public void Dispose()
     if (ad != null)
         ad = null;
        public async void Cache()
            await WinRTPlugin.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, delegate()
                ad = new AdDuplex.Universal.Controls.WinPhone.XAML.InterstitialAd(unitID);
                //ad.AdLoaded += ad_AdLoaded;// never fires this, so we manually call it below
                ad.AdLoadingError += ad_AdLoadingError;
                ad.NoAd           += ad_NoAd;
                ad.AdClosed       += ad_AdClosed;
                ad.AdClicked      += ad_AdClicked;           // never fires (this API has been around since WP7, how does this not work...?)

                ad.IsTest = testing;
                ad.LoadAd();                // this stops the thread
                ad_AdLoaded(null, null);
		public void Dispose()
			if (ad != null)
				ad = null;
		public async void Cache()
			await WinRTPlugin.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, delegate()
				ad = new AdDuplex.Universal.Controls.WinPhone.XAML.InterstitialAd(unitID);
				//ad.AdLoaded += ad_AdLoaded;// never fires this, so we manually call it below
				ad.AdLoadingError += ad_AdLoadingError;
				ad.NoAd += ad_NoAd;
				ad.AdClosed += ad_AdClosed;
				ad.AdClicked += ad_AdClicked;// never fires (this API has been around since WP7, how does this not work...?)

				ad.IsTest = testing;
				ad.LoadAd();// this stops the thread
				ad_AdLoaded(null, null);