public MailAttachment ToMailAttachment(string link) { var file_name = Path.GetFileName(link); if (!loaded_smiles.ContainsKey(link)) { var attach = new MailAttachment { fileName = file_name, storedName = file_name, contentId = link.GetMD5(), data = LoadSmileData(link) }; loaded_smiles[link] = attach; } return loaded_smiles[link]; }
private static void LoadAttachmentData(MailAttachment attach, string domain, string file_link, IDataStore current_img_storage) { using (var stream = current_img_storage.GetReadStream(domain, file_link)) { = stream.GetCorrectBuffer(); } }
public void StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(int tenant, string user, MailAttachment attachment) { StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(tenant, user, attachment, MailDataStore.GetDataStore(tenant)); }
public MailAttachment AttachFile(int tenant, string user, int messageId, string name, Stream inputStream) { if (messageId < 1) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BadParams, "Field 'id_message' must have non-negative value."); } if (tenant < 0) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BadParams, "Field 'id_tenant' must have non-negative value."); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BadParams, "Field 'id_user' is empty."); } if (inputStream.Length == 0) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.EmptyFile, "Empty files not supported."); } var message = GetMailInfo(tenant, user, messageId, false, false); if (message == null) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.MessageNotFound, "Message not found."); } if (message.Folder != MailFolder.Ids.drafts) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BadParams, "Message is not a draft."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.StreamId)) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.MessageNotFound, "StreamId is empty."); } var totalSize = GetAttachmentsTotalSize(messageId) + inputStream.Length; if (totalSize > ATTACHMENTS_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.TotalSizeExceeded, "Total size of all files exceeds limit!"); } var fileNumber = GetMaxAttachmentNumber(messageId, tenant); var attachment = new MailAttachment { fileName = name, contentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(name), fileNumber = fileNumber, size = inputStream.Length, data = inputStream.ReadToEnd(), streamId = message.StreamId, tenant = tenant, user = user, mailboxId = message.MailboxId }; QuotaUsedAdd(tenant, inputStream.Length); try { StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(tenant, user, attachment); } catch { QuotaUsedDelete(tenant, inputStream.Length); throw; } using (var db = GetDb()) { using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) { attachment.fileId = SaveAttachment(db, tenant, messageId, attachment); UpdateMessageChainAttachmentsFlag(db, tenant, user, messageId); tx.Commit(); } } return(attachment); }
public MailAttachment AttachFile(int id_tenant, string id_user, int id_message, string name, Stream input_stream, string id_stream) { if (id_message < 0) throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BAD_PARAMS, "Field 'id_message' must have non-negative value."); if (id_tenant < 0) throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BAD_PARAMS, "Field 'id_tenant' must have non-negative value."); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id_user)) throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BAD_PARAMS, "Field 'id_user' is empty."); if (input_stream.Length == 0) throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.EMPTY_FILE, "Empty files not supported."); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id_stream)) throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Message not found."); var total_size = GetAttachmentsTotalSize(id_message) + input_stream.Length; if (total_size > ATTACHMENTS_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT) throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.TOTAL_SIZE_EXCEEDED, "Total size of all files exceeds limit!"); var file_number = GetMaxAttachmentNumber(id_message); var attachment = new MailAttachment { fileName = name, contentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(name), fileNumber = file_number, size = input_stream.Length, data = input_stream.GetCorrectBuffer(), streamId = id_stream, tenant = id_tenant, user = id_user }; QuotaUsedAdd(id_tenant, input_stream.Length); try { StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(id_tenant, id_user, attachment); } catch { QuotaUsedDelete(id_tenant, input_stream.Length); throw; } try { using (var db = GetDb()) { using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) { attachment.fileId = SaveAttachment(db, id_tenant, id_message, attachment); UpdateMessageChainAttachmentsFlag(db, id_tenant, id_user, id_message); tx.Commit(); } } } catch { //TODO: If exception has happened, need to remove stored files from s3 and remove quota throw; } return attachment; }
