public void ExecuteTest()
                // Create the mock engine
                MockChessEngine engine = new MockChessEngine();
                // Create the 'set option' command
                string mockOptionName  = "OptionName";
                string mockOptionValue = "OptionValue";

                UciSetOptionCommand command = new UciSetOptionCommand(mockOptionName, mockOptionValue);

                // Execute against the mock

                // The command should either be
                // A) setoption name {name} value {value}
                // B) setoption name {name}

                string expected = String.Format("setoption name {0} value {1}", mockOptionName, mockOptionValue);

                // Verify commands sent
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying UciSetOptionCommand sends correct command to the engine..."));
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.CommandString, expected);
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.ExpectedResponse, String.Empty);

                command = new UciSetOptionCommand(mockOptionName);
                // Execute against the mock
                expected = String.Format("setoption name {0}", mockOptionName);
                // Verify commands sent
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying UciSetOptionCommand sends correct command to the engine..."));
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.CommandString, expected);
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.ExpectedResponse, String.Empty);
            public void ExecuteTest()
                // Mock stream in memory
                MemoryStream stream = new MockStream();
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

                writer.AutoFlush = true;

                // Create the mock engine
                MockChessEngine engine = new MockChessEngine();
                // Create the 'isready' command
                UciIsReadyCommand command = new UciIsReadyCommand(ref writer);

                // Execute against the mock

                // Now get that string back from the stream
                stream.Position = 0;
                StreamReader reader       = new StreamReader(stream);
                string       streamString = reader.ReadLine();

                // Verify commands sent - in this case the command is written
                // directly to the stream - so verify it gets there
                // The engine does not record the expected in this case so it
                // should remain empty in the mock
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying UciIsReadyCommand sends correct command to the engine..."));
                Assert.AreEqual(UCIChessEngine.IsReady, streamString);
                Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, engine.ExpectedResponse);
            public void ExecuteTest()
                // Create the mock engine
                MockChessEngine engine = new MockChessEngine();
                // Create the 'init uci' command
                UciInitCommand command = new UciInitCommand();

                // Execute against the mock
                // Verify commands sent
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying UciInitCommand sends correct command to the engine..."));
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.CommandString, UCIChessEngine.Uci);
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.ExpectedResponse, UCIChessEngine.UciOk);
            public void ExecuteTest()
                // Create the mock engine
                MockChessEngine engine = new MockChessEngine();
                // Create the 'position' command
                UciPositionCommand command = new UciPositionCommand(ChessBoard.InitialFENPosition);

                // Execute against the mock
                // Verify commands sent
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying UciPositionCommand sends correct command to the engine..."));
                string expected = String.Format("position fen {0}", ChessBoard.InitialFENPosition);

                Assert.AreEqual(engine.CommandString, expected);
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.ExpectedResponse, String.Empty);
            public void ExecuteTest()
                string moveTime = "543210";
                // Create the mock engine
                MockChessEngine engine = new MockChessEngine();
                // Create the 'UciGoCommand' command
                UciGoCommand command = new UciGoCommand(moveTime);

                // Execute against the mock
                // Verify commands sent
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying UciGoCommand sends correct command to the engine..."));
                string expected = String.Format("go movetime {0}", moveTime);

                Assert.AreEqual(engine.CommandString, expected);
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.ExpectedResponse, UCIChessEngine.BestMoveResponse);
            public void ExecuteTest()
                // Create the mock engine
                MockChessEngine engine = new MockChessEngine();

                string mockPath = @"x:\foo\bar\mymockengine.exe";
                UciLoadEngineCommand command = new UciLoadEngineCommand(mockPath);

                // Execute against the mock

                // Verify commands sent
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying UciLoadEngineCommand sends correct command to the engine..."));
                // IChessEngine.LoadEngineProces() records this in the mock, and
                // we're testing that layer correctly gets the path passed in here
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.ExePath, mockPath);
                Assert.AreEqual(engine.ExpectedResponse, String.Empty);