public MailMessageItem ToMailMessageItem(int tenant, string user) { Address from_verified; if (Validator.ValidateSyntax(From)) from_verified = new Address(From, DisplayName); else throw new ArgumentException(MailApiResource.ErrorIncorrectEmailAddress .Replace("%1", MailApiResource.FieldNameFrom)); var message_item = new MailMessageItem { From = from_verified.ToString(), FromEmail = from_verified.Email, To = string.Join(", ", To.ToArray()), Cc = Cc != null ? string.Join(", ", Cc.ToArray()) : "", Bcc = Bcc != null ? string.Join(", ", Bcc.ToArray()) : "", Subject = Subject, Date = DateTime.Now, Important = Important, HtmlBody = HtmlBody, Introduction = MailMessageItem.GetIntroduction(HtmlBody), StreamId = StreamId, TagIds = Labels != null && Labels.Count != 0 ? new ItemList<int>(Labels) : null, Size = HtmlBody.Length }; if (message_item.Attachments == null) message_item.Attachments = new List<MailAttachment>(); Attachments.ForEach(attachment => { attachment.tenant = tenant; attachment.user = user; }); message_item.Attachments.AddRange(Attachments); return message_item; }
public Envelope(Envelope env) { _from = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address(); Answered = env.Answered; Date = env.Date; DateString = env.DateString; Forwarded = env.Forwarded; From = env.From; Id = env.Id; Mailbox = env.Mailbox; Marked = env.Marked; Read = env.Read; Size = env.Size; Subject = env.Subject; }
public WebMailMessage() { _from = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address(); }
public IAsyncResult BeginMailFrom(Address address, AsyncCallback callback) { return this.BeginMailFrom(address.Email, callback); }
/// <summary> /// Merge the Address collection with the specified datasource. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">The address to merge.</param> /// <param name="dataSource">The datasource to use for merging.</param> /// <returns>The merged Address collection</returns> public Address MergeAddress(Address address, object dataSource) { if (address != null) { address.Name = MergeText(address.Name, dataSource,false); address.Email = MergeText(address.Email, dataSource,false); return address; } return null; }
/*/// <summary> /// Process the Text template. /// </summary> private void ProcessTextTemplate(string content) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Processing the TEXT template.", 1); // Initialize strings to be used later string line = string.Empty, lineUpper = string.Empty; // Initialize the StringReader to read line per line StringReader reader = new StringReader(content); // Initialize the actual body count int bodyCount = _bodies.Count, lineNumber = 0; // Read and parse each line. Append the data in the properties. while (reader.Peek() > -1) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Line parsed. Body count: + " + bodyCount.ToString() + ".", 0); line = reader.ReadLine(); lineNumber++; lineUpper = line.ToUpper(); // If a property, then set value if (lineUpper.StartsWith("TO:")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("TO property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.Message.To.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BCC:")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BCC property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.Message.Bcc.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("CC:")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("CC property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.Message.Cc.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("FROM:")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("FROM property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.Message.From = Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line)); } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("SUBJECT:")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("SUBJECT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.Message.Subject += ExtractValue(line); } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("SMTPSERVER:")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("SMTPSERVER property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.SmtpServers.Add(ExtractValue(line), 25); } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BODYTEXT:")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODYTEXT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.Bodies.Add(ExtractValue(line), BodyFormat.Text); bodyCount++; } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BODYHTML:")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODYHTML property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.Bodies.Add(ExtractValue(line), BodyFormat.Html); bodyCount++; } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("FIELDFORMAT:") && lineUpper.IndexOf("=") > -1) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("FIELDFORMAT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.FieldsFormats.Add(ExtractFormat(line)); } else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("//")) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("COMMENT line found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); // Line is a comment, so do nothing } // If not a property, then it's a message line else { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODY line found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); this.Bodies[bodyCount-1].Content += line + "\r\n"; } } }*/ /*/// <summary> /// Extract the format options from a text template line. /// </summary> /// <param name="line">The text template line.</param> /// <returns>A FieldFormat object with the options.</returns> private FieldFormat ExtractFormat(string line) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Extracting FieldFormat from line: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); FieldFormat fieldFormat = new FieldFormat(); string property, val; foreach(string format in ExtractValue(line).Split(';')) { string[] lineSplit = format.Split('='); if (lineSplit.Length > 1) { property = lineSplit[0]; val = lineSplit[1]; switch (property.ToUpper()) { case "NAME": fieldFormat.Name = val; break; case "FORMAT": fieldFormat.Format = val; break; case "PADDINGDIR": if (val.ToUpper() == "LEFT") fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; else fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; break; case "TOTALWIDTH": try { fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(val); } catch { throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); } break; case "PADDINGCHAR": fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(val.Substring(0, 1)); break; } }// End if line split length > 1 } return fieldFormat; }*/ /// <summary> /// Process the Xml template. /// </summary> private void ProcessXmlTemplate(string content) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Processing the XML template.", 1); StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(content); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader); string element = string.Empty; while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: element = reader.Name; ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("New element found: " + element + ".", 0); switch (element.ToUpper()) { case "MESSAGE": { if (reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY") != string.Empty) this.Message.Priority = (MessagePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessagePriority), reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY"), true); else if (reader.GetAttribute("priority") != null && reader.GetAttribute("priority") != string.Empty) this.Message.Priority = (MessagePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessagePriority), reader.GetAttribute("priority"), true); } break; case "FIELDFORMAT": if (reader.HasAttributes) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Element has attributes.", 0); FieldFormat fieldFormat = new FieldFormat(); if (reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Name = reader.GetAttribute("NAME"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute NAME: " + fieldFormat.Name, 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute name: " + fieldFormat.Name, 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Format = reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute FORMAT: " + fieldFormat.Format, 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("format") != null && reader.GetAttribute("format") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Format = reader.GetAttribute("format"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute format: " + fieldFormat.Format, 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR") != string.Empty) { if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR").ToUpper() == "LEFT") fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; else fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute PADDINGDIR: " + reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR"), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir") != null && reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir") != string.Empty) { if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir").ToUpper() == "left") fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; else fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute paddingdir: " + reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir"), 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH") != null && reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH") != string.Empty) { try { fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH")); } catch { throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute TOTALWIDTH: " + fieldFormat.TotalWidth.ToString(), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth") != null && reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth") != string.Empty) { try { fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth")); } catch { throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute totalwidth: " + fieldFormat.TotalWidth.ToString(), 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR").Substring(0, 1)); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute PADDINGCHAR: '" + fieldFormat.PaddingChar + "'", 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar") != null && reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar").Substring(0, 1)); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute paddingchar: '" + fieldFormat.PaddingChar + "'", 0); } this.FieldsFormats.Add(fieldFormat); } break; case "FROM": case "TO": case "CC": case "BCC": if (reader.HasAttributes) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address address = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address(); if (reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) address.Name = reader.GetAttribute("NAME"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) address.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); if (reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL") != string.Empty) address.Email = reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("email") != null && reader.GetAttribute("email") != string.Empty) address.Email = reader.GetAttribute("email"); if (element.ToUpper() == "FROM") { if (reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Name = reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("replyname") != null && reader.GetAttribute("replyname") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Name = reader.GetAttribute("replyname"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Email = reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("replyemail") != null && reader.GetAttribute("replyemail") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Email = reader.GetAttribute("replyemail"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL") != string.Empty) { this.Message.ReturnReceipt.Email = reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail") != null && reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail") != string.Empty) { this.Message.ReturnReceipt.Email = reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail"); } } switch (reader.Name.ToUpper()) { case "FROM": /*this.Message.From.Add(address);*/this.Message.From = address; break; case "TO": this.Message.To.Add(address); break; case "CC": this.Message.Cc.Add(address); break; case "BCC": this.Message.Bcc.Add(address); break; } } break; case "LISTTEMPLATE": { ListTemplate template = new ListTemplate(); string RegionID = string.Empty; string NullText = string.Empty; if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); if (reader.HasAttributes && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) template = new ListTemplate(reader.GetAttribute("NAME"), reader.ReadString()); else if (reader.HasAttributes && reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) template = new ListTemplate(reader.GetAttribute("name"), reader.ReadString()); template.RegionID = RegionID; template.NullText = NullText; this.ListTemplates.Add(template); } break; case "SMTPSERVER": { Server server = new Server(); if (reader.GetAttribute("SERVER") != null && reader.GetAttribute("SERVER") != string.Empty) server.Host = reader.GetAttribute("SERVER"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("server") != null && reader.GetAttribute("server") != string.Empty) server.Host = reader.GetAttribute("server"); if (reader.GetAttribute("PORT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PORT") != string.Empty) server.Port = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("PORT")); else if (reader.GetAttribute("port") != null && reader.GetAttribute("port") != string.Empty) server.Port = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("port")); if (reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME") != string.Empty) server.Username = reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("username") != null && reader.GetAttribute("username") != string.Empty) server.Username = reader.GetAttribute("username"); if (reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD") != string.Empty) server.Password = reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("password") != null && reader.GetAttribute("password") != string.Empty) server.Password = reader.GetAttribute("password"); SmtpServers.Add(server); } break; case "CONDITION": { Condition condition = new Condition(); if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) condition.