예제 #1
        public void AddEODevice(LearnInTelegram learnInTelegram)
            var device = learnInTelegram.device;

            device.friendlyId = FriendlyName;
            device.operable   = true;

            var timestamp = learnInTelegram.header.timestamp;

            learnInTelegram.header.timestamp = timestamp.Remove(timestamp.Length - 3, 1);
            var firstSeen = device.firstSeen;

            device.firstSeen = firstSeen.Remove(firstSeen.Length - 3, 1);

            if (!NewDeviceProfile.Equals("F6-02-01") && !NewDeviceProfile.Equals("other"))
                device.eeps.First().eep = NewDeviceProfile;

                Task <HttpResponseMessage> response = httpClient.GetAsync(new Uri(DCGWUrl + "profiles/" + NewDeviceProfile)).AsTask();
                string body = response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().AsTask().Result;

                ProfileDefination profileInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProfileDefination>(JObject.Parse(body).ToString());

                var profile        = profileInfo.profile;
                var functionGroups = profile.functionGroups;


                foreach (var functionGroup in functionGroups)
                    var functions = functionGroup.functions;

                    foreach (var function in functions)
                        TransmitMode transmitMode = new TransmitMode();
                        transmitMode.key = function.key;
                        transmitMode.transmitOnConnect   = function.transmitOnConnect;
                        transmitMode.transmitOnEvent     = function.transmitOnEvent;
                        transmitMode.transmitOnDuplicate = function.transmitOnDuplicate;
                NewDeviceProfile = null;
            SetHttpValue("devices/" + device.deviceId, learnInTelegram, null);
            SetHttpValue("system/receiveMode", null, "normalMode");
예제 #2
        public void AddDevice(Device device, bool isNew)
            var           deviceId      = device.deviceId;
            var           friendlyId    = device.friendlyId;
            var           manufacturer  = device.manufacturer != null ? device.manufacturer : "Manufacturer";
            AdapterDevice adapterDevice = null;

            Task <HttpResponseMessage> response = httpClient.GetAsync(new Uri(DCGWUrl + "devices/" + deviceId)).AsTask();
            string body = response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().AsTask().Result;

            //DeviceProfiles deviceProifles = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DeviceProfiles>(JObject.Parse(body).ToString());
            foreach (var eep in device.eeps)
                var eepName = eep.eep;
                response = httpClient.GetAsync(new Uri(DCGWUrl + "profiles/" + eepName)).AsTask();
                body     = response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().AsTask().Result;

                ProfileDefination profileInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProfileDefination>(JObject.Parse(body).ToString());
                var profile        = profileInfo.profile;
                var functionGroups = profile.functionGroups;
                var title          = profile.title != null ? profile.title : "TitleDesciption";

                if (isLampProfile(eepName))
                    adapterDevice = new Lamp(friendlyId, manufacturer, eepName, "0", deviceId, title);
                    ((Lamp)adapterDevice).Adapter = this;
                    adapterDevice = new AdapterDevice(friendlyId, manufacturer, eepName, "0", deviceId, title);
                    foreach (var functionGroup in functionGroups)
                        string titleFG   = functionGroup.title != null ? functionGroup.title : "Property";
                        string direction = direction = functionGroup.direction;;
                        var    functions = functionGroup.functions;

                        var property = new AdapterProperty(titleFG, "");
                        foreach (var function in functions)
                            var key          = function.key;
                            var description  = function.description;
                            var defaultValue = function.defaultValue;

                            var    values  = function.values;
                            string meaning = null;
                            Range  range   = null;

                            double min  = 0.0;
                            double max  = 0.0;
                            double step = 0.0;
                            string unit = null;

                            if (defaultValue == null)
                                var valueTk = values.First <Value>();
                                meaning      = valueTk.meaning;
                                range        = valueTk.range;
                                defaultValue = valueTk.value;
                                if (range != null)
                                    min          = range.min;
                                    max          = range.max;
                                    step         = range.step;
                                    unit         = range.unit;
                                    defaultValue = range.min;

                            object defaultData = Windows.Foundation.PropertyValue.CreateString(defaultValue.ToString());
                            var    valueAttr   = new AdapterAttribute(key, defaultData, deviceId, E_ACCESS_TYPE.ACCESS_READWRITE);

                            if (range != null)
                                valueAttr.Annotations.Add("min", defaultValue.ToString());
                                valueAttr.Annotations.Add("max", max.ToString());
                                valueAttr.Annotations.Add("range", step.ToString());
                                valueAttr.Annotations.Add("unit", unit);

                            if (direction.Equals("from"))
                                valueAttr = new AdapterAttribute(key, defaultData, deviceId, E_ACCESS_TYPE.ACCESS_READ);
                            else if (direction.Equals("both"))
                                object valueDataTest = Windows.Foundation.PropertyValue.CreateString("");

                                //This is a workaround to know if device supports both functionality
                                //500 is response status for read only property and 400 for device that support both direct,
                                //status is 400 because we are sending no value (valueDataTest is emplty string)
                                uint status = SetHttpValue("devices/" + deviceId + "/state", valueDataTest, key);
                                if (status == 500)
                                    valueAttr = new AdapterAttribute(key, defaultData, deviceId, E_ACCESS_TYPE.ACCESS_READ);

                            valueAttr.COVBehavior = SignalBehavior.Always;
                            adapterDevice.AddChangeOfValueSignal(property, valueAttr.Value);


            IAdapterMethod Delete = new AdapterMethod("Delete", "Delete EO device", 0, "devices/" + deviceId);


            AdapterDevice AddedDevice = (AdapterDevice)GetObject(devicesDict, deviceId);

            if (AddedDevice == null)

                this.devicesDict.Add(deviceId, adapterDevice);

                //update device list in the bridge if device is added when bridge is running
                if (isNew)
                    dsbBridge.UpdateDeviceCustome(adapterDevice, false);