예제 #1
            public override void HandlePacket(WorldClient client, ServerPacket packet)
                var reader = packet.Reader;

                int returnCode = reader.ReadInt32();

                if (returnCode != 0)
                    Log.Error($"WS2GC_ANS_DISTRICT_ENTER response had invalid return code {returnCode}");
                    client.OnDistrictEnterFailed(client, returnCode);

                var data = new DistrictEnterInfo()
                    ReturnCode = returnCode,
                    DistrictServerIpAddress = new IPAddress(reader.ReadBytes(4)),
                    DistrictServerPort      = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                    Timestamp = reader.ReadUInt64(),

                // Calculate the hash used in the UDP handshake
                var timestampBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Timestamp);
                var sha1           = new Sha1Digest();

                sha1.BlockUpdate(client._encryptionKey, 0, client._encryptionKey.Length);
                sha1.BlockUpdate(timestampBytes, 0, timestampBytes.Length);
                var handshakeHash = new byte[sha1.GetDigestSize()];

                sha1.DoFinal(handshakeHash, 0);

                data.HandshakeHash = handshakeHash;

                // Calculate the encryption key used for UDP packets
                sha1 = new Sha1Digest();
                sha1.BlockUpdate(client._encryptionKey, 0, client._encryptionKey.Length);
                sha1.BlockUpdate(handshakeHash, 0, handshakeHash.Length);
                var encryptionHash = new byte[sha1.GetDigestSize()];

                sha1.DoFinal(encryptionHash, 0);
                var encryptionKey = new byte[16];

                Buffer.BlockCopy(encryptionHash, 0, encryptionKey, 0, 16);

                data.XXTEAKey = encryptionKey;

                Log.Debug($"m_nReturnCode = {returnCode}");
                Log.Debug($"m_nDistrictServerIPAddress = {data.DistrictServerIpAddress}");
                Log.Debug($"m_nDistrictServerPort = {data.DistrictServerPort}");
                Log.Debug($"m_nTimestamp = {data.Timestamp}");
                Log.Debug($"m_bHandshakeHash = {Util.ByteToHexBitFiddle(data.HandshakeHash)}");
                Log.Debug($"m_bXXTEAKey = {Util.ByteToHexBitFiddle(data.XXTEAKey)}");

                client.OnDistrictEnterSuccess(client, data);
예제 #2
            public override void HandlePacket(WorldClient client, ServerPacket packet)
                var reader = packet.Reader;

                int returnCode = reader.ReadInt32();

                if (returnCode != 0)
                    client.OnDistrictEnterFailed(client, returnCode);

                var data = new DistrictEnterInfo()
                    ReturnCode = returnCode,
                    DistrictServerIpAddress = new IPAddress(reader.ReadBytes(4)),
                    DistrictServerPort      = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                    Timestamp = reader.ReadUInt64(),

                var timestampBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Timestamp);
                var sha1           = new Sha1Digest();

                sha1.BlockUpdate(client.EncryptionKey, 0, client.EncryptionKey.Length);
                sha1.BlockUpdate(timestampBytes, 0, timestampBytes.Length);
                var handshakeHash = new byte[sha1.GetDigestSize()];

                sha1.DoFinal(handshakeHash, 0);

                data.HandshakeHash = handshakeHash;

                sha1 = new Sha1Digest();
                sha1.BlockUpdate(client.EncryptionKey, 0, client.EncryptionKey.Length);
                sha1.BlockUpdate(handshakeHash, 0, handshakeHash.Length);
                var encryptionHash = new byte[sha1.GetDigestSize()];

                sha1.DoFinal(encryptionHash, 0);
                var encryptionKey = new byte[16];

                Buffer.BlockCopy(encryptionHash, 0, encryptionKey, 0, 16);

                data.XXTEAKey = encryptionKey;
                client.OnDistrictEnterSuccess(client, data);

                 * 21:26:20 - ScriptLog: (cHostingGC2WS_0) cHostingGC2WS::OnDistrictEnterSuccess()
                 * 21:26:20 - ScriptLog: (cHostingClient_0) ClientState kCLIENT_STATE_DISTRICT_ENTER1_COMPLETE
                 * 21:26:20 - Log: Connecting to DistrictServer
                 * 21:26:20 - ScriptLog: (cHostingClient_0) ClientState kCLIENT_STATE_DISTRICTSERVER_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS
                 * 21:26:20 - Init: WinSock: Socket queue 32768 / 32768
                 * 21:26:20 - Init: WinSock: I am DESKTOP-2UIF4CE (
                 * 21:26:20 - Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
                 * 21:26:20 - DevNet: Game client on port 10200
                 * ...
                 * 21:26:20 - DevNet: Sending AUTH ACCID=0022424338
                 * 21:26:20 - DevNet: PendingLevel received: HandshakeChallenge
                 * 21:26:20 - DevNet: PendingLevel received: HandshakeComplete
                 * 21:26:20 - DevNet: PendingLevel received: Uses
                 * ...
                 * 21:26:22 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) cHostingPlayerController::InitInputSystem()
                 * 21:26:22 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) RemoteRole == ROLE_Authority
                 * 21:26:22 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) Calling Send_GC2DS_ASK_DISTRICT_ENTER()
                 * 21:26:22 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) Send [GC2DS_ASK_DISTRICT_ENTER]
                 * ...
                 * 21:26:25 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) Receive [DS2GC_ANS_DISTRICT_ENTER]
                 * 21:26:25 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) m_nReturnCode 0
                 * 21:26:25 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) m_nDistrictUID 16
                 * 21:26:25 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPlayerController_1) m_nInstanceNo 1