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) condition.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); if (reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR") != string.Empty) condition.Operator = (OperatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatorType), reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR"), true); else if (reader.GetAttribute("operator") != null && reader.GetAttribute("operator") != string.Empty) condition.Operator = (OperatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatorType), reader.GetAttribute("operator"), true); if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) condition.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) condition.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); if (reader.GetAttribute("FIELD") != null && reader.GetAttribute("FIELD") != string.Empty) condition.Field = reader.GetAttribute("FIELD"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("field") != null && reader.GetAttribute("field") != string.Empty) condition.Field = reader.GetAttribute("field"); if (reader.GetAttribute("VALUE") != null && reader.GetAttribute("VALUE") != string.Empty) condition.Value = reader.GetAttribute("VALUE"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("value") != null && reader.GetAttribute("value") != string.Empty) condition.Value = reader.GetAttribute("value"); if (reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE") != null && reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE") != string.Empty) condition.CaseSensitive = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE")); else if (reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive") != null && reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive") != string.Empty) condition.CaseSensitive = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive")); Conditions.Add(condition); } break; case "REGION": { Region region = new Region(); if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) region.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) region.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) region.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) region.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); if (reader.GetAttribute("URL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("URL") != string.Empty) region.URL = reader.GetAttribute("URL"); else if (reader.GetAttribute("url") != null && reader.GetAttribute("url") != string.Empty) region.URL = reader.GetAttribute("url"); Regions.Add(region); } break; } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: switch (element.ToUpper()) { case "SUBJECT": this.Message.Subject += reader.Value; break; /*case "SMTPSERVER": this.SmtpServers.Add(reader.Value, 25); break;*/ case "BODYHTML": //this.Bodies.Add(reader.Value, BodyFormat.Html); this.Message.BodyHtml.Text += reader.Value; break; case "BODYTEXT": //this.Bodies.Add(reader.Value, BodyFormat.Text); this.Message.BodyText.Text += reader.Value; break; } break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: element = string.Empty; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Send a confirmation mail to the address that send in a question /// </summary> /// <param name="from">Address that send in a question</param> private void SendConfirmationMail(Address from) { //Create the from and to addresses that are needed to send the e-mail MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress(username, "IntelliCloud Team"); MailAddress toAddress = new MailAddress(from.Email, from.Name); //Set the e-mail content string subject = "Thank you for your question!"; string body = "Hello " + from.Name + ",\n\n" + "We received your question. You will soon receive an answer.\n\n" + "Kind regards,\n" + "IntelliCloud Team"; //Create a new smtp client with credentials SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient { Host = "", Port = 587, EnableSsl = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, password) }; //Create the e-mail with the addresses and content using (MailMessage message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress) { Subject = subject, Body = body }) //Send the mail try { smtp.Send(message); } catch (Exception e) { //If it fails, the error is written to the logfile serviceLog.WriteEntry("Sending e-mail failed: " + e.ToString()); } //Dispose the smtp client smtp.Dispose(); }
public static IAsyncResult BeginValidate(Address address, string dnsServerHost, AsyncCallback callback) { SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddressString = SmtpValidator.Validate; return SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddressString.BeginInvoke(address, dnsServerHost, callback, SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddressString); }
public static IAsyncResult BeginValidate(Address address, ServerCollection dnsServers, AsyncCallback callback) { SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddressServers = SmtpValidator.Validate; return SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddressServers.BeginInvoke(address, dnsServers, callback, SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddressServers); }
/// <summary> /// Validates syntax and existence of the given address. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">The address to be validated.</param> /// <param name="dnsServerHost">Name Server to be used for MX records search.</param> /// <returns>True if the address is valid, otherwise false.</returns> public static bool Validate(Address address, string dnsServerHost) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.ServerCollection servers = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.ServerCollection(); servers.Add(dnsServerHost, 53); return ActiveUp.Net.Mail.SmtpValidator.Validate(address.Email, servers); }
/// <summary> /// Validates syntax and existence of the given address. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">The address to be validated.</param> /// <param name="dnsServers">Name Servers to be used for MX records search.</param> /// <returns>True if the address is valid, otherwise false.</returns> public static bool Validate(Address address, ServerCollection dnsServers) { return SmtpValidator.Validate(address.Email, dnsServers); }
