public static void Main(string[] args) { int[] array = { 87,45,677,3,3,2,8,1}; BubbleSort bbs = new BubbleSort(); SelectionSort ss = new SelectionSort(); ReverseArray ra = new ReverseArray(); Seggregate0and1 sg = new Seggregate0and1(); //Console.WriteLine("Arry unsorted"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach(int a in array) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("Using buble sort"); //int[] arraySortedBubbleSort = bbs.BubbleSortArray(array); //Console.WriteLine("Arry sorted"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach (int a in arraySortedBubbleSort) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Using Selection sort"); //int[] arraySortedSelectionSort = ss.SelectionSortArray(array); //Console.WriteLine("Arry sorted"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach (int a in arraySortedSelectionSort) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Reversing Array"); //int[] arrayReversed = ra.ReverseArrayNow(array); //Console.WriteLine("Arry reversed"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach (int a in arrayReversed) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Seggregare 0 and 1"); //int[] arr = {1,1,0,1,0}; //arr = sg.segregate0and1(arr, arr.Length); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Seggregated"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach (int a in arr) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(); //Node headPointor = new Node(); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 2,0); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 3,1); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 10,1); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 5,2); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 6,4); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 10,3); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 11, 0); //ll.PrintTheList(headPointor); //headPointor = ll.DeleteUsingPosition(headPointor,2); //headPointor = ll.DeleteUsingPosition(headPointor,4); //ll.PrintTheList(headPointor); //DoublyLinkedList dll = new DoublyLinkedList(); //DllNode headPointor = new DllNode(); //headPointor = dll.InsertToTheFront(headPointor,2); //headPointor = dll.InsertToTheFront(headPointor,4); //headPointor = dll.InsertToTheFront(headPointor,8); //dll.PrintTheListFront(headPointor); //DllNode backHeadPointor = new DllNode(); //backHeadPointor = dll.InsertToTheBack(backHeadPointor,5); //backHeadPointor = dll.InsertToTheBack(backHeadPointor,7); //backHeadPointor = dll.InsertToTheBack(backHeadPointor,8); //dll.PrintTheListBack(backHeadPointor); //ProductOfMaximumSubArray pomsa = new ProductOfMaximumSubArray(); //int[] arr = {1, -2, -3, 0, 7, -8, -2}; //int n = arr.Length; //int result = pomsa.maxSubarrayProduct(arr, n); //Console.WriteLine("{0}", result); //int result = 0; // Result initialized to say there is no error //AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.Cell cell = new AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.Cell(); //AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.CellProd prod = new AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.CellProd(cell, 20); // Use cell for storage, //// produce 20 items //AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.CellCons cons = new AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.CellCons(cell, 20); // Use cell for storage, //// consume 20 items //Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(prod.ThreadRun)); //Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons.ThreadRun)); //// Threads producer and consumer have been created, //// but not started at this point. //try //{ // producer.Start(); // consumer.Start(); // producer.Join(); // Join both threads with no timeout // // Run both until done. // consumer.Join(); // // threads producer and consumer have finished at this point. //} //catch (ThreadStateException e) //{ // Console.WriteLine(e); // Display text of exception // result = 1; // Result says there was an error //} //catch (ThreadInterruptedException e) //{ // Console.WriteLine(e); // This exception means that the thread // // was interrupted during a Wait // result = 1; // Result says there was an error //} //// Even though Main returns void, this provides a return code to //// the parent process. //Environment.ExitCode = result; //int n = 5; ////int[,] array = new int[5, 5]{{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 }, //// { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, //// { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, //// { 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }, //// { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } ////}; //bool[,] array2D = new bool[5, 5] {{ true, false, true, true, false }, // { false, true, true, true, false }, // { true, true, true, true, true }, // { true, false, true, true, true }, // { true, true, true, true, true } }; //Exchanging1And0 exOneAndZero = new Exchanging1And0(); //exOneAndZero.ProcessArrayStackOverFlow(array2D, 5); //CheckOddOccuringElement oddOccuring = new CheckOddOccuringElement(); //int[] ar = {2, 3, 5, 4, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 2}; //int answer = oddOccuring.CheckOddOccuringElementComplexityN(ar, ar.Length); //Console.WriteLine("{0}\n",answer); const int m=2; const int n=4; int[,] sourceArray = new int[m,n] {{1,2,5,6}, {3,4,7,8,}}; int[,] destination = new int[n,m]; RotateArray rota = new RotateArray(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { Console.Write("{0} ", sourceArray[i, j]); } Console.WriteLine(""); } destination = rota.Rotate(sourceArray,destination,m,n); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); for (int i = 0; i < n;i++ ) { for(int j=0;j<m;j++) { Console.Write("{0} ",destination[i,j]); } Console.WriteLine(""); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { int[] array = { 87, 45, 677, 3, 3, 2, 8, 1 }; BubbleSort bbs = new BubbleSort(); SelectionSort ss = new SelectionSort(); ReverseArray ra = new ReverseArray(); Seggregate0and1 sg = new Seggregate0and1(); //Console.WriteLine("Arry unsorted"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach(int a in array) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("Using buble sort"); //int[] arraySortedBubbleSort = bbs.BubbleSortArray(array); //Console.WriteLine("Arry sorted"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach (int a in arraySortedBubbleSort) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Using Selection sort"); //int[] arraySortedSelectionSort = ss.SelectionSortArray(array); //Console.WriteLine("Arry sorted"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach (int a in arraySortedSelectionSort) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Reversing Array"); //int[] arrayReversed = ra.ReverseArrayNow(array); //Console.WriteLine("Arry reversed"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach (int a in arrayReversed) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Seggregare 0 and 1"); //int[] arr = {1,1,0,1,0}; //arr = sg.segregate0and1(arr, arr.Length); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Seggregated"); //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //foreach (int a in arr) //{ // Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); //} //LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(); //Node headPointor = new Node(); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 2,0); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 3,1); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 10,1); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 5,2); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 6,4); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 10,3); //headPointor = ll.InsertAtTheGivenPositionToTheList(headPointor, 11, 0); //ll.PrintTheList(headPointor); //headPointor = ll.DeleteUsingPosition(headPointor,2); //headPointor = ll.DeleteUsingPosition(headPointor,4); //ll.PrintTheList(headPointor); //DoublyLinkedList dll = new DoublyLinkedList(); //DllNode headPointor = new DllNode(); //headPointor = dll.InsertToTheFront(headPointor,2); //headPointor = dll.InsertToTheFront(headPointor,4); //headPointor = dll.InsertToTheFront(headPointor,8); //dll.PrintTheListFront(headPointor); //DllNode backHeadPointor = new DllNode(); //backHeadPointor = dll.InsertToTheBack(backHeadPointor,5); //backHeadPointor = dll.InsertToTheBack(backHeadPointor,7); //backHeadPointor = dll.InsertToTheBack(backHeadPointor,8); //dll.PrintTheListBack(backHeadPointor); //ProductOfMaximumSubArray pomsa = new ProductOfMaximumSubArray(); //int[] arr = {1, -2, -3, 0, 7, -8, -2}; //int n = arr.Length; //int result = pomsa.maxSubarrayProduct(arr, n); //Console.WriteLine("{0}", result); //int result = 0; // Result initialized to say there is no error //AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.Cell cell = new AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.Cell(); //AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.CellProd prod = new AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.CellProd(cell, 20); // Use cell for storage, //// produce 20 items //AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.CellCons cons = new AllSortingTechnique.ProducerConsumerProblem.CellCons(cell, 20); // Use cell for storage, //// consume 20 items //Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(prod.ThreadRun)); //Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons.ThreadRun)); //// Threads producer and consumer have been created, //// but not started at this point. //try //{ // producer.Start(); // consumer.Start(); // producer.Join(); // Join both threads with no timeout // // Run both until done. // consumer.Join(); // // threads producer and consumer have finished at this point. //} //catch (ThreadStateException e) //{ // Console.WriteLine(e); // Display text of exception // result = 1; // Result says there was an error //} //catch (ThreadInterruptedException e) //{ // Console.WriteLine(e); // This exception means that the thread // // was interrupted during a Wait // result = 1; // Result says there was an error //} //// Even though Main returns void, this provides a return code to //// the parent process. //Environment.ExitCode = result; //int n = 5; ////int[,] array = new int[5, 5]{{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 }, //// { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, //// { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, //// { 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }, //// { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } ////}; //bool[,] array2D = new bool[5, 5] {{ true, false, true, true, false }, // { false, true, true, true, false }, // { true, true, true, true, true }, // { true, false, true, true, true }, // { true, true, true, true, true } }; //Exchanging1And0 exOneAndZero = new Exchanging1And0(); //exOneAndZero.ProcessArrayStackOverFlow(array2D, 5); //CheckOddOccuringElement oddOccuring = new CheckOddOccuringElement(); //int[] ar = {2, 3, 5, 4, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 2}; //int answer = oddOccuring.CheckOddOccuringElementComplexityN(ar, ar.Length); //Console.WriteLine("{0}\n",answer); const int m = 2; const int n = 4; int[,] sourceArray = new int[m, n] { { 1, 2, 5, 6 }, { 3, 4, 7, 8, } }; int[,] destination = new int[n, m]; RotateArray rota = new RotateArray(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { Console.Write("{0} ", sourceArray[i, j]); } Console.WriteLine(""); } destination = rota.Rotate(sourceArray, destination, m, n); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { Console.Write("{0} ", destination[i, j]); } Console.WriteLine(""); } Console.ReadLine(); }