public void CreateSimpleTable() { //Create new spreadsheet document _spreadsheetDocument2 = new SpreadsheetDocument(); _spreadsheetDocument2.Load(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.inPutFolder+@"blank.ods"); //Create a new table Table table = new Table(_spreadsheetDocument2, "First", "tablefirst"); table.Rows.Add(new Row(table)); //Create a new cell, without any extra styles Cell cell = new Cell(_spreadsheetDocument2, "cell001"); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; //Set full border cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border = Border.NormalSolid; //Add a paragraph to this cell Paragraph paragraph = ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph( _spreadsheetDocument2); //Add some text content String cellText = "Some text"; paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(_spreadsheetDocument2, cellText)); //Add paragraph to the cell cell.Content.Add(paragraph); //Insert the cell at row index 2 and column index 3 //All need rows, columns and cells below the given //indexes will be build automatically. table.InsertCellAt(1, 1, cell); //Insert table into the spreadsheet document _spreadsheetDocument2.TableCollection.Add(table); // Test inserted content Assert.AreEqual(_spreadsheetDocument2.TableCollection[0], table); String text = _spreadsheetDocument2.TableCollection[0].Rows[1].Cells[1].Node.InnerText; Assert.AreEqual(text, cellText); }
/// <summary> /// create the row header of the data table of the chart /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns></returns> private RowHeader CreateRowHeader(Table table) { RowHeader rowheader = new RowHeader (table); int startColumnIndex = m_tableData.startcell .columnIndex ; int endColumnIndex = m_tableData.endcell .columnIndex ; Row row = new Row (table); Cell cell = this.CreateNullStringCell (table); row.Cells .Add (cell); for(int i=startColumnIndex; i<=endColumnIndex; i++) { Cell tempCell = new Cell (table.Document); tempCell.OfficeValueType ="string"; Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph (m_document); string content =((char)('A'+i-1)).ToString ()+"ĮŠ"; paragraph.TextContent .Add (new SimpleText (m_document ,content)); tempCell.Content .Add (paragraph); row.Cells .Add (tempCell); } rowheader.RowCollection .Add (row); return rowheader; }
/// <summary> /// Gets paragraph from cell /// </summary> /// <param name="cell"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Paragraph GetParagraph(Cell cell) { if (cell.Content.Count == 0) return null; Paragraph p = cell.Content[0] as Paragraph; return p; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns>the null string cell</returns> /// <example ><texp/></example> private Cell CreateNullStringCell(Table table) { Cell cell = new Cell (table.Document); Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph (m_document ); cell.Content .Add (paragraph); return cell; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the text document table. /// </summary> /// <param name="document">The document.</param> /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param> /// <param name="styleName">Name of the style.</param> /// <param name="rows">The rows.</param> /// <param name="columns">The columns.</param> /// <param name="width">The width.</param> /// <param name="useTableRowHeader">if set to <c>true</c> [use table row header].</param> /// <param name="useBorder">The useBorder.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Table CreateTextDocumentTable(AODL.Document.TextDocuments.TextDocument document, string tableName, string styleName, int rows, int columns, double width, bool useTableRowHeader, bool useBorder) { string tableCnt = document.DocumentMetadata.TableCount.ToString(); Table table = new Table(document, tableName, styleName); table.TableStyle.TableProperties.Width = width.ToString().Replace(",",".")