private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double total = 0; double hrs = 0; double payOver = 0; double days = 0; try { fromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startLbl.Text).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); toDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endLbl.Text).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); } catch (Exception k) { fromDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); toDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); } LoadingWindow.ShowSplashScreen(); LoadDeduction(fromDate, toDate); string Qs = "SELECT starts,period,userID,customerID FROM schedule WHERE `date` >= '" + fromDate + "' AND `date` <= '" + toDate + "'"; MySqlDataReader Reader1 = MySQL.Reading(Qs); OnDays l = new OnDays(); List <OnDays> oD = new List <OnDays>(); while (Reader1.Read()) { l = new OnDays(Convert.ToDateTime(Reader1["starts"]).ToString("ddd"), Reader1["period"].ToString(), Reader1["userID"].ToString(), Reader1["customerID"].ToString()); oD.Add(l); } DBConnect.CloseMySqlConn(); Payroll r = new Payroll(); string Q = "SELECT,rate.period AS maxs , AS client, AS customerID,rate.amount,,account.routing,SUM(schedule.period ) AS totalhours,SUM(schedule.cost ) AS cost,schedule.userID AS userID FROM schedule LEFT JOIN users ON schedule.userID = LEFT JOIN customer ON schedule.customerID = LEFT JOIN rate ON = rate.userID LEFT JOIN account ON = account.userid LEFT JOIN deduction ON = deduction.userID WHERE (schedule.`date` >= '" + fromDate + "' AND schedule.`date` <= '" + toDate + "') GROUP BY schedule.userID,,,,,account.routing,rate.amount,rate.period,"; MySqlDataReader Reader = MySQL.Reading(Q); int ct = 0; double ded = 0; double totalHrs = 0; double maxs = 0; double amount = 0; while (Reader.Read()) { if (ct == 1) { ded = deductionDictionary.Where(u => u.Key.Contains(Reader["userID"].ToString())).Sum(k => k.Value); } else { ded = 0; } totalHrs = Convert.ToDouble(Reader["totalhours"]); try { maxs = Convert.ToDouble(Reader["maxs"]); } catch { } try { amount = Convert.ToDouble(Reader["amount"]); } catch { } total = Convert.ToDouble(Reader["cost"]); double overtime = 0; if (totalHrs > maxs) { overtime = totalHrs - maxs; } else { overtime = 0; } double half = amount / 2; double timeHalf = amount + half; double overtimePay = timeHalf * overtime; double pay = (total + overtimePay) - ded; string daying = ""; foreach (OnDays u in oD.Where(y => y.UserID.Contains(Reader["userID"].ToString()) && y.ClientID.Contains(Reader["customerID"].ToString()))) { daying = daying + "\n" + u.Day + "\t\t" + u.Hrs; } r = new Payroll(Reader["name"].ToString(), Reader["client"].ToString(), Reader["bank"].ToString() + " " + Reader["routing"].ToString(), daying, days, "", Convert.ToDouble(Reader["totalhours"]), amount, Convert.ToDouble(Reader["cost"]), ded, pay, overtime, overtimePay); reports.Add(r); ct++; } DBConnect.CloseMySqlConn(); /** end restaurant profit**/ // Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter rp = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("week", week.ToString()); // this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter[] { rp }); this.PayrollBindingSource.DataSource = reports; reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); LoadingWindow.CloseForm(); }
public void LoadData(string fromDate, string toDate) { // create and execute query t = new DataTable(); t.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Select", typeof(bool))); t.Columns.Add("id"); t.Columns.Add("uri"); t.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Img", typeof(Bitmap)));//1 t.Columns.Add("Name"); t.Columns.Add("No"); t.Columns.Add("Date"); t.Columns.Add("Method"); t.Columns.Add("Start"); t.Columns.Add("Ending"); t.Columns.Add("Days"); t.Columns.Add("Week"); t.Columns.Add("Rate"); t.Columns.Add("Hours"); t.Columns.Add("Amount"); t.Columns.Add("Over time Hours"); t.Columns.Add("Over time Rate"); t.Columns.Add("Over time Pay"); t.Columns.Add("Deductions"); t.Columns.Add("Paid"); t.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("View", typeof(Image))); t.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Delete", typeof(Image))); Bitmap b = new Bitmap(50, 50); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b)) { g.DrawString("Loading...", this.Font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 0f, 0f); } Image view = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.Note_Memo_16); Image delete = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.Server_Delete_16); string Q = "SELECT * FROM pay WHERE (`date` >= '" + fromDate + "' AND `date` <= '" + toDate + "')"; foreach (Pay c in Pay.List(Q)) { string daying = ""; string Qs = "SELECT starts,period,userID,customerID FROM schedule WHERE (`date` >= '" + c.Starts + "' AND `date` <= '" + c.Ends + "')"; MySqlDataReader Reader1 = MySQL.Reading(Qs); OnDays l = new OnDays(); List <OnDays> oD = new List <OnDays>(); while (Reader1.Read()) { l = new OnDays(Convert.ToDateTime(Reader1["starts"]).ToString("ddd"), Reader1["period"].ToString(), Reader1["userID"].ToString(), Reader1["customerID"].ToString()); oD.Add(l); } DBConnect.CloseMySqlConn(); int ct = 1; foreach (OnDays u in oD.Where(y => y.UserID.Contains(c.UserID))) { daying = daying + "\n" + ct++ + "." + u.Day + "\t\t-" + u.Hrs + "Hrs "; } string user = ""; string imageUs = ""; try { user = GenericCollection.users.Where(r => r.Id == c.UserID).First().Name; } catch { } try { imageUs = GenericCollection.users.Where(r => r.Id == c.UserID).First().Image; } catch { } try { t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "false", c.Id, imageUs as string, b, user, c.No, c.Date, c.Method, c.Starts, c.Ends, daying, c.Week, c.Rate, c.Hours, c.Amount.ToString("N0"), c.OvertimeHrs, c.OvertimeRate, c.OvertimePay.ToString("N0"), c.Deductions.ToString("N0"), c.Paid, view, delete }); } catch (Exception m) { MessageBox.Show("" + m.Message); Helper.Exceptions(m.Message, "Viewing pay slips { list }" + c.Date); } } dtGrid.DataSource = t; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) { try { Image img = Helper.Base64ToImage(row["uri"].ToString().Replace('"', ' ').Trim()); System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(img); Bitmap bps = new Bitmap(bmp, 50, 50); Image dstImage = Helper.CropToCircle(bps, Color.White); row["Img"] = dstImage; } catch { } } }); dtGrid.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dtGrid.Columns["Start"].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; dtGrid.Columns["Ending"].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.PaleGoldenrod; dtGrid.RowTemplate.Height = 60; dtGrid.Columns["uri"].Visible = false; dtGrid.Columns["id"].Visible = false; // dtGrid.Columns["select"].Width = 30; }