private void ParseReplicasAll(Node node, string command) { // Use low-level info methods and parse byte array directly for maximum performance. // Receive format: replicas-all\t // <ns1>:[regime],<count>,<base 64 encoded bitmap1>,<base 64 encoded bitmap2>...; // <ns2>:[regime],<count>,<base 64 encoded bitmap1>,<base 64 encoded bitmap2>...;\n ExpectName(command); int begin = offset; int regime = 0; while (offset < length) { if (buffer[offset] == ':') { // Parse namespace. string ns = ByteUtil.Utf8ToString(buffer, begin, offset - begin).Trim(); if (ns.Length <= 0 || ns.Length >= 32) { string response = GetTruncatedResponse(); throw new AerospikeException.Parse("Invalid partition namespace " + ns + ". Response=" + response); } begin = ++offset; // Parse regime. if (command == Replicas) { while (offset < length) { byte b = buffer[offset]; if (b == ',') { break; } offset++; } regime = Convert.ToInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, begin, offset - begin)); begin = ++offset; } // Parse replica count. while (offset < length) { byte b = buffer[offset]; if (b == ',') { break; } offset++; } int replicaCount = Convert.ToInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, begin, offset - begin)); // Ensure replicaCount is uniform. Partitions partitions; if (!map.TryGetValue(ns, out partitions)) { // Create new replica array. partitions = new Partitions(partitionCount, replicaCount, regime != 0); CopyPartitionMap(); map[ns] = partitions; } else if (partitions.replicas.Length != replicaCount) { if (Log.InfoEnabled()) { Log.Info("Namespace " + ns + " replication factor changed from " + partitions.replicas.Length + " to " + replicaCount); } // Resize partition map. Partitions tmp = new Partitions(partitions, replicaCount); CopyPartitionMap(); partitions = tmp; map[ns] = partitions; } // Parse partition bitmaps. for (int i = 0; i < replicaCount; i++) { begin = ++offset; // Find bitmap endpoint while (offset < length) { byte b = buffer[offset]; if (b == ',' || b == ';') { break; } offset++; } if (offset == begin) { string response = GetTruncatedResponse(); throw new AerospikeException.Parse("Empty partition id for namespace " + ns + ". Response=" + response); } //"Map: " + namespace + '[' + i + "] " + node); DecodeBitmap(node, partitions, i, regime, begin); } begin = ++offset; } else { offset++; } } }