GetInfluxDBStructureAsync() 공개 메소드

Gets the whole DB structure for the given databse in Influx.
When Influx needs authentication, and no user name password is supplied or auth fails all other HTTP exceptions
public GetInfluxDBStructureAsync ( string dbName ) : Task
dbName string Name of the database
리턴 Task
        public async Task TestGetInfluxDBStructureAsync()

                var client = new InfluxDBClient (influxUrl, dbUName, dbpwd);
                var r = await client.GetInfluxDBStructureAsync ("InvalidDB");
                Assert.IsTrue (r != null && r.Count == 0, "GetInfluxDBNamesAsync retunred null or non empty collection");
            catch ( Exception e )
                Assert.Fail ("Unexpected exception of type {0} caught: {1}",
                            e.GetType (), e.Message);
예제 #2
        public async Task<ProcessStatus> ProcessGenericFile (string InputFileName, InfluxDBClient client)
            ProcessStatus result = new ProcessStatus ();

            int failedReqCount = 0;

                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch ();
                stopwatch.Start ();

                var r = GetFileLayout (InputFileName);
                if (r.ExitCode != ExitCode.Success)
                    return r;

                IInfluxDatabase dbStructure;
                if (settings.GenericFile.Filter != Filters.None)
                    var filterColumns = new List<GenericColumn> ();
                    if (settings.GenericFile.Filter == Filters.Columns)
                        if (settings.GenericFile.ColumnLayout != null && settings.GenericFile.ColumnLayout.Count > 0)
                            Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Info, "Column Filtering is not applicable when columns are defined in Config file. Use the Skip attribute on each column to filter them");
                            filterColumns = ParseGenericColumns (settings.GenericFile.ColumnsFilter.Columns.ToString ());

                    dbStructure = await client.GetInfluxDBStructureAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName);
                    ColumnHeaders = FilterGenericColumns (ColumnHeaders, filterColumns, dbStructure as InfluxDatabase);


                var validity = ValidateData (InputFileName);

                var failureReasons = new Dictionary<Type, FailureTracker> ();

                List<IInfluxDatapoint> points = new List<IInfluxDatapoint> (), retryQueue = new List<IInfluxDatapoint> ();
                IInfluxRetentionPolicy policy = null;

                if (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration != 0 || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy))
                    var policies = await client.GetRetentionPoliciesAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName);
                    //if duraiton is specified that takes precidence
                    if (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration != 0)
                        policy = policies.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Duration.TotalMinutes == settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration);

                        if (policy == null)
                            policy = new InfluxRetentionPolicy ()
                                Name = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy) ? $"InfluxerRetention_{settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration}min" : settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy,
                                DBName = settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName,
                                Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration),
                                IsDefault = false,
                                ReplicaN = 1
                            if (!await client.CreateRetentionPolicyAsync (policy))
                                throw new InvalidOperationException ("Unable to create retention policy");
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy))
                        policy = policies.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Name == settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy);
                        if (policy == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException ("No Retention policy with Name {0} was found, and duration is not specified to create a new one!!", settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy);

                foreach (var line in File.ReadLines (InputFileName).Skip (settings.GenericFile.HeaderRow + settings.GenericFile.SkipRows))
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (line) || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (settings.GenericFile.CommentMarker) && line.StartsWith (settings.GenericFile.CommentMarker)))

                        var point = ProcessGenericLine (line, ColumnHeaders);
                        if (point == null)
                            point.Retention = policy;
                            points.Add (point);

                        if (points.Count >= settings.InfluxDB.PointsInSingleBatch)
                            bool postresult = false;
                                postresult = await client.PostPointsAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName, points);
                            catch (ServiceUnavailableException)
                                postresult = false;

                            if (postresult)
                                failedReqCount = 0;
                                result.PointsProcessed += points.Count;
                                //add failed to retry queue
                                retryQueue.AddRange (points.Where (p => p.Saved != true));
                                result.PointsProcessed += points.Count (p => p.Saved);
                                //avoid failing on too many points
                                if (++failedReqCount > 3)
                            //a point will be either posted to Influx or in retry queue
                            points.Clear ();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        var type = e.GetType ();
                        if (!failureReasons.ContainsKey (type))
                            failureReasons.Add (type, new FailureTracker () { ExceptionType = type, Message = e.Message });
                        failureReasons[type].LineNumbers.Add (result.PointsFound + settings.GenericFile.HeaderRow + settings.GenericFile.SkipRows + 1);

                        //avoid too many failures, may be config is wrong
                        if (!settings.GenericFile.IgnoreErrors && result.PointsFailed > settings.InfluxDB.PointsInSingleBatch * 3)
                            Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Info, "\n Too many failed points, refer to error info. Aborting!!");
                            Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "\n Too many failed points, refer to error info. Aborting!!");

                    if (result.PointsFailed > 0 || retryQueue.Count > 0)
                        Logger.Log (LogLevel.Verbose, "\r{0} Processed {1}, Failed {2}, Queued {3}                        ", stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"), result.PointsFound, result.PointsFailed, retryQueue.Count);
                        Logger.Log (LogLevel.Verbose, "\r{0} Processed {1}                          ", stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"), result.PointsFound);


