//close the current job public void JobClose() { //rate control buttons if (rc.isRateControlOn) { btnRate.PerformClick(); } rc.ShutdownRateControl(); //double dam sure its off //turn auto button off autoBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnSectionOffAutoOn.Image = Properties.Resources.SectionMasterOff; //turn section buttons all OFF and zero square meters for (int j = 0; j < MAXSECTIONS; j++) { section[j].isAllowedOn = false; section[j].manBtnState = manBtn.On; } //turn manual button off manualBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnManualOffOn.Image = Properties.Resources.ManualOff; //Update the button colors and text ManualAllBtnsUpdate(); //enable disable manual buttons LineUpManualBtns(); btnSection1Man.Enabled = false; btnSection2Man.Enabled = false; btnSection3Man.Enabled = false; btnSection4Man.Enabled = false; btnSection5Man.Enabled = false; btnSection6Man.Enabled = false; btnSection7Man.Enabled = false; btnSection8Man.Enabled = false; //job is closed isJobStarted = false; //clear the section lists for (int j = 0; j < MAXSECTIONS; j++) { //clean out the lists section[j].patchList?.Clear(); section[j].triangleList?.Clear(); } //clear out the contour Lists ct.ResetContour(); //clear the flags flagPts.Clear(); btnFlag.Enabled = false; //reset the buttons btnABLine.Enabled = false; btnABCurve.Enabled = true; btnContour.Enabled = false; btnAutoSteer.Enabled = false; isAutoSteerBtnOn = false; ct.isContourBtnOn = false; ct.isContourOn = false; //change images to reflect on off btnABLine.Image = Properties.Resources.ABLineOff; btnRightYouTurn.Visible = false; btnLeftYouTurn.Visible = false; btnContour.Image = Properties.Resources.ContourOff; btnAutoSteer.Image = Properties.Resources.AutoSteerOff; //fix ManualOffOnAuto buttons btnManualOffOn.Enabled = false; manualBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnManualOffOn.Image = Properties.Resources.ManualOff; //fix auto button btnSectionOffAutoOn.Enabled = false; autoBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnSectionOffAutoOn.Image = Properties.Resources.SectionMasterOff; //reset all the ABLine stuff ABLine.ResetABLine(); //reset acre and distance counters totalSquareMeters = 0; //reset boundary boundz.ResetBoundary(); //reset headland hl.ResetHeadland(); //update the menu fieldToolStripMenuItem.Text = gStr.gsStartNewField; //turn off top level buttons btnRightYouTurn.Enabled = false; btnLeftYouTurn.Enabled = false; //auto YouTurn shutdown yt.isYouTurnBtnOn = false; yt.ResetYouTurnAndSequenceEvents(); youTurnProgressBar = 0; //turn off youturn... btnEnableAutoYouTurn.Enabled = false; yt.isYouTurnBtnOn = false; btnEnableAutoYouTurn.Image = Properties.Resources.YouTurnNo; //reset all Port Module values mc.ResetAllModuleCommValues(); }
//close the current job public void JobClose() { //rate control buttons if (rcd.isRateControlOn) { btnDualRate.PerformClick(); } rcd.ShutdownRateControl(); //double dam sure its off btnRateRightDn.Visible = false; btnRateRightUp.Visible = false; btnRateLeftDn.Visible = false; btnRateLeftUp.Visible = false; btnSelectRate1.Visible = false; btnSelectRate2.Visible = false; lblFlowRateRight.Visible = false; lblRateAppliedActualRight.Visible = false; lblRateSetpointRight.Visible = false; lblFlowRight.Visible = false; lblFlowRateLeft.Visible = false; lblRateAppliedActualLeft.Visible = false; lblRateSetpointLeft.Visible = false; lblFlowLeft.Visible = false; btnDualRate.Image = Properties.Resources.RateControlOff; btnDualRate.Text = "Off"; lblRateAppliedActualRight.Text = "-"; lblRateAppliedActualLeft.Text = "-"; lblFlowRateLeft.Text = "-"; lblFlowRateRight.Text = "-"; //turn auto button off autoBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnSectionOffAutoOn.Image = Properties.Resources.SectionMasterOff; //turn section buttons all OFF and zero square meters for (int j = 0; j < MAXSECTIONS; j++) { section[j].isAllowedOn = false; section[j].manBtnState = manBtn.On; } //turn manual button off manualBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnManualOffOn.Image = Properties.Resources.ManualOff; //Update the button colors and text ManualAllBtnsUpdate(); //enable disable manual buttons LineUpManualBtns(); btnSection1Man.Enabled = false; btnSection2Man.Enabled = false; btnSection3Man.Enabled = false; btnSection4Man.Enabled = false; btnSection5Man.Enabled = false; btnSection6Man.Enabled = false; btnSection7Man.Enabled = false; btnSection8Man.Enabled = false; btnSection9Man.Enabled = false; btnSection10Man.Enabled = false; btnSection11Man.Enabled = false; btnSection12Man.Enabled = false; btnSection1Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection2Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection3Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection4Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection5Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection6Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection7Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection8Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection9Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection10Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection11Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; btnSection12Man.BackColor = Color.Silver; //job is closed isJobStarted = false; //clear the section lists for (int j = 0; j < MAXSECTIONS; j++) { //clean out the lists section[j].patchList?.Clear(); section[j].triangleList?.Clear(); } //clear out the contour Lists ct.ResetContour(); //clear the flags flagPts.Clear(); btnFlag.Enabled = false; //reset the buttons btnABLine.Enabled = false; btnContour.Enabled = false; btnContourPriority.Enabled = false; btnAutoSteer.Enabled = false; isAutoSteerBtnOn = false; btnCurve.Enabled = false; curve.isCurveSet = false; ct.isContourBtnOn = false; ct.isContourOn = false; //curve line btnCurve.Image = Properties.Resources.CurveOff; curve.ResetCurveLine(); curve.isCurveBtnOn = false; btnCurve.Enabled = false; //change images to reflect on off btnABLine.Image = Properties.Resources.ABLineOff; DisableYouTurnButtons(); btnContour.Image = Properties.Resources.ContourOff; btnAutoSteer.Image = Properties.Resources.AutoSteerOff; //fix ManualOffOnAuto buttons btnManualOffOn.Enabled = false; manualBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnManualOffOn.Image = Properties.Resources.ManualOff; //fix auto button btnSectionOffAutoOn.Enabled = false; autoBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnSectionOffAutoOn.Image = Properties.Resources.SectionMasterOff; //reset all the ABLine stuff ABLine.ResetABLine(); //reset acre and distance counters totalSquareMeters = 0; //reset boundaries for (int i = 0; i < MAXBOUNDARIES; i++) { bndArr[i].ResetBoundary(); } //reset headland for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXHEADS; i++) { hlArr[i].ResetHeadland(); } //update the menu fieldToolStripMenuItem.Text = gStr.gsStartNewField; //turn off top level buttons btnRightYouTurn.Enabled = false; btnLeftYouTurn.Enabled = false; //auto YouTurn shutdown yt.isYouTurnBtnOn = false; yt.ResetYouTurn(); youTurnProgressBar = 0; //turn off youturn... btnEnableAutoYouTurn.Enabled = false; yt.isYouTurnBtnOn = false; btnEnableAutoYouTurn.Image = Properties.Resources.YouTurnNo; ////turn off path record recPath.recList.Clear(); if (recPath.isRecordOn) { recPath.isRecordOn = false; btnRecPathPauseRecord.Image = Properties.Resources.BoundaryRecord; } //reset all Port Module values mc.ResetAllModuleCommValues(); //reset all Dew loop stuff yt.dew2Index = 0; yt.isDew2Set = false; yt.isDew4Set = false; yt.dew4Index = 0; yt.ResetYouTurn(); }
//close the current job public void JobClose() { //turn auto button off autoBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnSectionOffAutoOn.Image = Properties.Resources.SectionMasterOff; //turn section buttons all OFF and zero square meters for (int j = 0; j < MAXSECTIONS; j++) { section[j].isAllowedOn = false; section[j].manBtnState = manBtn.On; } //turn manual button off manualBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnManualOffOn.Image = Properties.Resources.ManualOff; //Update the button colors and text ManualAllBtnsUpdate(); //enable disable manual buttons LineUpManualBtns(); btnSection1Man.Enabled = false; btnSection2Man.Enabled = false; btnSection3Man.Enabled = false; btnSection4Man.Enabled = false; btnSection5Man.Enabled = false; btnSection6Man.Enabled = false; btnSection7Man.Enabled = false; btnSection8Man.Enabled = false; //job is closed isJobStarted = false; //clear the section lists for (int j = 0; j < MAXSECTIONS; j++) { //clean out the lists section[j].patchList.Clear(); section[j].triangleList?.Clear(); } //clear out the contour Lists ct.ResetContour(); //clear the flags flagPts.Clear(); btnFlag.Enabled = false; //reset the buttons btnABLine.Enabled = false; btnContour.Enabled = false; btnAutoSteer.Enabled = false; btnSnap.Enabled = false; btnAutoYouTurn.Enabled = false; btnRightYouTurn.Enabled = false; btnLeftYouTurn.Enabled = false; ct.isContourBtnOn = false; ct.isContourOn = false; //change images to reflect on off btnABLine.Image = Properties.Resources.ABLineOff; btnRightYouTurn.Visible = false; btnLeftYouTurn.Visible = false; btnContour.Image = Properties.Resources.ContourOff; btnAutoSteer.Image = Properties.Resources.AutoSteerOff; //fix ManualOffOnAuto buttons btnManualOffOn.Enabled = false; manualBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnManualOffOn.Image = Properties.Resources.ManualOff; //fix auto button btnSectionOffAutoOn.Enabled = false; autoBtnState = btnStates.Off; btnSectionOffAutoOn.Image = Properties.Resources.SectionMasterOff; //reset all the ABLine stuff ABLine.ResetABLine(); //reset acre and distance counters totalSquareMeters = 0; //reset boundary boundary.ResetBoundary(); //update the menu fieldToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Start Field"; //rate control buttons btnRate1Select.Visible = false; btnRate2Select.Visible = false; btnRate.Image = Properties.Resources.RateControlOff; rc.ShutdownRateControl(); //auto YouTurn shutdown yt.isAutoYouTurnEnabled = false; yt.CancelYouTurn(); autoTurnInProgressBar = 0; btnAutoYouTurn.Text = "Off"; //reset all Port Module values mc.ResetAllModuleCommValues(); }