private void ValidateAlias(Cluster cluster, IPAddress ipAddress, int port) { IPEndPoint address = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port); Connection conn = new Connection(address, cluster.connectionTimeout); try { if (cluster.user != null) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } Dictionary <string, string> map = Info.Request(conn, "node", "features"); string nodeName; if (map.TryGetValue("node", out nodeName)) { = nodeName; this.address = address; this.conn = conn; SetFeatures(map); return; } else { throw new AerospikeException.InvalidNode(); } } catch (Exception) { conn.Close(); throw; } }
public Cluster(ClientPolicy policy, Host[] hosts) { this.seeds = hosts; if (policy.user != null && policy.user.Length > 0) { this.user = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(policy.user); string pass = policy.password; if (pass == null) { pass = ""; } if (!(pass.Length == 60 && pass.StartsWith("$2a$"))) { pass = AdminCommand.HashPassword(pass); } this.password = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(pass); } connectionQueueSize = policy.maxConnsPerNode; connectionTimeout = policy.timeout; maxSocketIdleMillis = 1000 * ((policy.maxSocketIdle <= MaxSocketIdleSecondLimit) ? policy.maxSocketIdle : MaxSocketIdleSecondLimit); tendInterval = policy.tendInterval; ipMap = policy.ipMap; requestProleReplicas = policy.requestProleReplicas; useServicesAlternate = policy.useServicesAlternate; aliases = new Dictionary <Host, Node>(); nodes = new Node[0]; partitionMap = new Dictionary <string, Node[][]>(); }
public Cluster(ClientPolicy policy, Host[] hosts) { this.seeds = hosts; if (policy.user != null && policy.user.Length > 0) { this.user = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(policy.user); string pass = policy.password; if (pass == null) { pass = ""; } if (!(pass.Length == 60 && pass.StartsWith("$2a$"))) { pass = AdminCommand.HashPassword(pass); } this.password = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(pass); } connectionQueueSize = policy.maxThreads + 1; // Add one connection for tend thread. connectionTimeout = policy.timeout; maxSocketIdle = policy.maxSocketIdle; tendInterval = policy.tendInterval; ipMap = policy.ipMap; requestProleReplicas = policy.requestProleReplicas; aliases = new Dictionary <Host, Node>(); nodes = new Node[0]; partitionMap = new Dictionary <string, Node[][]>(); }
/// <summary> /// Get a socket connection from connection pool to the server node. /// </summary> /// <param name="timeoutMillis">connection timeout value in milliseconds if a new connection is created</param> /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if a connection could not be provided</exception> public Connection GetConnection(int timeoutMillis) { Connection conn; while (connectionQueue.TryTake(out conn)) { if (conn.IsValid()) { try { conn.SetTimeout(timeoutMillis); return(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // Set timeout failed. Something is probably wrong with timeout // value itself, so don't empty queue retrying. Just get out. CloseConnection(conn); throw new AerospikeException.Connection(e); } } CloseConnection(conn); } if (Interlocked.Increment(ref connectionCount) <= cluster.connectionQueueSize) { try { conn = new Connection(address, timeoutMillis, cluster.maxSocketIdleMillis); } catch (Exception) { Interlocked.Decrement(ref connectionCount); throw; } if (cluster.user != null) { try { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } catch (Exception) { // Socket not authenticated. Do not put back into pool. CloseConnection(conn); throw; } } return(conn); } else { Interlocked.Decrement(ref connectionCount); throw new AerospikeException.Connection(ResultCode.NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS, "Node " + this + " max connections " + cluster.connectionQueueSize + " would be exceeded."); } }
// Switch from TLS connection to non-TLS connection. internal SwitchClear(Cluster cluster, Connection conn, byte[] sessionToken) { // Obtain non-TLS addresses. string command = cluster.useServicesAlternate ? "service-clear-alt" : "service-clear-std"; string result = Info.Request(conn, command); List <Host> hosts = Host.ParseServiceHosts(result); Host clearHost; // Find first valid non-TLS host. foreach (Host host in hosts) { try { clearHost = host; string alternativeHost; if (cluster.ipMap != null && cluster.ipMap.TryGetValue(, out alternativeHost)) { clearHost = new Host(alternativeHost, clearHost.port); } IPAddress[] addresses = Connection.GetHostAddresses(, cluster.connectionTimeout); foreach (IPAddress ia in addresses) { try { clearAddress = ia; clearSocketAddress = new IPEndPoint(ia, clearHost.port); clearConn = new Connection(clearSocketAddress, cluster.connectionTimeout, null); try { AdminCommand admin = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); if (!admin.Authenticate(cluster, clearConn, sessionToken)) { throw new AerospikeException("Authentication failed"); } return; // Authenticated clear connection. } catch (Exception) { clearConn.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { // Try next address. } } } catch (Exception) { // Try next host. } } throw new AerospikeException("Invalid non-TLS address: " + result); }
