예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method: getEuclideanDistance
        /// Input: reference and to locations
        /// Returns: double format of euclidean distance
        /// </summary>
        public static double getEuclideanDistance(LocationInfo locationReference, LocationInfo locationTo)
            double xComponent = Math.Pow((locationReference.xCoOrdinate - locationTo.xCoOrdinate), 2);
            double yComponent = Math.Pow((locationReference.yCoOrdinate - locationTo.yCoOrdinate), 2);

            return Math.Sqrt(xComponent + yComponent);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method: getLocationsInfo
        /// Input: fileDescriptor
        /// Returns: list of locations
        /// </summary>
        public List<LocationInfo> getLocationsInfo(String fileDescriptor)
            String[] parseLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileDescriptor);  //Read the file line by line
            String endOfFile = "END";

            // variables used for storing the location information in the location bean
            String[] locs;
            int x, y;
            Node node;

            // to create a list of location objects
            List<LocationInfo> locations = new List<LocationInfo>();

            // iterate over a foreach loop for each line in the file and store the details appropriately
            foreach (String eachLine in parseLines)
                if (!eachLine.Equals(endOfFile))
                {  // END symbolises the end of file
                    locs = eachLine.Split(new String[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    node = new Node(locs[0]);
                    x = Int32.Parse(locs[1]);
                    y = Int32.Parse(locs[2]);

                    // after getting the corresponding entries split by space, construct the location object
                    // and add it to the location list
                    LocationInfo locationInfo = new LocationInfo(node, x, y, new CostOfTraversal(0.0, 0.0), null);
            return locations;
예제 #3
 // Constructor with all the default input parameters.
 public LocationInfo(Node node, int x, int y, CostOfTraversal costOfTraversal, LocationInfo parentNode)
     _node = node;
     xCoOrdinate = x;
     yCoOrdinate = y;
     _costOfTraversal = costOfTraversal;
     _parentNode = parentNode;
        public LocationInfo _startNode, _endNode; // class level variable for the start and end nodes initialized.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // constructor
        public ShortestDistanceSearchAlgorithm(LocationInfo startNode, LocationInfo endNode, List<LocationInfo> locationsInfo, List<ConnectionInfo> connectionsInfo)
            _startNode = startNode;
            _endNode = endNode;
            _connectionsInfo = connectionsInfo;
            _locationsInfo = locationsInfo;

            _openNodes = new List<LocationInfo>();
            _visitedNodes = new List<LocationInfo>();
        // constructor
        public FewerLinksSearchAlgorithm(LocationInfo startNode, LocationInfo endNode, List<LocationInfo> locationsInfo, List<ConnectionInfo> connectionsInfo)
            _startNode = startNode;
            _endNode = endNode;
            _connectionsInfo = connectionsInfo;
            _locationsInfo = locationsInfo;

            _openNodes = new List<LocationInfo>();
            _visitedNodes = new List<LocationInfo>();
            _minLinkPath = "";
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method: getConnectionsInfo
        /// Input: file descriptor and the location list
        /// Returns: list of connections
        /// </summary>
        public List<ConnectionInfo> getConnectionsInfo(String fileDescriptor, List<LocationInfo> locations)
            String[] parseLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileDescriptor);  //parse the input file line by line
            String endOfFile = "END";

            // variables used for getting the connections
            String[] cons;
            LocationInfo locationVertex, locationLinkedVertex;
            List<ConnectionInfo> connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();

            // run a for loop for each line and get corresponding details
            foreach (String eachLine in parseLines)
                if (!eachLine.Equals(endOfFile))
                {  //END represents end of file
                    cons = eachLine.Split(new String[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (locations.FirstOrDefault(item => item._node._node == cons[0]) != null)
                    {// location specific details of the vertex node
                        var vertex = locations.FirstOrDefault(item => item._node._node == cons[0]);
                        int x1 = vertex.xCoOrdinate;
                        int y1 = vertex.yCoOrdinate;

                        // construct a location detail of the vertex
                        locationVertex = new LocationInfo(vertex._node, x1, y1, new CostOfTraversal(0.0, 0.0), null);

                        int edges = Int32.Parse(cons[1]);   // get the number of neighbors for a particular node

                        // iterate over a loop and get the location details of the neighbors
                        for (int i = 1; i <= edges; i++)
                            if (locations.FirstOrDefault(item => item._node._node == cons[1 + i]) != null) {
                                // location specific details of the neighbor node
                                var linkedVertex = locations.FirstOrDefault(item => item._node._node == cons[1 + i]);
                                int x2 = linkedVertex.xCoOrdinate;
                                int y2 = linkedVertex.yCoOrdinate;

                                // construct a location detail of the vertex
                                locationLinkedVertex = new LocationInfo(linkedVertex._node, x2, y2, new CostOfTraversal(0.0, 0.0), null);

