/// <summary> /// The purification usage. /// </summary> /// <param name="name"> /// The name. /// </param> /// <param name="ability"> /// The ability. /// </param> /// <param name="me"> /// The me. /// </param> /// <param name="ping"> /// The ping. /// </param> /// <param name="handleString"> /// The handle string. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool" />. /// </returns> private bool PurificationUsage(string name, Ability ability, Hero me, float ping, string handleString) { if (!MainMenu.Menu.Item("nukesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name) || !Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "herotoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(NameManager.Name(this.possibleTarget)) || (!(Variables.EtherealHitTime < (Utils.TickCount + (ability.GetHitDelay(this.possibleTarget, name) * 1000)))) || this.possibleTarget.Health <= Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(NameManager.Name(ability) + "minhealthslider") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value) { return(false); } var target = FullCombo.FindPurificationTarget(this.possibleTarget); if (target == null || !(target.PredictedPosition().Distance2D(this.possibleTarget.PredictedPosition()) < ability.GetRadius(name)) || !(target.PredictedPosition() .Distance2D( this.possibleTarget.PredictedPosition(ability.FindCastPoint(NameManager.Name(ability)))) < ability.GetRadius(name))) { return(false); } if (!Nuke.Cast(ability, target, name)) { return(false); } Utils.Sleep( (ability.GetCastDelay(me, this.possibleTarget, abilityName: name) * 1000) + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, this.possibleTarget, abilityName: name) * 1000, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(ability.GetHitDelay(this.possibleTarget, name) * 1000, "calculate"); Utils.Sleep( ability.GetCastDelay(me, this.possibleTarget, useCastPoint: false, abilityName: name) * 1000, "casting"); Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, this.possibleTarget, abilityName: name) * 1000, "cancelorder"); return(true); }
public static bool Cast( Ability ability, Unit target, Unit buffTarget, string name, List <Modifier> modifiers, bool togglearmlet = false) { if (name == "item_armlet") { if (buffTarget.Modifiers.Any(x => x.Name == "modifier_ice_blast")) { return(false); } if (!togglearmlet && buffTarget.Distance2D(target) > Math.Max(target.GetAttackRange(), 500)) { return(false); } var armlettoggled = modifiers.Any(x => x.Name == "modifier_item_armlet_unholy_strength") && ability.IsToggled; Game.ExecuteCommand("dota_player_units_auto_attack_after_spell 0"); ManageAutoAttack.AutoAttackDisabled = true; if (armlettoggled) { ability.ToggleAbility(); ability.ToggleAbility(); return(true); } ability.ToggleAbility(); return(true); } if (!(buffTarget.Distance2D(target) < MyHeroInfo.AttackRange() + 150)) { return(false); } SoulRing.Cast(ability); if (ability.Name == "templar_assassin_refraction") { var meld = AbilityMain.Me.Spellbook.Spell2; if (meld != null && meld.CanBeCasted()) { if ( !(target.Distance2D(MyHeroInfo.Position) < (AbilityMain.Me.GetAttackRange() + 50 + target.HullRadius + AbilityMain.Me.HullRadius)) || Orbwalking.AttackOnCooldown(target) || AbilityMain.Me.IsAttacking() || (target.Predict(Game.Ping).Distance2D(MyHeroInfo.Position) > (AbilityMain.Me.GetAttackRange() + 50 + target.HullRadius + AbilityMain.Me.HullRadius)) || !Utils.SleepCheck("GlobalCasting")) { return(false); } Game.ExecuteCommand("dota_player_units_auto_attack_after_spell 0"); ManageAutoAttack.AutoAttackDisabled = true; ability.UseAbility(); if (Nuke.Cast(meld, target, NameManager.Name(meld))) { DelayAction.Add( new DelayActionItem( (int)meld.GetCastDelay(AbilityMain.Me, target) * 1000 + 100, () => { AbilityMain.Me.Attack(target); }, CancellationToken.None)); } Utils.Sleep(meld.GetCastDelay(AbilityMain.Me, target) * 1000, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(meld.GetHitDelay(target, name) * 1000 + 200, "casting"); Utils.Sleep(meld.GetHitDelay(target, name) * 1000 + 200, ability.Handle.ToString()); return(true); } } if (ability.IsAbilityBehavior(AbilityBehavior.NoTarget, name)) { Game.ExecuteCommand("dota_player_units_auto_attack_after_spell 0"); ManageAutoAttack.AutoAttackDisabled = true; ability.UseAbility(); return(true); } Game.ExecuteCommand("dota_player_units_auto_attack_after_spell 0"); ManageAutoAttack.AutoAttackDisabled = true; ability.UseAbility(buffTarget); return(true); }
public static bool Execute( Hero target, Hero[] enemyHeroes, float ping, bool onlyDamage, bool onlyDisable, Hero me, float mana, bool customOrder) { var toggler = MainMenu.ComboKeysMenu.Item("comboAbilitiesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>(); if (Utils.SleepCheck("UpdateCombo")) { if (customOrder) { MyAbilities.Combo = MyAbilities.OffensiveAbilities.Where( x => x.Value.IsValid && x.Value.Owner.Equals(me) && toggler.IsEnabled(NameManager.Name(x.Value))) .OrderByDescending( x => MainMenu.ComboKeysMenu.Item("Ability#.ComboOrder") .GetValue <PriorityChanger>() .GetPriority(x.Value.StoredName())); } else { MyAbilities.Combo = MyAbilities.OffensiveAbilities.Where( x => x.Value.IsValid && x.Value.Owner.Equals(me) && toggler.IsEnabled(NameManager.Name(x.Value))) .OrderBy(x => ComboOrder.GetComboOrder(x.Value, onlyDisable)); } Utils.Sleep(500, "UpdateCombo"); } if (Utils.SleepCheck("casting") && MyAbilities.Combo != null) { if (target != null) { if (Dictionaries.HitDamageDictionary.ContainsKey(target.Handle) && Dictionaries.HitDamageDictionary[target.Handle] * 1.5 >= target.Health && target.Distance2D(MyHeroInfo.Position) <= me.GetAttackRange() + 150) { return(false); } if (!Utils.SleepCheck(target.Handle + "KeyCombo")) { return(false); } if (AbilityMain.Me.