/// <summary> /// Request current status from server node. /// </summary> public void Refresh(Peers peers) { if (!active) { return; } try { if (tendConnection.IsClosed()) { tendConnection = cluster.CreateConnection(host.tlsName, address, cluster.connectionTimeout, null); if (cluster.user != null) { try { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); command.Authenticate(tendConnection, cluster.user, cluster.password); } catch (Exception) { tendConnection.Close(); throw; } } } if (peers.usePeers) { Dictionary <string, string> infoMap = Info.Request(tendConnection, "node", "peers-generation", "partition-generation"); VerifyNodeName(infoMap); VerifyPeersGeneration(infoMap, peers); VerifyPartitionGeneration(infoMap); } else { string[] commands = cluster.useServicesAlternate ? new string[] { "node", "partition-generation", "services-alternate" } : new string[] { "node", "partition-generation", "services" }; Dictionary <string, string> infoMap = Info.Request(tendConnection, commands); VerifyNodeName(infoMap); VerifyPartitionGeneration(infoMap); AddFriends(infoMap, peers); } peers.refreshCount++; failures = 0; } catch (Exception e) { if (peers.usePeers) { peers.genChanged = true; } RefreshFailed(e); } }
public Cluster(ClientPolicy policy, Host[] hosts) { this.clusterName = policy.clusterName; // Default TLS names when TLS enabled. if (policy.tlsPolicy != null) { bool useClusterName = HasClusterName; for (int i = 0; i < hosts.Length; i++) { Host host = hosts[i]; if (host.tlsName == null) { string tlsName = useClusterName ? clusterName :; hosts[i] = new Host(, tlsName, host.port); } } } this.seeds = hosts; if (policy.user != null && policy.user.Length > 0) { this.user = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(policy.user); string pass = policy.password; if (pass == null) { pass = ""; } if (!(pass.Length == 60 && pass.StartsWith("$2a$"))) { pass = AdminCommand.HashPassword(pass); } this.password = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(pass); } tlsPolicy = policy.tlsPolicy; connectionQueueSize = policy.maxConnsPerNode; connPoolsPerNode = policy.connPoolsPerNode; connectionTimeout = policy.timeout; maxSocketIdleMillis = 1000 * ((policy.maxSocketIdle <= MaxSocketIdleSecondLimit) ? policy.maxSocketIdle : MaxSocketIdleSecondLimit); tendInterval = policy.tendInterval; ipMap = policy.ipMap; requestProleReplicas = policy.requestProleReplicas; useServicesAlternate = policy.useServicesAlternate; aliases = new Dictionary <Host, Node>(); nodesMap = new Dictionary <string, Node>(); nodes = new Node[0]; partitionMap = new Dictionary <string, Partitions>(); cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancelToken = cancel.Token; }
/// <summary> /// Request current status from server node. /// </summary> public void Refresh(Peers peers) { if (!active) { return; } try { if (tendConnection.IsClosed()) { tendConnection = CreateConnection(host.tlsName, address, cluster.connectionTimeout, null); if (cluster.user != null) { if (!EnsureLogin()) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); if (!command.Authenticate(cluster, tendConnection, sessionToken)) { // Authentication failed. Session token probably expired. // Must login again to get new session token. command.Login(cluster, tendConnection, out sessionToken, out sessionExpiration); } } } } else { if (cluster.user != null) { EnsureLogin(); } } string[] commands = cluster.rackAware ? INFO_PERIODIC_REB : INFO_PERIODIC; Dictionary <string, string> infoMap = Info.Request(tendConnection, commands); VerifyNodeName(infoMap); VerifyPeersGeneration(infoMap, peers); VerifyPartitionGeneration(infoMap); if (cluster.rackAware) { VerifyRebalanceGeneration(infoMap); } peers.refreshCount++; failures = 0; } catch (Exception e) { peers.genChanged = true; RefreshFailed(e); } }
private bool EnsureLogin() { if (performLogin > 0 || (sessionExpiration.HasValue && DateTime.Compare(DateTime.UtcNow, sessionExpiration.Value) >= 0)) { AdminCommand admin = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); admin.Login(cluster, tendConnection, out sessionToken, out sessionExpiration); performLogin = 0; return(true); } return(false); }
