예제 #1
        // Create a box by reading the file and add it to "parent".
        public static Mpeg4Box Create(Mpeg4File file, long position, Mpeg4Box parent)
            // Read the box header.
            Mpeg4BoxHeader header = new Mpeg4BoxHeader(file, position);

            // If we're not even valid, quit.
            if (!header.IsValid)

            // IF we're in a SampleDescriptionBox and haven'type loaded all the
            // entries, try loading an appropriate entry.
            if (parent.BoxType == "stsd" && parent.Children.Count < ((Mpeg4IsoSampleDescriptionBox)parent).EntryCount)
                Mpeg4IsoHandlerBox handler = parent.Handler;
                if (handler != null && handler.HandlerType == "soun")
                    return(new Mpeg4IsoAudioSampleEntry(header, parent));
                    return(new Mpeg4IsoSampleEntry(header, parent));

            // A bunch of standard items.

            if (header.BoxType == "moov")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoMovieBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "mvhd")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoMovieHeaderBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "mdia")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoMediaBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "minf")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoMediaInformationBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "stbl")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoSampleTableBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "stsd")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoSampleDescriptionBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "stco")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoChunkOffsetBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "co64")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoChunkLargeOffsetBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "trak")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoTrackBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "hdlr")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoHandlerBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "udta")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoUserDataBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "meta")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoMetaBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "ilst")
                return(new Mpeg4AppleItemListBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "data")
                return(new Mpeg4AppleDataBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "esds")
                return(new Mpeg4AppleElementaryStreamDescriptor(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "free" || header.BoxType == "skip")
                return(new Mpeg4IsoFreeSpaceBox(header, parent));

            if (header.BoxType == "mean" || header.BoxType == "name")
                return(new Mpeg4AppleAdditionalInfoBox(header, parent));

            // If we still don'type have a tag, and we're inside an ItemLisBox, load
            // lthe box as an AnnotationBox (Apple tag item).
            if (parent.GetType() == typeof(Mpeg4AppleItemListBox))
                return(new Mpeg4AppleAnnotationBox(header, parent));

            // Nothing good. Go generic.
            return(new Mpeg4UnknownBox(header, parent));
예제 #2
        // Read the file.
        private void Read(ReadStyle propertiesStyle)
            // Create a dummie outer box, as perscribed by the specs.
            Mpeg4FileBox file_box = new Mpeg4FileBox(this);

            // Find the movie box and item text. If the movie box doen'type exist, an
            // exception will be thrown on the next call, but if there is no movie
            // box, the file can'type possibly be valid.
            Mpeg4IsoMovieBox      moov_box = (Mpeg4IsoMovieBox)file_box.FindChildDeep("moov");
            Mpeg4AppleItemListBox ilst_box = (Mpeg4AppleItemListBox)moov_box.FindChildDeep("ilst");

            // If we have a ItemListBox, deparent it.
            if (ilst_box != null)

            // Create the tag.
            tag = new Mpeg4AppleTag(ilst_box, this);

            // If we're not reading properties, we're done.
            if (propertiesStyle == ReadStyle.None)

            // Get the movie header box.
            Mpeg4IsoMovieHeaderBox   mvhd_box     = (Mpeg4IsoMovieHeaderBox)moov_box.FindChildDeep("mvhd");
            Mpeg4IsoAudioSampleEntry sample_entry = null;

            // Find a TrackBox with a sound Handler.
            foreach (Mpeg4Box box in moov_box.Children)
                if (box.BoxType == "trak")
                    // If the handler isn'type sound, it could be metadata or video or
                    // any number of other things.
                    Mpeg4IsoHandlerBox hdlr_box = (Mpeg4IsoHandlerBox)box.FindChildDeep("hdlr");
                    if (hdlr_box == null || hdlr_box.HandlerType != "soun")

                    // This track SHOULD contain at least one sample entry.
                    sample_entry = (Mpeg4IsoAudioSampleEntry)box.FindChildDeep(typeof(Mpeg4IsoAudioSampleEntry));

            // If we have a MovieHeaderBox, deparent it.
            if (mvhd_box != null)

            // If we have a SampleEntry, deparent it.
            if (sample_entry != null)

            // Read the properties.
            properties = new Mpeg4Properties(mvhd_box, sample_entry, propertiesStyle);