public static List <DestInfo> QueryDestByOrigin(string year, string origin, string dest, string airline, string dataSource, string locale) { HashSet <string> validSrc = new HashSet <string>(dataSource.Split(',')); List <DestInfo> res = new List <DestInfo>(); NpgsqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ASTDatabase.connStr2); conn.Open(); // Query T100 Data string where = ASTDatabase.MakeWhere(year, airline, origin, dest); string groupby = " \"GEOM\", " + (origin != "" ? "\"DEST\"" : "\"ORIGIN\""); string fields = origin != "" ? "\"DEST\"" : "\"ORIGIN\""; fields += ", ST_AsText(\"GEOM\") AS \"GEOM\", SUM(\"PAX\") AS \"SUM_PAX\", SUM(\"FREIGHT\") AS \"SUM_FREIGHT\" "; string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT {0} FROM ""{1}"" WHERE {2} GROUP BY {3}", fields, MetaData.SummaryTableName, where, groupby); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn); NpgsqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { DestInfo destInfo = new DestInfo(); destInfo.Airport = dr[origin != "" ? "DEST" : "ORIGIN"].ToString(); destInfo.TotalPax = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SUM_PAX"].ToString()); destInfo.TotalFreight = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SUM_FREIGHT"].ToString()); // Determine the dataSource of airport Airport airport1 = AirportData.Query(destInfo.Airport); Airport airport2 = AirportData.Query(origin != "" ? origin : dest); destInfo.RouteGeometry = Utils.ProcessWktGeometryString(dr["GEOM"].ToString()); if (airport1.Country != DataSourceRegister.GetDataSrc("T100Data").Country&& airport2.Country != DataSourceRegister.GetDataSrc("T100Data").Country) { destInfo.PartialData = true; destInfo.DataSource = "T100FF"; } else { destInfo.DataSource = "T100Data"; } if (validSrc.Contains(destInfo.DataSource) || dataSource == "") { res.Add(destInfo); } } } finally { conn.Close(); } return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Query the available data sources of an aiport, regardless year. /// </summary> public static string QueryAirportAvailableDataSource(string airportCode, string locale) { Airport airport = AirportData.Query(airportCode, locale); if (airport == null) { return(""); } NpgsqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ASTDatabase.connStr2); conn.Open(); string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT ""DATA_SOURCE"" FROM ""AirportAvailability"" WHERE ""CODE"" = {0}", Utils.SingleQuoteStr(airportCode)); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn); NpgsqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader(); List <string> lstResult = new List <string>(); // Determine the primate data source of the given airport string primaryDataSrc = DataSourceRegister.QueryCountryByDataSrc(airport.Country); if (primaryDataSrc != "") { lstResult.Add(primaryDataSrc); } while (dr.Read()) { string dataSrc = dr["DATA_SOURCE"].ToString(); if (dataSrc == "ConnectionData") { continue; //TODO } if (dataSrc != primaryDataSrc) { lstResult.Add(dataSrc); } } return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(lstResult)); } finally { conn.Close(); } return(""); }
public static string QueryByAirlines(string year, string airline, string region, string locale, int limit = 100) { NpgsqlConnection conn = null; string currentCountry = DataSourceRegister.GetDataSrc("T100Data").Country; try { string res = ""; conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ASTDatabase.connStr2); conn.Open(); JavaScriptSerializer jsoner = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string where = ASTDatabase.MakeWhere(year, airline, "", ""); Airline carrier = AirlineData.Query(airline, locale); if (carrier == null) { return(""); } string flowField = carrier.Type == "Passenger" ? "PAX" : "FREIGHT"; // TODO: Fix table name string[] fields = new string[] { Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("ORIGIN"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("DEST"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr(flowField), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("DEPARTURE"), @"ST_AsText(""T100DataSummary"".""GEOM"") AS ""GEOM""", @"""AP1"".""COUNTRY"" as ""ORIGIN_COUNTRY""", @"""AP2"".""COUNTRY"" as ""DEST_COUNTRY""" }; string fieldStr = String.Join(",", fields); if (region == "US") { where += string.Format(@" AND ( ""AP1"".""COUNTRY"" = '{0}' AND ""AP2"".""COUNTRY"" = '{1}' ) ", currentCountry, currentCountry); } else if (region == "Intl") { where += string.Format(@" AND ( ""AP1"".""COUNTRY"" <> '{0}' OR ""AP2"".""COUNTRY"" <> '{1}' ) ", currentCountry, currentCountry); } where += " AND \"AP1\".\"CODE\" = \"T100DataSummary\".\"ORIGIN\" AND \"AP2\".\"CODE\" = \"T100DataSummary\".\"DEST\" "; string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT {0} FROM ""T100DataSummary"" , ""CommonData_Airport"" AS ""AP1"", ""CommonData_Airport"" AS ""AP2"" WHERE {1} ORDER BY ""{2}"" DESC LIMIT {3}", fieldStr, where, flowField, limit); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn); NpgsqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { Dictionary <string, object> route = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Airport oAirport = AirportData.Query(dr["ORIGIN"].ToString(), locale); Airport dAirport = AirportData.Query(dr["DEST"].ToString(), locale); int flow = Convert.ToInt32(dr[flowField]); if (flow == 0) { continue; } route["origin"] = dr["ORIGIN"].ToString(); route["originCity"] = oAirport.ServeCity[0]; route["originCountry"] = oAirport.Country; route["originGeom"] = oAirport.Geometry; route["dest"] = dr["DEST"].ToString(); route["destCity"] = dAirport.ServeCity[0]; route["destCountry"] = dAirport.Country; route["destGeom"] = dAirport.Geometry; route["flow"] = Convert.ToInt32(dr[flowField]); route["departure"] = dr["DEPARTURE"].ToString(); string geom = dr["GEOM"].ToString(); geom = geom.Replace("MULTILINESTRING", ""); geom = geom.Replace("(", "["); geom = geom.Replace(")", "]"); route["geom"] = geom; if (res != "") { res += ","; } res += jsoner.Serialize(route); } return("[" + res + "]"); } finally { conn.Close(); } return(""); }