private MailAttachment ToMailItemAttachment(object[] r) { if (r.Length != SelectMailItemAttachmentFieldsCont) { Console.WriteLine("Count of returned fields not equal to"); var results = r; foreach (var field in results) { Console.WriteLine(field == null ? "null" : field.ToString()); } return null; } var attachment = new MailAttachment { fileId = Convert.ToInt32(r[(int) MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.Id]), fileName = Convert.ToString(r[(int) MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.Name]), storedName = Convert.ToString(r[(int) MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.StoredName]), contentType = Convert.ToString(r[(int) MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.Type]), size = Convert.ToInt64(r[(int) MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.Size]), fileNumber = Convert.ToInt32(r[(int) MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.FileNumber]), streamId = Convert.ToString(r[(int)MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.IdStream]), tenant = Convert.ToInt32(r[(int)MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.Tenant]), user = Convert.ToString(r[(int)MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.User]), contentId = Convert.ToString(r[(int)MailItemAttachmentSelectPosition.ContentId]) }; // if StoredName is empty then attachment had been stored by filename (old attachment); attachment.storedName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachment.storedName)? attachment.fileName: attachment.storedName; return attachment; }
public MailAttachment AttachFile(int tenant, string user, MailMessage message, string name, Stream inputStream, string contentType = null) { if (message == null) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.MessageNotFound, "Message not found."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.StreamId)) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.MessageNotFound, "StreamId is empty."); } var messageId = (int)message.Id; var totalSize = GetAttachmentsTotalSize(messageId) + inputStream.Length; if (totalSize > ATTACHMENTS_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.TotalSizeExceeded, "Total size of all files exceeds limit!"); } var fileNumber = GetMaxAttachmentNumber(messageId, tenant); var attachment = new MailAttachment { fileName = name, contentType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType) ? MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(name) : contentType, fileNumber = fileNumber, size = inputStream.Length, data = inputStream.ReadToEnd(), streamId = message.StreamId, tenant = tenant, user = user, mailboxId = message.MailboxId }; QuotaUsedAdd(tenant, inputStream.Length); try { var storage = new StorageManager(tenant, user); storage.StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(attachment); } catch { QuotaUsedDelete(tenant, inputStream.Length); throw; } using (var db = GetDb()) { using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) { attachment.fileId = SaveAttachment(db, tenant, messageId, attachment); UpdateMessageChainAttachmentsFlag(db, tenant, user, messageId); tx.Commit(); } } return(attachment); }
public void StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(int id_tenant, string id_user, MailAttachment attachment) { StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(id_tenant, id_user, attachment, MailDataStore.GetDataStore(id_tenant)); }
public int SaveAttachment(DbManager db, int id_tenant, int id_mail, MailAttachment attachment) { return SaveAttachment(db, id_tenant, id_mail, attachment, true); }
public int SaveAttachment(int id_tenant, int id_mail, MailAttachment attachment) { using (var db = GetDb()) { return SaveAttachment(db, id_tenant, id_mail, attachment); } }
public int SaveAttachmentInTransaction(int id_tenant, int id_mail, MailAttachment attachment) { int id; using (var db = GetDb()) { using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) { id = SaveAttachment(db, id_tenant, id_mail, attachment); tx.Commit(); } } return id; }
public void StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(int id_tenant, string id_user, MailAttachment attachment, IDataStore storage) { try { if ( == null || == 0) return; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachment.fileName)) attachment.fileName = "attachment.ext"; var content_disposition = MailStoragePathCombiner.PrepareAttachmentName(attachment.fileName); var ext = Path.GetExtension(attachment.fileName); attachment.storedName = CreateNewStreamId(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) attachment.storedName = Path.ChangeExtension(attachment.storedName, ext); attachment.fileNumber = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachment.contentId) //Upload hack: embedded attachment have to be saved in 0 folder ? 0 : attachment.fileNumber; var attachment_path = attachment.GerStoredFilePath(); using (var reader = new MemoryStream( { var upload_url = storage.UploadWithoutQuota(string.Empty, attachment_path, reader, attachment.contentType, content_disposition); attachment.storedFileUrl = MailStoragePathCombiner.GetStoredUrl(upload_url); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.Error("StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(). filename: {0}, ctype: {1} Exception:\r\n{2}\r\n", attachment.fileName, attachment.contentType, e.ToString()); throw; } }
public void StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(int id_tenant, string id_user, MailAttachment attachment) { StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(id_tenant, id_user, attachment, GetDataStore(id_tenant)); }