public static IAsyncResult BeginValidate(Address address, AsyncCallback callback) { SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddress = SmtpValidator.Validate; return SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddress.BeginInvoke(address, callback, SmtpValidator._delegateValidateAddress); }
/// <summary> /// Validates syntax and existence of the given address. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">The address to be validated.</param> /// <returns>True if the address is valid, otherwise false.</returns> public static bool Validate(Address address) { return SmtpValidator.Validate(address.Email); }
public IAsyncResult BeginRcptTo(Address address, AsyncCallback callback) { return this.BeginRcptTo(address.Email, callback); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the address. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Address ParseAddress(string input) { var address = new Address(); input = input.TrimEnd(';'); try { if (input.IndexOf("<", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) address.Email = RemoveWhiteSpaces(input); else { foreach (Match match in _regxEmail.Matches(input)) { //This needed because only last match is email. SAmple name: name<teamlab>endname<*****@*****.**>. //Two matches: <teamlab>, <*****@*****.**> - only last match - email. // if format like name<*****@*****.**>endname<teamlab>.Its incorrect address. address.Email = match.Value.TrimStart('<').TrimEnd('>'); } address.Name = input.Replace("<" + address.Email + ">", ""); address.Email = Clean(RemoveWhiteSpaces(address.Email)); if (address.Name.IndexOf("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) address.Name = Clean(address.Name); address.Name = address.Name.Trim(new[] {' ', '\"'}); } return address; } catch { var addr = new MailAddress(input); return new Address(addr.Address, addr.DisplayName); } }
public IAsyncResult BeginVerify(Address address, AsyncCallback callback) { return this.BeginVerify(address.Email, callback); }
/*/// <summary> * /// Process the Text template. * /// </summary> * private void ProcessTextTemplate(string content) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Processing the TEXT template.", 1); * * // Initialize strings to be used later * string line = string.Empty, lineUpper = string.Empty; * * // Initialize the StringReader to read line per line * StringReader reader = new StringReader(content); * * // Initialize the actual body count * int bodyCount = _bodies.Count, lineNumber = 0; * * // Read and parse each line. Append the data in the properties. * while (reader.Peek() > -1) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Line parsed. Body count: + " + bodyCount.ToString() + ".", 0); * * line = reader.ReadLine(); * lineNumber++; * lineUpper = line.ToUpper(); * * // If a property, then set value * if (lineUpper.StartsWith("TO:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("TO property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.To.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BCC:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BCC property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.Bcc.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("CC:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("CC property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.Cc.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("FROM:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("FROM property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.From = Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line)); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("SUBJECT:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("SUBJECT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.Subject += ExtractValue(line); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("SMTPSERVER:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("SMTPSERVER property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.SmtpServers.Add(ExtractValue(line), 25); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BODYTEXT:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODYTEXT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Bodies.Add(ExtractValue(line), BodyFormat.Text); * bodyCount++; * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BODYHTML:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODYHTML property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Bodies.Add(ExtractValue(line), BodyFormat.Html); * bodyCount++; * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("FIELDFORMAT:") && lineUpper.IndexOf("=") > -1) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("FIELDFORMAT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.FieldsFormats.Add(ExtractFormat(line)); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("//")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("COMMENT line found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * // Line is a comment, so do nothing * } * // If not a property, then it's a message line * else * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODY line found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Bodies[bodyCount-1].Content += line + "\r\n"; * } * } * }*/ /*/// <summary> * /// Extract the format options from a text template line. * /// </summary> * /// <param name="line">The text template line.</param> * /// <returns>A FieldFormat object with the options.</returns> * private FieldFormat ExtractFormat(string line) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Extracting FieldFormat from line: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * * FieldFormat fieldFormat = new FieldFormat(); * string property, val; * * foreach(string format in ExtractValue(line).Split(';')) * { * string[] lineSplit = format.Split('='); * * if (lineSplit.Length > 1) * { * property = lineSplit[0]; * val = lineSplit[1]; * * switch (property.ToUpper()) * { * case "NAME": fieldFormat.Name = val; break; * case "FORMAT": fieldFormat.Format = val; break; * case "PADDINGDIR": * if (val.ToUpper() == "LEFT") * fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; * else * fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; * break; * case "TOTALWIDTH": * try * { * fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(val); * } * catch * { * throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); * } * break; * case "PADDINGCHAR": fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(val.Substring(0, 1)); break; * } * * }// End if line split length > 1 * } * * return fieldFormat; * }*/ /// <summary> /// Process the Xml template. /// </summary> private void ProcessXmlTemplate(string content) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Processing the XML template.", 1); StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(content); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader); string element = string.Empty; while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: element = reader.Name; ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("New element found: " + element + ".", 0); switch (element.ToUpper()) { case "MESSAGE": { if (reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY") != string.Empty) { this.Message.Priority = (MessagePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessagePriority), reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY"), true); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("priority") != null && reader.GetAttribute("priority") != string.Empty) { this.Message.Priority = (MessagePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessagePriority), reader.GetAttribute("priority"), true); } } break; case "FIELDFORMAT": if (reader.HasAttributes) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Element has attributes.", 0); FieldFormat fieldFormat = new FieldFormat(); if (reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Name = reader.GetAttribute("NAME"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute NAME: " + fieldFormat.Name, 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute name: " + fieldFormat.Name, 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Format = reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute FORMAT: " + fieldFormat.Format, 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("format") != null && reader.GetAttribute("format") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Format = reader.GetAttribute("format"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute format: " + fieldFormat.Format, 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR") != string.Empty) { if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR").ToUpper() == "LEFT") { fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; } else { fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute PADDINGDIR: " + reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR"), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir") != null && reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir") != string.Empty) { if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir").ToUpper() == "left") { fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; } else { fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute paddingdir: " + reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir"), 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH") != null && reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH") != string.Empty) { try { fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH")); } catch { throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute TOTALWIDTH: " + fieldFormat.TotalWidth.ToString(), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth") != null && reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth") != string.Empty) { try { fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth")); } catch { throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute totalwidth: " + fieldFormat.TotalWidth.ToString(), 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR").Substring(0, 1)); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute PADDINGCHAR: '" + fieldFormat.PaddingChar + "'", 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar") != null && reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar").Substring(0, 1)); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Attribute paddingchar: '" + fieldFormat.PaddingChar + "'", 0); } this.FieldsFormats.Add(fieldFormat); } break; case "FROM": case "TO": case "CC": case "BCC": if (reader.HasAttributes) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address address = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address(); if (reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) { address.Name = reader.GetAttribute("NAME"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) { address.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL") != string.Empty) { address.Email = reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("email") != null && reader.GetAttribute("email") != string.Empty) { address.Email = reader.GetAttribute("email"); } if (element.ToUpper() == "FROM") { if (reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Name = reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("replyname") != null && reader.GetAttribute("replyname") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Name = reader.GetAttribute("replyname"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Email = reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("replyemail") != null && reader.GetAttribute("replyemail") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Email = reader.GetAttribute("replyemail"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL") != string.Empty) { this.Message.ReturnReceipt.Email = reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail") != null && reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail") != string.Empty) { this.Message.ReturnReceipt.Email = reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail"); } } switch (reader.Name.ToUpper()) { case "FROM": /*this.Message.From.Add(address);*/ this.Message.From = address; break; case "TO": this.Message.To.Add(address); break; case "CC": this.Message.Cc.Add(address); break; case "BCC": this.Message.Bcc.Add(address); break; } } break; case "LISTTEMPLATE": { ListTemplate template = new ListTemplate(); string RegionID = string.Empty; string NullText = string.Empty; if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) { RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) { RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) { NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) { NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); } if (reader.HasAttributes && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) { template = new ListTemplate(reader.GetAttribute("NAME"), reader.ReadString()); } else if (reader.HasAttributes && reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) { template = new ListTemplate(reader.GetAttribute("name"), reader.ReadString()); } template.RegionID = RegionID; template.NullText = NullText; this.ListTemplates.Add(template); } break; case "SMTPSERVER": { Server server = new Server(); if (reader.GetAttribute("SERVER") != null && reader.GetAttribute("SERVER") != string.Empty) { server.Host = reader.GetAttribute("SERVER"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("server") != null && reader.GetAttribute("server") != string.Empty) { server.Host = reader.GetAttribute("server"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PORT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PORT") != string.Empty) { server.Port = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("PORT")); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("port") != null && reader.GetAttribute("port") != string.Empty) { server.Port = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("port")); } if (reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME") != string.Empty) { server.Username = reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("username") != null && reader.GetAttribute("username") != string.Empty) { server.Username = reader.GetAttribute("username"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD") != string.Empty) { server.Password = reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("password") != null && reader.GetAttribute("password") != string.Empty) { server.Password = reader.GetAttribute("password"); } SmtpServers.Add(server); } break; case "CONDITION": { Condition condition = new Condition(); if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) { condition.