Wave audio file decoder.
상속: IAudioDecoder
        /// <summary>
        /// Open the given audio file and return an "AudioSignal" with the following info:
        ///     1. data[]: array of audio samples
        ///     2. sample rate
        ///     3. signal length in milli sec
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">audio file path</param>
        /// <returns>AudioSignal containing its data, sample rate and length in ms</returns>
        public static AudioSignal OpenAudioFile(string filePath)
            WaveDecoder waveDecoder = new WaveDecoder(filePath);

            AudioSignal signal = new AudioSignal();

            signal.sampleRate = waveDecoder.SampleRate;
            signal.signalLengthInMilliSec = waveDecoder.Duration;
            Signal tempSignal = waveDecoder.Decode(waveDecoder.Frames);
            signal.data = new double[waveDecoder.Frames];
            return signal;
예제 #2
        public void waveInput()
            for (int i = 0; i < audioFileName.Length; i++)
                string type;
                string name;
                setTypeAndName(audioFileName[i], out type, out name);

                Accord.Audio.Formats.WaveDecoder currentWav = new Accord.Audio.Formats.WaveDecoder(audioFileName[i]);
                //Used for time Domain
                Signal timeDomain = currentWav.Decode();

                //Creates an array of time domain samples for use in calculation of RootMeanSquare aka AverageEnergy
                float[] energyArray = new float[timeDomain.Samples];

                //average energy for the current wav file
                double averageEnergy = Accord.Audio.Tools.RootMeanSquare(energyArray);
                //ZCR for the current wav file
                double zeroCrossingRate = zeroCrossingRateMethod(timeDomain);

                Accord.Audio.Windows.RaisedCosineWindow window = Accord.Audio.Windows.RaisedCosineWindow.Hamming(1024);
                Signal[] windows = timeDomain.Split(window, 512);
                //Used for Frequency Domain
                ComplexSignal[] tempFrequency = windows.Apply(ComplexSignal.FromSignal);
                ComplexSignal curComplex = tempFrequency[0];

                double[] power          = { };
                double[] magnitudes     = { };
                double[] freq           = { };
                var      length         = curComplex.Length / (2 + 1);
                double[] meanPower      = new double[length];
                double[] meanMagnitudes = new double[length];

                createFrequencyArray(tempFrequency, curComplex, out power, out magnitudes, out freq, out meanPower, out meanMagnitudes);

                //Spectral Centrois for the current wav file
                double spectralCentroid = meanMagnitudes.Zip(freq, (m, f) => m * f).Sum() / meanMagnitudes.Sum();
                //double spectralCentroid = spectralCentroidMethod(tempFrequency);

                //Writes data to arff file
                writeARFF(name, averageEnergy, zeroCrossingRate, spectralCentroid, type);
        public override int Run(string[] remainingArguments)
            var decoder = new WaveDecoder(File);

            var sampleRate = decoder.SampleRate;

            Console.WriteLine("Sample rate is {0}, duration is {1}",  sampleRate, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(decoder.Duration));

            int count = 1;
            while (decoder.Position < decoder.Samples)
                var signl = decoder.Decode(sampleRate * 60);
                Console.WriteLine(count++ + " frame has energy: " + signl.GetEnergy());

            return 0;
예제 #4
        public void ComplexSignalConstructor()
            UnmanagedMemoryStream sourceStream = Properties.Resources.a;
            MemoryStream destinationStream = new MemoryStream();

            // Create a decoder for the source stream
            WaveDecoder sourceDecoder = new WaveDecoder(sourceStream);

            // Decode the signal in the source stream
            Signal sourceSignal = sourceDecoder.Decode();

            int length = (int)Math.Pow(2, 12);

            RaisedCosineWindow window = RaisedCosineWindow.Hamming(length);

            Assert.AreEqual(length, window.Length);

            Signal[] windows = sourceSignal.Split(window, 1024);

            Assert.AreEqual(windows.Length, 172);

            foreach (var w in windows)
                Assert.AreEqual(length, w.Length);

            ComplexSignal[] complex = windows.Apply(ComplexSignal.FromSignal);

            for (int i = 0; i < complex.Length - 1; i++)
                ComplexSignal c = complex[i];
                Assert.AreEqual(2, c.Channels);
                Assert.AreEqual(92, c.Duration);
                Assert.AreEqual(4096, c.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(SampleFormat.Format128BitComplex, c.SampleFormat);
                Assert.AreEqual(44100, c.SampleRate);
                Assert.AreEqual(ComplexSignalStatus.Normal, c.Status);


            for (int i = 0; i < complex.Length - 1; i++)
                ComplexSignal c = complex[i];
                Assert.AreEqual(ComplexSignalStatus.FourierTransformed, c.Status);
예제 #5
        private void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            decoder = new WaveDecoder(stream);

            if (trackBar1.Value < decoder.Frames)
            trackBar1.Maximum = decoder.Samples;

            output = new AudioOutputDevice(this.Handle, decoder.SampleRate, decoder.Channels);

            output.FramePlayingStarted += output_FramePlayingStarted;
            output.NewFrameRequested += output_NewFrameRequested;
            output.Stopped += output_PlayingFinished;


예제 #6
        public void WaveEncoderConstructorTest()
            // Load a file in PCM 16bpp format
            // Number of samples: 352.800
            // Number of frames:  176.400
            // Sample rate:        44.100 Hz
            // Block align:         4
            // Channels:            2
            // Duration:            4.0   s
            // Bytes:             705.644 