                //if we reached here due to repeated failures
                if (retryQueue.Count >= settings.InfluxDB.PointsInSingleBatch * 3 || failedReqCount > 3)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException ("InfluxDB is not able to accept points!! Please check InfluxDB logs for error details!");

                //finally few points may be left out which were not processed (say 10 points left, but we check for 100 points in a batch)
                if (points != null && points.Count > 0)

                    if (await client.PostPointsAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName, points))
                        result.PointsProcessed += points.Count;
                        points.Clear ();
                        //add failed to retry queue
                        retryQueue.AddRange (points.Where (p => p.Saved != true));
                        result.PointsProcessed += points.Count (p => p.Saved);

                //retry all previously failed points
                if (retryQueue.Count > 0)
                    Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Verbose, "\n {0} Retrying {1} failed points", stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"), retryQueue.Count);
                    if (await client.PostPointsAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName, retryQueue))
                        result.PointsProcessed += retryQueue.Count;
                        retryQueue.Clear ();
                        result.PointsFailed += retryQueue.Count;
                        if (retryQueue.Count >= settings.InfluxDB.PointsInSingleBatch * 3 || ++failedReqCount > 4)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException ("InfluxDB is not able to accept points!! Please check InfluxDB logs for error details!");

                stopwatch.Stop ();
                if (result.PointsFailed > 0)
                    Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "Process Started {0}, Input {1}, Processed{2}, Failed:{3}", (DateTime.Now - stopwatch.Elapsed), InputFileName, result.PointsFound, result.PointsFailed);
                    foreach (var f in failureReasons.Values)
                        Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "{0} lines (e.g. {1}) failed due to {2} ({3})", f.Count, String.Join (",", f.LineNumbers.Take (5)), f.ExceptionType, f.Message);
                    if (result.PointsFailed == result.PointsFound)
                        result.ExitCode = ExitCode.UnableToProcess;
                        result.ExitCode = ExitCode.ProcessedWithErrors;
                    result.ExitCode = ExitCode.Success;
                    Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Info, "\n Done!! Processed:- {0} points", result.PointsFound);

            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "Failed to process {0}", InputFileName);
                Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "\r\nError!! {0}:{1} - {2}", e.GetType ().Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                result.ExitCode = ExitCode.UnableToProcess;
            return result;
예제 #3
        public async Task<ProcessStatus> ProcessPerfMonLog (string InputFileName, InfluxDBClient client)
            ProcessStatus result = new ProcessStatus ();
            int linesProcessed = 0;
            int failedLines = 0;

            int failedReqCount = 0;

                var failureReasons = new Dictionary<Type, FailureTracker> ();

                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch ();
                stopwatch.Start ();

                var firstLine = File.ReadLines (InputFileName).FirstOrDefault ();

                var firstCol = firstLine.Substring (0, firstLine.IndexOf (','));
                if (!firstCol.Contains ("PDH-CSV"))
                    throw new InvalidDataException ("Input file is not a Standard Perfmon csv file");
                var x = Regex.Matches (firstCol, "([-0-9]+)");
                if (x.Count > 0)
                    minOffset = int.Parse (x[3].ToString ());

                //get the column headers
                List<PerfmonCounter> pecrfCounters;
                    pecrfCounters = ParsePerfMonFileHeader (firstLine);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidDataException ("Unable to parse file headers", ex);

                IInfluxDatabase dbStructure;
                IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, PerfmonCounter>> perfGroup;
                if (settings.PerfmonFile.Filter != Filters.None)
                    var filterColumns = ParsePerfMonFileHeader (settings.PerfmonFile.ColumnsFilter.Columns.ToString (), false);
                    dbStructure = await client.GetInfluxDBStructureAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName);
                    perfGroup = FilterPerfmonLogColumns (pecrfCounters, filterColumns, dbStructure as InfluxDatabase).GroupBy (p => p.PerformanceObject);
                    perfGroup = pecrfCounters.GroupBy (p => p.PerformanceObject);

                List<IInfluxDatapoint> points = null, retryQueue = new List<IInfluxDatapoint> ();

                if (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration != 0 || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy))
                    var policies = await client.GetRetentionPoliciesAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName);
                    //if duraiton is specified that takes precidence
                    if (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration != 0)
                        policy = policies.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Duration.TotalMinutes == settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration);

