상속: IStream
        private void PreView( Guid guid, string fileName )
            var encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
            webBrowser.Visible = false;
            sourcePreviewer.Visible = false;

            var fi = new FileInfo( fileName );
            if (fi.Length == 0)
                PreviewHtml( encoding.GetBytes( "" ) );


            //get type by clsid
            Type previewerType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID( guid );

            //create instance
            _officePreviewInstance = Activator.CreateInstance( previewerType );

            var ows = (IObjectWithSite) _officePreviewInstance;
            var ph = (IPreviewHandler) _officePreviewInstance;
            var iwf = _officePreviewInstance as IInitializeWithFile;
            var iws = _officePreviewInstance as IInitializeWithStream;

            //now we need to initialize the object
            if (iws != null)
                var ms = new MemoryStream( _content );
                var stream = new StreamWrapper( ms ); //File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open));
                iws.Initialize( stream, 0 );
            else if (iwf != null)
                iwf.Initialize( fileName, 0 );
                throw new Exception( string.Format(
                    "Failed to locate an initialization interface for document type {0}", previewerType.FullName ) );

            //set the current form (implements IPreviewHandlerFrame)
            ows.SetSite( this );
            previewPanel.Visible = true;

            //set size
            var rect = new RECT();
            rect.left = 0;
            rect.top = 0;
            rect.bottom = previewPanel.Height;
            rect.right = previewPanel.Width;

            ph.SetWindow( previewPanel.Handle, ref rect );
            ph.SetRect( ref rect );

            //perform the preview