예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a sequence of buffers into a sequence of point chunks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffers"></param>
        /// <param name="sumOfAllBufferSizesInBytes"></param>
        /// <param name="parser">(buffer, count, minDist) => Chunk</param>
        /// <param name="minDist"></param>
        /// <param name="maxLevelOfParallelism"></param>
        /// <param name="verbose"></param>
        /// <param name="ct"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <Chunk> ParseBuffers(
            this IEnumerable <Buffer> buffers, long sumOfAllBufferSizesInBytes,
            Func <byte[], int, double, Chunk?> parser, double minDist,
            int maxLevelOfParallelism, bool verbose,
            CancellationToken ct
            var stats              = new ParsingStats(sumOfAllBufferSizesInBytes);
            var sampleCount        = 0L;
            var sampleCountYielded = 0L;
            var totalBytesRead     = 0L;
            var bounds             = Box3d.Invalid;

            //var foo2 = buffers.ToArray();

            var result = buffers.MapParallel((buffer, ct2) =>
                var optionalSamples = parser(buffer.Data, buffer.Count, minDist);
                if (!optionalSamples.HasValue)
                var samples = optionalSamples.Value;
                bounds.ExtendBy(new Box3d(samples.Positions));
                Interlocked.Add(ref sampleCount, samples.Count);
                var r = new Chunk(samples.Positions, samples.Colors, null, null, null, samples.BoundingBox);

                sampleCountYielded += r.Count;
                totalBytesRead     += buffer.Count;

                if (verbose)
                        $"[Parsing] processed {totalBytesRead * PER_GiB:0.000} GiB at {stats.MiBsPerSecond:0.00} MiB/s"

                                             elapsed =>
                if (verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine($"[Parsing] summary: processed {sumOfAllBufferSizesInBytes} bytes in {elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.00} secs");
                    Console.WriteLine($"[Parsing] summary: with average throughput of {sumOfAllBufferSizesInBytes * PER_MiB / elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.00} MiB/s");
                    Console.WriteLine($"[Parsing] summary: parsed  {sampleCount} point samples");
                    Console.WriteLine($"[Parsing] summary: yielded {sampleCountYielded} point samples");
                    Console.WriteLine($"[Parsing] summary: bounding box is {bounds}");

            //var foo = result.ToArray();
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Splits a stream into buffers of approximately the given size.
        /// Splits will only occur at newlines, therefore each buffer
        /// will be sized less or equal than maxChunkSizeInBytes.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable <Buffer> ChunkStreamAtNewlines(
            this Stream stream, long streamLengthInBytes, int maxChunkSizeInBytes,
            CancellationToken ct
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));

            if (maxChunkSizeInBytes < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"Argument 'maxChunkSizeInBytes' must be greater than 0, but is {maxChunkSizeInBytes}."

            var estimatedNumberOfChunks = streamLengthInBytes / maxChunkSizeInBytes + 1;
            var stats = new ParsingStats(streamLengthInBytes);

            var totalBytesRead = 0L;
            var bounds         = Box3d.Invalid;
            var buffer         = new byte[maxChunkSizeInBytes];

            var bufferStart = 0;

            while (true)

                var bufferBytesRead = stream.ReadAsync(buffer, bufferStart, maxChunkSizeInBytes - bufferStart).Result;
                if (bufferStart == 0 && bufferBytesRead == 0)

                var validBufferSize = bufferStart + bufferBytesRead;

                var data = buffer;

                // search from end of buffer for last newline
                var indexOfLastNewline = validBufferSize;
                while (--indexOfLastNewline >= 0 && data[indexOfLastNewline] != 10)
                var needToCopyRest = indexOfLastNewline != -1 && data[indexOfLastNewline] == 10;

                // acquire next buffer
                buffer = new byte[maxChunkSizeInBytes];

                // copy rest of previous buffer to new buffer (if necessary)
                var _data  = data;
                var _count = validBufferSize;

                if (needToCopyRest)
                    var countRest = validBufferSize - indexOfLastNewline - 1;
                    Array.Copy(data, indexOfLastNewline + 1, buffer, 0, countRest);
                    bufferStart = countRest;
                    _count     -= countRest;
                    bufferStart = 0;

                totalBytesRead += bufferBytesRead;
                yield return(Buffer.Create(_data, 0, _count));