                        if (policy == null)
                            policy = new InfluxRetentionPolicy ()
                                Name = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy) ? $"InfluxerRetention_{settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration}min" : settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy,
                                DBName = settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName,
                                Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionDuration),
                                IsDefault = false,
                                ReplicaN = 1
                            if (!await client.CreateRetentionPolicyAsync (policy))
                                throw new InvalidOperationException ("Unable to create retention policy");
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy))
                        policy = policies.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Name == settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy);
                        if (policy == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException ("No Retention policy with Name {0} was found, and duration is not specified to create a new one!!", settings.InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy);
                //Parallel.ForEach (File.ReadLines (inputFileName).Skip (1), (string line) =>
                foreach (var line in File.ReadLines (InputFileName).Skip (1))
                        var linePoints = ProcessPerfmonLogLine (line, perfGroup);

                        if (linePoints == null || linePoints.Count == 0)
                            result.PointsFound += linePoints.Count;

                            if (points == null)
                                points = linePoints;
                                points.AddRange (linePoints);

                            if (points.Count >= settings.InfluxDB.PointsInSingleBatch)
                                bool postresult = false;
                                    postresult = await client.PostPointsAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName, points);
                                catch (ServiceUnavailableException)
                                    postresult = false;
                                if (postresult)
                                    failedReqCount = 0;
                                    result.PointsProcessed += points.Count;
                                    //add failed to retry queue
                                    retryQueue.AddRange (points.Where (p => p.Saved != true));
                                    result.PointsProcessed += points.Count (p => p.Saved);
                                    //avoid failing on too many points
                                    if (++failedReqCount > 4)
                                //a point will be either posted to Influx or in retry queue
                                points = null;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        var type = e.GetType ();
                        if (!failureReasons.ContainsKey (type))
                            failureReasons.Add (type, new FailureTracker () { ExceptionType = type, Message = e.Message });
                        failureReasons[type].LineNumbers.Add (linesProcessed);

                    if (failedLines > 0 || retryQueue.Count > 0)
                        Logger.Log (LogLevel.Verbose, "\r{0} Processed:- {1} lines, {2} points, Failed:- {3} lines, {4} points     ", stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"), linesProcessed, result.PointsFound, failedLines, retryQueue.Count);
                        Logger.Log (LogLevel.Verbose, "\r{0} Processed:- {1} lines, {2} points", stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"), linesProcessed, result.PointsFound);


                //if we reached here due to repeated failures
                if (retryQueue.Count >= settings.InfluxDB.PointsInSingleBatch * 3 || failedReqCount > 3)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException ("InfluxDB is not able to accept points!! Please check InfluxDB logs for error details!");

                //finally few points may be left out which were not processed (say 10 points left, but we check for 100 points in a batch)
                if (points != null && points.Count > 0)

                    if (await client.PostPointsAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName, points))
                        result.PointsProcessed += points.Count;
                        points.Clear ();
                        //add failed to retry queue
                        retryQueue.AddRange (points.Where (p => p.Saved != true));
                        result.PointsProcessed += points.Count (p => p.Saved);

                if (retryQueue.Count > 0)
                    Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Info, "\n {0} Retrying {1} failed points", stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"), retryQueue.Count);
                    if (await client.PostPointsAsync (settings.InfluxDB.DatabaseName, retryQueue))
                        result.PointsProcessed += retryQueue.Count;
                        retryQueue.Clear ();
                    else if (retryQueue.Count >= settings.InfluxDB.PointsInSingleBatch * 3 || ++failedReqCount > 4)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException ("InfluxDB is not able to accept points!! Please check InfluxDB logs for error details!");
                        result.PointsFailed += retryQueue.Count;

                pecrfCounters.Clear ();
                stopwatch.Stop ();
                if (failedLines > 0 || retryQueue.Count > 0)
                    Logger.Log (LogLevel.Verbose, "\r{0} Done!! Processed:- {1} lines, {2} points, Failed:- {3} lines, {4} points", stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"), linesProcessed, result.PointsFound, failedLines, retryQueue.Count);
                    Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "Process Started {0}, Input {1}, Processed:- {2} lines, {3} points, Failed:- {4} lines, {5} points", (DateTime.Now - stopwatch.Elapsed), InputFileName, linesProcessed, result.PointsFound, failedLines, retryQueue.Count);
                    foreach (var f in failureReasons.Values)
                        Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "{0} lines ({1}) failed due to {2} ({3})", f.Count, String.Join (",", f.LineNumbers), f.ExceptionType, f.Message);
                    if (failedLines == linesProcessed || result.PointsFound == retryQueue.Count)
                        result.ExitCode = ExitCode.UnableToProcess;
                        result.ExitCode = ExitCode.ProcessedWithErrors;
                    result.ExitCode = ExitCode.Success;
                    Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Info, "\n Done!! Processed:- {0} lines, {1} points", linesProcessed, result.PointsFound);

            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "Failed to process {0}", InputFileName);
                Logger.LogLine (LogLevel.Error, "\r\nError!! {0}:{1} - {2}", e.GetType ().Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                result.ExitCode = ExitCode.UnknownError;
            return result;