private void ValidateAlias(Cluster cluster, IPAddress ipAddress, Host alias) { IPEndPoint address = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, alias.port); Connection conn = cluster.CreateConnection(alias.tlsName, address, cluster.connectionTimeout); try { if (cluster.user != null) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } Dictionary <string, string> map; bool hasClusterName = cluster.HasClusterName; if (hasClusterName) { map = Info.Request(conn, "node", "features", "cluster-name"); } else { map = Info.Request(conn, "node", "features"); } string nodeName; if (!map.TryGetValue("node", out nodeName)) { throw new AerospikeException.InvalidNode(); } if (hasClusterName) { string id; if (!map.TryGetValue("cluster-name", out id) || !cluster.clusterName.Equals(id)) { throw new AerospikeException.InvalidNode("Node " + nodeName + ' ' + alias + ' ' + " expected cluster name '" + cluster.clusterName + "' received '" + id + "'"); } } = nodeName; this.primaryHost = alias; this.primaryAddress = address; this.conn = conn; SetFeatures(map); } catch (Exception) { conn.Close(); throw; } }
internal void ConnectionCreated() { if (cluster.user != null) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(dataBuffer, 0); dataLength = command.SetAuthenticate(cluster, node.sessionToken); eventArgs.SetBuffer(dataBuffer, 0, dataLength); dataOffset = 0; Send(); return; } ConnectionReady(); }
private void ConnectionCreated() { if (cluster.user != null) { inAuthenticate = true; // Authentication messages are small. Set a reasonable upper bound. dataOffset = 200; SizeBuffer(); AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(dataBuffer, dataOffset); dataLength = command.SetAuthenticate(cluster, node.sessionToken); eventArgs.SetBuffer(dataBuffer, dataOffset, dataLength - dataOffset); Send(); return; } ConnectionReady(); }
/// <summary> /// Get a socket connection from connection pool to the server node. /// </summary> /// <param name="timeoutMillis">connection timeout value in milliseconds if a new connection is created</param> /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if a connection could not be provided</exception> public Connection GetConnection(int timeoutMillis) { Connection conn; while (connectionQueue.TryTake(out conn)) { if (conn.IsValid()) { try { conn.SetTimeout(timeoutMillis); return(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // Set timeout failed. Something is probably wrong with timeout // value itself, so don't empty queue retrying. Just get out. conn.Close(); throw new AerospikeException.Connection(e); } } conn.Close(); } conn = new Connection(address, timeoutMillis, cluster.maxSocketIdleMillis); if (cluster.user != null) { try { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } catch (Exception) { // Socket not authenticated. Do not put back into pool. conn.Close(); throw; } } return(conn); }
private void ConnectionCreated() { if (complete != 0) { AlreadyCompleted(complete); return; } if (cluster.user != null) { inAuthenticate = true; // Authentication messages are small. Set a reasonable upper bound. dataOffset = 200; SizeBuffer(); AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(dataBuffer); dataLength = command.SetAuthenticate(cluster.user, cluster.password); dataOffset = 0; eventArgs.SetBuffer(dataBuffer, dataOffset, dataLength); Send(); return; } ConnectionReady(); }
private Connection CreateConnection(Pool <Connection> pool) { Connection conn = CreateConnection(host.tlsName, address, cluster.connectionTimeout, pool); if (cluster.user != null) { try { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); if (!command.Authenticate(cluster, conn, sessionToken)) { throw new AerospikeException("Authentication failed"); } } catch (Exception) { // Socket not authenticated. Do not put back into pool. CloseConnection(conn); throw; } } return(conn); }
/// <summary> /// Remove roles from user's list of roles. /// </summary> /// <param name="policy">admin configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param> /// <param name="user">user name</param> /// <param name="roles">role names. Predefined roles are listed in Role.cs</param> public void RevokeRoles(AdminPolicy policy, string user, IList<string> roles) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.RevokeRoles(cluster, policy, user, roles); }
/// <summary> /// Remove user from cluster. /// </summary> /// <param name="policy">admin configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param> /// <param name="user">user name</param> public void DropUser(AdminPolicy policy, string user) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.DropUser(cluster, policy, user); }