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_TemplarAssassin) { var r = MyAbilities.Combo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "templar_assassin_psionic_trapslow"); var modifier = target.FindModifier("modifier_templar_assassin_trap_slow"); if (modifier == null || modifier.RemainingTime < r.Value.GetHitDelay(target)) { Slow.TemplarAssasinUseTrap(target); } } if (me.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tinker && toggler.IsEnabled("tinker_rearm") && MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("Ability.TinkerRearm") && !MyAbilities.Combo.Any( x => x.Value.CanBeCasted() || (x.Value.CanBeCasted(SoulRing.ManaGained) && SoulRing.Check(x.Value)))) { MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep( MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.FindCastPoint() * 1000 + Game.Ping + MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.GetChannelTime(MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.Level - 1) * 1000 + 500, "Ability.TinkerRearm"); Utils.Sleep( MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.FindCastPoint() * 1000 + Game.Ping + MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.GetChannelTime(MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.Level - 1) * 1000, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep( MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.FindCastPoint() * 1000 + Game.Ping + MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.GetChannelTime(MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.Level - 1) * 1000, "casting"); Utils.Sleep( MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.FindCastPoint() * 1000 + Game.Ping + MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.GetChannelTime(MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.Level - 1) * 1000, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep( MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.FindCastPoint() * 1000 + Game.Ping + MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.GetChannelTime(MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.Level - 1) * 1000, "Orbwalk.Attack"); Utils.Sleep( MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.FindCastPoint() * 1000 + Game.Ping + MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.GetChannelTime(MyAbilities.TinkerRearm.Level - 1) * 1000, "Ability#.Sleep"); return(true); } foreach (var data in MyAbilities.Combo.Where( x => x.Value.IsValid && !x.Value.IsToggled && (x.Value.CanBeCasted() || x.Value.CanInvoke() || (x.Value.CanBeCasted(SoulRing.ManaGained) && SoulRing.Check(x.Value))) && (!x.Value.IsAbilityBehavior(AbilityBehavior.Hidden) || (AbilityMain.Me.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Invoker && (x.Value.CanBeCasted() || x.Value.CanInvoke()))) && ((x.Value is Item && me.CanUseItems()) || (!(x.Value is Item) && me.CanCast())) && (Utils.SleepCheck(x.Value.Handle.ToString()) || (!x.Value.IsInAbilityPhase && x.Value.FindCastPoint() > 0)))) { var ability = data.Value; var name = NameManager.Name(ability); var category = (name == "lion_impale") ? "disable" : data.Key.Substring(name.Length); // if (category == "special" || category == "buff") // { // continue; // } // if (onlyDamage && (category == "disable" || category == "slow" || category == "silence")) // { // continue; // } // if (onlyDisable && (category == "nuke" || category == "harras")) // { // continue; // } var handleString = ability.Handle.ToString(); if (category == "blink") { var range = MainMenu.BlinkMenu.Item("Ability#.BlinkRange").GetValue <Slider>().Value; var blinkPosition = target.PredictedPosition(0.3 + me.GetTurnTime(target)); if (MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(blinkPosition) > 1500 + range || MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(blinkPosition) < 500 + range) { continue; } var minEnemiesAround = MainMenu.BlinkMenu.Item("Ability#.BlinkMaxEnemiesAround").GetValue <Slider>().Value; if ( Heroes.GetByTeam(target.Team) .Count( x => x.IsValid && !x.Equals(target) && x.IsAlive && !x.IsIllusion && x.Distance2D(target) < 500 + range) > minEnemiesAround) { continue; } if (MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(blinkPosition) > 1200) { blinkPosition = (blinkPosition - MyHeroInfo.Position) * 1200 / blinkPosition.Distance2D(MyHeroInfo.Position) + MyHeroInfo.Position; } if (blinkPosition.Distance2D(target) < range) { blinkPosition.Extend(MyHeroInfo.Position, range); } ability.UseAbility(blinkPosition); MyHeroInfo.Position = blinkPosition; Utils.Sleep(Game.Ping + me.GetTurnTime(MyHeroInfo.Position) + 200, "mePosition"); Utils.Sleep(500, handleString); Utils.Sleep(500, "GlobalCasting"); return(true); } if (category != "buff" && target.IsMagicImmune() && ability.ImmunityType != (ImmunityType)3) { continue; } if (!CastingChecks.All(name, target, ability)) { continue; } if (Variables.EtherealHitTime >= (Utils.TickCount + ability.GetHitDelay(target, name) * 1000)) { continue; } if (Variables.EtherealHitTime >= Utils.TickCount && name == "pudge_dismember") { continue; } if (name == "omniknight_purification") { if (Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && MainMenu.Menu.Item("nukesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name) && Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "herotoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(NameManager.Name(target)) && (Variables.EtherealHitTime < (Utils.TickCount + ability.GetHitDelay(target, name) * 1000)) && target.Health > Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(NameManager.Name(ability) + "minhealthslider") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value) { var target1 = AllyHeroes.UsableHeroes.Where(x => !x.IsMagicImmune()) .MinOrDefault(x => x.Distance2D(target)); if (target1 != null && ability.CanHit(target1, MyHeroInfo.Position, name) && target1.PredictedPosition().Distance2D(target.PredictedPosition()) < ability.GetRadius(name) && target1.PredictedPosition() .Distance2D( target.PredictedPosition( ability.FindCastPoint(NameManager.Name(ability)))) < ability.GetRadius(name)) { if (Nuke.Cast(ability, target1, name)) { Utils.Sleep( Math.Max(ability.GetCastDelay(me, target1, abilityName: name), 0.2) * 1000, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(ability.GetHitDelay(target1, name) * 1000, "calculate"); Utils.Sleep( Math.Max( ability.GetCastDelay( me, target1, useCastPoint: false, abilityName: name), 0.15) * 1000 + Game.Ping, // + (Math.Max(me.Distance2D(target) - ability.GetCastRange(name) - 50, 0) // / me.MovementSpeed) * 1000, "casting"); Utils.Sleep( Math.Max(ability.GetCastDelay(me, target1, abilityName: name), 0.2) * 1000, "cancelorder"); return(true); } } else if (target1 != null && target1.Equals(me)) { AbilityMain.MoveMode(target); return(true); } } return(false); } if (!ability.CanHit(target, MyHeroInfo.Position, name) && category != "buff" && (!target.HasModifier("modifier_pudge_meat_hook") || me.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Pudge || target.Distance2D(me) > 600)) { Variables.DealtDamage = 0; if (name == "templar_assassin_meld") { if (!Nuke.Cast(ability, target, name) && Utils.SleepCheck("Ability.Move")) { AbilityMain.MoveMode(target); Utils.Sleep(100, "Ability.Move"); } Utils.Sleep(200, "GlobalCasting"); return(true); } if (name == "pudge_rot") { continue; } if (ability.IsAbilityBehavior(AbilityBehavior.NoTarget, NameManager.Name(ability)) && target.PredictedPosition().Distance2D(MyHeroInfo.Position) < ability.GetRadius() + 150 && me.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Pudge) { if (Utils.SleepCheck("Ability.Move")) { AbilityMain.MoveMode(target); Utils.Sleep(100, "Ability.Move"); } Utils.Sleep(200, "GlobalCasting"); return(true); } if (me.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Pudge) { return(false); } var distance = target.Distance2D(MyHeroInfo.Position); if (distance > ability.GetCastRange(name) + 250 && ((name != "item_cyclone" && category != "disable") || distance > ability.GetCastRange(name) + 1200)) { continue; } if (Game.MousePosition.Distance2D(me) < MainMenu.ComboKeysMenu.Item("Ability.KeyCombo.NoMoveRange").GetValue <Slider>().Value) { return(false); } if (!Utils.SleepCheck("Ability.Move")) { return(true); } AbilityMain.MoveMode(target); Utils.Sleep(100, "Ability.Move"); return(true); } if (name == "item_cyclone" && coldFeetLastUse - Utils.TickCount < 2500 && coldFeetLastUse - Utils.TickCount > -1000) { continue; } if (((Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary.ContainsKey(target.Handle) && Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary[target.Handle] >= target.Health) || (Dictionaries.OutDamageDictionary.ContainsKey(target.Handle) && Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary.ContainsKey(target.Handle) && (Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary[target.Handle] + Dictionaries.OutDamageDictionary[target.Handle]) >= target.Health)) && MainMenu.Menu.Item("Ability#.EnableAutoKillSteal").GetValue <bool>()) { return(false); } if (category == "nuke" && (Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheckCombo") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value > mana || !Utils.SleepCheck(target.Handle + "KillSteal") || (name == "axe_culling_blade" && !CastingChecks.Killsteal(ability, target, name)) || (target.Health < Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minhealthslider") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value) || (name == "zuus_thundergods_wrath" && (1 + enemyHeroes.Count( x => !x.Equals(target) && x.Health <= AbilityDamage.CalculateDamage(ability, me, x))) < Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minenemykill") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value))) { continue; } if (name == "item_urn_of_shadows" && target.HasModifier("modifier_item_urn_damage")) { continue; } if (category == "nuke") { var casted = Nuke.Cast(ability, target, name); if (!casted) { continue; } if (AbilityDamage.CalculateDamage(ability, me, target) >= target.Health) { Utils.Sleep(ability.GetHitDelay(target, name) * 1000 + 500, target.Handle + "KillSteal"); } } if (category == "disable" && Disables.DisablesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheckCombo") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value < mana && !Disable.Cast(ability, target, name)) { continue; } if (category == "slow" && Slows.SlowsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheckCombo").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && !Slow.Cast(ability, target, name)) { continue; } if (category == "harras" && Harrases.HarrasesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheckCombo") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value < mana && !Harras.Cast(ability, target, name)) { continue; } if (category == "silence" && Silences.SilencesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheckCombo") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value < mana && (((name == "item_orchid" || name == "item_bloodthorn" || name == "skywrath_mage_ancient_seal") && MainMenu.ComboKeysMenu.Item("Ability#.MaximizeDamage").GetValue <bool>() && !Nuke.Cast(ability, target, name)) || !Silence.Cast(ability, target, name))) { continue; } if (category == "special" && Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheckCombo") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value < mana && !Special.Cast(ability, target, name)) { continue; } if (category == "buff" && Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheckCombo").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && (name == "item_armlet" || name == "item_satanic" || !Buff.Cast(ability, target, me, name))) { continue; } if (Utils.SleepCheck(ability.Handle.ToString())) { Variables.DealtDamage += AbilityDamage.CalculateDamage(ability, me, target); } var delay = Math.Max( ability.GetCastDelay(me, target, abilityName: name, useCastPoint: false), 0.2) * 1000; switch (name) { case "riki_blink_strike": Utils.Sleep(MyHeroInfo.AttackRate() * 1000, handleString); break; case "necrolyte_reapers_scythe": Utils.Sleep(delay + ping + 1500, "calculate"); break; case "necrolyte_death_pulse": Utils.Sleep(delay + ping + 200, "calculate"); break; case "item_ethereal_blade": // Variables.EtherealHitTime = // (float) // (Utils.TickCount + me.GetTurnTime(target) * 1000 // + Prediction.CalculateReachTime(target, 1200, target.Position - me.Position) // + ping * 2); Variables.LastEtherealTarget = target; Variables.LastEtherealCastPosition = me.NetworkPosition; Variables.LastEtherealCastTime = (float)(Utils.TickCount + (me.GetTurnTime(target) * 1000) + ping); Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(target) * 1000 + 100 + (MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(target) / 1200) * 1000 + ping, "calculate"); break; case "tusk_snowball": Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(target) * 1000 + (MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(target) / 675) * 1000, "GlobalCasting"); break; case "ancient_apparition_cold_feet": coldFeetLastUse = Utils.TickCount + 4000; break; case "item_cyclone": Utils.Sleep(Game.Ping + (me.GetTurnTime(target) * 1000) + 450, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(Game.Ping + (me.GetTurnTime(target) * 1000) + 450, "casting"); break; } if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 4, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 4, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(delay, handleString); Utils.Sleep( ability.GetCastDelay(me, target, abilityName: name, useCastPoint: false) * 1000, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(ability.GetHitDelay(target, name) * 1000, "calculate"); Utils.Sleep( Math.Max(ability.GetCastDelay(me, target, useCastPoint: false, abilityName: name), 0.15) * 1000 + Game.Ping, // + (Math.Max(me.Distance2D(target) - ability.GetCastRange(name) - 50, 0) // / me.MovementSpeed) * 1000, "casting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); if (name == "pudge_rot") { continue; } return(true); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// The try kill steal. /// </summary> /// <param name="me"> /// The me. /// </param> /// <param name="ping"> /// The ping. /// </param> /// <param name="enemyHeroes"> /// The enemy heroes. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool" />. /// </returns> public bool TryKillsteal(Hero me, float ping, Hero[] enemyHeroes) { if (this.possibleTarget == null || !this.possibleTarget.IsValid || !this.possibleTarget.CanDie() || !MyAbilities.NukesCombo.Any()) { return(false); } if (!(Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary[this.possibleTarget.Handle] >= this.possibleTarget.Health)) { return(false); } foreach (var ability in from ability in MyAbilities.NukesCombo.OrderBy(ComboOrder.GetAbilityOrder) where ability != null && (ability.CanBeCasted() || (ability.CanBeCasted(SoulRing.ManaGained) && SoulRing.Check(ability)) || ability.CanInvoke()) && (Utils.SleepCheck(ability.Handle.ToString()) || (!ability.IsInAbilityPhase && ability.FindCastPoint() > 0)) select ability) { var name = NameManager.Name(ability); var handleString = ability.Handle.ToString(); if (Variables.EtherealHitTime >= (Utils.TickCount + (ability.GetHitDelay(this.possibleTarget, name) * 1000))) { continue; } if (name == "omniknight_purification") { if (this.PurificationUsage(name, ability, me, ping, handleString)) { return(true); } } if (this.possibleTarget.Health - Variables.DealtDamage <= 0 || this.possibleTarget.Health - Variables.DealtDamage < Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minhealthslider").GetValue <Slider>().Value) { Utils.Sleep(500, this.possibleTarget.Handle + "KillSteal"); Variables.DealtDamage = 0; return(false); } if (name == "item_urn_of_shadows" && this.possibleTarget.HasModifier("modifier_item_urn_damage")) { continue; } if (!ability.CanHit(this.possibleTarget, MyHeroInfo.Position, name) || (name == "zuus_thundergods_wrath" && (1 + enemyHeroes.Count( x => !x.Equals(this.possibleTarget) && x.Health <= AbilityDamage.CalculateDamage(ability, me, x))) < Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minenemykill").GetValue <Slider>().Value) || !MainMenu.Menu.Item("nukesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name) || !Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "herotoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(NameManager.Name(this.possibleTarget)) || !Nuke.Cast(ability, this.possibleTarget, name)) { return(false); } if (Utils.SleepCheck(handleString)) { Variables.DealtDamage += AbilityDamage.CalculateDamage(ability, me, this.possibleTarget); if (this.possibleTarget.Health - Variables.DealtDamage <= 0) { Utils.Sleep( (ability.GetHitDelay(this.possibleTarget, name) * 1000) + 500, this.possibleTarget.Handle + "KillSteal"); } } var delay = ability.GetCastDelay(me, this.possibleTarget, abilityName: name) * 1000; if (name == "riki_blink_strike") { Utils.Sleep(MyHeroInfo.AttackRate() * 1000, handleString); } if (name == "necrolyte_reapers_scythe") { Utils.Sleep(delay + ping + 1500, "calculate"); } if (name == "necrolyte_death_pulse") { Utils.Sleep(delay + ping + 200, "calculate"); } if (name == "item_ethereal_blade") { // Variables.EtherealHitTime = // (float) // (Utils.TickCount + (me.GetTurnTime(this.possibleTarget) * 1000) // + Prediction.CalculateReachTime( // this.possibleTarget, // 1200, // this.possibleTarget.Position - MyHeroInfo.Position) + (ping * 2)); Variables.LastEtherealTarget = this.possibleTarget; Variables.LastEtherealCastPosition = MyHeroInfo.Position; Variables.LastEtherealCastTime = (float)(Utils.TickCount + (me.GetTurnTime(this.possibleTarget) * 1000) + ping); Utils.Sleep( (me.GetTurnTime(this.possibleTarget) * 1000) + 100 + ((MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(this.possibleTarget) / 1200) * 1000) + ping, "calculate"); } if (name == "tusk_snowball") { Utils.Sleep( (me.GetTurnTime(this.possibleTarget) * 1000) + ((MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(this.possibleTarget) / 675) * 1000), "GlobalCasting"); } var hitDelay = ability.GetHitDelay(this.possibleTarget, name); Utils.Sleep(delay, handleString); Utils.Sleep( ability.GetCastDelay(me, this.possibleTarget, useCastPoint: false, abilityName: name) * 1000, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep((hitDelay * 1000) + 200, "calculate"); Utils.Sleep( ability.GetCastDelay(me, this.possibleTarget, useCastPoint: false, abilityName: name) * 1000, "casting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); this.targetFindSleeper.Sleep((float)((hitDelay * 1000) + 400)); return(true); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// The try. /// </summary> /// <param name="enemyHero"> /// The enemy hero. /// </param> /// <param name="enemyHeroes"> /// The enemy heroes. /// </param> /// <param name="mineMissingHp"> /// The mine missing health. /// </param> /// <param name="ping"> /// The ping. /// </param> /// <param name="me"> /// The me. /// </param> /// <param name="mana"> /// The mana. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool" />. /// </returns> public bool Try(Hero enemyHero, Hero[] enemyHeroes, float mineMissingHp, float ping, Hero me, float mana) { var hero = enemyHero; var heroName = NameManager.Name(hero); var heroDistance = MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(hero); if (!Utils.SleepCheck("GlobalCasting") || !Utils.SleepCheck("casting")) { return(false); } Ability tuskSnowBall; if (me.ClassId == ClassId.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tusk && Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary.ContainsKey(hero.Handle) && (Dictionaries.OutDamageDictionary[hero.Handle] + Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary[hero.Handle]) >= enemyHero.Health && Utils.SleepCheck("tusk_snowball") && heroDistance <= 1350 && me.FindSpell("tusk_snowball", out tuskSnowBall).CanBeCasted()) { if (!Nuke.Cast(tuskSnowBall, hero, "tusk_snowball")) { return(false); } DelayAction.Add( new DelayActionItem(300, () => { AbilityMain.LaunchSnowball(); }, CancellationToken.None)); Utils.Sleep(100 + (me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000) + ping, "tusk_snowball"); var delay = (me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000) + ((heroDistance / 675) * 1000); Utils.Sleep(delay + 100, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay + 100, "calculate"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } foreach (var data in MyAbilities.OffensiveAbilities.Where( x => x.Value.IsValid && (x.Value.CanBeCasted() || (x.Value.CanBeCasted(SoulRing.ManaGained) && SoulRing.Check(x.Value)) || x.Value.CanInvoke()) && ((x.Value is Item && me.CanUseItems()) || (!