+"cm"; for(int i=0; i<columns; i++) { Column column = new Column(table, "co"+tableCnt+i.ToString()); column.ColumnStyle.ColumnProperties.Width = GetColumnCellWidth(columns, width); table.ColumnCollection.Add(column); } if(useTableRowHeader) { rows--; RowHeader rowHeader = new RowHeader(table); Row row = new Row(table, "roh1"+tableCnt); for(int i=0; i<columns; i++) { Cell cell = new Cell(table, "rohce"+tableCnt+i.ToString()); if(useBorder) cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border = Border.NormalSolid; row.CellCollection.Add(cell); } rowHeader.RowCollection.Add(row); table.RowHeader = rowHeader; } for(int ir=0; ir<rows; ir++) { Row row = new Row(table, "ro"+tableCnt+ir.ToString()); for(int ic=0; ic<columns; ic++) { Cell cell = new Cell(table, "ce"+tableCnt+ir.ToString()+ic.ToString()); if(useBorder) cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border = Border.NormalSolid; row.CellCollection.Add(cell); } table.RowCollection.Add(row); } return table; }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the cell at the specified position. Both indexes are 1-based indexes! /// The RowCollection, the rows CellCollection and the ColumnCollection /// will be resized automatically. /// </summary> /// <param name="rowIndex">Index of the row.</param> /// <param name="columnIndex">Index of the column.</param> /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param> public void InsertCellAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, Cell cell) { if(this.RowCollection.Count <= rowIndex) { for(int i=0; i < rowIndex-this.RowCollection.Count; i++) this.RowCollection.Add(new Row(this, "row"+this.RowCollection.Count.ToString()+i.ToString())); this.RowCollection[rowIndex-1].InsertCellAt(columnIndex-1, cell); cell.Row = this.RowCollection[rowIndex-1]; } else if(this.RowCollection.Count+1 == rowIndex) { Row row = new Row(this, this.RowCollection[this.RowCollection.Count-1].StyleName); row.InsertCellAt(columnIndex-1, cell); cell.Row = row; this.RowCollection.Add(row); } else { this.RowCollection[rowIndex-1].InsertCellAt(columnIndex-1, cell); cell.Row = this.RowCollection[rowIndex-1]; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the cell properties. /// </summary> /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param> /// <param name="pdfCell">The PDF cell.</param> /// <returns>The PDF cell with converted odf cell properties.</returns> private iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell SetCellProperties(Cell cell, iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell pdfCell) { try { return null; } catch(Exception) { throw; } }
private void BothHasLabels() { Row row = new Row (table); Cell cell = new Cell (table.Document); Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph (m_document ); cell.Content .Add (paragraph); row.Cells .Add (cell); RowHeader rowheader = new RowHeader (table); for(int i=startColumnIndex; i<endColumnIndex ; i++) { Cell cellTemp = m_tableData.table .Rows [startRowIndex-1].Cells[i]; string cellRepeating = cellTemp.ColumnRepeating ; int cellRepeated=0; if (cellRepeating!=null) cellRepeated= Int32.Parse (cellTemp.ColumnRepeating); if (cellRepeated >1) { for(int j=0; j<cellRepeated-1; j++) { row.Cells .Add (cellTemp); i++; } } row.Cells .Add (cellTemp); } rowheader.RowCollection .Add (row); table.RowHeader =rowheader; for(int i=startRowIndex; i<endRowIndex; i++) { Row tempRow = new Row (table); for(int j=startColumnIndex-1;j<endColumnIndex;j++) { Cell cellTemp = m_tableData.table .Rows [i].Cells [j]; string cellRepeating = cellTemp.ColumnRepeating; int cellRepeated =0; if (cellRepeating!=null) cellRepeated= Int32.Parse (cellTemp.ColumnRepeating ); if (cellRepeated>1) { for(int m=0; m<cellRepeated-1; m++) { tempRow.Cells .Add (cellTemp); i++; } } tempRow.Cells .Add (cellTemp); } table.Rows .Add (tempRow); } }
private void CopyCellContens(Cell source, Cell destination) { foreach (IContent content in source.Content) { IContent clonedContent = new MainContentProcessor(content.Document) .CreateContent(content.Node); destination.Content.Add(clonedContent); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new cell within this table which use the standard style. /// The cell isn't part of the table until you insert it /// via the InsertCellAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, Cell cell) /// </summary> /// <returns>The new cell</returns> public Cell CreateCell() { Cell cell = new Cell(this.Document); return cell; }
