRow in range)
								int nDestRow = cycValueOrder[srcCycCol[nSrcRow]];
								destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
							// fill also property columns
							for (int nPropCol = 0; nPropCol < propColsTemp.Length; nPropCol++)
								destTable.PropCols[propColsIdx[nPropCol]][nDestCol] = propColsTemp[nPropCol][rangeIndex];
					} // repeat for each source colum to process
				else if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupAllColumns)
					int nCreatedCol = -1; // running number of processed range for column creation (Naming)
					foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
						var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
						foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
							var destCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCreatedCol.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
							var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
							foreach (var nSrcRow in range)
								int nDestRow = cycValueOrder[srcCycCol[nSrcRow]];
								destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
							// fill also property columns
							for (int nPropCol = 0; nPropCol < propColsTemp.Length; nPropCol++)
								destTable.PropCols[propColsIdx[nPropCol]][nDestCol] = propColsTemp[nPropCol][rangeIndex];
					throw new NotImplementedException("The option for destination output is unknown: " + options.DestinationOutput.ToString());
			else if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.FirstAveragedColumn)
				// now the first x column contains the values of the averaged column
				// the rest of the data columns is repeated as many times as there are members in each repeat range
				DataColumn srcXCol = columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod[0];
				var destXCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcXCol), srcXCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.X, srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcXCol));

				// Fill with destination X
				for (int nDestRow = 0; nDestRow < repeatRanges.Count; nDestRow++)
					destXCol[nDestRow] = propColsTemp[0][avgValueOrder[nDestRow]];

				// the only property column that is now usefull is that with the repeated values
				var destPropCol = destTable.PropCols.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCycCol), srcCycCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCycCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCycCol));

				if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupOneColumn)
					foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
						int nCurrNumber = -1;

						IEnumerable<AltaxoVariant> cycValues = cycValueOrder.Keys;
						if (options.DestinationColumnSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)
							cycValues = cycValueOrder.Keys.Reverse();

						foreach (var cycValue in cycValues)
							var destCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCurrNumber.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
							var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
							int nDestRow = -1;

							foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
								var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
								int nSrcRow = FindSrcXRow(srcCycCol, cycValue, range);
								if (nSrcRow >= 0)
									destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
							// fill also property column
							destPropCol[nDestCol] = cycValue;
				else if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupAllColumns)
					IEnumerable<AltaxoVariant> positionsKeys = cycValueOrder.Keys;
					if (options.DestinationColumnSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)
						positionsKeys = cycValueOrder.Keys.Reverse();

					int nCurrNumber = -1;
					foreach (var xVal in positionsKeys)
						foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
							var destCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCurrNumber.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
							var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
							int nDestRow = -1;
							foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
								var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
								int nSrcRow = FindSrcXRow(srcCycCol, xVal, range);
								if (nSrcRow >= 0)
									destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
							// fill also property column
							destPropCol[nDestCol] = xVal;
					throw new NotImplementedException("The option for destination output is unknown: " + options.DestinationOutput.ToString());

			return null;
예제 #9
		public static void ShowExpandCyclingVariableColumnDialog(this DataTable srcTable, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataRows, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataColumns)
			DataTableMultipleColumnProxy proxy = null;
			ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options = null;

				proxy = new DataTableMultipleColumnProxy(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnsParticipatingIdentifier, srcTable, selectedDataRows, selectedDataColumns);
				proxy.EnsureExistenceOfIdentifier(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnWithCyclingVariableIdentifier, 1);

				options = new ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions();
			catch (Exception ex)
				Current.Gui.ErrorMessageBox(string.Format("{0}\r\nDetails:\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.ToString()), "Error in preparation of 'Expand Cycling Variable'");

			var dataAndOptions = new ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions(proxy, options);

			// in order to show the column names etc in the dialog, it is neccessary to set the source
			if (true == Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref dataAndOptions, "Choose options", false))
				var destTable = new DataTable();
				proxy = dataAndOptions.Data;
				options = dataAndOptions.Options;

				string error = null;
					error = ExpandCyclingVariableColumn(dataAndOptions.Data, dataAndOptions.Options, destTable);
				catch (Exception ex)
					error = ex.ToString();
				if (null != error)

				destTable.Name = srcTable.Name + "_Expanded";

				// Create a DataSource
				ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource dataSource = new ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource(proxy, options, new Altaxo.Data.DataSourceImportOptions());
				destTable.DataSource = dataSource;

