예제 #1
        public void UpdatePAWMenu()                                                               //This runs every second and makes sure the menus are correct.
            if (HighLogic.LoadedScene != GameScenes.FLIGHT)

            var thisPart = this.part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>();     //This is so the below code knows the part it's dealing with is a solar panel.

            if (thisPart != null && thisPart.animationName != "")                               //Verify it's actually a solar panel and has an animation (rules out ox-stats and the like)
                if (thisPart.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDING ||
                    thisPart.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.RETRACTING)        //If it's extending or retracting...
                    Events["DoAllSolar"].active = false;                                        //...you don't get no menu option!

                if (thisPart.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.RETRACTED)         //If it's retracted...
                    // Events["DoAllSolar"].guiName = "Extend all solar";                          //Set it to extend.
                    Events["DoAllSolar"].guiName = Localizer.Format("#AYA_ANTENNA_UI_SOLAR_EXTEND_ALL");                         //Set it to extend.
                    Events["DoAllSolar"].active  = true;
                if (thisPart.retractable && thisPart.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDED)  //If it's extended AND retractable...
                    // Events["DoAllSolar"].guiName = "Retract all solar";                         //set it to retract.
                    Events["DoAllSolar"].guiName = Localizer.Format("#AYA_ANTENNA_UI_SOLAR_RETRACT_ALL");                         //set it to retract.
                    Events["DoAllSolar"].active  = true;

            if (NFSPresent)
                nfsCurvedPanelModule = NFSWrapper.NFSCurvedPanel.GetNFSModule(this.part);
                if (nfsCurvedPanelModule != null)
                    if (nfsCurvedPanelModule.DeployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDING ||
                        nfsCurvedPanelModule.DeployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.RETRACTING) //If it's extending or retracting...
                        Events["DoAllSolar"].active = false;                                             //...you don't get no menu option!

                    if (nfsCurvedPanelModule.DeployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.RETRACTED)         //If it's retracted...
                        // Events["DoAllSolar"].guiName = "Extend all solar";                          //Set it to extend.
                        Events["DoAllSolar"].guiName = Localizer.Format("#AYA_ANTENNA_UI_SOLAR_EXTEND_ALL");                         //Set it to extend.
                        Events["DoAllSolar"].active  = true;
                    if (nfsCurvedPanelModule.DeployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDED)  //If it's extended AND retractable...
                        // Events["DoAllSolar"].guiName = "Retract all solar";                         //set it to retract.
                        Events["DoAllSolar"].guiName = Localizer.Format("#AYA_ANTENNA_UI_SOLAR_RETRACT_ALL");                         //set it to retract.
                        Events["DoAllSolar"].active  = true;
예제 #2
        public void DoAllSolar()                                                                              //This runs every time you click "extend all" or "retract all"
            bool extended    = true;                                                                          //This is the check if we are extending or retracting all, default to retracting.
            var  callingPart = this.part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>();               //Variable for the part doing the work.

            if (callingPart != null && callingPart.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.RETRACTED) //If the calling part is retracted...
                extended = false;                                                                             //...then it's not extended. Duh!
            // Same thing for the NearFuture Solar, if it's loaded
            if (NFSPresent)
                nfsCurvedPanelModule = NFSWrapper.NFSCurvedPanel.GetNFSModule(this.part);

                if (nfsCurvedPanelModule != null)
                    if (nfsCurvedPanelModule.DeployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.RETRACTED)
                        extended = false;

            Events["DoAllSolar"].active = false;
            AYA_PAW_Refresh.Instance.RefreshPAWMenu(this.part, AYA_PAW_Refresh.AYA_Module.solar, "DoAllSolar");
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
                foreach (Part eachPart in EditorLogic.fetch.ship.Parts)                                             //Cycle through each part on the vessel
                    DoIt(eachPart, extended);
                foreach (Part eachPart in vessel.Parts)                                             //Cycle through each part on the vessel
                    DoIt(eachPart, extended);
예제 #3
        void DoIt(Part eachPart, bool extended)
            var thisPart = eachPart.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>();  //If it's a solar panel...

            if (thisPart != null && thisPart.animationName != "")                           //..and it has an animation (rules out ox-stats and the like)
                if (extended)                                                               //then if the calling part was extended...
                    thisPart.Retract();                                                     //Retract it
                else                                                                        //otherwise...
                    thisPart.Extend();                                                      //Extend it

            // Now do the nearFutureSolar
            if (NFSPresent)
                nfsCurvedPanelModule = NFSWrapper.NFSCurvedPanel.GetNFSModule(eachPart);
                if (nfsCurvedPanelModule != null && nfsCurvedPanelModule.isDeployable)          //..and it has an animation (rules out ox-stats and the like)
                    if (extended)                                                               //then if the calling part was extended...
                        nfsCurvedPanelModule.Retract();                                         //Retract it
                    else                                                                        //otherwise...
                        nfsCurvedPanelModule.Deploy();                                          //Extend it