/// <summary> /// Main Method where execution starts /// </summary> /// <param name="args">String array</param> public static void Main(string[] args) { char condition; do { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 for : String Anagram"); Console.WriteLine("Press 2 for : Prime Numbers upto N"); Console.WriteLine("Press 3 for : Prime Palindromic Anagram Numbers"); Console.WriteLine("Press 4 for : Menu for Search and Sort"); Console.WriteLine("Press 5 for : Game of Guessing the number"); Console.WriteLine("Press 6 for : BinarySearch to search word from file"); Console.WriteLine("Press 7 for : Insertion sort for String Array"); Console.WriteLine("Press 8 for : Bubble sort for Integer Array"); Console.WriteLine("Press 9 for : Merge Sort for String"); Console.WriteLine("Press 10 for : Vending Machine"); Console.WriteLine("Press 11 for : Day Of the week of entered date"); Console.WriteLine("Press 12 for : Temperature Conversion"); Console.WriteLine("Press 13 for : Monthly Payment"); Console.WriteLine("Press 14 for : Square Root using Newton Method"); Console.WriteLine("Press 15 for : Convert number to Binary"); try { int ch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (ch) { case 1: Anagram a = new Anagram(); break; case 2: Prime p = new Prime(); break; case 3: PalPrimeAnagram p1 = new PalPrimeAnagram(); break; case 4: MenuForSearchSortAlgo mss = new MenuForSearchSortAlgo(); break; case 5: QuestionGame qg = new QuestionGame(); break; case 6: ReadFromFile rf = new ReadFromFile(); break; case 7: InsertionSortString in1 = new InsertionSortString(); break; case 8: BubbleSortInt bbi = new BubbleSortInt(); break; case 9: MergeString ms = new MergeString(); break; case 10: VendingMachine vm = new VendingMachine(); break; case 11: DayOfWeek dow = new DayOfWeek(); break; case 12: Temperature t = new Temperature(); break; case 13: MonthlyPayment mp = new MonthlyPayment(); break; case 14: SqrtNewtonMethod sq = new SqrtNewtonMethod(); break; case 15: ToBinary tb = new ToBinary(); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("enter Y for Main Menu / N to exit"); condition = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); }while (condition == 'y'); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the no of the program "); Console.WriteLine("Cheak two string are anagram or not(1)"); Console.WriteLine("Find Prime nos between 1 to 1000(2)"); Console.WriteLine("Vending Machine(3)"); Console.WriteLine("Find Day of the week(4)"); Console.WriteLine("Temprature conversion(5)"); Console.WriteLine("Mothly Payment(6)"); Console.WriteLine("SqureRoot using Newton's Law(7)"); Console.WriteLine("Searching and sorting(8)"); Console.WriteLine("Binary search for word list(9)"); Console.WriteLine("Insertion sort of word list(10)"); Console.WriteLine("Bubble sort of numbers(11)"); Console.WriteLine("Conversion(12)"); Console.WriteLine("Binary(13)"); Console.WriteLine("Merge Sort(14)"); Console.WriteLine("Number Game(15)"); int p = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (p) { case 1: Anagram a = new Anagram(); a.ChkAnagram(); break; case 2: Prime b = new Prime(); b.ChkPrime(); break; case 3: VendingMachine c = new VendingMachine(); c.CountNote(); break; case 4: DayOfWeek d = new DayOfWeek(); int m = int.Parse(args[0]); int d1 = int.Parse(args[1]); int y = int.Parse(args[2]); Console.WriteLine(d.FindDay(d1, m, y)); break; case 5: TempratureConversion e = new TempratureConversion(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the temprature"); int e1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); e.Conversion(e1); break; case 6: MonthlyPayment f = new MonthlyPayment(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Principal loan amount"); int p1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter the year"); int y1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter the rate of interest"); double r1 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(f.FindMPayment(p1, y1, r1)); break; case 7: SqrtN g = new SqrtN(); g.FindSqrt(); break; case 8: Utility h = new Utility(); //Binary search for Integer Console.WriteLine("Enter the size of the array"); int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int[] h1 = new int[n]; Console.WriteLine("Enter the sorted elements in assending order"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { h1[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.WriteLine("Enter the element you want to search"); int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int h2 = h.BinarrySearchInt(h1, x); Console.WriteLine("The element is present in the {0}th place", h2); //Binary search for a string Console.WriteLine("Enter how many elements you want to add"); int n1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); String[] h3 = new String[n]; Console.WriteLine("Enter Strings"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { h3[i] = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Enter the string you want to search"); String x1 = Console.ReadLine(); int h4 = h.BinarrySearchString(h3, x1); Console.WriteLine("The element is present in the {0}th place", h4); // Insertion sort for Integer Console.WriteLine("Enter the size of the array for sorting"); int n2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter numbers"); int[] arr = new int[n2]; for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++) { arr[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } int[] arr2 = h.InsertionSortInt(arr); Console.WriteLine("Sorted Array Elements :"); for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++) { Console.Write(arr2[i]); Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); //Insertion sort for String Console.WriteLine("Enter how many elements you want to add for sorting"); int n3 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); String[] h5 = new String[n3]; Console.WriteLine("Enter Strings"); for (int i = 0; i < n3; i++) { h5[i] = Console.ReadLine(); } String[] arr3 = h.InsertionSortString(h5); Console.WriteLine("Sorted Array Elements :"); for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++) { Console.Write(arr3[i]); Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case 