public NodeValidator(Cluster cluster, Host host) { IPAddress[] addresses = Connection.GetHostAddresses(, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); aliases = new Host[addresses.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++) { aliases[i] = new Host(addresses[i].ToString(), host.port); } Exception exception = null; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++) { try { IPEndPoint address = new IPEndPoint(addresses[i], host.port); Connection conn = new Connection(address, cluster.connectionTimeout); try { if (cluster.user != null) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } Dictionary<string, string> map = Info.Request(conn, "node", "features"); string nodeName; if (map.TryGetValue("node", out nodeName)) { = nodeName; this.address = address; SetFeatures(map); return; } } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Try next address. if (Log.DebugEnabled()) { Log.Debug("Alias " + addresses[i] + " failed: " + Util.GetErrorMessage(e)); } if (exception == null) { exception = e; } } } if (exception == null) { throw new AerospikeException.Connection("Failed to find addresses for " + host); } throw exception; }
public Cluster(ClientPolicy policy, Host[] hosts) { this.clusterName = policy.clusterName; tlsPolicy = policy.tlsPolicy; this.authMode = policy.authMode; // Default TLS names when TLS enabled. if (tlsPolicy != null) { bool useClusterName = HasClusterName; for (int i = 0; i < hosts.Length; i++) { Host host = hosts[i]; if (host.tlsName == null) { string tlsName = useClusterName ? clusterName :; hosts[i] = new Host(, tlsName, host.port); } } } else { if (authMode == AuthMode.EXTERNAL) { throw new AerospikeException("TLS is required for authentication mode: " + authMode); } } this.seeds = hosts; if (policy.user != null && policy.user.Length > 0) { this.user = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(policy.user); // Only store clear text password if external authentication is used. if (authMode != AuthMode.INTERNAL) { this.password = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(policy.password); } string pass = policy.password; if (pass == null) { pass = ""; } if (!(pass.Length == 60 && pass.StartsWith("$2a$"))) { pass = AdminCommand.HashPassword(pass); } this.passwordHash = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(pass); } connectionQueueSize = policy.maxConnsPerNode; connPoolsPerNode = policy.connPoolsPerNode; connectionTimeout = policy.timeout; loginTimeout = policy.loginTimeout; maxSocketIdleMillis = 1000 * ((policy.maxSocketIdle <= MaxSocketIdleSecondLimit) ? policy.maxSocketIdle : MaxSocketIdleSecondLimit); tendInterval = policy.tendInterval; ipMap = policy.ipMap; useServicesAlternate = policy.useServicesAlternate; rackAware = policy.rackAware; rackId = policy.rackId; aliases = new Dictionary <Host, Node>(); nodesMap = new Dictionary <string, Node>(); nodes = new Node[0]; partitionMap = new Dictionary <string, Partitions>(); cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancelToken = cancel.Token; }
private void SetAddress(Cluster cluster, Dictionary <string, string> map, string addressCommand, string tlsName) { string result = map[addressCommand]; List <Host> hosts = Host.ParseServiceHosts(result); Host h; // Search real hosts for seed. foreach (Host host in hosts) { h = host; string alt; if (cluster.ipMap != null && cluster.ipMap.TryGetValue(, out alt)) { h = new Host(alt, h.port); } if (h.Equals(this.primaryHost)) { // Found seed which is not a load balancer. return; } } // Seed not found, so seed is probably a load balancer. // Find first valid real host. foreach (Host host in hosts) { try { h = host; string alt; if (cluster.ipMap != null && cluster.ipMap.TryGetValue(, out alt)) { h = new Host(alt, h.port); } IPAddress[] addresses = Connection.GetHostAddresses(, cluster.connectionTimeout); foreach (IPAddress address in addresses) { try { IPEndPoint socketAddress = new IPEndPoint(address, h.port); Connection conn = (cluster.tlsPolicy != null) ? new TlsConnection(cluster.tlsPolicy, tlsName, socketAddress, cluster.connectionTimeout, cluster.maxSocketIdleMillis, null) : new Connection(socketAddress, cluster.connectionTimeout, cluster.maxSocketIdleMillis, null); try { if (cluster.user != null) { AdminCommand admin = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); if (!admin.Authenticate(cluster, conn, this.sessionToken)) { throw new AerospikeException("Authentication failed"); } } // Authenticated connection. Set real host. SetAliases(addresses, tlsName, h.port); this.primaryHost = new Host(address.ToString(), tlsName, h.port); this.primaryAddress = socketAddress; this.primaryConn.Close(); this.primaryConn = conn; return; } catch (Exception) { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { // Try next address. } } } catch (Exception) { // Try next host. } } // Failed to find a valid host. throw new AerospikeException("Invalid address: " + result); }
