예제 #1
        private static void PrepareForUpload(ISimpleJsonRest web, APIBodySync body, StandardFileTag tag, List <StandardFileNote> allNotes, APIResultAuthorize token, StandardNoteConfig cfg, bool delete)
            var jsnContent = new ContentTag
                title      = tag.Title,
                references = allNotes
                             .Where(n => n.InternalTags.Any(it => it.UUID == tag.UUID))
                             .Select(n => new APIResultContentRef {
                    content_type = "Note", uuid = n.ID

            Debug.Assert(tag.UUID != null, "tag.UUID != null");

            var cdNote = StandardNoteCrypt.EncryptContent(token.version, web.SerializeJson(jsnContent), tag.UUID.Value, token.masterkey, token.masterauthkey);

            body.items.Add(new APIBodyItem
                content_type = "Tag",
                uuid         = tag.UUID.Value,
                enc_item_key = cdNote.enc_item_key,
                auth_hash    = cdNote.auth_hash,
                content      = cdNote.enc_content,
                deleted      = delete,
예제 #2
        private static APIResultAuthorize Authenticate003(ISimpleJsonRest web, APIAuthParams apiparams, string mail, string uip, AlephLogger logger)
                logger.Debug(StandardNotePlugin.Name, $"AutParams[version:{apiparams.version}, pw_cost:{apiparams.pw_cost}, pw_nonce:{apiparams.pw_nonce}]");

                if (apiparams.pw_cost < 100000)
                    throw new StandardNoteAPIException($"Account pw_cost is too small ({apiparams.pw_cost})");

                var    salt  = StandardNoteCrypt.SHA256(string.Join(":", mail, "SF", "003", apiparams.pw_cost.ToString(), apiparams.pw_nonce));
                byte[] bytes = PBKDF2.GenerateDerivedKey(768 / 8, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uip), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(salt), apiparams.pw_cost, PBKDF2.HMACType.SHA512);

                var pw = bytes.Skip(0 * (bytes.Length / 3)).Take(bytes.Length / 3).ToArray();
                var mk = bytes.Skip(1 * (bytes.Length / 3)).Take(bytes.Length / 3).ToArray();
                var ak = bytes.Skip(2 * (bytes.Length / 3)).Take(bytes.Length / 3).ToArray();

                var reqpw = EncodingConverter.ByteToHexBitFiddleUppercase(pw).ToLower();
                APIResultAuthorize tok;
                    tok = web.PostTwoWay <APIResultAuthorize>(new APIRequestUser {
                        email = mail, password = reqpw
                    }, "auth/sign_in");
                catch (RestStatuscodeException e1)
                    if (e1.StatusCode / 100 == 4 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e1.HTTPContent))
                        var req = web.ParseJsonOrNull <APIBadRequest>(e1.HTTPContent);
                        if (req != null)
                            throw new StandardNoteAPIException($"Server returned status {e1.StatusCode}.\nMessage: '{req.error.message}'", e1);


                tok.masterkey     = mk;
                tok.masterauthkey = ak;
                tok.version       = "003";
            catch (RestException)
            catch (StandardNoteAPIException)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new StandardNoteAPIException("Authentification with StandardNoteAPI failed.", e);
예제 #3
        public static (byte[] mk, byte[] sp, string reqpw) CreateAuthData004(StandardNoteAPI.APIResultAuthParams apiparams, string mail, string uip)
            var salt = StandardNoteCrypt.SHA256Bytes(string.Join(":", apiparams.identifier, apiparams.pw_nonce)).Take(128 / 8).ToArray();

            var derivedKey = ANCrypt.Argon2(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uip), salt, 5, 64 * 1024, 64);

            var masterKey      = derivedKey.Skip(00).Take(32).ToArray();
            var serverPassword = derivedKey.Skip(32).Take(32).ToArray();

            var requestPassword = EncodingConverter.ByteToHexBitFiddleLowercase(serverPassword);

            return(masterKey, serverPassword, requestPassword);
예제 #4
        private static void PrepareForUpload(ISimpleJsonRest web, APIBodySync body, StandardFileNote note, List <StandardFileTag> tags, APIResultAuthorize token, StandardNoteConfig cfg, bool delete)
            var appdata = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >();

            SetAppDataBool(appdata, APPDATA_PINNED, note.IsPinned);
            SetAppDataBool(appdata, APPDATA_LOCKED, note.IsLocked);

            var jsnContent = new ContentNote
                title      = note.InternalTitle,
                text       = note.Text,
                references = new List <APIResultContentRef>(),
                appData    = appdata,

            foreach (var itertag in note.InternalTags.ToList())
                var itag = itertag;

                if (itag.UUID == null)
                    var newTag = tags.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Title == itag.Title);
                    if (newTag == null)
                        newTag = new StandardFileTag(Guid.NewGuid(), itag.Title);

                    note.UpgradeTag(itag, newTag);
                    itag = newTag;