(x.Value is Item) && me.CanCast())) && (Utils.SleepCheck(x.Value.Handle.ToString()) || (!x.Value.IsInAbilityPhase && x.Value.FindCastPoint() > 0))) .OrderBy(x => ComboOrder.GetAbilityOrder(x.Value))) { var ability = data.Value; var name = NameManager.Name(ability); var category = data.Key.Substring(name.Length); var handleString = ability.Handle.ToString(); if (category != "buff" && hero.IsMagicImmune() && ability.SpellPierceImmunityType != SpellPierceImmunityType.EnemiesYes) { continue; } if (!CastingChecks.All(name, hero)) { continue; } var delay = (ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, true, abilityName: name) * 1000) + 100; var canHit = ability.CanHit(hero, MyHeroInfo.Position, name); if (name == "omniknight_purification") { if (!MainMenu.Menu.Item("Ability#.EnableAutoKillSteal").GetValue <bool>()) { continue; } if (!(Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana) || !MainMenu.Menu.Item("nukesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name) || !Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "herotoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) || (!(Variables.EtherealHitTime < (Utils.TickCount + (ability.GetHitDelay(hero, name) * 1000)))) || hero.Health <= Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(NameManager.Name(ability) + "minhealthslider") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value || !CastingChecks.Killsteal(ability, hero, name)) { return(false); } var target = FullCombo.FindPurificationTarget(hero); if (target == null || !ability.CanHit(target, MyHeroInfo.Position, name) || !(target.PredictedPosition().Distance2D(hero.PredictedPosition()) < ability.GetRadius(name)) || !(target.PredictedPosition() .Distance2D(hero.PredictedPosition(ability.FindCastPoint(NameManager.Name(ability)))) < ability.GetRadius(name))) { return(false); } if (!Nuke.Cast(ability, target, name)) { return(false); } Utils.Sleep((ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000) + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if (category == "nuke" && !MainMenu.Menu.Item("Ability#.EnableAutoKillSteal").GetValue <bool>()) { continue; } if (name == "item_urn_of_shadows" && hero.HasModifier("modifier_item_urn_damage")) { continue; } if (category == "nuke" && Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "ondisabletoggler") != null && Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "ondisabletoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && MainMenu.Menu.Item("nukesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name) && canHit && (Variables.EtherealHitTime < (Utils.TickCount + (ability.GetHitDelay(hero, name) * 1000))) && hero.Health > Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(NameManager.Name(ability) + "minhealthslider") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value) { var duration = Utils.DisableDuration(hero); if (duration > 0 && duration > ability.GetHitDelay(hero, name) - ((ability.EndRadius() + hero.HullRadius) / hero.MovementSpeed) - (Game.Ping / 1000) && (!hero.IsInvul() || duration < ability.GetHitDelay(hero, name)) && Nuke.Cast(ability, hero, name, true)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + ((ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3), "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + ((ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3), "casting"); } Utils.Sleep( (ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000) + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } } if (category == "nuke" && Utils.SleepCheck(hero.Handle + "KillSteal") && Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && MainMenu.Menu.Item("nukesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name) && Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "herotoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && (Variables.EtherealHitTime < (Utils.TickCount + (ability.GetHitDelay(hero, name) * 1000))) && hero.Health > Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(NameManager.Name(ability) + "minhealthslider") .GetValue <Slider>() .Value&& CastingChecks.Killsteal(ability, hero, name) && (name != "zuus_thundergods_wrath" || (1 + enemyHeroes.Count( x => !x.Equals(hero) && x.Health <= AbilityDamage.CalculateDamage(ability, me, x))) >= Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minenemykill").GetValue <Slider>().Value)) { if ((hero.Health - Variables.DealtDamage) <= 0 || (hero.Health - Variables.DealtDamage) < Nukes.NukesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minhealthslider").GetValue <Slider>().Value) { Variables.DealtDamage = 0; return(false); } if (Nuke.