private void SetAddress(Cluster cluster, Dictionary <string, string> map, string addressCommand, string tlsName) { string result; if (!map.TryGetValue(addressCommand, out result) || result == null || result.Length == 0) { // Server does not support service level call (service-clear-std, ...). // Load balancer detection is not possible. return; } List <Host> hosts = Host.ParseServiceHosts(result); Host h; // Search real hosts for seed. foreach (Host host in hosts) { h = host; string alt; if (cluster.ipMap != null && cluster.ipMap.TryGetValue(, out alt)) { h = new Host(alt, h.port); } if (h.Equals(this.primaryHost)) { // Found seed which is not a load balancer. return; } } // Seed not found, so seed is probably a load balancer. // Find first valid real host. foreach (Host host in hosts) { try { h = host; string alt; if (cluster.ipMap != null && cluster.ipMap.TryGetValue(, out alt)) { h = new Host(alt, h.port); } IPAddress[] addresses = Connection.GetHostAddresses(, cluster.connectionTimeout); foreach (IPAddress address in addresses) { try { IPEndPoint socketAddress = new IPEndPoint(address, h.port); Connection conn = (cluster.tlsPolicy != null) ? new TlsConnection(cluster.tlsPolicy, tlsName, socketAddress, cluster.connectionTimeout, null) : new Connection(socketAddress, cluster.connectionTimeout, null); try { if (cluster.user != null) { AdminCommand admin = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); if (!admin.Authenticate(cluster, conn, this.sessionToken)) { throw new AerospikeException("Authentication failed"); } } // Authenticated connection. Set real host. SetAliases(address, tlsName, h.port); this.primaryHost = new Host(address.ToString(), tlsName, h.port); this.primaryAddress = socketAddress; this.primaryConn.Close(); this.primaryConn = conn; return; } catch (Exception) { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { // Try next address. } } } catch (Exception) { // Try next host. } } // Failed to find a valid address. IP Address is probably internal on the cloud // because the server access-address is not configured. Log warning and continue // with original seed. if (Log.InfoEnabled()) { Log.Info("Invalid address " + result + ". access-address is probably not configured on server."); } }
private void ValidateAddress(Cluster cluster, IPAddress address, string tlsName, int port, bool detectLoadBalancer) { IPEndPoint socketAddress = new IPEndPoint(address, port); Connection conn = (cluster.tlsPolicy != null) ? new TlsConnection(cluster.tlsPolicy, tlsName, socketAddress, cluster.connectionTimeout, null) : new Connection(socketAddress, cluster.connectionTimeout, null); try { if (cluster.user != null) { // Login AdminCommand admin = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); admin.Login(cluster, conn, out sessionToken, out sessionExpiration); if (cluster.tlsPolicy != null && cluster.tlsPolicy.forLoginOnly) { // Switch to using non-TLS socket. SwitchClear sc = new SwitchClear(cluster, conn, sessionToken); conn.Close(); address = sc.clearAddress; socketAddress = sc.clearSocketAddress; conn = sc.clearConn; // Disable load balancer detection since non-TLS address has already // been retrieved via service info command. detectLoadBalancer = false; } } List <string> commands = new List <string>(5); commands.Add("node"); commands.Add("partition-generation"); commands.Add("features"); bool hasClusterName = cluster.HasClusterName; if (hasClusterName) { commands.Add("cluster-name"); } string addressCommand = null; if (detectLoadBalancer) { // Seed may be load balancer with changing address. Determine real address. addressCommand = (cluster.tlsPolicy != null) ? cluster.useServicesAlternate ? "service-tls-alt" : "service-tls-std" : cluster.useServicesAlternate ? "service-clear-alt" : "service-clear-std"; commands.Add(addressCommand); } // Issue commands. Dictionary <string, string> map = Info.Request(conn, commands); // Node returned results. this.primaryHost = new Host(address.ToString(), tlsName, port); this.primaryAddress = socketAddress; this.primaryConn = conn; ValidateNode(map); ValidatePartitionGeneration(map); SetFeatures(map); if (hasClusterName) { ValidateClusterName(cluster, map); } if (addressCommand != null) { SetAddress(cluster, map, addressCommand, tlsName); } } catch (Exception) { conn.Close(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Revoke privileges from an user defined role. /// </summary> /// <param name="policy">admin configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param> /// <param name="roleName">role name</param> /// <param name="privileges">privileges assigned to the role.</param> /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if command fails</exception> public void RevokePrivileges(AdminPolicy policy, string roleName, IList<Privilege> privileges) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.RevokePrivileges(cluster, policy, roleName, privileges); }
/// <summary> /// Drop user defined role. /// </summary> /// <param name="policy">admin configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param> /// <param name="roleName">role name</param> /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if command fails</exception> public void DropRole(AdminPolicy policy, string roleName) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.DropRole(cluster, policy, roleName); }