                Debug.Assert(itag.UUID != null, "itag.UUID != null");
                jsnContent.references.Add(new APIResultContentRef {
                    content_type = "Tag", uuid = itag.UUID.Value

            var cdNote = StandardNoteCrypt.EncryptContent(token.version, web.SerializeJson(jsnContent), note.ID, token.masterkey, token.masterauthkey);

            body.items.Add(new APIBodyItem
                content_type = "Note",
                uuid         = note.ID,
                created_at   = note.CreationDate,
                enc_item_key = cdNote.enc_item_key,
                auth_hash    = cdNote.auth_hash,
                content      = cdNote.enc_content,
                deleted      = delete,
예제 #5
        private static SyncResultTag CreateTag(ISimpleJsonRest web, APIResultItem encTag, APIResultAuthorize authToken)
            if (encTag.deleted)
                return(new SyncResultTag
                    deleted = encTag.deleted,
                    title = "",
                    uuid = encTag.uuid,
                    enc_item_key = encTag.enc_item_key,
                    item_key = "",
                    references = new List <APIResultContentRef>(),

            ContentTag content;

                var contentJson = StandardNoteCrypt.DecryptContent(encTag.content, encTag.enc_item_key, encTag.auth_hash, authToken.masterkey, authToken.masterauthkey);

                    $"DecryptContent of tag {encTag.uuid:B}",
                    $"[content]:\r\n{encTag.content}\r\n" +
                    $"[enc_item_key]:\r\n{encTag.enc_item_key}\r\n" +
                    $"[auth_hash]:\r\n{encTag.auth_hash}\r\n" +
                    $"\r\n\r\n" +

                content = web.ParseJsonWithoutConverter <ContentTag>(contentJson);
            catch (RestException)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new StandardNoteAPIException("Cannot decrypt note with local masterkey", e);

            return(new SyncResultTag
                deleted = encTag.deleted,
                title = content.title,
                uuid = encTag.uuid,
                enc_item_key = encTag.enc_item_key,
                references = content.references,
예제 #6
        public static (byte[] pw, byte[] mk, byte[] ak, string reqpw) CreateAuthData003(StandardNoteAPI.APIResultAuthParams apiparams, string mail, string uip)
            if (apiparams.pw_cost < 100000)
                throw new StandardNoteAPIException($"Account pw_cost is too small ({apiparams.pw_cost})");

            var salt = StandardNoteCrypt.SHA256Hex(string.Join(":", mail, "SF", "003", apiparams.pw_cost.ToString(), apiparams.pw_nonce));

            byte[] bytes = PBKDF2.GenerateDerivedKey(768 / 8, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uip), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(salt), apiparams.pw_cost, PBKDF2.HMACType.SHA512);

            var pw = bytes.Skip(0 * (bytes.Length / 3)).Take(bytes.Length / 3).ToArray();
            var mk = bytes.Skip(1 * (bytes.Length / 3)).Take(bytes.Length / 3).ToArray();
            var ak = bytes.Skip(2 * (bytes.Length / 3)).Take(bytes.Length / 3).ToArray();

            var reqpw = EncodingConverter.ByteToHexBitFiddleUppercase(pw).ToLower();

            return(pw, mk, ak, reqpw);
예제 #7
        private static void PrepareTagForUpload(ISimpleJsonRest web, APIBodySync body, ref List <APIRawBodyItem> bodyraw, StandardFileTag tag, APIResultAuthorize token, bool delete)
            var objContent = new ContentTag
                title      = tag.Title,
                references = tag
                             .Select(n => new APIResultContentRef {
                    content_type = "Note", uuid = n

            Debug.Assert(tag.UUID != null, "tag.UUID != null");

            var jsonContent = web.SerializeJson(objContent);

            var cryptData = StandardNoteCrypt.EncryptContent(token.version, jsonContent, tag.UUID.Value, token.masterkey, token.masterauthkey);

            body.items.Add(new APIBodyItem
                content_type = "Tag",
                uuid         = tag.UUID.Value,
                enc_item_key = cryptData.enc_item_key,
                auth_hash    = cryptData.auth_hash,
                content      = cryptData.enc_content,
                deleted      = delete,
            bodyraw.Add(new APIRawBodyItem
                content_type = "Tag",
                uuid         = tag.UUID.Value,
                content      = jsonContent,
                deleted      = delete,
예제 #8
        private static StandardFileNote CreateNote(ISimpleJsonRest web, StandardNoteConnection conn, APIResultItem encNote, APIResultAuthorize authToken, StandardNoteConfig cfg, StandardNoteData dat)
            if (encNote.deleted)
                var nd = new StandardFileNote(encNote.uuid, cfg, conn.HConfig)
                    CreationDate   = encNote.created_at,
                    Text           = "",
                    InternalTitle  = "",
                    AuthHash       = encNote.auth_hash,
                    ContentVersion = StandardNoteCrypt.GetSchemaVersion(encNote.content),
                nd.ModificationDate = encNote.updated_at;