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (Utils.SleepCheck(handleString) && ability.GetCastDelay(AbilityMain.Me, hero, true) * 1000 - Game.Ping > 0.1) { DelayAction.Add( new DelayActionItem( (int)(ability.GetCastDelay(AbilityMain.Me, hero, true) * 1000 - Game.Ping - 50), () => { if (!CastingChecks.Killsteal(ability, hero, name) || !hero.IsAlive || hero.Health <= 0) { AbilityMain.Me.Stop(); } }, CancellationToken.None)); Utils.Sleep(ability.GetHitDelay(hero, name) * 1000 + 500, hero.Handle + "KillSteal"); } if (name == "riki_blink_strike") { Utils.Sleep(MyHeroInfo.AttackRate() * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); } if (name == "item_ethereal_blade") { Variables.LastEtherealTarget = hero; Variables.LastEtherealCastPosition = me.NetworkPosition; Variables.LastEtherealCastTime = (float)(Utils.TickCount + (me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000) + ping); Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000 + 100 + (MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(hero) / 1200) * 1000 + ping, "calculate"); } if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); // Utils.Sleep(ping, "killsteal"); return(true); } continue; } if (Dictionaries.HitDamageDictionary.ContainsKey(hero.Handle) && Dictionaries.HitDamageDictionary[hero.Handle] * 1.5 >= hero.Health && hero.Distance2D(MyHeroInfo.Position) <= me.GetAttackRange() + 150) { continue; } if (category == "disable" && Disables.DisablesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && MainMenu.Menu.Item("disablesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name)) { if ( Disables.DisablesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onsighttoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && Disable.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if ( Disables.DisablesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onchainstuntoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.ChainStun(ability, hero, name) && Disable.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if (CastingChecks.UnderTower(ability, hero) && Disables.DisablesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "undertowertoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && Disable.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if ( Disables.DisablesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onchanneltoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && CastingChecks.Channel(hero) && canHit && Disable.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if ( Disables.DisablesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "oncasttoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.Cast(hero, ability) && Disable.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } continue; } if (Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary.ContainsKey(hero.Handle) && Dictionaries.InDamageDictionary[hero.Handle] >= hero.Health && MainMenu.Menu.Item("Ability#.EnableAutoKillSteal").GetValue <bool>()) { continue; } if (category == "slow" && Slows.SlowsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && MainMenu.Menu.Item("slowsToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name)) { if ( Slows.SlowsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onsighttoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && Slow.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); if (name == "item_ethereal_blade") { Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000 + Prediction.CalculateReachTime(hero, 1200, hero.Position - MyHeroInfo.Position), "casting"); Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000 + 100 + (MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(hero) / 1200) * 1000 + ping, "calculate"); } Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if ( Slows.SlowsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onchainstuntoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.ChainStun(ability, hero, name) && Slow.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } if (name == "item_ethereal_blade") { Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000 + Prediction.CalculateReachTime(hero, 1200, hero.Position - MyHeroInfo.Position), "casting"); Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000 + 100 + (MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(hero) / 1200) * 1000 + ping, "calculate"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if (CastingChecks.UnderTower(ability, hero) && Slows.SlowsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "undertowertoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && Slow.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } if (name == "item_ethereal_blade") { Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000 + Prediction.CalculateReachTime(hero, 1200, hero.Position - MyHeroInfo.Position), "casting"); Utils.Sleep( me.GetTurnTime(hero) * 1000 + 100 + (MyHeroInfo.Position.Distance2D(hero) / 1200) * 1000 + ping, "calculate"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } continue; } if (category == "special" && (name == "rubick_spell_steal" || Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana) && MainMenu.Menu.Item("specialsToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name)) { if (name == "rubick_spell_steal") { var spell4 = me.Spellbook.Spell4; if ((!spell4.CanBeCasted()) && Rubick.LastCasted(heroName) != null && NameManager.Name(spell4) != NameManager.Name(Rubick.LastCasted(heroName)) && Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(heroName) .GetValue <AbilityToggler>() .IsEnabled(NameManager.Name(Rubick.LastCasted(heroName))) && canHit && Special.