9: BinarySearchWord v = new BinarySearchWord(); Console.WriteLine("Enter how many elements you want to add"); int n4 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); String[] h6 = new String[n4]; Console.WriteLine("Enter Strings"); for (int i = 0; i < n4; i++) { h6[i] = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Enter the string you want to search"); String x3 = Console.ReadLine(); int h9 = v.BinarrySearch(h6, x3); Console.WriteLine("The element is present in the {0}th place", h9); break; case 10: InsertionSortWord z = new InsertionSortWord(); Console.WriteLine("Enter how many elements you want to add for sorting"); int n5 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); String[] h10 = new String[n5]; Console.WriteLine("Enter Strings"); for (int i = 0; i < n5; i++) { h10[i] = Console.ReadLine(); } String[] arr4 = z.InsertionSort(h10); Console.WriteLine("Sorted Array Elements :"); for (int i = 0; i < n5; i++) { Console.Write(arr4[i]); Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case 11: BubbleSort w = new BubbleSort(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the size of the array for sorting"); int n6 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter numbers"); int[] ar = new int[n6]; for (int i = 0; i < n6; i++) { ar[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } int[] ar1 = w.BubbleSortI(ar); Console.WriteLine("Sorted Array Elements :"); for (int i = 0; i < n6; i++) { Console.Write(ar1[i]); Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case 12: Convertion z1 = new Convertion(); Console.WriteLine("if you want to convert decimal to binary press 1 and binary to decimal press 0"); int de = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (de == 1) { z1.ToBinary(); } if (de == 0) { z1.ToDecimal(); } break; case 13: //Convertion s = new Convertion(); Console.WriteLine("Enter a decimal no"); //int[] ar4= s.ToBinary(); int a5 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Binary b1 = new Binary(); int ar5 = b1.SwapNibbles(a5); Console.WriteLine("After Swapping the no became {0}", ar5); break; case 14: MergeSort w1 = new MergeSort(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the size of the array"); int n7 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter the elements to the array"); int[] iarray = new int[n7]; for (int i = 0; i < n7; i++) { iarray[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } w1.Sort(iarray); for (int i = 0; i < n7; i++) { Console.Write(iarray[i] + " "); } break; case 15: NumberGame r2 = new NumberGame(); r2.Game(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Defines the entry point of the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param> static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("1: Anagram Detection"); Console.WriteLine("2: Prime Numbers between 0-1000"); Console.WriteLine("3: Prime Numbers that are Anagram or Palindrome (0-1000)"); Console.WriteLine("4: Utility Class"); Console.WriteLine("5: Find Number"); Console.WriteLine("6: Binary Search"); Console.WriteLine("7: Insertion Sort"); Console.WriteLine("8: Bubble Sort"); Console.WriteLine("9: Merge Sort"); Console.WriteLine("10: Vending Machine"); Console.WriteLine("11: Day of Week"); Console.WriteLine("12: Temperature Conversion"); Console.WriteLine("13: Monthly Payment"); Console.WriteLine("14: Square Root"); Console.WriteLine("15: To Binary"); Console.WriteLine("16: Binary Swap Nibbles"); int choice = 0; while (!(choice > 0 && choice < 17)) { try { Console.Write("Enter your choice: "); choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (FormatException) { //Console.WriteLine(Ex); } } switch (choice) { case 1: AnagramDetection anagramDetection = new AnagramDetection(); anagramDetection.anagram(); break; case 2: PrimeNumbers primeNumbers = new PrimeNumbers(); primeNumbers.prime(); break; case 3: PrimeAnagramPalindrome primeAnagramPalindrome = new PrimeAnagramPalindrome(); primeAnagramPalindrome.checkForPrimeAnagramPalindrome(); break; case 4: int[] integerArray = { 10, 8, 7, 4, 3, 5, 0, 1, 2, 6, 9 }; integerArray = Utility.BubbleSort(integerArray); Console.WriteLine("After Bubble Sort:"); for (int i = 0; i < integerArray.Length; i++) { Console.Write(integerArray[i] + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); int pos1 = Utility.BinarySearch(6, 0, 11, integerArray); if (pos1 == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Not Found!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Found at location: " + pos1); } Console.WriteLine(); string[] stringArray = { "saad", "fahad", "saba", "zeeshan", "ashhar", "owais" }; stringArray = Utility.BubbleSort(stringArray); Console.WriteLine("After Bubble Sort:"); for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.Length; i++) { Console.Write(stringArray[i] + " "); } int pos2 = Utility.BinarySearch("saad", 0, 11, stringArray); Console.WriteLine(); if (pos2 == -1) { Console.Write("Not Found!"); } else { Console.Write("Found at location: " + pos2); } break; case 5: FindingNumber findingNumber = new FindingNumber(); findingNumber.Find(); break; case 6: BinarySearch search = new BinarySearch(); search.binarySearch(); break; case 7: InsertionSort insertionSort = new InsertionSort(); insertionSort.Sort(); break; case 8: BubbleSort bubbleSort = new BubbleSort(); bubbleSort.Sort(); break; case 9: MergeSort mergeSort = new MergeSort(); mergeSort.Sort(); break; case 10: VendingMachine vendingMachine = new VendingMachine(); vendingMachine.machine(); break; case 11: DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = new DayOfWeek(); dayOfWeek.getDay(); break; case 12: TemperatureConversion conversion = new TemperatureConversion(); conversion.temperatureConversion(); break; case 13: MonthlyPayment monthlyPayment = new MonthlyPayment(); monthlyPayment.payment(); break; case 14: SquareRoot root = new SquareRoot(); root.calculateSquareRoot(); break; case 15: ConvertToBinary convert = new ConvertToBinary(); convert.conversion(); break; case 16: BinarySwapNibbles binarySwapNibbles = new BinarySwapNibbles(); binarySwapNibbles.swapNibbles(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong Choice!"); break; } }