protected static int _Close(bool bCloseMemory = false) { Game.AbilityList = (AbilityList)null; Game.DialogList = (DialogList)null; Game.EntityList = (EntityList)null; Game.InventoryList = (InventoryList)null; Game.ForceList = (ForceList)null; Game.Player = (Player)null; if (bCloseMemory) { Game.Process.Close(); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnClose != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnClose(); } return(0); }
protected static void _Active() { byte num1 = 0; uint num2 = 0; uint num3 = 0; uint num4 = 0; uint num5 = 0; uint num6 = 0; while (true) { DateTime now = new DateTime(); uint num7; do { if (!Game.Process.Available()) { HashSet <uint> hResultList; if ((hResultList = Game.Process.Open("aion.bin", ProcessAccessRights.CreateThread | ProcessAccessRights.QueryInformation | ProcessAccessRights.VMOperation | ProcessAccessRights.VMRead | ProcessAccessRights.VMWrite)) != null && hResultList.Count >= 2) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnOpen != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnOpen(Game._List(hResultList)); } Game._Close(false); Thread.Sleep(250); continue; } if (hResultList.Count == 0) { Thread.Sleep(5000); continue; } Game.Process.Open(Enumerable.ElementAt <uint>((IEnumerable <uint>)hResultList, 0)); if (!Game.LoadVersion()) { Game.Process.Close(); Thread.Sleep(5000); continue; } } if ((long)Game._iBase == 0L && (long)(Game._iBase = Game._Base(Game.Process)) == 0L) { Game._Close(false); Game._iBase = 0UL; num1 = (byte)0; Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { if ((int)new Player(Game._iBase).GetID(Game._iBase) != 0 && (Game.Player != null || new Player(Game._iBase).GetName(Game._iBase).Length >= 1)) { Game._iTime = Game.Time(); if ((int)Game._iTime != 0 && Game.Name != null) { Game._iAuthorize = Game._iTime + 600000U; } if ((int)num2 == 0 || num2 + 500U < Game._iTime) { if (Game.AbilityList == null || Game.EntityList == null || (Game.InventoryList == null || Game.ForceList == null) || (Game.Player == null || Game.PlayerInput == null)) { Game.AbilityList = new AbilityList(Game._iBase); Game.EntityList = new EntityList(Game._iBase); Game.DialogList = new DialogList(Game._iBase); Game.InventoryList = new InventoryList(Game._iBase); Game.ForceList = new ForceList(Game._iBase); Game.Player = new Player(Game._iBase).Update(); Game.PlayerInput = new PlayerInput(Game._iBase); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnInitialize != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnInitialize(); } try { if (File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Game.GetLocation(), "..\\cc.ini")).Contains("cc = \"1\"")) { if (File.Exists("Setting\\Skill.NA.xml")) { Global.Write("[TEST] Aion NA detected. Switching Skill.xml to NA."); Game.SkillList = new SkillList("Setting\\Skill.NA.xml"); Global.Write("[TEST] Skills switched successfully."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } num3 = num2 = Game._iTime; Game.EntityList.Update(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnEntities != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnEntities(); } } else if ((int)num3 == 0 || num3 + 100U < Game._iTime) { foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, Entity> keyValuePair in Game.EntityList.GetList()) { Entity entity = keyValuePair.Value; if (entity.IsPlayer() || entity.IsMonster()) { double num8 = (double)entity.UpdateRotation(); entity.UpdatePosition(); } } num3 = Game._iTime; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnPosition != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnPosition(); } } if ((int)num4 == 0 || num4 + 250U < Game._iTime) { num4 = Game._iTime; Game.AbilityList.UpdateActivated(); Game.DialogList.Update(); Game.ForceList.Update(); Game.InventoryList.Update(); Game.Player.Update(); if ((int)num1 == 0 || (int)num1 != (int)Game.Player.GetLevel() || num6 < Game.Time()) { num1 = Game.Player.GetLevel(); Game.AbilityList.Update(); num6 = Game.Time() + 5000U; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnAbility != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnAbility(); } } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnCamera != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnCamera(); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnPlayer != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnPlayer(); } } else if ((int)num5 == 0 || num5 + 50U < Game._iTime) { Game.Player.UpdateCamera(); Game.Player.UpdatePosition(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnCamera != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnCamera(); } } Game.Player.UpdateMove(); Game.PlayerInput.Update(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (Game.OnFrame != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Game.OnFrame(); } } else { Game._Close(false); Game._iBase = 0UL; num1 = (byte)0; } now = DateTime.Now; } }while ((num7 = (uint)((ulong)now.Ticks / 10000UL) - Game._iTime) >= 50U || num7 < 0U); Thread.Sleep(50 - (int)num7); } }