/// <summary> /// Retrieves the first path found between two points using depth /// first search (DFS) /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <param name="GetNeighbors"></param> /// <param name="GetEdgeCost"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static PathResult <T> GetDFSPath <T>( T start, T end, Func <T, IList <T> > GetNeighbors, Func <T, T, int> GetEdgeCost) { // Each entry represents a path under construction // The first item is the head of the path // The second item is the set of all nodes already visited in the path var openPaths = new Stack <Tuple <PathNode <T>, HashSet <T> > >(); var startNode = new PathNode <T>(start, 0); var rootPath = new Tuple <PathNode <T>, HashSet <T> >(startNode, new HashSet <T>() { start }); openPaths.Push(rootPath); while (openPaths.Count > 0) { var path = openPaths.Pop(); if (end.Equals(path.Item1.Node)) { var pathResult = PathResult <T> .ReconstructPath(path.Item1); return(pathResult); } var neighbors = GetNeighbors(path.Item1.Node); foreach (var neighbor in neighbors) { if (path.Item2.Contains(neighbor)) { continue; } int gScore = path.Item1.GScore + GetEdgeCost(path.Item1.Node, neighbor); var neighborNode = new PathNode <T>(neighbor, gScore) { Parent = path.Item1 }; var alreadyVisited = path.Item2.ToHashSet(); alreadyVisited.Add(path.Item1.Node); var newPath = new Tuple <PathNode <T>, HashSet <T> >(neighborNode, alreadyVisited); openPaths.Push(newPath); } } return(new PathResult <T>(new List <T>(), 0)); }
public static PathResult <T> ReconstructPath(T endNode, Dictionary <T, T> cameFrom, Dictionary <T, int> gScores) { var currentNode = endNode; var path = new List <T>() { currentNode }; while (cameFrom.ContainsKey(currentNode)) { currentNode = cameFrom[currentNode]; path.Insert(0, currentNode); } var result = new PathResult <T>(path, gScores[endNode]); return(result); }
public static PathResult <T> ReconstructPath(PathNode <T> endNode) { // Starting with the last node in the path, work backwards through // the parents to reconstruct the full path var currentNode = endNode; var path = new List <T>() { currentNode.Node }; while (currentNode.Parent != null) { currentNode = currentNode.Parent; path.Insert(0, currentNode.Node); } var result = new PathResult <T>(path, endNode.GScore); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Uses the A* pathfinding algorithm to find a path between the /// <paramref name="startPoint"/> and <paramref name="endPoint"/>. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="startPoint"></param> /// <param name="endPoint"></param> /// <param name="heuristic"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static PathResult <T> GetPath <T>( T startPoint, T endPoint, Func <T, int> Heuristic, Func <T, IList <T> > GetNeighbors, Func <T, T, int> GetEdgeCost) { // Pseudocode found here: // https://brilliant.org/wiki/a-star-search/ // make an openlist containing only the starting node // make an empty closed list // while (the destination node has not been reached): // consider the node with the lowest f score in the open list // if (this node is our destination node) : // we are finished // if not: // put the current node in the closed list and look at all of its neighbors // for (each neighbor of the current node): // if (neighbor has lower g value than current and is in the closed list) : // replace the neighbor with the new, lower, g value // current node is now the neighbor's parent // else if (current g value is lower and this neighbor is in the open list ) : // replace the neighbor with the new, lower, g value // change the neighbor's parent to our current node // // else if this neighbor is not in both lists: // add it to the open list and set its g var startNode = new AStarNode <T>(startPoint, 0, Heuristic(startPoint)); int startPointHScore = Heuristic(startPoint); var openSet = new SortedDictionary <int, HashSet <T> >(); openSet.Add(startPointHScore, new HashSet <T>() { startPoint }); var currentFScores = new Dictionary <T, int>() { { startPoint, startPointHScore } }; var cameFrom = new Dictionary <T, T>(); var gScore = new Dictionary <T, int>() { { startPoint, 0 } }; while (openSet.Count > 0) { var lowestFScore = openSet.Keys.First(); var current = openSet[lowestFScore].First(); if (endPoint.Equals(current)) { var result = PathResult <T> .ReconstructPath(current, cameFrom, gScore); return(result); } openSet[lowestFScore].Remove(current); if (openSet[lowestFScore].Count == 0) { openSet.Remove(lowestFScore); } currentFScores.Remove(current); var neighbors = GetNeighbors(current); foreach (var neighbor in neighbors) { if (!gScore.ContainsKey(neighbor)) { gScore.Add(neighbor, int.MaxValue); } var neighborGScore = gScore[current] + GetEdgeCost(current, neighbor); if (neighborGScore < gScore[neighbor]) { if (!cameFrom.ContainsKey(neighbor)) { cameFrom.Add(neighbor, current); } cameFrom[neighbor] = current; gScore[neighbor] = neighborGScore; var neighborFScore = gScore[neighbor] + Heuristic(neighbor); if (currentFScores.ContainsKey(neighbor)) { int currentNeighborFScore = currentFScores[neighbor]; if (currentNeighborFScore != neighborFScore) { openSet[currentNeighborFScore].Remove(neighbor); if (openSet[currentNeighborFScore].Count == 0) { openSet.Remove(currentNeighborFScore); } } currentFScores[neighbor] = neighborFScore; } else { currentFScores.Add(neighbor, neighborFScore); } if (!openSet.ContainsKey(neighborFScore)) { openSet.Add(neighborFScore, new HashSet <T>()); } if (!openSet[neighborFScore].Contains(neighbor)) { openSet[neighborFScore].Add(neighbor); } if (!currentFScores.ContainsKey(neighbor)) { currentFScores.Add(neighbor, neighborFScore); } } } } return(new PathResult <T>(new List <T>(), 0)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets all paths between two points. WARNING: The number of paths /// between two points grows exponentially with the graph size. Use /// at your own risk. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <param name="GetNeighbors"></param> /// <param name="GetEdgeCost"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IList <PathResult <T> > GetAllPaths <T>( T start, T end, Func <T, IList <T> > GetNeighbors, Func <T, T, int> GetEdgeCost) { // Each entry represents a path // The first item is the head of the path // The second item is the set of all nodes already visited in the path var result = new List <PathResult <T> >(); var foundPaths = new List <PathNode <T> >(); var openPaths = new Queue <Tuple <PathNode <T>, HashSet <T> > >(); var startNode = new PathNode <T>(start, 0); var rootPath = new Tuple <PathNode <T>, HashSet <T> >(startNode, new HashSet <T>() { start }); openPaths.Enqueue(rootPath); while (openPaths.Count > 0) { var pathsToAddToOpenPath = new Queue <Tuple <PathNode <T>, HashSet <T> > >(); int processCount = openPaths.Count; var doneEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); while (openPaths.Count > 0) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback((obj) => { var path = (Tuple <PathNode <T>, HashSet <T> >)obj; if (end.Equals(path.Item1.Node)) { lock (foundPaths) { foundPaths.Add(path.Item1); } if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref processCount) == 0) { doneEvent.Set(); } return; } var neighbors = GetNeighbors(path.Item1.Node); foreach (var neighbor in neighbors) { if (path.Item2.Contains(neighbor)) { continue; } int gScore = path.Item1.GScore + GetEdgeCost(path.Item1.Node, neighbor); var neighborNode = new PathNode <T>(neighbor, gScore) { Parent = path.Item1 }; var alreadyVisited = path.Item2.ToHashSet(); alreadyVisited.Add(path.Item1.Node); var newPath = new Tuple <PathNode <T>, HashSet <T> >(neighborNode, alreadyVisited); lock (pathsToAddToOpenPath) { pathsToAddToOpenPath.Enqueue(newPath); } } if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref processCount) == 0) { doneEvent.Set(); } }), openPaths.Dequeue()); } doneEvent.WaitOne(); openPaths = pathsToAddToOpenPath; } foreach (var foundPath in foundPaths) { var pathResult = PathResult <T> .ReconstructPath(foundPath); result.Add(pathResult); } return(result); }