예제 #1
파일: LSFHandler.cs 프로젝트: alljoyn/dsb
        private bool GetOnOffStateFromDevice()
            ZclAttribute attributeOnOff = null;

            System.Object value;

            // look for OnOff cluster of this end point and get the value of the on/off attribute
            var onOffCluster = m_endPoint.GetCluster(OnOffCluster.CLUSTER_ID);

            if (onOffCluster != null &&
                onOffCluster.InternalAttributeList.TryGetValue(OnOffCluster.ATTRIBUTE_ONOFF, out attributeOnOff) &&
                attributeOnOff.Read(out value) &&
                value is bool)
                m_onOffState = (bool)value;

예제 #2
파일: LSFHandler.cs 프로젝트: alljoyn/dsb
        uint GetLevelFromDevice()
            if (LampDetails_Dimmable)
                ZclAttribute  attributeLevel = null;
                System.Object value;

                // look for level control cluster of this end point and get the value of the current level attribute
                var levelControlCluster = m_endPoint.GetCluster(LevelControlCluster.CLUSTER_ID);
                if (levelControlCluster != null &&
                    levelControlCluster.InternalAttributeList.TryGetValue(LevelControlCluster.ATTRIBUTE_CURRENTLEVEL, out attributeLevel) &&
                    attributeLevel.Read(out value) &&
                    value is byte)
                    if ((byte)(m_level / LIGHTLEVEL_SCALERATIO) != (byte)value)
                        // set m_level only if it represents different light level internally
                        m_level = LIGHTLEVEL_SCALERATIO * (byte)value;

예제 #3
        internal void Initialize(ZigBeeDevice device)
            ZclAttribute attribute = null;

            // save away parent device
            m_device          = device;
            m_managementLeave = new ManagementLeave(m_device);

            ZigBeeProfileLibrary profileLibrary = ZigBeeProfileLibrary.Instance;
            string profileName;
            string deviceType;

            profileLibrary.GetProfileAndDeviceNames(m_originalProfileId, DeviceId, out profileName, out deviceType, out m_commandProfileId);

            // set name and description
            this.Description = profileName + " - " + deviceType;
            this.Name        = deviceType;

            // get some information from Basic cluster, e.g.: manufacturer name, model name, HW version, application version...
            if (m_basicCluster.InternalAttributeList.TryGetValue(BasicCluster.ATTRIBUTE_MANUFACTURER_NAME, out attribute))
                object value;
                if (attribute.Read(out value))
                    this.Vendor = (String)value;
            if (m_basicCluster.InternalAttributeList.TryGetValue(BasicCluster.ATTRIBUTE_MODEL_IDENTIFIER, out attribute))
                object value;
                if (attribute.Read(out value))
                    this.Model = (String)value;
            if (m_basicCluster.InternalAttributeList.TryGetValue(BasicCluster.ATTRIBUTE_HW_VERSION, out attribute))
                object value;
                if (attribute.Read(out value))
                    this.FirmwareVersion = Convert.ToUInt32((byte)value).ToString();
            if (m_basicCluster.InternalAttributeList.TryGetValue(BasicCluster.ATTRIBUTE_APPLICATION_VERSION, out attribute))
                object value;
                if (attribute.Read(out value))
                    this.Version = Convert.ToUInt32((byte)value).ToString();

            // create AllJoyn LSF if this device is a light
            ZigBeeProfileLibrary.DeviceType zigBeeDeviceType;
            if (profileLibrary.IsLight(m_originalProfileId, DeviceId, out zigBeeDeviceType))
                m_lsfHandler = new LSFHandler(this, zigBeeDeviceType);

            // create signals