            ContentNote content;

                var contentJson = StandardNoteCrypt.DecryptContent(encNote.content, encNote.enc_item_key, encNote.auth_hash, authToken.masterkey, authToken.masterauthkey);

                    $"DecryptContent of note {encNote.uuid:B}",
                    $"[content]:\r\n{encNote.content}\r\n" +
                    $"[enc_item_key]:\r\n{encNote.enc_item_key}\r\n" +
                    $"[auth_hash]:\r\n{encNote.auth_hash}\r\n" +
                    $"\r\n\r\n" +

                content = web.ParseJsonWithoutConverter <ContentNote>(contentJson);
            catch (RestException)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new StandardNoteAPIException("Cannot decrypt note with local masterkey", e);

            var n = new StandardFileNote(encNote.uuid, cfg, conn.HConfig)
                Text           = StandardNoteConfig.REX_LINEBREAK.Replace(content.text, Environment.NewLine),
                InternalTitle  = content.title,
                AuthHash       = encNote.auth_hash,
                ContentVersion = StandardNoteCrypt.GetSchemaVersion(encNote.content),
                IsPinned       = GetAppDataBool(content.appData, APPDATA_PINNED, false),
                IsLocked       = GetAppDataBool(content.appData, APPDATA_LOCKED, false),

            var refTags = new List <StandardFileTagRef>();

            foreach (var cref in content.references)
                if (cref.content_type == "Note")
                    // ignore
                else if (dat.Tags.Any(t => t.UUID == cref.uuid))
                    refTags.Add(new StandardFileTagRef(cref.uuid, dat.Tags.First(t => t.UUID == cref.uuid).Title));
                else if (cref.content_type == "Tag")
                    Logger.Warn(StandardNotePlugin.Name, $"Reference to missing tag {cref.uuid} in note {encNote.uuid}");
                    Logger.Error(StandardNotePlugin.Name, $"Downloaded note contains an unknown reference :{cref.uuid} ({cref.content_type}) in note {encNote.uuid}");

            foreach (var tref in dat.Tags.Where(tag => tag.References.Any(tref => tref == encNote.uuid)))
                refTags.Add(new StandardFileTagRef(tref.UUID, tref.Title));

            refTags = refTags.DistinctBy(t => t.UUID).ToList();

            n.CreationDate     = encNote.created_at;
            n.ModificationDate = encNote.updated_at;

예제 #9
        private static void PrepareNoteForUpload(ISimpleJsonRest web, APIBodySync body, ref List <APIRawBodyItem> bodyraw, StandardFileNote note, List <StandardFileTag> allTags, APIResultAuthorize token, StandardNoteConfig cfg, bool delete)
            var appdata = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >();

            SetAppDataBool(appdata, APPDATA_PINNED, note.IsPinned);
            SetAppDataBool(appdata, APPDATA_LOCKED, note.IsLocked);

            var objContent = new ContentNote
                title      = note.InternalTitle,
                text       = note.Text.Replace("\r\n", "\n"),
                references = new List <APIResultContentRef>(),
                appData    = appdata,

            // Set correct tag UUID if tag already exists
            foreach (var itertag in note.InternalTags.ToList())
                var itag = itertag;

                if (itag.UUID == null)
                    var newTag = allTags.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Title == itag.Title)?.ToRef();
                    if (newTag == null)
                        newTag = new StandardFileTagRef(Guid.NewGuid(), itag.Title);
                        allTags.Add(new StandardFileTag(newTag.UUID, newTag.Title, Enumerable.Repeat(note.ID, 1)));

                    note.UpgradeTag(itag, newTag);

