static void Main(string[] args) { TextFileInputOutput.CreateStorage(); programStart(); #region variables bool programLoop = true; Account account = new Account(); Console.WriteLine("Added two test accounts to the database:"); Console.WriteLine("Account Number: 100000, PIN: 1234 & Account Number: 100000, PIN: 1234"); Dictionary <int, Account> accountList = new Dictionary <int, Account>(); TextFileInputOutput.ReadAccountsFromFile(accountList); Console.ReadLine(); #endregion while (programLoop) { string userInput = initialMessage(); switch (userInput) { case "CREATE": case "C": account.userLogin = false; account = AccountCreation.CreateNewAccount(accountList); break; case "L": LoginLogout.ShortCutAdvice(); break; case "LOGIN": case "LI": account = LoginLogout.Login(account, accountList); break; case "LOGOUT": case "LO": LoginLogout.Logout(account, accountList); break; case "BALANCE": case "B": Balance.CheckBalance(accountList, account); break; case "WITHDRAW": case "W": Withdraw.WithdrawFunds(accountList, account); break; case "DEPOSIT": case "D": Deposit.DepositFunds(accountList, account); break; case "TRANSFER": case "T": Transfer.TransferFunds(accountList, account); break; case "QUIT": case "Q": programLoop = exitProgram(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Input not understood, please re-enter"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } } }
private void Deposit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Deposit deposit = new Deposit(this); deposit.ShowDialog(); }
private Transaction createTransaction(int type) { Transaction tempPtr = null; switch (type) { case 1: tempPtr = new Balancelnquiry(currentPIN, screen, bankDatabase); break; case 2: tempPtr = new Withdrawal(currentPIN, screen, bankDatabase, cashDispenser); break; case 3: tempPtr = new Deposit(currentPIN, screen, bankDatabase, depositSlot, cashDispenser); break; case 4: tempPtr = new Transfer(currentPIN, screen, bankDatabase); break; } return tempPtr; }