예제 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.Master.SetLayout("Order Details", MasterPage.LayoutStyle.ContentOnly);

        string id = NoNull.GetString(Request["id"]);

        // this is used to track if a property changes was submitted
        int changeId = 0;

        Affinity.Order order = new Affinity.Order(this.phreezer);

        // make sure this user has permission to make updates to this order
        if (!order.CanRead(this.GetAccount()))
            this.Crash(300, "Permission denied.");


        lblWorkingId.Text = order.WorkingId;

        txtCustomerId.Text = order.CustomerId;

        txtClientName.Text       = order.ClientName;
        txtPIN.Text              = order.Pin;
        txtAdditionalPins.Text   = order.AdditionalPins;
        txtPropertyAddress.Text  = order.PropertyAddress;
        txtPropertyAddress2.Text = order.PropertyAddress2;
        txtPropertyCity.Text     = order.PropertyCity;
        txtPropertyState.Text    = order.PropertyState;
        txtPropertyZip.Text      = order.PropertyZip;
        txtCustomerId.Text       = order.CustomerId;
        txtPropertyCounty.Text   = order.PropertyCounty;
        txtClosingDate.Text      = order.ClosingDate.ToShortDateString();

        // show any attachments that go with this order
        Affinity.Attachments        atts = new Affinity.Attachments(this.phreezer);
        Affinity.AttachmentCriteria attc = new Affinity.AttachmentCriteria();
        attc.OrderId = order.Id;

        // see if the user has access to the attachment
        Affinity.AttachmentRole          ardao  = new Affinity.AttachmentRole(this.phreezer);
        Affinity.AttachmentRolesCriteria arcrit = new Affinity.AttachmentRolesCriteria();
        arcrit.RoleCode = this.GetAccount().RoleCode;

        foreach (Affinity.Attachment att in atts)
            arcrit.AttachmentPurposeCode = att.AttachmentPurpose.Code;
            Affinity.AttachmentRoles aroles = ardao.GetAttachmentRoles(arcrit);

            // if the user has permission to view this attachment
            if (aroles.Count > 0 || this.GetAccount().Id == order.OriginatorId)
                pnlAttachments.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div><a class=\"attachment\" href=\"MyAttachment.aspx?id=" + att.Id + "\">" + att.Name + "</a> (" + att.Created.ToString("M/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt") + ")</div>"));

        // show the entire order history
        Affinity.RequestCriteria rc = new Affinity.RequestCriteria();
        rc.AppendToOrderBy("Created", true);
        rGrid.DataSource = order.GetOrderRequests(rc);

        // show the available actions that can be done with this order
        Affinity.RequestTypes rts = order.GetAvailableRequestTypes();
        pnlActions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"actions\">"));
        foreach (Affinity.RequestType rt in rts)
            pnlActions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div><a class=\"add\" href=\"MyRequestSubmit.aspx?id=" + order.Id + "&code=" + rt.Code + "\">Add a " + rt.Description + " to this Order</a></div>"));
        pnlActions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div><a class=\"add\" href=\"documents.aspx?id=" + order.Id + "\">Closing Document Manager – Forms</a></div>"));
        pnlActions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>"));

        // show the details for the active requests
        Affinity.Requests rs = order.GetCurrentRequests();

        foreach (Affinity.Request r in rs)
            // we don't want to show changes to the property information
            if (r.RequestType.Code != Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode)
                XmlForm xf = new XmlForm(this.GetAccount());

                //Hashtable labels = xf.GetLabelHashtable(r.RequestType.Definition);
                Hashtable responses = XmlForm.GetResponseHashtable(r.Xml);

                pnlRequests.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"groupheader\">" + r.RequestType.Description
                                                            + " [<a href=\"MyRequestSubmit.aspx?change=" + r.Id + "&id=" + order.Id + "&code=" + r.RequestType.Code + "\">Edit</a>]"
                                                            + "</div>"));
                pnlRequests.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<fieldset class=\"history\">"));

                // add the basic info
                pnlRequests.Controls.Add(NewLine("Request Status", r.RequestStatus.Description));
                pnlRequests.Controls.Add(NewLine("Notes", r.Note));
                pnlRequests.Controls.Add(NewLine("Submitted", r.Created.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt")));

                ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(responses.Keys);

                foreach (string key in keys)
                    // we check for fields ending with "_validator" due to a bug with order prior to 03/13/07
                    // if (responses[key].ToString().Equals("") == false)
                    if (responses[key].ToString().Equals("") == false && key.EndsWith("_validator") == false)
                        //pnlRequests.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div>" + labels[key].ToString() + ": " + responses[key].ToString() + "</div>"));
                        pnlRequests.Controls.Add(NewLine(key, responses[key]));

                pnlRequests.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</fieldset>"));
                changeId = r.Id;

        lnkChange.NavigateUrl = "MyRequestSubmit.aspx?id=" + order.Id + "&change=" + changeId + "&code=" + Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode;
예제 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * // get stack trace
         * System.Diagnostics.StackFrame fr = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(1, true);
         * System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(fr);
         * Response.Write( "method = " + fr.GetMethod().Name + " trace = " + st.ToString() );
        // we have to call the base first so phreezer is instantiated
        base.PageBase_Init(sender, e);
        PageBase pb = (PageBase)this.Page;

