// The main entry point for the process static void Main() { int result = (int)EnumResultCode.S_OK; string commandline = Environment.CommandLine; OpcServer.AddressSpaceChanged = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(true); System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun; OpcService opcService = new OpcService(); ServicesToRun = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] { opcService }; // create and initialize the OpcServer instance opcService.CreateOpcServer(); m_opcServer.Initialize(); m_opcServer.ServiceName = serviceName; m_opcServer.ServiceDescription = serviceDescription; m_opcServer.ReconfigHandles = new MyDaAddressSpaceElement[3]; MyCreator creator = new MyCreator(); if (!ResultCode.SUCCEEDED(m_opcServer.Prepare(creator))) { m_opcServer.Terminate(); m_opcServer = null; return; } // end if // handle the command line arguments (register/unregister, etc) result = m_opcServer.ProcessCommandLine(commandline); if (result != (int)EnumResultCode.S_OK) { if (result == (int)EnumResultCode.S_FALSE) { //registration operation succesful m_opcServer.Trace( EnumTraceLevel.INF, EnumTraceGroup.USER1, "Service::Main", "Registration succeeded"); } else { m_opcServer.Trace( EnumTraceLevel.INF, EnumTraceGroup.USER1, "Service::Main", "Registration failed"); } // end if...else // no matter what close the application if // processCommandLine returned something different of S_OK m_opcServer.Terminate(); m_opcServer = null; return; } // end if System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.Run(ServicesToRun); }
} // end Terminate public int Prepare(MyCreator aMyCreator) { int result = (int)EnumResultCode.S_OK; // TODO - binary license activation // Fill in your binary license activation keys here // // NOTE: you can activate one or all of the features at the same time // firstly activate the COM-DA Server feature // result = Application.Instance.Activate(EnumFeature.DA_SERVER, "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"); if (!ResultCode.SUCCEEDED(result)) { return(result); } // activate the XML-DA Server Feature // result = Application.Instance.Activate(EnumFeature.XMLDA_SERVER, "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"); if (!ResultCode.SUCCEEDED(result)) { return(result); } // END TODO - binary license activation result = Application.Instance.Initialize(aMyCreator); if (ResultCode.SUCCEEDED(result)) { Application.Instance.EnableTracing( EnumTraceGroup.ALL, EnumTraceGroup.ALL, EnumTraceGroup.SERVER, EnumTraceGroup.SERVER, "Trace.txt", 1000000, 0); } // end if return(result); } // end Prepare
} // end StartSimulationThread //-- #endregion public static void Main(String [] args) { try{ int result = (int)EnumResultCode.S_OK; EndEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); Console console = new Console(); MyWin32.HandlerRoutine handlerRoutine = new MyWin32.HandlerRoutine(MyWin32.Handler); MyWin32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler( handlerRoutine, true); // create and initialize the OpcServer instance console.CreateOpcServer(); OpcServer server = console.OpcServer; server.Initialize(); MyCreator creator = new MyCreator(); if (!ResultCode.SUCCEEDED(server.Prepare(creator))) { server.Terminate(); MyWin32.Handler(MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT); server = null; return; } // end if // handle the command line arguments (register/unregister, etc) string commandline = Environment.CommandLine; result = server.ProcessCommandLine(commandline); if (result != (uint)EnumResultCode.S_OK) { if (result == (uint)EnumResultCode.S_FALSE) { //registration operation succesful server.Trace( EnumTraceLevel.INF, EnumTraceGroup.USER1, "Console::Main", "Registration succeeded"); } else { server.Trace( EnumTraceLevel.INF, EnumTraceGroup.USER1, "Console::Main", "Registration failed"); } // end if...else // no matter what close the application if //processCommandLine returned something different of S_OK server.Terminate(); server = null; return; } // end if server.ReconfigHandles = new MyDaAddressSpaceElement[3]; OpcServer.AddressSpaceChanged = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(true); // start the OPC server's I/O internal mechanism if (ResultCode.SUCCEEDED(server.Start())) { // build the namespace server.BuildAddressSpace(); // declare the namespaces built and the server ready for clients to connect server.Ready(); } // end if server.ShowObjectTree(); // start the simulation thread if (ResultCode.SUCCEEDED(result)) { console.StartSimulationThread(); } // end if System.Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl-C to exit\n"); while (!Console.End) { // TODO: place your cyclic code here Thread.Sleep(1000); } // end while // terminate the simulation console.SimulationEnd = true; console.Mutex.WaitOne(); console.Mutex.ReleaseMutex(); server.Stop(); server.Terminate(); server = null; MyWin32.Handler(MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT); } catch (Exception exc) { System.Console.WriteLine(exc.ToString()); } // end try...catch } // end Main