            // Notes no longer have references to their tags (see issue #88)
            //foreach (var itertag in note.InternalTags.ToList())
            //	Debug.Assert(itertag.UUID != null, "itertag.UUID != null");
            //	jsnContent.references.Add(new APIResultContentRef { content_type = "Tag", uuid = itertag.UUID.Value });

            var jsonContent = web.SerializeJson(objContent);

            var cryptData = StandardNoteCrypt.EncryptContent(token.version, jsonContent, note.ID, token.masterkey, token.masterauthkey);

            body.items.Add(new APIBodyItem
                content_type = "Note",
                uuid         = note.ID,
                created_at   = note.CreationDate,
                enc_item_key = cryptData.enc_item_key,
                auth_hash    = cryptData.auth_hash,
                content      = cryptData.enc_content,
                deleted      = delete,
            bodyraw.Add(new APIRawBodyItem
                content_type = "Note",
                uuid         = note.ID,
                created_at   = note.CreationDate,
                content      = jsonContent,
                deleted      = delete,
예제 #10
        private static StandardFileNote CreateNote(ISimpleJsonRest web, StandardNoteConnection conn, APIResultItem encNote, APIResultAuthorize authToken, StandardNoteConfig cfg, StandardNoteData dat)
            if (encNote.deleted)
                var nd = new StandardFileNote(encNote.uuid, cfg, conn.HConfig)
                    CreationDate   = encNote.created_at,
                    AuthHash       = encNote.auth_hash,
                    ContentVersion = StandardNoteCrypt.GetSchemaVersion(encNote.content),
                nd.RawModificationDate = encNote.updated_at;

            ContentNote content;
            string      appDataContentString;

                var contentJson = StandardNoteCrypt.DecryptContent(encNote.content, encNote.enc_item_key, encNote.auth_hash, authToken.masterkey, authToken.masterauthkey);

                    $"DecryptContent of note {encNote.uuid:B}",
                    $"[content]:\r\n{encNote.content}\r\n" +
                    $"[enc_item_key]:\r\n{encNote.enc_item_key}\r\n" +
                    $"[auth_hash]:\r\n{encNote.auth_hash}\r\n" +
                    $"\r\n\r\n" +

                content = web.ParseJsonWithoutConverter <ContentNote>(contentJson);
                appDataContentString = web.ParseJsonAndGetSubJson(contentJson, "appData", string.Empty);
            catch (RestException)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new StandardNoteAPIException("Cannot decrypt note with local masterkey", e);

            var n = new StandardFileNote(encNote.uuid, cfg, conn.HConfig);

            using (n.SuppressDirtyChanges())
                n.Text          = StandardNoteConfig.REX_LINEBREAK.Replace(content.text, Environment.NewLine);
                n.InternalTitle = content.title;

                n.AuthHash       = encNote.auth_hash;
                n.ContentVersion = StandardNoteCrypt.GetSchemaVersion(encNote.content);

                n.IsPinned      = GetAppDataBool(content.appData, APPDATA_PINNED, false);
                n.IsLocked      = GetAppDataBool(content.appData, APPDATA_LOCKED, false);
                n.IsArchived    = GetAppDataBool(content.appData, APPDATA_ARCHIVED, false);
                n.IsProtected   = content.@protected;
                n.IsHidePreview = content.hidePreview;

                var refTags = new List <StandardFileTagRef>();
                foreach (var cref in content.references)
                    if (cref.content_type == "Note")
                        // ignore
                    else if (dat.Tags.Any(t => t.UUID == cref.uuid))
                        refTags.Add(new StandardFileTagRef(cref.uuid, dat.Tags.First(t => t.UUID == cref.uuid).Title));
                    else if (cref.content_type == "Tag")
                        Logger.Warn(StandardNotePlugin.Name, $"Reference to missing tag {cref.uuid} in note {encNote.uuid}");
                        Logger.Error(StandardNotePlugin.Name, $"Downloaded note contains an unknown reference :{cref.uuid} ({cref.content_type}) in note {encNote.uuid}");

                foreach (var tref in dat.Tags.Where(tag => tag.References.Any(tref => tref == encNote.uuid)))
                    refTags.Add(new StandardFileTagRef(tref.UUID, tref.Title));

                refTags = refTags.DistinctBy(t => t.UUID).ToList();


                n.CreationDate          = encNote.created_at;
                n.RawModificationDate   = encNote.updated_at;
                n.ClientUpdatedAt       = GetAppDataDTO(content.appData, APPDATA_CLIENTUPDATEDAT, null);
                n.NoteCreationDate      = GetAppDataDTO(content.appData, APPDATA_NOTECDATE, null);
                n.NoteModificationDate  = GetAppDataDTO(content.appData, APPDATA_NOTEMDATE, null);
                n.TextModificationDate  = GetAppDataDTO(content.appData, APPDATA_TEXTMDATE, null);
                n.TitleModificationDate = GetAppDataDTO(content.appData, APPDATA_TITLEMDATE, null);
                n.TagsModificationDate  = GetAppDataDTO(content.appData, APPDATA_TAGSMDATE, null);
                n.PathModificationDate  = GetAppDataDTO(content.appData, APPDATA_PATHMDATE, null);

                n.RawAppData = appDataContentString;