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) { condition.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR") != string.Empty) { condition.Operator = (OperatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatorType), reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR"), true); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("operator") != null && reader.GetAttribute("operator") != string.Empty) { condition.Operator = (OperatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatorType), reader.GetAttribute("operator"), true); } if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) { condition.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) { condition.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("FIELD") != null && reader.GetAttribute("FIELD") != string.Empty) { condition.Field = reader.GetAttribute("FIELD"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("field") != null && reader.GetAttribute("field") != string.Empty) { condition.Field = reader.GetAttribute("field"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("VALUE") != null && reader.GetAttribute("VALUE") != string.Empty) { condition.Value = reader.GetAttribute("VALUE"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("value") != null && reader.GetAttribute("value") != string.Empty) { condition.Value = reader.GetAttribute("value"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE") != null && reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE") != string.Empty) { condition.CaseSensitive = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE")); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive") != null && reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive") != string.Empty) { condition.CaseSensitive = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive")); } Conditions.Add(condition); } break; case "REGION": { Region region = new Region(); if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) { region.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) { region.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) { region.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) { region.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("URL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("URL") != string.Empty) { region.URL = reader.GetAttribute("URL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("url") != null && reader.GetAttribute("url") != string.Empty) { region.URL = reader.GetAttribute("url"); } Regions.Add(region); } break; } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: switch (element.ToUpper()) { case "SUBJECT": this.Message.Subject += reader.Value; break; /*case "SMTPSERVER": * this.SmtpServers.Add(reader.Value, 25); * break;*/ case "BODYHTML": //this.Bodies.Add(reader.Value, BodyFormat.Html); this.Message.BodyHtml.Text += reader.Value; break; case "BODYTEXT": //this.Bodies.Add(reader.Value, BodyFormat.Text); this.Message.BodyText.Text += reader.Value; break; } break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: element = string.Empty; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Validates the address' syntax. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">The address to be validated.</param> /// <returns>True if syntax is valid, otherwise false.</returns> public static bool ValidateSyntax(ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address address) { System.Int32.Parse("20", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); return(ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Validator.ValidateSyntax(address.Email)); }
public MailMessageItem ToMailMessageItem(int tennantid, string userid, bool loadAttachments) { Address From_verified; if (Validator.ValidateSyntax(From)) From_verified = new Address(From, DisplayName); else throw new ArgumentException(MailServiceResource.ResourceManager.GetString("ErrorIncorrectEmailAddress").Replace("%1", MailServiceResource.ResourceManager.GetString("FieldNameFrom"))); List<MailAttachment> internalAttachments = new List<MailAttachment>(); PreprocessHtml(tennantid, internalAttachments); MailMessageItem message_item = new MailMessageItem() { From = From_verified.ToString(), From_Email = From_verified.Email, To = string.Join(", ", To.ToArray()), Cc = Cc != null ? string.Join(", ", Cc.ToArray()) : "", Bcc = Bcc != null ? string.Join(", ", Bcc.ToArray()) : "", Subject = Subject, Date = DateTime.Now, Important = Important, HtmlBody = HtmlBody, StreamId = StreamId, TagIds = Labels != null && Labels.Count != 0 ? new ItemList<int>(Labels) : null }; message_item.loadAttachments(Attachments.Select(att => CreateAttachment(tennantid, att, loadAttachments)), false); message_item.loadAttachments(internalAttachments.ConvertAll(att => CreateAttachment(tennantid, att, true)), true); return message_item; }
public static bool TryParseAddress(string input, out Address address) { address = null; try { address = ParseAddress(input); return true; } catch { } return false; }
public Envelope() { _from = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address(); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the address. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Address ParseAddress(string input) { Address address = new Address(); input = input.TrimEnd(';'); try { if (input.IndexOf("<") == -1) address.Email = Parser.RemoveWhiteSpaces(input); else { address.Email = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(input, "<(.|[.])*>").Value.TrimStart('<').TrimEnd('>'); address.Name = input.Replace("<" + address.Email + ">", ""); address.Email = Parser.Clean(Parser.RemoveWhiteSpaces(address.Email)); if (address.Name.IndexOf("\"") == -1) address.Name = Parser.Clean(address.Name); address.Name = address.Name.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\"' }); } return address; } catch { return new Address(input); } }