public async Task <BaseResponseDto <UpdateOrderResponseDto> > UpdateOrder( UpdateOrderRequestDto request, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (request is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } var payload = new UpdateOrderRequestRemoteDto { transport_type = TransportTypeToString(request.TransportType), cashed = request.Cashed, credit = request.Credit, delay = request.Delay, has_return = request.HasReturn, pay_at_dest = request.PayAtDest }; var payloadJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(payload); var path = UpdateOrderV2EndpointPath.Replace(OrderIdPlaceholder, request.OrderId); var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; var content = new StringContent(payloadJson, Encoding.UTF8, ApplicationJsonMime); path = CreatePath(path); do { try { response = await Send( new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, path) { Content = content }, cancellationToken ); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <UpdateOrderResponseDto>(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <UpdateOrderResponseRemoteDto> >(responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var obj = result.@object; UpdateOrderResponseDto resultObject = null; if (!(obj is null)) { resultObject = new UpdateOrderResponseDto(); MapGetOrderDetailsResponseRDtoToResponseDto(resultObject, obj); } var output = new BaseResponseDto <UpdateOrderResponseDto> { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = resultObject }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }
public async Task <BaseResponseDto <IEnumerable <GetPriceResponseDto> > > GetPrices( IEnumerable <GetPriceRequestDto> requests, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (requests is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(requests)); } var payload = requests.Select(GetPriceLocalRequestToRemoteRequest); var payloadJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(payload); var path = GetPricesV2EndpointPath; var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; var content = new StringContent(payloadJson, Encoding.UTF8, ApplicationJsonMime); path = CreatePath(path); do { try { response = await Send( new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, path) { Content = content }, cancellationToken ); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <IEnumerable <GetPriceResponseDto> >(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <GetPriceResponseRemoteDto[]> >(responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var output = new BaseResponseDto <IEnumerable <GetPriceResponseDto> > { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = result.@object? .Select(GetPriceRemoteResponseToLocalResponse) .ToArray() }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }
public async Task <BaseResponseDto <GetOrderDetailsResponseDto> > GetOrderDetails( GetOrderDetailsRequestDto request, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (request is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } var path = GetOrderDetailsV2EndpointPath.Replace(OrderIdPlaceholder, request.OrderId); var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; path = CreatePath(path); do { try { response = await Send(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, path), cancellationToken); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <GetOrderDetailsResponseDto>(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <GetOrderDetailsResponseRemoteDto> >(responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var obj = result.@object; var output = new BaseResponseDto <GetOrderDetailsResponseDto> { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = obj is null ? null : MapGetOrderDetailsResponseRDtoToResponseDto(obj) }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }
public async Task <BaseResponseDto <InsertOrderResponseDto> > InsertOrder( InsertOrderRequestDto request, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (request is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } if (request.Addresses is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Addresses must have value for GetPrice()"); } if (request.Addresses.Origin is null || request.Addresses.Destinations is null || !request.Addresses.Destinations.Any()) { throw new AlopeykException("Addresses must have origin and at least one destination for GetPrice()"); } var payload = new InsertOrderRequestRemoteDto { transport_type = TransportTypeToString(request.TransportType), cashed = request.Cashed, delay = request.DelayInMinutes, has_return = request.HasReturn, scheduled_at = request.ScheduledAt, extra_param = request.ExtraParam, addresses = request.Addresses.Destinations.Select( dst => new InsertOrderAddressRequestRemoteDto { type = "destination", lng = dst.Longitude, lat = dst.Latitude, description = dst.Description, number = dst.Number ?? "", person_fullname = dst.PersonFullName, person_phone = dst.PersonPhone, unit = dst.Unit ?? "", } ).Prepend(new InsertOrderAddressRequestRemoteDto { type = "origin", lng = request.Addresses.Origin.Longitude, lat = request.Addresses.Origin.Latitude, description = request.Addresses.Origin.Description, number = request.Addresses.Origin.Number ?? "", person_fullname = request.Addresses.Origin.PersonFullName, person_phone = request.Addresses.Origin.PersonPhone, unit = request.Addresses.Origin.Unit ?? "", }).ToArray() }; var payloadJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(payload); var path = InsertOrderV2EndpointPath; var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; var content = new StringContent(payloadJson, Encoding.UTF8, ApplicationJsonMime); path = CreatePath(path); do { try { response = await Send( new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, path) { Content = content }, cancellationToken ); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <InsertOrderResponseDto>(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <InsertOrderResponseRemoteDto> >(responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var obj = result.@object; var output = new BaseResponseDto <InsertOrderResponseDto> { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = obj is null ? null : new InsertOrderResponseDto { Id =, TransportType = StringToTransportType(obj.transport_type), Status = FormatOrderStatusCode(obj.status), Cashed = obj.cashed, City =, Credit =, Delay = obj.delay, Distance = obj.distance, Duration = obj.duration, Price = obj.price, Signature = obj.signature is null ? null : new ResourceDescriptorDto { Url = obj.signature.Url }, Subsidy = obj.subsidy, Weight = obj.weight, CreatedAt = obj.created_at, CustomerId = obj.customer_id, DeviceId = obj.device_id, ExtraParam = obj.extra_param, FinalPrice = obj.final_price, HasReturn = obj.has_return, InvoiceNumber = obj.invoice_number, IsApi = obj.is_api, IsVip = obj.is_vip, LaunchedAt = obj.launched_at, NPrice = obj.nprice, OrderDiscount = obj.order_discount, OrderToken = obj.order_token, ScoreInfo = obj.score_calc is null ? null : new InsertOrderScoreInfoDto { Score = obj.score_calc.score, ScoreDetail = obj.score_calc.score_detail }, SignedBy = obj.signed_by, UpdatedAt = obj.updated_at, PayAtDest = obj.pay_at_dest, TrafficCongestionZone = obj.traffic_congestion_zone, TrafficOddEvenZone = obj.traffic_odd_even_zone } }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }
public async Task <BaseResponseDto <RateOrderResponseDto> > RateOrder( RateOrderRequestDto request, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (request is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } var path = RateOrderV2EndpointPath.Replace(OrderIdPlaceholder, request.OrderId); var payload = new RateOrderRequestRemoteDto { rate = request.Rate, comment = request.Comment }; var payloadJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(payload); var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; var content = new StringContent(payloadJson, Encoding.UTF8, ApplicationJsonMime); path = CreatePath(path); do { try { response = await Send( new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, path) { Content = content }, cancellationToken ); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <RateOrderResponseDto>(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <RateOrderResponseRemoteDto> >(responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var obj = result.@object; var output = new BaseResponseDto <RateOrderResponseDto> { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = obj is null ? null : new RateOrderResponseDto { TransportType = StringToTransportType(obj.transport_type), Id =, City =, Price = obj.price, Rate = obj.rate, Signature = obj.signature is null ? null : new ResourceDescriptorDto { Url = obj.signature.Url }, Status = obj.status, Subsidy = obj.subsidy, AcceptedAt = obj.accepted_at, CourierId = obj.courier_id, CustomerId = obj.customer_id, FinalPrice = obj.final_price, NPrice = obj.nprice, OrderToken = obj.order_token, SignedBy = obj.signed_by, NextAddressAny = obj.next_address_any } }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }
public async Task <BaseResponseDto <DeleteHiddenDescriptionResponseDto> > DeleteHiddenDescription( DeleteHiddenDescriptionRequestDto request, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (request is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } var path = DeleteHiddenDescriptionV2EndpointPath.Replace(OrderIdPlaceholder, request.OrderId); path = path.Replace(AddressIdPlaceholder, request.AddressId); path = path.Replace(HiddenDescriptionIdPlaceholder, request.HiddenDescriptionId); var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; path = CreatePath(path); do { try { response = await Send( new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Delete, path), cancellationToken ); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <DeleteHiddenDescriptionResponseDto>(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <DeleteHiddenDescriptionResponseRemoteDto> >( responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var obj = result.@object; var output = new BaseResponseDto <DeleteHiddenDescriptionResponseDto> { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = new DeleteHiddenDescriptionResponseDto { Id =, Description = obj.description, AddressId = obj.address_id, CreatedAt = obj.created_at, OrderId = obj.order_id, UpdatedAt = obj.updated_at, UserId = obj.user_id } }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }
public async Task <BaseResponseDto <GetLocationSuggestionsResponseDto[]> > GetLocationSuggestions( GetLocationSuggestionsRequestDto request, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (request is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } var input = Uri.EscapeDataString(request.Input); var path = GetLocationSuggestionsV2EndpointPath; var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; path = CreatePath(path); do { try { path = $"{path}?input={input}"; response = await Send(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, path), cancellationToken); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <GetLocationSuggestionsResponseDto[]>(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <GetLocationSuggestionsResponseRemoteDto[]> >(responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var obj = result.@object; var output = new BaseResponseDto <GetLocationSuggestionsResponseDto[]> { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = obj?.Select(o => new GetLocationSuggestionsResponseDto { Title = o.title, City =, CityFa = o.city_fa, District = o.district, Region = o.region, Latitude =, Longitude = o.lng }).ToArray() }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }
public virtual async Task <BaseResponseDto <GetLocationResponseDto> > GetLocation( GetLocationRequestDto request, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (request is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } var latlng = Uri.EscapeDataString($"{request.Latitude} {request.Longitude}"); var path = GetLocationV2EndpointPath; var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; path = CreatePath(path); do { try { path = $"{path}?latlng={latlng}"; response = await Send(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, path), cancellationToken); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <GetLocationResponseDto>(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <GetLocationResponseRemoteDto> >(responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var obj = result.@object; var output = new BaseResponseDto <GetLocationResponseDto> { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = obj is null ? null : new GetLocationResponseDto { Province = obj.province, City =, CityFa = obj.city_fa, District = obj.district, Region = obj.region, Address = obj.address, TrafficZone = obj.traffic_zone is null ? null : new TrafficZoneDto { Congestion = obj.traffic_zone.congestion, OddEven = obj.traffic_zone.odd_even } } }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }
public async Task <BaseResponseDto <CancelOrderResponseDto> > CancelOrder( CancelOrderRequestDto request, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { if (request is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); } var path = CancelOrderV2EndpointPath.Replace(OrderIdPlaceholder, request.OrderId); var retryContext = await RetryHandler.BeginTry(cancellationToken); HttpResponseMessage response = null; bool retry = false; path = CreatePath(path); do { try { response = await Send( new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, path), cancellationToken ); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await ThrowOnInvalidStatusCode <CancelOrderResponseDto>(response)); } await RetryHandler.EndTry(retryContext, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { retry = await RetryHandler.CatchException(retryContext, ex, cancellationToken); } } while (retry); if (response is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RemoteBaseResponseDto <CancelOrderResponseRemoteDto> >(responseStream); if (result is null) { throw new AlopeykException("Object was empty in alopeyk's response."); } var obj = result.@object; var output = new BaseResponseDto <CancelOrderResponseDto> { Status = FormatStatusCode(result.status), Message = result.message, Object = new CancelOrderResponseDto { Id =, Status = FormatOrderStatusCode(obj.status), SignedBy = obj.signed_by, Subsidy = obj.subsidy, CourierId = obj.courier_id, CustomerId = obj.customer_id, FinalPrice = obj.final_price, NPrice = obj.nprice, OrderToken = obj.order_token, Signature = obj.signature is null ? null : new ResourceDescriptorDto { Url = obj.signature.Url } } }; BindBaseResponse(output, response); return(output); }