public void StoreAttachmentCopy(int id_tenant, string id_user, MailAttachment attachment, string stream_id) { try { if (!attachment.streamId.Equals(stream_id)) { var s3_key = attachment.GerStoredFilePath(); var data_client = GetDataStore(id_tenant); if (data_client.IsFile(s3_key)) { attachment.fileNumber = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachment.contentId) //Upload hack: embedded attachment have to be saved in 0 folder ? 0 : attachment.fileNumber; var new_s3_key = MailStoragePathCombiner.GetFileKey(id_user, stream_id, attachment.fileNumber, attachment.storedName); var copy_s3_url = data_client.Copy(s3_key, string.Empty, new_s3_key); attachment.storedFileUrl = MailStoragePathCombiner.GetStoredUrl(copy_s3_url); attachment.streamId = stream_id; } } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error("CopyAttachment(). filename: {0}, ctype: {1} Exception:\r\n{2}\r\n", attachment.fileName, attachment.contentType, ex.ToString()); throw; } }
private static MimePart CreateAttachment(MailAttachment attachment, bool load_attachments) { var ret_val = new MimePart(); var s3_key = attachment.GerStoredFilePath(); var file_name = attachment.fileName ?? Path.GetFileName(s3_key); if (load_attachments) { var byte_array =; if (byte_array == null || byte_array.Length == 0) { using (var stream = GetDataStoreForAttachments(attachment.tenant).GetReadStream(s3_key)) { byte_array = stream.GetCorrectBuffer(); } } ret_val = new MimePart(byte_array, file_name); if (attachment.contentId != null) ret_val.ContentId = attachment.contentId; } else { var conent_type = Common.Web.MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(s3_key); ret_val.ContentType = new ContentType {Type = conent_type}; ret_val.Filename = file_name; if (attachment.contentId != null) ret_val.ContentId = attachment.contentId; ret_val.TextContent = ""; } return ret_val; }
public MailAttachment AttachFile(int id_tenant, string id_user, int id_message, string name, Stream input_stream, string id_stream) { if (id_message < 0) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BAD_PARAMS, "Field 'id_message' must have non-negative value."); } if (id_tenant < 0) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BAD_PARAMS, "Field 'id_tenant' must have non-negative value."); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id_user)) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BAD_PARAMS, "Field 'id_user' is empty."); } if (input_stream.Length == 0) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.EMPTY_FILE, "Empty files not supported."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id_stream)) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Message not found."); } var total_size = GetAttachmentsTotalSize(id_message) + input_stream.Length; if (total_size > ATTACHMENTS_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT) { throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.TOTAL_SIZE_EXCEEDED, "Total size of all files exceeds limit!"); } var file_number = GetMaxAttachmentNumber(id_message); var attachment = new MailAttachment { fileName = name, contentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(name), fileNumber = file_number, size = input_stream.Length, data = input_stream.GetCorrectBuffer(), streamId = id_stream, tenant = id_tenant, user = id_user }; QuotaUsedAdd(id_tenant, input_stream.Length); try { StoreAttachmentWithoutQuota(id_tenant, id_user, attachment); } catch { QuotaUsedDelete(id_tenant, input_stream.Length); throw; } try { using (var db = GetDb()) { using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) { attachment.fileId = SaveAttachment(db, id_tenant, id_message, attachment); UpdateMessageChainAttachmentsFlag(db, id_tenant, id_user, id_message); tx.Commit(); } } } catch { //TODO: If exception has happened, need to remove stored files from s3 and remove quota throw; } return(attachment); }
public int SaveAttachment(DbManager db, int id_tenant, int id_mail, MailAttachment attachment, bool need_recount) { var id = db.ExecuteScalar<int>( new SqlInsert( .InColumnValue(, 0) .InColumnValue(AttachmentTable.Columns.id_mail, id_mail) .InColumnValue(, attachment.fileName) .InColumnValue(AttachmentTable.Columns.stored_name, attachment.storedName) .InColumnValue(AttachmentTable.Columns.type, attachment.contentType) .InColumnValue(AttachmentTable.Columns.size, attachment.size) .InColumnValue(AttachmentTable.Columns.file_number, attachment.fileNumber) .InColumnValue(AttachmentTable.Columns.need_remove, false) .InColumnValue(AttachmentTable.Columns.content_id, attachment.contentId) .InColumnValue(AttachmentTable.Columns.id_tenant, id_tenant) .Identity(0, 0, true)); if (need_recount) ReCountAttachments(db, id_mail); return id; }
public int SaveAttachment(DbManager db, int id_tenant, int id_mail, MailAttachment attachment) { return(SaveAttachment(db, id_tenant, id_mail, attachment, true)); }
public AttachmentStream GetAttachmentStream(MailAttachment attachment) { if (attachment != null) { var storage = GetDataStore(attachment.tenant); var attachment_path = attachment.GerStoredFilePath(); var result = new AttachmentStream { FileStream = storage.GetReadStream("", attachment_path), FileName = attachment.fileName }; return result; } throw new InvalidOperationException("Attachment not found"); }