예제 #10
		public ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions(DataTableMultipleColumnProxy data, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options)
			Data = data;
			Options = options;
예제 #11
		public ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions from)
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inputData">The input data designates the original source of data (used then for the processing).</param>
		/// <param name="dataSourceOptions">The Fourier transformation options.</param>
		/// <param name="importOptions">The data source import options.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// inputData
		/// or
		/// transformationOptions
		/// or
		/// importOptions
		/// </exception>
		public ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource(DataTableMultipleColumnProxy inputData, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions dataSourceOptions, IDataSourceImportOptions importOptions)
			if (null == inputData)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("inputData");
			if (null == dataSourceOptions)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSourceOptions");
			if (null == importOptions)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("importOptions");

			using (var token = SuspendGetToken())
				this.ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions = dataSourceOptions;
				this.ImportOptions = importOptions;
				this.InputData = inputData;
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Expand the source columns according to the provided options. The source table and the settings are provided in the <paramref name="options"/> variable.
        /// The provided destination table is cleared from all data and property values before.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputData">The data containing the source table, the participating columns and the column with the cycling variable.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The settings for expanding.</param>
        /// <param name="destTable">The destination table. Any data will be removed before filling with the new data.</param>
        /// <returns>Null if the method finishes successfully, or an error information.</returns>
        public static string ExpandCyclingVariableColumn(DataTableMultipleColumnProxy inputData, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options, DataTable destTable)
            var srcTable = inputData.DataTable;

                ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.EnsureCoherence(inputData, true);
            catch (Exception ex)


            DataColumn srcCycCol    = inputData.GetDataColumnOrNull(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnWithCyclingVariableIdentifier);
            var        repeatRanges = DecomposeIntoRepeatUnits(srcCycCol);

            // check if there is at least one averaged column
            var columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod = inputData.GetDataColumns(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnsToAverageIdentifier);

            if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.FirstAveragedColumn && columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("In order to let the first averaged column being the x-column, a column to average is needed, but the options didn't provide such column!");

            // get the other columns to process

            var srcColumnsToProcess = new List <DataColumn>(inputData.GetDataColumns(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnsParticipatingIdentifier));

            // subtract cyclic variable column and average columns
            foreach (var col in columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod)

            // --- Create and calculate the averaged columns, for now only temporarily ---
            var propColsTemp = AverageColumns(srcTable, columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, options, repeatRanges);

            // --- avgValueOrder designates the ordering of the first averaged column and therefore of the sorting of the ranges and of the first averaged column
            int[] avgValueOrder = Sorting.CreateIdentityIndices(repeatRanges.Count);
            // --- prepare the sorting of columns by first averaged column ---
            var rangeOrderSorting = options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable ? options.DestinationColumnSorting : options.DestinationRowSorting;

            if (propColsTemp.Length > 0 && rangeOrderSorting != ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.None)
                avgValueOrder = Sorting.HeapSortVirtually(propColsTemp[0], avgValueOrder);
                if (rangeOrderSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)

            // prepare the sorting of the cycling values
            var cycValueSorting = options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable ? options.DestinationRowSorting : options.DestinationColumnSorting;
            // create a dictionary with the cycling values (unique) and the corresponding ordering index
            var cycValueOrder = GetUniqueValues(srcCycCol, cycValueSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending);

            if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable)
                int[] propColsIdx = CreatePropColsForAveragedColumns(srcTable, columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, options, destTable);

                // --- Fill the x column, take the row sorting into account ---
                var destXCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCycCol), srcCycCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.X, srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCycCol));
                foreach (var entry in cycValueOrder)
                    destXCol[entry.Value] = entry.Key;

                if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupOneColumn)
                    // foreach sourceColumnToProcess create as many destination columns as there are cycling ranges available
                    foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
                        int nCreatedCol       = -1;
                        var destColumnsToSort = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
                        foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
                            var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
                            var destCol  = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCreatedCol.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
                            var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
                            foreach (var nSrcRow in range)
                                int nDestRow = cycValueOrder[srcCycCol[nSrcRow]];
                                destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
                            // fill also property columns
                            for (int nPropCol = 0; nPropCol < propColsTemp.Length; nPropCol++)
                                destTable.PropCols[propColsIdx[nPropCol]][nDestCol] = propColsTemp[nPropCol][rangeIndex];
                    } // repeat for each source colum to process
                else if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupAllColumns)
                    int nCreatedCol = -1; // running number of processed range for column creation (Naming)
                    foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
                        var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
                        foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
                            var destCol  = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCreatedCol.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
                            var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
                            foreach (var nSrcRow in range)
                                int nDestRow = cycValueOrder[srcCycCol[nSrcRow]];
                                destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
                            // fill also property columns
                            for (int nPropCol = 0; nPropCol < propColsTemp.Length; nPropCol++)
                                destTable.PropCols[propColsIdx[nPropCol]][nDestCol] = propColsTemp[nPropCol][rangeIndex];
                    throw new NotImplementedException("The option for destination output is unknown: " + options.DestinationOutput.ToString());
            else if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.FirstAveragedColumn)
                // now the first x column contains the values of the averaged column
                // the rest of the data columns is repeated as many times as there are members in each repeat range
                DataColumn srcXCol  = columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod[0];
                var        destXCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcXCol), srcXCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.X, srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcXCol));