/// <summary> /// Get a socket connection from connection pool to the server node. /// </summary> /// <param name="timeoutMillis">connection timeout value in milliseconds if a new connection is created</param> /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if a connection could not be provided</exception> public Connection GetConnection(int timeoutMillis) { Connection conn; while (connectionQueue.TryTake(out conn)) { if (conn.IsValid()) { try { conn.SetTimeout(timeoutMillis); return conn; } catch (Exception e) { // Set timeout failed. Something is probably wrong with timeout // value itself, so don't empty queue retrying. Just get out. CloseConnection(conn); throw new AerospikeException.Connection(e); } } CloseConnection(conn); } if (Interlocked.Increment(ref connectionCount) <= cluster.connectionQueueSize) { try { conn = new Connection(address, timeoutMillis, cluster.maxSocketIdleMillis); } catch (Exception) { Interlocked.Decrement(ref connectionCount); throw; } if (cluster.user != null) { try { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } catch (Exception) { // Socket not authenticated. Do not put back into pool. CloseConnection(conn); throw; } } return conn; } else { Interlocked.Decrement(ref connectionCount); throw new AerospikeException.Connection(ResultCode.NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS, "Node " + this + " max connections " + cluster.connectionQueueSize + " would be exceeded."); } }
/// <summary> /// Get a socket connection from connection pool to the server node. /// </summary> /// <param name="timeoutMillis">connection timeout value in milliseconds if a new connection is created</param> /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if a connection could not be provided</exception> public Connection GetConnection(int timeoutMillis) { Connection conn; while (connectionQueue.TryTake(out conn)) { if (conn.IsValid()) { try { conn.SetTimeout(timeoutMillis); return conn; } catch (Exception e) { // Set timeout failed. Something is probably wrong with timeout // value itself, so don't empty queue retrying. Just get out. conn.Close(); throw new AerospikeException.Connection(e); } } conn.Close(); } conn = new Connection(address, timeoutMillis, cluster.maxSocketIdleMillis); if (cluster.user != null) { try { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } catch (Exception) { // Socket not authenticated. Do not put back into pool. conn.Close(); throw; } } return conn; }
private void ConnectionCreated() { if (complete != 0) { AlreadyCompleted(complete); return; } if (cluster.user != null) { inAuthenticate = true; // Authentication messages are small. Set a reasonable upper bound. dataOffset = 200; SizeBuffer(); AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(dataBuffer, dataOffset); dataLength = command.SetAuthenticate(cluster.user, cluster.password); eventArgs.SetBuffer(dataBuffer, dataOffset, dataLength - dataOffset); Send(); return; } ConnectionReady(); }
/// <summary> /// Change user's password. Clear-text password will be hashed using bcrypt /// before sending to server. /// </summary> /// <param name="policy">admin configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param> /// <param name="user">user name</param> /// <param name="password">user password in clear-text format</param> public void ChangePassword(AdminPolicy policy, string user, string password) { if (cluster.user == null) { throw new AerospikeException("Invalid user"); } string hash = AdminCommand.HashPassword(password); AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); byte[] userBytes = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(user); if (Util.ByteArrayEquals(userBytes, cluster.user)) { // Change own password. command.ChangePassword(cluster, policy, userBytes, hash); } else { // Change other user's password by user admin. command.SetPassword(cluster, policy, userBytes, hash); } cluster.ChangePassword(userBytes, hash); }
/// <summary> /// Create user defined role. /// </summary> /// <param name="policy">admin configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param> /// <param name="roleName">role name</param> /// <param name="privileges">privileges assigned to the role.</param> /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if command fails </exception> public void CreateRole(AdminPolicy policy, string roleName, IList<Privilege> privileges) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.CreateRole(cluster, policy, roleName, privileges); }
