public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Initialising Project Aenigma..."); if (args.Length > 0) { LevelPath = args[0]; } Console.WriteLine($"Reading levels from {LevelPath}."); try { AenigmaLevelManager.LoadLevelsFromDirectory(LevelPath); } catch (LevelLoadException lle) { Console.WriteLine(lle.Message); Console.WriteLine("An error occurred while loading a level. Exiting."); Thread.Sleep(20000); Environment.Exit(1); } catch (InvalidLevelDataException ilde) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: An attempt to load invalid level data was made."); Console.WriteLine($"Offending file: {ilde.Path}"); Console.WriteLine($"{ilde.OriginalException.GetType()}: {ilde.OriginalException.Message}"); Thread.Sleep(20000); Environment.Exit(1); } Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true; Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate { AenigmaMenuUtils.WriteStatusMessage("Nice try!"); return; }; Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); if (AenigmaMenuUtils.ShouldTimeout) { AenigmaMenuUtils.TimeSinceInputAttempts += 1; if (AenigmaMenuUtils.TimeSinceInputAttempts >= Timeout) { AenigmaMenuUtils.NumberOfTimeouts += 1; AenigmaMenuUtils.BeginBootSequence(); } } } } )); t.Start(); AenigmaMenuUtils.BeginBootSequence(); }
/// <summary> /// Using ANSI control codes, writes a message in inverted colour text at the bottom of the screen. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> public static void WriteStatusMessage(string msg) { int cursorX = Console.CursorLeft; int cursorY = Console.CursorTop; AenigmaMenuUtils.ClearStatusMessage(); Console.SetCursorPosition(3, Console.WindowHeight - 1); // Set background colour to white, and foreground colour to black. Console.Write("\x1B[47m\x1B[30m"); Console.Write(msg); // Reset to terminal defaults. Console.Write("\x1B[0m"); Console.SetCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY); }
/// <summary> /// Run through the main menu. /// </summary> public static void HandleMainMenu() { ClearBox(); WriteLineToBox($"[Connected to Aenigma BBS via {PhoneNumber}]"); WriteLineToBox("[INFO //]"); WriteLineToBox("[INFO // Retrieving data from BBS...]"); int amountLoaded = 0; while (amountLoaded < 126) { if (amountLoaded >= 114) { amountLoaded += (126 - amountLoaded); } WriteStatusMessage($"Downloaded {amountLoaded} / 126 KB."); amountLoaded += new Random().Next(5, 12); Thread.Sleep(300); } CurrentUsers = new Random().Next(30, 90); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("boot/main_menu.txt")) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Contains("{0}")) { line = string.Format(line, LifetimeAttempts, (LastPlayed != DateTime.MinValue) ? LastPlayed.ToString("HH:mm dd/MM/yy") : "00:00 00/00/00", CurrentUsers); } line = line.Replace("{color_begin}", "\x1B[0;32m"); line = line.Replace("{color_end}", "\x1B[0m"); WriteLineToBox(line, 0); } } ClearStatusMessage(); Console.SetCursorPosition(14, 46); AenigmaLevel nextLevel = null; int LastNumberOfTimeouts = NumberOfTimeouts; while (nextLevel == null && LastNumberOfTimeouts == NumberOfTimeouts) { string password = AenigmaUtils.ReadLine(); if (password == "sudoritual2216") { Environment.Exit(255); } if (password == "sudoritual2217") { BeginBootSequence(); } try { nextLevel = AenigmaLevelManager.GetLevelByPassword(password); } catch (LevelNotFoundException) { FailedLoginAttempts++; if (FailedLoginAttempts >= 3) { AenigmaMenuUtils.WriteStatusMessage( "Whatever it is you're doing, please stop it and just type \"start\"."); } else { AenigmaMenuUtils.WriteStatusMessage("Invalid password!"); } Console.SetCursorPosition(14, 46); for (int i = 0; i < password?.Length; i++) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.SetCursorPosition(14, 46); } } FailedLoginAttempts = 0; LifetimeAttempts += 1; if (LastNumberOfTimeouts != NumberOfTimeouts) { return; } AenigmaLevelHandler.JumpToLevel(nextLevel); }
public static void HandleLevel(AenigmaLevel level) { AenigmaLevel nextLevel = AenigmaLevelManager.GetLevelById(level.NextStage); if (level.LevelType == AenigmaLevelType.Level) { Console.SetCursorPosition(107, 43); Console.Write(" "); Console.SetCursorPosition(107, 43); for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfLives; i++) { Console.Write("X"); } int LastNumberOfTimeouts = AenigmaMenuUtils.NumberOfTimeouts; while (NumberOfLives > 0 && LastNumberOfTimeouts == AenigmaMenuUtils.NumberOfTimeouts) { string response = HandleLevelUserInput(); if (response.ToLower().Equals(level.CorrectAnswer.ToLower())) { break; } else { NumberOfLives -= 1; Console.SetCursorPosition(107, 43); Console.Write(" "); Console.SetCursorPosition(107, 43); for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfLives; i++) { Console.Write("X"); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } } } else if (level.LevelType == AenigmaLevelType.Cutscene) { if (level.ID != Guid.Parse("994495c4-7bef-4e39-a449-55a3d39743fa") && level.ID != Guid.Parse("38f677db-e167-4f9e-be18-a5def9b7a683")) { AenigmaMenuUtils.WriteStatusMessage("Press ENTER to continue."); } Console.ReadKey(true); AenigmaMenuUtils.TimeSinceInputAttempts = 0; } if (NumberOfLives == 0) { AenigmaMenuUtils.WriteStatusMessage("You have been banned. Reason: Brute forcing."); Thread.Sleep(1000); AenigmaMenuUtils.HandleMainMenu(); } else { NumberOfLives = 3; if (!nextLevel.IsFinalStage) { JumpToLevel(nextLevel); } else { AenigmaMenuUtils.HandleMainMenu(); } } }