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { Utils.Sleep( ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } continue; } if ( Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onsighttoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && Special.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if (Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onpurgetoggler") != null && Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onpurgetoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.Purgable(hero) && Special.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if (Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "oninvistoggler") != null && Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "oninvistoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.Invisible(hero) && Special.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if (Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onattacktoggler") != null && Specials.SpecialsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onattacktoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.Attacking(hero, me) && Special.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } continue; } if (category == "buff" && Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && MainMenu.Menu.Item("buffsToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name)) { if (name == "item_armlet") { if (ability.IsToggled && Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "belowhpslider").GetValue <Slider>().Value < me.Health) { continue; } if (Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "alwaystoggle").GetValue <bool>() && Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "belowhpslider").GetValue <Slider>().Value > me.Health && AbilityMain.Me.Distance2D(Base.Position()) > 1300 && Buff.Cast(ability, hero, me, name, true)) { Utils.Sleep( Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "armletdelay").GetValue <Slider>().Value, handleString); Utils.Sleep(ping + 200, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(ping + 200, "casting"); return(true); } } if (name == "item_satanic" && Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "missinghpslider").GetValue <Slider>().Value > mineMissingHp && Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "belowhpslider").GetValue <Slider>().Value < me.Health) { continue; } if ( Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onsighttoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && Buff.Cast(ability, hero, me, name)) { if (name == "item_armlet") { Utils.Sleep( Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "armletdelay").GetValue <Slider>().Value, handleString); Utils.Sleep(ping + 200, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(ping + 200, "casting"); } else { Utils.Sleep( ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); } if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if ( Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onattacktoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.Attacking(hero, me) && Buff.Cast(ability, hero, me, name)) { if (name == "item_armlet") { Utils.Sleep( Buffs.BuffsMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "armletdelay").GetValue <Slider>().Value, handleString); Utils.Sleep(ping + 200, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(ping + 200, "casting"); } else { Utils.Sleep( ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); } if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } continue; } if (category == "silence" && Silences.SilencesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && MainMenu.Menu.Item("silencesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name)) { if ( Silences.SilencesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onsighttoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && Silence.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if ( Silences.SilencesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "oncasttoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.Cast(hero, ability) && Silence.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if ( Silences.SilencesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "oninvistoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.Invisible(hero) && Silence.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } continue; } if (category == "harras" && Harrases.HarrasesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "minManaCheck").GetValue <Slider>().Value < mana && MainMenu.Menu.Item("harrasesToggler").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(name)) { if ( Harrases.HarrasesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onsighttoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && Harras.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } if ( Harrases.HarrasesMenuDictionary[name].Item(name + "onattacktoggler") .GetValue <HeroToggler>() .IsEnabled(heroName) && canHit && CastingChecks.Attacking(hero, me) && Harras.Cast(ability, hero, name)) { if (ability.ChannelTime(name) > 0) { Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "cancelorder"); Utils.Sleep(delay + (ability.ChannelTime(name) * 1000) / 3, "casting"); } Utils.Sleep(ability.GetCastDelay(me, hero, abilityName: name) * 1000 + ping + 100, handleString); Utils.Sleep(delay, "GlobalCasting"); Utils.Sleep(delay, "cancelorder"); return(true); } } } return(false); }