            // sizeof(float) = 4
            // sizeof(int)   = 4
            // sizeof(short) = 2

            UnmanagedMemoryStream sourceStream = Properties.Resources.Grand_Piano___Fazioli___major_A_middle;
            MemoryStream destinationStream = new MemoryStream();

            // Create a decoder for the source stream
            WaveDecoder sourceDecoder = new WaveDecoder(sourceStream);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, sourceDecoder.Channels);
            Assert.AreEqual(352800, sourceDecoder.Samples);
            Assert.AreEqual(176400, sourceDecoder.Frames);
            Assert.AreEqual(4000, sourceDecoder.Duration);
            Assert.AreEqual(44100, sourceDecoder.SampleRate);
            Assert.AreEqual(16, sourceDecoder.BitsPerSample);
            Assert.AreEqual(22050, sourceDecoder.AverageBitsPerSecond);

            // Decode the signal in the source stream
            Signal sourceSignal = sourceDecoder.Decode();
            Assert.AreEqual(352800, sourceSignal.Samples);
            Assert.AreEqual(176400, sourceSignal.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(4000, sourceSignal.Duration);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, sourceSignal.Channels);
            Assert.AreEqual(44100, sourceSignal.SampleRate);
            Assert.AreEqual(sizeof(float) * 352800, sourceSignal.RawData.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(sizeof(short) * 352800, sourceDecoder.Bytes);

            // Create a encoder for the destination stream
            WaveEncoder encoder = new WaveEncoder(destinationStream);

            // Encode the signal to the destination stream

            Assert.AreEqual(2, encoder.Channels);
            Assert.AreEqual(352800, encoder.Samples);
            Assert.AreEqual(176400, encoder.Frames);
            Assert.AreEqual(4000, encoder.Duration);
            Assert.AreEqual(44100, encoder.SampleRate);
            Assert.AreEqual(32, encoder.BitsPerSample);
            Assert.AreEqual(sizeof(float) * 352800, encoder.Bytes);

            // Rewind both streams, them attempt to read the destination
            sourceStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            destinationStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Create a decoder to read the destination stream
            WaveDecoder destDecoder = new WaveDecoder(destinationStream);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, destDecoder.Channels);
            Assert.AreEqual(176400, destDecoder.Frames);
            Assert.AreEqual(352800, destDecoder.Samples);
            Assert.AreEqual(4000, destDecoder.Duration);
            Assert.AreEqual(44100, destDecoder.SampleRate);
            Assert.AreEqual(32, destDecoder.BitsPerSample);
            Assert.AreEqual(22050, sourceDecoder.AverageBitsPerSecond);

            // Decode the destination stream
            Signal destSignal = destDecoder.Decode();

            // Assert that the signal which has been saved to the destination
            // stream and the signal which has just been read from this same
            // stream are identical
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceSignal.Length, destSignal.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceSignal.SampleFormat, destSignal.SampleFormat);
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceSignal.SampleRate, destSignal.SampleRate);
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceSignal.Samples, destSignal.Samples);
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceSignal.Duration, destSignal.Duration);

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceSignal.RawData.Length; i++)
                byte actual = sourceSignal.RawData[i];
                byte expected = destSignal.RawData[i];
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 ///   Constructs a new Wave file audio source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream containing a Wave file.</param>
 public WaveFileAudioSource(Stream stream)
     this.stream = stream;
     this.decoder = new WaveDecoder();
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 ///   Constructs a new Wave file audio source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">The path for the underlying source.</param>
 public WaveFileAudioSource(string fileName)
     this.fileName = fileName;
     this.decoder = new WaveDecoder();
예제 #9
 private float[] getSignal(String path)
     WaveDecoder decoder = new WaveDecoder(path);
     float[] samples = new float[decoder.Frames];
     return samples;
예제 #10
파일: MainForm.cs 프로젝트: qusma/framework
        /// <summary>
        ///   Plays the recorded audio stream.
        /// </summary>
        private void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // First, we rewind the stream
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Then we create a decoder for it
            decoder = new WaveDecoder(stream);

            // Configure the track bar so the cursor
            // can show the proper current position
            if (trackBar1.Value < decoder.Frames)
            trackBar1.Maximum = decoder.Samples;

            // Here we can create the output audio device that will be playing the recording
            output = new AudioOutputDevice(this.Handle, decoder.SampleRate, decoder.Channels);

            // Wire up some events
            output.FramePlayingStarted += output_FramePlayingStarted;
            output.NewFrameRequested += output_NewFrameRequested;
            output.Stopped += output_PlayingFinished;

            // Start playing!

예제 #11
        private void adjustVolume(float value)
            // First, we rewind the stream
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Then we create a decoder for it
            decoder = new WaveDecoder(stream);

            var signal = decoder.Decode();

            // We apply the volume filter
            var volume = new VolumeFilter(value);

            // Then we store it again
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            encoder = new WaveEncoder(stream);
예제 #12
 public Decoder(Stream stream, IntPtr controlHandle, EventHandler<AudioOutputErrorEventArgs> AudioOutputError, EventHandler<PlayFrameEventArgs> FramePlayingStarted, EventHandler<NewFrameRequestedEventArgs> NewFrameRequested, EventHandler Stopped)
     this.decoder = new WaveDecoder(stream);
     init(controlHandle, AudioOutputError, FramePlayingStarted, NewFrameRequested, Stopped);