//public void VisitNode(Nodes.FieldVarDecl node) //other decls stored as children //{ // node.symInfo.setTypesFromModifiers(node.modList); // this.populateTypeSpec(node.typeChild, ref node.symInfo); // foreach (string name in node.fv_list) // { // this.symTable.enter(name, node.symInfo); // } //} //public void VisitNode(Nodes.Expression node) //left OP right //{ // VisitChildren(node); // //do type check by comparing op1 and op 2 for type // if (node.left.symInfo.pType == node.right.symInfo.pType) //ptypes match // { // if (node.left.symInfo.pType == Nodes.primType.CLASS) //if both are classes // { // if (!node.left.symInfo.customTypeName.Equals(node.right.symInfo.customTypeName)) //if custom types not equal // { // Console.WriteLine("TYPES {0} AND {1} NOT EQUAL! OPERATOR: {2} ", node.left.symInfo.customTypeName, node.right.symInfo.customTypeName, node.opType); // } // } // } // else // { // Console.WriteLine("TYPES {0} and {1} NOT EQUAL! OP type: {2}", node.left.symInfo.pType, node.right.symInfo.pType, node.opType); // } // //how to handle arrays? // node.symInfo.pType = node.left.symInfo.pType; // //this.symTable.enter(node.left.) //} //public void VisitNode(Nodes.QualName node) //make signatures for Qualified Name, Literal, FIeldAccess, MethodCall, Number //{ // SymInfo sym = this.symTable.lookup(node.q_name.Last()); // if (sym != null) // if null, lookup prints an error // { // node.symInfo = sym; // } // else // { // //not implementing for now // Console.WriteLine("****Long Qualified Names currently not handled, or symbol not defined: " + // String.Join(".", node.q_name)); // } //} public void VisitNode(Nodes.MethodCall node) { if (node.getMethodName() == "WriteLine" | node.getMethodName() == "Write") { if (node.args == null) { //write.WriteLine("ldstr \"Test Hello\""); write.WriteLine("call void[mscorlib] System.Console::WriteLine()"); } else if (node.args.GetType() == typeof(Nodes.Literal)) { write.WriteLine("ldstr \"" + ((Nodes.Literal)node.args).name + "\""); write.WriteLine("call void[mscorlib] System.Console::WriteLine(string)"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Writing of expressions, vars and other types not currently handled"); } } VisitChildren(node.args); }
public void VisitNode(Nodes.MethodCall node) { if (node.getMethodName() == "WriteLine" | node.getMethodName() == "Write") { if (node.args == null) { Console.WriteLine(); } else if (node.args.GetType() == typeof(Nodes.Literal)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(((Nodes.Literal)node.args).name); } else { Console.WriteLine("Writing of expressions, vars and other types not currently handled"); } } node.symInfo = this.symTable.lookup(node.getMethodName()); //has return type VisitChildren(node.args); }
protected override void DoAction(int action) { #pragma warning disable 162, 1522 switch (action) { case 2: // CompilationUnit -> ClassDeclaration { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.CompilationUnit(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 3: // ClassDeclaration -> Modifiers, CLASS, Identifier, ClassBody { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.ClassDeclaration(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 4: // Modifiers -> PUBLIC { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Modifiers(Nodes.modType.PUBLIC); } break; case 5: // Modifiers -> PRIVATE { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Modifiers(Nodes.modType.PRIVATE); } break; case 6: // Modifiers -> STATIC { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Modifiers(Nodes.modType.STATIC); } break; case 7: // Modifiers -> Modifiers, PUBLIC { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Modifiers(Nodes.modType.PUBLIC, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); } break; case 8: // Modifiers -> Modifiers, PRIVATE { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Modifiers(Nodes.modType.PRIVATE, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); } break; case 9: // Modifiers -> Modifiers, STATIC { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Modifiers(Nodes.modType.STATIC, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); } break; case 10: // ClassBody -> LBRACE, FieldDeclarations, RBRACE { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.ClassBody(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); } break; case 11: // ClassBody -> LBRACE, RBRACE { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.ClassBody(); } break; case 12: // FieldDeclarations -> FieldDeclaration { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.FieldDecls(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 13: // FieldDeclarations -> FieldDeclarations, FieldDeclaration { ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].adoptChildren(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 14: // FieldDeclaration -> FieldVariableDeclaration, SEMICOLON { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]; } break; case 15: // FieldDeclaration -> MethodDeclaration { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 20: // FieldVariableDeclaration -> Modifiers, TypeSpecifier, FieldVariableDeclarators { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.FieldVarDecl(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 21: // TypeSpecifier -> TypeName { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.TypeSpec(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], false); } break; case 22: // TypeSpecifier -> ArraySpecifier { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.TypeSpec(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], true); } break; case 23: // TypeName -> PrimitiveType { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 24: // TypeName -> QualifiedName { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 25: // ArraySpecifier -> TypeName, LBRACKET, RBRACKET { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]; } break; case 26: // PrimitiveType -> BOOLEAN { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Primitive(Nodes.primType.BOOLEAN); } break; case 27: // PrimitiveType -> INT { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Primitive(Nodes.primType.INT); } break; case 28: // PrimitiveType -> VOID { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Primitive(Nodes.primType.VOID); } break; case 29: // FieldVariableDeclarators -> FieldVariableDeclaratorName { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.FieldVarDeclarators(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 30: // FieldVariableDeclarators -> FieldVariableDeclarators, COMMA, // FieldVariableDeclaratorName { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.FieldVarDeclarators(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]); } break; case 31: // MethodDeclaration -> Modifiers, TypeSpecifier, MethodDeclarator, MethodBody { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.MethodDeclaration(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 32: // MethodDeclarator -> MethodDeclaratorName, LPAREN, ParameterList, RPAREN { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.MethodDeclarator(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); } break; case 33: // MethodDeclarator -> MethodDeclaratorName, LPAREN, RPAREN { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.MethodDeclarator(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]); } break; case 34: // ParameterList -> Parameter { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 35: // ParameterList -> ParameterList, COMMA, Parameter { ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3].makeSibling(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 36: // Parameter -> TypeSpecifier, DeclaratorName { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Parameter(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 37: // QualifiedName -> Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.QualName(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 38: // QualifiedName -> QualifiedName, PERIOD, Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]; ((Nodes.QualName)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]).append(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 39: // DeclaratorName -> Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 40: // MethodDeclaratorName -> Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 41: // FieldVariableDeclaratorName -> Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 42: // LocalVariableDeclaratorName -> Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 43: // MethodBody -> Block { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 46: // Block -> LBRACE, LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements, RBRACE { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Locals_and_Stmts(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); } break; case 47: // Block -> LBRACE, RBRACE { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Empty(); } break; case 48: // LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements -> LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.LocalFDOS(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 49: // LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements -> // LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements, // LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement { ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].adoptChildren(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 50: // LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement -> LocalVariableDeclarationStatement { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 51: // LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement -> Statement { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 52: // LocalVariableDeclarationStatement -> TypeSpecifier, LocalVariableDeclarators, // SEMICOLON { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.LocalVDS(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); } break; case 54: // LocalVariableDeclarators -> LocalVariableDeclaratorName { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 55: // LocalVariableDeclarators -> LocalVariableDeclarators, COMMA, // LocalVariableDeclaratorName { ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3].makeSibling(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 56: // Statement -> EmptyStatement { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 57: // Statement -> ExpressionStatement, SEMICOLON { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]; } break; case 58: // Statement -> SelectionStatement { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 59: // Statement -> IterationStatement { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 60: // Statement -> ReturnStatement { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 61: // Statement -> Block { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 62: // EmptyStatement -> SEMICOLON { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Empty(); } break; case 64: // SelectionStatement -> IF, LPAREN, Expression, RPAREN, Statement, ELSE, // Statement { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.IfNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 5], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 65: // IterationStatement -> WHILE, LPAREN, Expression, RPAREN, Statement { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.While(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 67: // ReturnStatement -> RETURN, SEMICOLON { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Empty(); } break; case 68: // ArgumentList -> Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 69: // ArgumentList -> ArgumentList, COMMA, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3].makeSibling(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 70: // Expression -> QualifiedName, EQUALS, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "EQUALS", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 76: // Expression -> Expression, OP_EQ, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "OP_EQ", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 77: // Expression -> Expression, OP_NE, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "OP_NE", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 78: // Expression -> Expression, OP_GT, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "OP_GT", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 79: // Expression -> Expression, OP_LT, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "OP_LT", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 80: // Expression -> Expression, OP_LE, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "OP_LE", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 81: // Expression -> Expression, OP_GE, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "OP_GE", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 82: // Expression -> Expression, PLUSOP, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "PLUSOP", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 83: // Expression -> Expression, MINUSOP, Expression { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Expression(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], "MINUSOP", ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); } break; case 88: // Expression -> PrimaryExpression { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 89: // ArithmeticUnaryOperator -> PLUSOP { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Arith("PLUSOP"); } break; case 90: // ArithmeticUnaryOperator -> MINUSOP { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Arith("MINUSOP"); } break; case 91: // PrimaryExpression -> QualifiedName { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 92: // PrimaryExpression -> NotJustName { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 93: // NotJustName -> SpecialName { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 94: // NotJustName -> ComplexPrimary { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 95: // ComplexPrimary -> LPAREN, Expression, RPAREN { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]; } break; case 96: // ComplexPrimary -> ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 97: // ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis -> LITERAL { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Literal(yystringval); } break; case 98: // ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis -> Number { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 99: // ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis -> FieldAccess { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 100: // ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis -> MethodCall { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 102: // MethodCall -> MethodReference, LPAREN, ArgumentList, RPAREN { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.MethodCall(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4], ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); } break; case 103: // MethodCall -> MethodReference, LPAREN, RPAREN { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.MethodCall(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]); } break; case 104: // MethodReference -> ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 105: // MethodReference -> QualifiedName { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 106: // MethodReference -> SpecialName { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 107: // SpecialName -> THIS { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Special("THIS"); } break; case 108: // SpecialName -> NULL { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Special("NULL"); } break; case 109: // Identifier -> IDENTIFIER { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Identifier(yytext); } break; case 110: // Number -> INT_NUMBER { CurrentSemanticValue = new Nodes.Number(yytext); } break; } #pragma warning restore 162, 1522 }