                // Fill with destination X
                for (int nDestRow = 0; nDestRow < repeatRanges.Count; nDestRow++)
                    destXCol[nDestRow] = propColsTemp[0][avgValueOrder[nDestRow]];

                // the only property column that is now usefull is that with the repeated values
                var destPropCol = destTable.PropCols.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCycCol), srcCycCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCycCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCycCol));

                if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupOneColumn)
                    foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
                        int nCurrNumber = -1;

                        IEnumerable <AltaxoVariant> cycValues = cycValueOrder.Keys;
                        if (options.DestinationColumnSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)
                            cycValues = cycValueOrder.Keys.Reverse();

                        foreach (var cycValue in cycValues)
                            var destCol  = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCurrNumber.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
                            var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
                            int nDestRow = -1;

                            foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
                                var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
                                int nSrcRow = FindSrcXRow(srcCycCol, cycValue, range);
                                if (nSrcRow >= 0)
                                    destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
                            // fill also property column
                            destPropCol[nDestCol] = cycValue;
                else if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupAllColumns)
                    IEnumerable <AltaxoVariant> positionsKeys = cycValueOrder.Keys;
                    if (options.DestinationColumnSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)
                        positionsKeys = cycValueOrder.Keys.Reverse();

                    int nCurrNumber = -1;
                    foreach (var xVal in positionsKeys)
                        foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
                            var destCol  = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCurrNumber.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
                            var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
                            int nDestRow = -1;
                            foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
                                var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
                                int nSrcRow = FindSrcXRow(srcCycCol, xVal, range);
                                if (nSrcRow >= 0)
                                    destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
                            // fill also property column
                            destPropCol[nDestCol] = xVal;
                    throw new NotImplementedException("The option for destination output is unknown: " + options.DestinationOutput.ToString());

예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Average the columns to average for each repetition period.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcTable">Source table of the ExpandCyclingVariableColumn action</param>
        /// <param name="columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod">The columns for which the data should be averaged over one repeat period.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options containing the column numbers of the columns to average.</param>
        /// <param name="repeatRanges">Designates the start and the end of each repetition period.</param>
        /// <returns>Array of data columns which contain the averaged columns. Inside a column the row index designates the index of the range.</returns>
        private static DataColumn[] AverageColumns(DataTable srcTable, IEnumerable <DataColumn> columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options, IList <ContiguousIntegerRange> repeatRanges)
            // make the averaged property columns
            var propColsTemp = new DataColumn[columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod.Count()];
            int nDestCol     = -1;

            foreach (var srcCol in columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod)
                var destCol = (DataColumn)srcCol.Clone();

                var statistic = new Altaxo.Calc.Regression.QuickStatistics();
                int nDestRow  = -1;
                foreach (var range in repeatRanges)
                    foreach (var idx in range)
                        statistic.Add(srcCol[idx] - srcCol[range.Start]);
                    destCol[nDestRow] = statistic.Mean + srcCol[range.Start]; // Trick: we store the averaged values temporarily in index 0 of the property column
                propColsTemp[nDestCol] = destCol;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a property column for each averaged column of the source table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcTable">Source table of the ExpandCyclingVariableColumn action</param>
        /// <param name="columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod">The columns for which the data should be averaged over one repeat period.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options containing the column numbers of the columns to average.</param>
        /// <param name="destTable">Destination table where to create the property columns.</param>
        /// <returns>Indices of the newly created property columns. The indices have the same order as the columns to average.</returns>
        private static int[] CreatePropColsForAveragedColumns(DataTable srcTable, IEnumerable <DataColumn> columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options, DataTable destTable)
            var propColsIdx = new int[columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod.Count()];
            int nDestCol    = -1;

            foreach (var srcCol in columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod)
                var destCol = destTable.PropCols.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
                propColsIdx[nDestCol] = destTable.PropCols.GetColumnNumber(destCol);