Start() 공개 메소드

public Start ( ) : void
리턴 void
        public Integration(AcrolinxSidebar sidebar, string serverAddress)
            this.sidebar = sidebar;

            //By default, a publicly available Acrolinx Sidebar is loaded.
            //This requires that you configure CORS on your Acrolinx Server.
            //Add cors.allowedOrigins=* to your
            //If the sidebar is loaded from a host using https it is only allowed to talk to Acrolinx Servers which run with SSL.

            //Each Acrolinx Server installation >= 4.7 ships its own version of the sidebar.
            //This allows you to talk to the server without configuring CORS.
            //Ensure the SidebarSourceLocation uses the same host as ServerAddress.
            //Ensure the external name of the Acrolinx Server equals the host name you are talking to.
            //sidebar.SidebarSourceLocation = "http://yourlocalserver:8031/sidebar/v14/index.html";
            //sidebar.ServerAddress = "http://yourlocalserver:8031";
            //sidebar.ShowServerSelector = false;
            //Make sure to call sidebar.Start() instead of sidebar.Start(serverAddress), if you uncomment one of these options.

            //sidebar.ClientSignature = "ASK_ACROLINX_FOR_A_CLIENT_SIGNATURE";

            //Register the events you are interested in.
            sidebar.RequestCheck += RequestCheck;
            sidebar.Checked += Checked;
            sidebar.SelectRanges += SelectRanges;
            sidebar.ReplaceRanges += ReplaceRanges;
            sidebar.SidebarSourceNotReachable += SidebarSourceNotReachable;

            //Set version information. This is used for support and Acrolinx Analytics.
            //sidebar.RegisterClientComponent(typeof(Integration).Assembly, "Acrolinx for " + Application.ProductName, AcrolinxSidebar.SoftwareComponentCategory.MAIN);
            //sidebar.RegisterClientComponent(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(), Application.ProductName, AcrolinxSidebar.SoftwareComponentCategory.DEFAULT);

            //Start the sidebar, which connects to an Acrolinx Server.