public int SaveAttachment(DbManager db, int tenant, int messageId, MailAttachment attachment) { return(SaveAttachment(db, tenant, messageId, attachment, true)); }
private void PreprocessHtml(int tennantid, List<MailAttachment> internalAttachments) { //Parse html attachments var storage = GetDataStoreForEmbeddedAttachments(tennantid); string baseValue = storage.GetUri(EmbeddedDomain, "").ToString(); //Load html doc HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(HtmlBody); var linkNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//img[@src and (contains(@src,'" + baseValue + "'))]"); if (linkNodes != null) { foreach (var linkNode in linkNodes) { var link = linkNode.Attributes["src"].Value; var file_link = link.Substring(baseValue.Length); //Change var attach = new MailAttachment() { Url = EmbeddedDomain + "|" + file_link, ContentID = GenerateContentId() }; internalAttachments.Add(attach); linkNode.SetAttributeValue("src", "cid:" + attach.ContentID); } } HtmlBody = doc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml; }
private static MimePart CreateAttachment(int tennantid, MailAttachment attachment, bool loadAttachments) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.MimePart retVal = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.MimePart(); var fileName = Path.GetFileName(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(attachment.Url.Split('|')[1])); if (loadAttachments) { var pathInfo = attachment.Url.Split('|'); var is_embedded = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachment.ContentID); using (var s = is_embedded ? GetDataStoreForEmbeddedAttachments(tennantid).GetReadStream(EmbeddedDomain, pathInfo[1]) : GetDataStoreForAttachments(tennantid, pathInfo[0]).GetReadStream(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(pathInfo[1]))) { retVal = new MimePart(s.GetCorrectBuffer(), fileName); retVal.ContentDisposition.Disposition = "attachment"; } if (attachment.ContentID != null) retVal.ContentId = attachment.ContentID; } else { var conentType = ASC.Common.Web.MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(attachment.Url); retVal.ContentType = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.ContentType() { Type = conentType }; retVal.Filename = Path.GetFileName(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(fileName)); if (attachment.ContentID != null) retVal.ContentId = attachment.ContentID; retVal.TextContent = ""; } return retVal; }
public override FileUploadResult ProcessUpload(HttpContext context) { var file_name = string.Empty; MailAttachment attachment = null; try { if (!SecurityContext.AuthenticateMe(CookiesManager.GetCookies(CookiesType.AuthKey))) throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(MailResource.AttachemntsUnauthorizedError); if (ProgressFileUploader.HasFilesToUpload(context)) { try { var stream_id = context.Request["stream"]; var mail_id = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["messageId"]); if (mail_id < 1) throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Message not yet saved!"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stream_id)) throw new AttachmentsException(AttachmentsException.Types.BAD_PARAMS, "Have no stream"); var posted_file = new ProgressFileUploader.FileToUpload(context); file_name = context.Request["name"]; attachment = new MailAttachment { fileId = -1, size = posted_file.ContentLength, fileName = file_name, streamId = stream_id, tenant = TenantId, user = Username }; attachment = _mailBoxManager.AttachFile(TenantId, Username, mail_id, file_name, posted_file.InputStream, stream_id); return new FileUploadResult { Success = true, FileName = attachment.fileName, FileURL = attachment.storedFileUrl, Data = attachment }; } catch (AttachmentsException e) { string error_message; switch (e.ErrorType) { case AttachmentsException.Types.BAD_PARAMS: error_message = MailScriptResource.AttachmentsBadInputParamsError; break; case AttachmentsException.Types.EMPTY_FILE: error_message = MailScriptResource.AttachmentsEmptyFileNotSupportedError; break; case AttachmentsException.Types.MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND: error_message = MailScriptResource.AttachmentsMessageNotFoundError; break; case AttachmentsException.Types.TOTAL_SIZE_EXCEEDED: error_message = MailScriptResource.AttachmentsTotalLimitError; break; case AttachmentsException.Types.DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND: error_message = MailScriptResource.AttachmentsDocumentNotFoundError; break; case AttachmentsException.Types.DOCUMENT_ACCESS_DENIED: error_message = MailScriptResource.AttachmentsDocumentAccessDeniedError; break; default: error_message = MailScriptResource.AttachmentsUnknownError; break; } throw new Exception(error_message); } catch (ASC.Core.Tenants.TenantQuotaException) { throw; } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception(MailScriptResource.AttachmentsUnknownError); } } throw new Exception(MailScriptResource.AttachmentsBadInputParamsError); } catch (Exception ex) { return new FileUploadResult { Success = false, FileName = file_name, Data = attachment, Message = ex.Message, }; } }