        Affinity.Account acc      = pb.GetAccount();
        string           contents = "";

        int id = NoNull.GetInt(Request["id"], 0);


        if (id > 0)
            Affinity.Order order = new Affinity.Order(this.phreezer);

            int filecount = 0;
            this.Master.SetLayout("Documents", MasterPage.LayoutStyle.ContentOnly);
            if (Request["file"] != null)
                string [] file        = Request["file"].Split(',');
                string [] MailAddress = "".Split(',');

                if (Request["MailAddress"] != null)
                    MailAddress = Request["MailAddress"].Split(',');

                for (int i = 0; i < file.Length; i++)
                    if ((file[i].Equals("WD") || file[i].Equals("WD_S") || file[i].Equals("WD_JT") || file[i].Equals("WD_TE")) && Request["warrantyfile"] == null)
                    string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(".") + "\\downloads\\" + file[i] + ".xml";
                    if (File.Exists(path))


                string header = "";
                string footer = "";

                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(".") + "\\downloads\\header.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
                        header = sr.ReadToEnd() + "\n";

                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(".") + "\\downloads\\footer.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
                        footer = sr.ReadToEnd() + "\n";

                contents = header;

                for (int i = 0; i < file.Length; i++)
                    if ((file[i].Equals("WD") || file[i].Equals("WD_S") || file[i].Equals("WD_JT") || file[i].Equals("WD_TE")) && Request["warrantyfile"] == null)
                    string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(".") + "\\downloads\\" + file[i] + ".xml";
                    if (File.Exists(path))
                        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
                                contents += sr.ReadToEnd();
                                if ((i + 1) < filecount)
                                    contents += "\n\n\n<w:p w:rsidR=\"00F4055C\" w:rsidRDefault=\"00F4055C\"/><w:p w:rsidR=\"005D7E36\" w:rsidRDefault=\"005D7E36\"><w:r><w:br w:type=\"page\"/></w:r></w:p><w:p w:rsidR=\"005D7E36\" w:rsidRDefault=\"005D7E36\"><w:bookmarkStart w:id=\"0\" w:name=\"_GoBack\"/><w:bookmarkEnd w:id=\"0\"/></w:p>";

                contents += footer;


                string   County              = "";
                string   CommittmentDate     = "";
                string   Grantee             = "";
                string   Grantor             = "";
                string   Grantee2            = "";
                string   Grantor2            = "";
                DateTime DeedDate            = order.ClosingDate;
                string   ContractDate        = "";
                string   BuyersName          = "";
                string   SellersName         = "";
                string   SellersAddress      = "";
                string   BuyersAddress       = "";
                string   GrantorAddressLine1 = "";
                string   GrantorAddressLine2 = "";
                string   GrantorCity         = "";
                string   GrantorState        = "";
                string   GrantorZip          = "";
                string   GrantorCounty       = "";
                DateTime now                    = DateTime.Now;
                string   DateDay                = Ordinal(now.Day).ToString();
                string   DateMonth              = now.ToString("MMMM");
                string   DateYear               = now.ToString("yyyy");
                string   PIN                    = "";
                string   SellersAttorney        = "";
                string   SellersAttorneyAddress = "";

                int    day             = DeedDate.Day;
                string DeedDateOrdinal = day.ToString();

                if (day == 11 || day == 12 || day == 13)
                    DeedDateOrdinal += "th";
                    switch (day % 10)
                    case 1: DeedDateOrdinal += "st"; break;

                    case 2: DeedDateOrdinal += "nd"; break;

                    case 3: DeedDateOrdinal += "rd"; break;

                    default: DeedDateOrdinal += "th"; break;


                try {
                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    // show the details for the active requests
                    Affinity.Requests rs = order.GetCurrentRequests();

                    foreach (Affinity.Request r in rs)
                        if (r.IsCurrent)

                            XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'CommittmentDeadline']");
                            if (node != null)
                                CommittmentDate = XMLEscape(node.InnerText.Replace("T:00:00:00", ""));

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Seller']");
                            if (node != null)
                                SellersName = XMLEscape(node.InnerText);
                            Grantor = SellersName;

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Seller1Name2']");
                            if (node != null)
                                Grantor2 = " and " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName = XMLEscape(node.InnerText);
                            Grantee = BuyersName;

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer1Name2']");
                            if (node != null)
                                Grantee2    = " and " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer2Name1']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer2Name2']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer3Name1']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer3Name2']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer4Name1']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer4Name2']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer5Name1']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'Buyer5Name2']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersName += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'ApplicantAddress']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersAddress = XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'ApplicantAddress2']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersAddress += " " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'ApplicantCity']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersAddress += " " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'ApplicantState']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersAddress += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'ApplicantZip']");
                            if (node != null)
                                BuyersAddress += " " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);
                            BuyersAddress = BuyersAddress.Trim();