public NodeValidator(Cluster cluster, Host host) { IPAddress[] addresses = Connection.GetHostAddresses(, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); aliases = new Host[addresses.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++) { aliases[i] = new Host(addresses[i].ToString(), host.port); } Exception exception = null; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++) { try { IPEndPoint address = new IPEndPoint(addresses[i], host.port); Connection conn = new Connection(address, cluster.connectionTimeout); try { if (cluster.user != null) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } Dictionary <string, string> map = Info.Request(conn, "node", "features"); string nodeName; if (map.TryGetValue("node", out nodeName)) { = nodeName; this.address = address; SetFeatures(map); return; } } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Try next address. if (Log.DebugEnabled()) { Log.Debug("Alias " + addresses[i] + " failed: " + Util.GetErrorMessage(e)); } if (exception == null) { exception = e; } } } if (exception == null) { throw new AerospikeException.Connection("Failed to find addresses for " + host); } throw exception; }
//------------------------------------------------------- // User administration //------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Create user with password and roles. Clear-text password will be hashed using bcrypt /// before sending to server. /// </summary> /// <param name="policy">admin configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param> /// <param name="user">user name</param> /// <param name="password">user password in clear-text format</param> /// <param name="roles">variable arguments array of role names. Predefined roles are listed in Role.cs</param> public void CreateUser(AdminPolicy policy, string user, string password, IList<string> roles) { string hash = AdminCommand.HashPassword(password); AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(); command.CreateUser(cluster, policy, user, hash, roles); }
/// <summary> /// Get a socket connection from connection pool to the server node. /// </summary> /// <param name="timeoutMillis">connection timeout value in milliseconds if a new connection is created</param> /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if a connection could not be provided</exception> public Connection GetConnection(int timeoutMillis) { uint max = (uint)cluster.connPoolsPerNode; uint initialIndex; bool backward; if (max == 1) { initialIndex = 0; backward = false; } else { uint iter = connectionIter++; // not atomic by design initialIndex = iter % max; backward = true; } Pool <Connection> pool = connectionPools[initialIndex]; uint queueIndex = initialIndex; Connection conn; while (true) { if (pool.TryDequeue(out conn)) { // Found socket. // Verify that socket is active and receive buffer is empty. if (cluster.IsConnCurrentTran(conn.LastUsed) && conn.IsValid()) { try { conn.SetTimeout(timeoutMillis); return(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // Set timeout failed. Something is probably wrong with timeout // value itself, so don't empty queue retrying. Just get out. CloseConnection(conn); throw new AerospikeException.Connection(e); } } CloseConnection(conn); } else if (pool.IncrementTotal() <= pool.Capacity) { // Socket not found and queue has available slot. // Create new connection. try { conn = CreateConnection(host.tlsName, address, timeoutMillis, pool); } catch (Exception) { pool.DecrementTotal(); throw; } if (cluster.user != null) { try { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); if (!command.Authenticate(cluster, conn, sessionToken)) { SignalLogin(); throw new AerospikeException("Authentication failed"); } } catch (Exception) { // Socket not authenticated. Do not put back into pool. CloseConnection(conn); throw; } } return(conn); } else { // Socket not found and queue is full. Try another queue. pool.DecrementTotal(); if (backward) { if (queueIndex > 0) { queueIndex--; } else { queueIndex = initialIndex; if (++queueIndex >= max) { break; } backward = false; } } else if (++queueIndex >= max) { break; } pool = connectionPools[queueIndex]; } } throw new AerospikeException.Connection(ResultCode.NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS, "Node " + this + " max connections " + cluster.maxConnsPerNode + " would be exceeded."); }
private void ValidateAlias(Cluster cluster, IPAddress ipAddress, int port) { IPEndPoint address = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port); Connection conn = new Connection(address, cluster.connectionTimeout); try { if (cluster.user != null) { AdminCommand command = new AdminCommand(ThreadLocalData.GetBuffer(), 0); command.Authenticate(conn, cluster.user, cluster.password); } Dictionary<string, string> map = Info.Request(conn, "node", "features"); string nodeName; if (map.TryGetValue("node", out nodeName)) { = nodeName; this.address = address; this.conn = conn; SetFeatures(map); return; } else { throw new AerospikeException.InvalidNode(); } } catch (Exception) { conn.Close(); throw; } }