public UserRegisteredAccountEvent() {} //ncrunch: no coverage

        /// The constructor should guarantee that the event is correctly created.
        /// Once again we are saved from doing work here by using value objects for <see cref="Email"/> and <see cref="Password"/>
        /// The base class will ensure that the GUID is not empty.
        /// </summary>
        public UserRegisteredAccountEvent(Guid accountId, Email email, Password password) : base(accountId)
            Contract.Requires(email != null);
            Contract.Requires(password != null);

            Email = email;
            Password = password;
 public ChangePasswordScenario(IWindsorContainer container)
     _container = container;
     NewPassword = new Password(NewPasswordAsString);
     var registerAccountScenario = new RegisterAccountScenario(container);
     Account = registerAccountScenario.Execute();
     OldPassword = registerAccountScenario.PasswordAsString;
 public RegisterAccountScenario(IWindsorContainer container)
     Password = new Password(PasswordAsString);
     _container = container;
        public UserRegisteredAccountEvent() {} //ncrunch: no coverage

        /// The constructor should guarantee that the event is correctly created.
        /// Once again we are saved from doing work here by using value objects for <see cref="Email"/> and <see cref="Password"/>
        /// The base class will ensure that the GUID is not empty.
        /// </summary>
        public UserRegisteredAccountEvent(Guid accountId, Email email, Password password) : base(accountId)
            Email = email;
            Password = password;
        public UserChangedAccountPassword() {} //ncrunch: no coverage

        public UserChangedAccountPassword(Password password)
            Password = password;