예제 #1
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings)HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"];

            // Dynamically Populate the Portal Site Name
            siteName.Text = portalSettings.PortalName;

            // If user logged in, customize welcome message
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated == true)
                WelcomeMessage.Text = "Welcome " + Context.User.Identity.Name + "! <" + "span class=Accent" + ">|<" + "/span" + ">";

                // if authentication mode is Cookie, provide a logoff link
                if (Context.User.Identity.AuthenticationType == "Forms")
                    LogoffLink = "<" + "span class=\"Accent\">|</span>\n" + "<" + "a href=" + Global.GetApplicationPath(Request) + "/Admin/Logoff.aspx class=SiteLink> Logoff" + "<" + "/a>";

            // Dynamically render portal tab strip
            if (ShowTabs == true)
                tabIndex = portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabIndex;

                // Build list of tabs to be shown to user
                ArrayList authorizedTabs = new ArrayList();
                int       addedTabs      = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < portalSettings.DesktopTabs.Count; i++)
                    TabStripDetails tab = (TabStripDetails)portalSettings.DesktopTabs[i];

                    if (PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(tab.AuthorizedRoles))

                    if (addedTabs == tabIndex)
                        tabs.SelectedIndex = addedTabs;


                // Populate Tab List at Top of the Page with authorized tabs
                tabs.DataSource = authorizedTabs;
예제 #2
        // PopulateTabStrip method
        // The PopulateTabStrip method is used to dynamically create and add
        // tabs for each tab view defined in the portal configuration.

        private void PopulateTabStrip()
            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings)HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"];

            for (int i = 0; i < portalSettings.MobileTabs.Count; i++)
                // Create a MobilePortalTab control for the tab,
                // and add it to the tab view.

                TabStripDetails tab = (TabStripDetails)portalSettings.MobileTabs[i];

                if (PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(tab.AuthorizedRoles))
                    MobilePortalTab tabPanel = new MobilePortalTab();
                    tabPanel.Title = tab.TabName;

예제 #3
        // PortalSettings Constructor
        // The PortalSettings Constructor encapsulates all of the logic
        // necessary to obtain configuration settings necessary to render
        // a Portal Tab view for a given request.
        // These Portal Settings are stored within PortalCFG.xml, and are
        // fetched below by calling config.GetSiteSettings().
        // The method config.GetSiteSettings() fills the SiteConfiguration
        // class, derived from a DataSet, which PortalSettings accesses.

        public PortalSettings(int tabIndex, int tabId)
            // Get the configuration data
            SiteConfiguration siteSettings = Configuration.GetSiteSettings();

            // Read the Desktop Tab Information, and sort by Tab Order
            foreach (SiteConfiguration.TabRow tRow in siteSettings.Tab.Select("", "TabOrder"))
                TabStripDetails tabDetails = new TabStripDetails();

                tabDetails.TabId           = tRow.TabId;
                tabDetails.TabName         = tRow.TabName;
                tabDetails.TabOrder        = tRow.TabOrder;
                tabDetails.AuthorizedRoles = tRow.AccessRoles;


            // If the PortalSettings.ActiveTab property is set to 0, change it to
            // the TabID of the first tab in the DesktopTabs collection
            if (this.ActiveTab.TabId == 0)
                this.ActiveTab.TabId = ((TabStripDetails)this.DesktopTabs[0]).TabId;

            // Read the Mobile Tab Information, and sort by Tab Order
            foreach (SiteConfiguration.TabRow mRow in siteSettings.Tab.Select("ShowMobile='true'", "TabOrder"))
                TabStripDetails tabDetails = new TabStripDetails();

                tabDetails.TabId           = mRow.TabId;
                tabDetails.TabName         = mRow.MobileTabName;
                tabDetails.AuthorizedRoles = mRow.AccessRoles;


            // Read the Module Information for the current (Active) tab
            SiteConfiguration.TabRow activeTab = siteSettings.Tab.FindByTabId(tabId);

            // Get Modules for this Tab based on the Data Relation
            foreach (SiteConfiguration.ModuleRow moduleRow in activeTab.GetModuleRows())
                ModuleSettings moduleSettings = new ModuleSettings();

                moduleSettings.ModuleTitle         = moduleRow.ModuleTitle;
                moduleSettings.ModuleId            = moduleRow.ModuleId;
                moduleSettings.ModuleDefId         = moduleRow.ModuleDefId;
                moduleSettings.ModuleOrder         = moduleRow.ModuleOrder;
                moduleSettings.TabId               = tabId;
                moduleSettings.PaneName            = moduleRow.PaneName;
                moduleSettings.AuthorizedEditRoles = moduleRow.EditRoles;
                moduleSettings.CacheTime           = moduleRow.CacheTimeout;
                moduleSettings.ShowMobile          = moduleRow.ShowMobile;

                // ModuleDefinition data
                SiteConfiguration.ModuleDefinitionRow modDefRow = siteSettings.ModuleDefinition.FindByModuleDefId(moduleSettings.ModuleDefId);

                moduleSettings.DesktopSrc = modDefRow.DesktopSourceFile;
                moduleSettings.MobileSrc  = modDefRow.MobileSourceFile;


            // Sort the modules in order of ModuleOrder

            // Get the first row in the Global table
            SiteConfiguration.GlobalRow globalSettings = (SiteConfiguration.GlobalRow)siteSettings.Global.Rows[0];

            // Read Portal global settings
            this.PortalId                  = globalSettings.PortalId;
            this.PortalName                = globalSettings.PortalName;
            this.AlwaysShowEditButton      = globalSettings.AlwaysShowEditButton;
            this.ActiveTab.TabIndex        = tabIndex;
            this.ActiveTab.TabId           = tabId;
            this.ActiveTab.TabOrder        = activeTab.TabOrder;
            this.ActiveTab.MobileTabName   = activeTab.MobileTabName;
            this.ActiveTab.AuthorizedRoles = activeTab.AccessRoles;
            this.ActiveTab.TabName         = activeTab.TabName;
            this.ActiveTab.ShowMobile      = activeTab.ShowMobile;