                                // calculate the distance between both the nodes and store it in the connections bean
                                double euclideanDistance = getEuclideanDistance(locationVertex, locationLinkedVertex);
                                ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(vertex._node, linkedVertex._node, euclideanDistance);
                                connections.Add(connectionInfo);    // make a list of the various connection beans
            return connections;
예제 #7
 public void enQueueFewerLinks(LocationInfo location)
     bool present = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < genericQueue.Count; i++)
         LocationInfo placeHolder = genericQueue[i];
         if (placeHolder._costOfTraversal.getCostOfTraversal() >= location._costOfTraversal.getCostOfTraversal())
             genericQueue.Insert(i, location);
             present = true;
     if (!present)
예제 #8
 // Constructor with all the default input parameters.
 public LocationInfo(Node node, int x, int y, CostOfTraversal costOfTraversal, LocationInfo parentNode)
     _node            = node;
     xCoOrdinate      = x;
     yCoOrdinate      = y;
     _costOfTraversal = costOfTraversal;
     _parentNode      = parentNode;
예제 #9
        public void SearchBasedHeuristic(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String locFileName = (String)Session["locationFileName"];

            _locationsInfo = _locNodes.getLocationsInfo(_absolutePath + locFileName);
            List <LocationInfo> _graphicalNodes = _locationsInfo;

            _graphicalNodes = _locNodes.getLocationsInfo(_absolutePath + locFileName);

            foreach (RadComboBoxItem excludeNodes in excludeLocationsNodes.Items)
                if (!(excludeNodes.Checked == false))
                    _graphicalNodes = _graphicalNodes.Where(query => query._node._node != excludeNodes.Text).ToList();

            double totalCostOfTraversal = 0.0;

            //convert start and end to location obj
            _startNode = _graphicalNodes.FirstOrDefault(query => query._node._node == startLocationsList.SelectedItem.Text);
            _endNode   = _graphicalNodes.FirstOrDefault(query => query._node._node == endLocationsList.SelectedItem.Text);

            String connFileName = (String)Session["connectionFileName"];

            _connectionsInfo = _connEdges.getConnectionsInfo(_absolutePath + connFileName, _graphicalNodes);

            string locationsNodes   = (string)Session["locationNodes"];
            string connectionsEdges = (string)Session["connectionEdges"];

            //Branch to either shortest distance heuristic based on the search heuristic dropdown
            if (selectHeuristicCombo.SelectedItem.Value == shortestDistance)
                ShortestDistanceSearchAlgorithm aStarSearch    = new ShortestDistanceSearchAlgorithm(_startNode, _endNode, _locationsInfo, _connectionsInfo);
                List <LocationInfo>             resultantArray = aStarSearch.AStarTraversal();
                String nodesAndCost = "";

                foreach (LocationInfo locationInfo in resultantArray)
                    totalCostOfTraversal += locationInfo._costOfTraversal._g;
                    nodesAndCost         += ("<br>Node:" + locationInfo._node._node + "| Interim Traversal Cost:" + locationInfo._costOfTraversal._g + "| Cumulative Traversal Cost:" + totalCostOfTraversal);

                String finalOutputNodes = "";
                foreach (LocationInfo locationInfo in resultantArray)
                    finalOutputNodes += locationInfo._node._node + ',';
                    nodesAndCost     += ("-" + locationInfo._node._node);
                finalOutputNodes = finalOutputNodes.TrimEnd(',');
                nodesAndCost    += ("<br>Total Cost of Travel: " + resultantArray[resultantArray.Count - 1]._costOfTraversal._g);
                nodesAndCost     = nodesAndCost.TrimStart('-');
                path.Text        = nodesAndCost;

                //Send the output, the locations and connections info so that vis populates the connected graph
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "GraphParameters", String.Format("populateNodesAndEdges('{0}','{1}','{2}');", finalOutputNodes, locationsNodes, connectionsEdges), true);
            //Branch to the fewest links heuristic based on the search heuristic dropdown
            else if (selectHeuristicCombo.SelectedItem.Value == fewestLinks)
                FewerLinksSearchAlgorithm aStarSearch = new FewerLinksSearchAlgorithm(_startNode, _endNode, _locationsInfo, _connectionsInfo);
                String aStarOutput        = "";
                String finalOutputNodes   = "";
                String resultWithMinLinks = aStarSearch.searchByLinks();
                resultWithMinLinks = resultWithMinLinks.TrimStart(',');
                resultWithMinLinks = resultWithMinLinks.TrimEnd(',');
                finalOutputNodes   = resultWithMinLinks.TrimEnd(',');
                int resultWithLinks = resultWithMinLinks.Count(query => query == ',');
                aStarOutput += ("<br>Path Final:" + resultWithMinLinks);
                aStarOutput += ("<br>Links travelled:" + resultWithLinks);
                path.Text    = aStarOutput;

