static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Multiple Address Book "); MultipleAddressBook multipleAddressBook = new MultipleAddressBook(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("enter the name of Addressbook"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); if (name == "") { break; } AddressBook addressBook = new AddressBook(); bool flag = true; while (flag) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter your firstname, last name, address, city, state, zip, phone no, email "); string firstName = Console.ReadLine(); if (firstName == "") { //flag = false; break; } string lastName = Console.ReadLine(); string address = Console.ReadLine(); string city = Console.ReadLine(); string state = Console.ReadLine(); int zip = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); double phoneNo = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); string email = Console.ReadLine(); addressBook.AddDetailsOfPersons(firstName, lastName, address, city, state, zip, phoneNo, email); } addressBook.DisplayContactPersonDetails(); Console.WriteLine("To update details Enter 'YES' or else 'NO' "); string updateCheck = Console.ReadLine(); if (updateCheck == "YES") { Console.WriteLine("enter the first name & last name of the person to be updated"); string newFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); string newLastName = Console.ReadLine(); addressBook.UpdateContactPersonDetails(newFirstName, newLastName); } Console.WriteLine("To delete Details enter 'Y' else enter 'N' "); char deleteCheck = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); if (deleteCheck == 'Y') { Console.WriteLine("enter the first name & last name of the person contact to be delete "); string fName = Console.ReadLine(); string lName = Console.ReadLine(); addressBook.DeleteContactPersonDetails(fName, lName); } multipleAddressBook.AddMultipleAddressBook(name, addressBook); } Console.WriteLine("enter the name of Addressbook which you want to display:"); string nameCheck = Console.ReadLine(); multipleAddressBook.display(nameCheck); }
public static void AddressBookOptions() { try { /// creating instance of Multiple Address Book MultipleAddressBook multipleAddressBook = new MultipleAddressBook(); AddressBook addressBook1 = new AddressBook(); //Accepting details for name of addressbook and contact details in addressBook //While loop will break if the user enters empty string while (true) { Console.WriteLine("enter the name of new Addressbook"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); if (name == "") { break; //while loop will break when the if statement is true } AddressBook addressBook = new AddressBook(); bool flag = true; while (flag) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter your firstname"); string firstName = Console.ReadLine(); if (firstName == "") { break; //while loop will break when the if statement is true } Console.WriteLine("Please enter your lastname"); string lastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your Address"); string address = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your city"); string city = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your state"); string state = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your zip"); int zip = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your phone no"); double phoneNo = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your email"); string email = Console.ReadLine(); addressBook.AddDetailsOfPersons(firstName, lastName, address, city, state, zip, phoneNo, email); } /// calling function to display contact details addressBook.DisplayContactPersonDetails(); Console.WriteLine("enter an option "); Console.WriteLine("1. To update the contact details"); Console.WriteLine("2. To delete the contact details"); int option = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (option) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("enter the first name & last name of the person to be updated"); string newFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); string newLastName = Console.ReadLine(); addressBook1.UpdateContactPersonDetails(newFirstName, newLastName); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("enter the first name & last name of the person contact to be delete "); string fName = Console.ReadLine(); string lName = Console.ReadLine(); addressBook.DeleteContactPersonDetails(fName, lName); break; default: break; } /// adding details in multiple address book using name enter and AddressBook instance created multipleAddressBook.AddMultipleAddressBook(name, addressBook); dictionaryformultiplerecords.Add(name, addressBook.addressBookList); bool flag1 = true; while (flag1) { Console.WriteLine("Press 0 to display all contacts"); Console.WriteLine("Press 1 To search by state "); Console.WriteLine("Press 2 To search by city"); Console.WriteLine("Press 3 To Write using Stream Reader "); Console.WriteLine("Press 4 To Read all the contacts from file using stream Reader"); Console.WriteLine("Press 5 To Write Contacts to a Csv File "); Console.WriteLine("Press 6 To Read all the contacts from Csv file "); Console.WriteLine("Press 7 to exit"); int checkOption = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (checkOption) { case 0: multipleAddressBook.display(); break; case 1: addressBook1.SearchingByState(); break; case 2: addressBook1.SearchingByCity(); break; case 3: AddressBook.WriteUsingStreamReader(); break; case 4: AddressBook.ReadFromStreamReader(); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("Write name of the address Book you which you want to write"); string nameOfAddressBook = Console.ReadLine(); if (Program.dictionaryformultiplerecords.ContainsKey(nameOfAddressBook)) { AddressBook.WritingContactsinCsvFile(dictionaryformultiplerecords, nameOfAddressBook); } else { Console.WriteLine("addressBook Name not Found"); } break; case 6: AddressBook.ReadingContactsFromCsvFile(); break; case 7: flag1 = false; break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(("Invalid entry")); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); AddressBookOptions(); } }