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'SellersAttorneyName']");
                            if (node != null)
                                SellersAttorney = XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'SellersAttorneyAddress']");
                            if (node != null)
                                SellersAttorneyAddress = XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'SellersAttorneyAddress2']");
                            if (node != null)
                                SellersAttorneyAddress += " " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'SellersAttorneyCity']");
                            if (node != null)
                                SellersAttorneyAddress += " " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'SellersAttorneyState']");
                            if (node != null)
                                SellersAttorneyAddress += ", " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//response/field[@name = 'SellersAttorneyZip']");
                            if (node != null)
                                SellersAttorneyAddress += " " + XMLEscape(node.InnerText);

                            GrantorAddressLine1 = XMLEscape(order.PropertyAddress);
                            GrantorAddressLine2 = XMLEscape(order.PropertyAddress2);
                            GrantorCity         = XMLEscape(order.PropertyCity);
                            GrantorState        = XMLEscape(order.PropertyState);
                            GrantorZip          = XMLEscape(order.PropertyZip);
                            GrantorCounty       = XMLEscape(order.PropertyCounty);

                            SellersAddress = GrantorAddressLine1 + " " + GrantorAddressLine2 + " " + GrantorCity + ", " + GrantorState + " " + GrantorZip;

                            ContractDate = XMLEscape(order.ClosingDate.ToString()).Replace(" 12:00:00 AM", "");

                            County = order.PropertyCounty;
                            PIN    = order.Pin;
                } catch (Exception err) {}

                contents = contents.Replace("[COUNTY]", County).Replace("[GRANTOR]", Grantor).Replace("[GRANTOR2]", Grantor2).Replace("[GRANTORCITY]", GrantorCity).Replace("[GRANTORCOUNTY]", GrantorCounty).Replace("[GRANTORADDRESSLINE1]", GrantorAddressLine1).Replace("[GRANTORADDRESSLINE2]", GrantorAddressLine2).Replace("[GRANTEE]", Grantee).Replace("[GRANTEE2]", Grantee2).Replace("[DEEDDATE]", DeedDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")).Replace("[DEEDMONTH]", DeedDate.ToString("MMMM")).Replace("[DEEDYEAR]", DeedDate.ToString("yyyy")).Replace("[DEEDDAY]", DeedDateOrdinal).Replace("[CONTRACTDATE]", ContractDate).Replace("[BUYERSNAME]", BuyersName).Replace("[BUYERSADDRESS]", BuyersAddress).Replace("[SELLERSNAME]", SellersName).Replace("[SELLERSADDRESS]", SellersAddress).Replace("[COMMITMENTDATE]", CommittmentDate).Replace("[DATEDAY]", DateDay).Replace("[DATEMONTH]", DateMonth).Replace("[DATEYEAR]", DateYear).Replace("[PIN]", PIN).Replace("[SELLERSATTORNEY]", SellersAttorney).Replace("[SELLERSATTORNEYADDRESS]", SellersAttorneyAddress);

                contents = contents.Replace("[MAILTONAME]", "");
                contents = contents.Replace("[MAILTOADDRESS1]", "");
                contents = contents.Replace("[MAILTOADDRESS2]", "");

                contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type month]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type year]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!County.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type in county]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!CommittmentDate.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type in commitment date]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!Grantee.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantee's name]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantees' names]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantee's name]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!Grantor.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantor's name]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantors' names]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!GrantorAddressLine1.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantor's address line 1]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!GrantorAddressLine1.Equals("") || !GrantorAddressLine2.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantor's address line 2]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!GrantorCity.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantors' town]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!GrantorCounty.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantors’s County]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type county]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type in County}\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!DeedDate.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type in date of deed]\" </w:instrText>", "");
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type month of deed]\" </w:instrText>", "");
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type date of deed]\" </w:instrText>", "");
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type month of deed]\" </w:instrText>", "");
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type year of deed]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!ContractDate.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type contract date]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!SellersName.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type sellers' names]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!BuyersName.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type buyers' name]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!BuyersAddress.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type buyers' address]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!SellersAddress.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type sellers' address]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesInDoc \"[Click and type property address]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantee's address]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type property address]\" </w:instrText>", "").Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type grantees' address]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!PIN.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type PIN]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!SellersAttorney.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type Attorney's Name]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                if (!SellersAttorneyAddress.Equals(""))
                    contents = contents.Replace("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\"> MACROBUTTON  AcceptAllChangesShown \"[Click here and type Attorney's Address]\" </w:instrText>", "");

                 * string fileNameXML = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(".") + "\\downloads\\Disclosure_Agent.doc";
                 *    string FileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(".") + "\\downloads\\tested.xml";
                 *                 Document dc = new Document();
                 *            dc.LoadFromFile(fileNameXML, FileFormat.Doc);
                 *            dc.SaveToFile(FileName, FileFormat.Xml);
                 *            //dc.SaveToStream(HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream, FileFormat.Xml);

                int len = contents.Length + 50;
                HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-word";
                HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=ATS.doc");
                HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", len.ToString());

                HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(contents + "                                                  ");