                //Send the output, the locations and connections info so that vis populates the connected graph
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "GraphParameters", String.Format("populateNodesAndEdges('{0}','{1}','{2}');", finalOutputNodes, locationsNodes, connectionsEdges), true);
예제 #10
 // Method to remove an item from the priority queue
 public void remove(LocationInfo node)
예제 #11
 // Method to check whether an element is present in the queue or not
 public bool exists(LocationInfo node)
예제 #12
        public void SearchBasedHeuristic(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String locFileName = (String)Session["locationFileName"];
            _locationsInfo = _locNodes.getLocationsInfo(_absolutePath + locFileName);
            List<LocationInfo> _graphicalNodes = _locationsInfo;
            _graphicalNodes = _locNodes.getLocationsInfo(_absolutePath + locFileName);

            foreach (RadComboBoxItem excludeNodes in excludeLocationsNodes.Items)
                if (!(excludeNodes.Checked == false))
                    _graphicalNodes = _graphicalNodes.Where(query => query._node._node != excludeNodes.Text).ToList();

            double totalCostOfTraversal = 0.0;
            //convert start and end to location obj
            _startNode = _graphicalNodes.FirstOrDefault(query => query._node._node == startLocationsList.SelectedItem.Text);
            _endNode = _graphicalNodes.FirstOrDefault(query => query._node._node == endLocationsList.SelectedItem.Text);

            String connFileName = (String)Session["connectionFileName"];
            _connectionsInfo = _connEdges.getConnectionsInfo(_absolutePath + connFileName, _graphicalNodes);

            string locationsNodes = (string)Session["locationNodes"];
            string connectionsEdges = (string)Session["connectionEdges"];

            //Branch to either shortest distance heuristic based on the search heuristic dropdown
            if (selectHeuristicCombo.SelectedItem.Value == shortestDistance) {
                ShortestDistanceSearchAlgorithm aStarSearch = new ShortestDistanceSearchAlgorithm(_startNode, _endNode, _locationsInfo, _connectionsInfo);
                List<LocationInfo> resultantArray = aStarSearch.AStarTraversal();
                String nodesAndCost = "";

                foreach (LocationInfo locationInfo in resultantArray)
                    totalCostOfTraversal += locationInfo._costOfTraversal._g;
                    nodesAndCost += ("<br>Node:" + locationInfo._node._node + "| Interim Traversal Cost:" + locationInfo._costOfTraversal._g + "| Cumulative Traversal Cost:" + totalCostOfTraversal);

                String finalOutputNodes = "";
                foreach (LocationInfo locationInfo in resultantArray)
                    finalOutputNodes += locationInfo._node._node + ',';
                    nodesAndCost += ("-" + locationInfo._node._node);
                nodesAndCost += ("<br>Total Cost of Travel: " + resultantArray[resultantArray.Count - 1]._costOfTraversal._g);
                nodesAndCost = nodesAndCost.TrimStart('-');
                path.Text = nodesAndCost;

                //Send the output, the locations and connections info so that vis populates the connected graph
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "GraphParameters", String.Format("populateNodesAndEdges('{0}','{1}','{2}');", finalOutputNodes, locationsNodes, connectionsEdges), true);
            //Branch to the fewest links heuristic based on the search heuristic dropdown
            else if (selectHeuristicCombo.SelectedItem.Value == fewestLinks)
                FewerLinksSearchAlgorithm aStarSearch = new FewerLinksSearchAlgorithm(_startNode, _endNode, _locationsInfo, _connectionsInfo);
                String aStarOutput = "";
                String finalOutputNodes = "";
                String resultWithMinLinks = aStarSearch.searchByLinks();
                resultWithMinLinks = resultWithMinLinks.TrimStart(',');
                resultWithMinLinks = resultWithMinLinks.TrimEnd(',');
                finalOutputNodes = resultWithMinLinks.TrimEnd(',');
                int resultWithLinks = resultWithMinLinks.Count(query => query == ',');
                aStarOutput += ("<br>Path Final:" + resultWithMinLinks);
                aStarOutput += ("<br>Links travelled:" + resultWithLinks);
                path.Text = aStarOutput;

                //Send the output, the locations and connections info so that vis populates the connected graph
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "GraphParameters", String.Format("populateNodesAndEdges('{0}','{1}','{2}');", finalOutputNodes, locationsNodes, connectionsEdges), true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method: getEdgeTraversalCost
        /// Input: location from and to
        /// Returns: g(n) + h(n) cost function in double
        /// </summary>
        public double getEdgeTraversalCost(LocationInfo locationReference, LocationInfo locationTo)
            double xComponent = Math.Pow((locationReference.xCoOrdinate - locationTo.xCoOrdinate), 2);
            double yComponent = Math.Pow((locationReference.yCoOrdinate - locationTo.yCoOrdinate), 2);

            return Math.Sqrt(xComponent + yComponent);
예제 #14
 // Method to remove an item from the priority queue
 public void remove(LocationInfo node)
예제 #15
 // Method to check whether an element is present in the queue or not
 public bool exists(LocationInfo node)
     return genericQueue.Contains(node);