/// <summary> /// gets the rowIndex and colIndex of the chart according to the name of the cell /// </summary> /// <param name="cellName"></param> /// <param name="tableData"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CellPos GetCellPos(string cellName,Table tableData) { int i = 0; int columnIndex = 0; int rowIndex = 0; char[] columnStr = new char [2]; string rowStr = null; foreach(char c in cellName) { if (c>='A'&&c<='Z') { columnStr[i]=c; i++; } } if (i==1) columnIndex = columnStr[0]-'A'; if (i==2) columnIndex=(columnStr[0]-'A')*26 +(columnStr[1]-'A'); columnIndex = columnIndex+1; rowStr = cellName.Substring (i); rowIndex = Int32.Parse (rowStr); Cell cell = null; if (rowIndex<=tableData.Rows .Count ) { Row row = tableData.Rows [rowIndex-1]; if (columnIndex<=row.Cells.Count ) { cell= tableData.Rows [rowIndex-1].Cells [columnIndex-1]; } } if (cell==null) { cell = new Cell(_document); tableData.InsertCellAt (rowIndex,columnIndex,cell); } CellPos pos = new CellPos (); pos.cell =cell; pos.columnIndex = columnIndex; pos.rowIndex = rowIndex; return pos; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the tables. /// </summary> /// <param name="lines">The lines.</param> private void CreateTables(ArrayList lines) { string unicodeDelimiter = "\u00BF"; // turned question mark if (lines != null) { Table table = TableBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetTable( (SpreadsheetDocument)this._document, "Table1", "table1"); //First line must specify the used delimiter string delimiter = lines[0] as string; lines.RemoveAt(0); try { //Perform lines foreach(string line in lines) { string lineContent = line.Replace(delimiter, unicodeDelimiter); string[] cellContents = lineContent.Split(unicodeDelimiter.ToCharArray()); Row row = new Row(table); foreach(string cellContent in cellContents) { Cell cell = new Cell(table.Document); Paragraph paragraph = ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph(this._document); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(this._document, cellContent)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); row.InsertCellAt(row.Cells.Count, cell); } table.Rows.Add(row); } } catch(Exception ex) { throw new AODLException("Error while proccessing the csv file.", ex); } this._document.Content.Add(table); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the billing items. /// </summary> /// <param name="billingDoc">The billing doc.</param> private void WriteBillingItems(TextDocument billingDoc) { if (billingDoc != null) { foreach(IContent content in billingDoc.Content) { if (content is Table) { Table itemTable = (Table)content; double priceTotal = 0; int r = 0; string lastCellStyleName = ""; foreach(DataRow dr in this._tblItems.Rows) { Row itemRow = new Row(itemTable); int c = 0; foreach(object obj in dr.ItemArray) { lastCellStyleName = "c" + r.ToString() + c.ToString(); Cell cell = new Cell(itemTable.Document, lastCellStyleName); ((CellStyle)cell.Style).CellProperties.Padding = "0.2cm"; ((CellStyle)cell.Style).CellProperties.BorderBottom = "0.002cm solid #000000"; Paragraph p = ParagraphBuilder.CreateParagraphWithCustomStyle(billingDoc, "p" + r.ToString() + c.ToString()); ParagraphProperties pp = ((ParagraphStyle)p.Style).ParagraphProperties; if (pp != null) { if (c == 1) pp.Alignment =; if (c > 1) pp.Alignment = TextAlignments.end.ToString(); } TextProperties tp = ((ParagraphStyle)p.Style).TextProperties; if (tp != null) { tp.Bold = "bold"; tp.FontName = FontFamilies.Arial; tp.FontSize = "11pt"; if (c < 2) tp.Italic = "italic"; } if (c == 4) priceTotal += Double.Parse(obj.ToString()); p.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(billingDoc, obj.ToString())); cell.Content.Add(p); itemRow.Cells.Add(cell); c++; } itemTable.Rows.Add(itemRow); r++; } Row priceTotalRow = new Row(itemTable); for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) priceTotalRow.Cells.Add(new Cell(itemTable.Document)); Cell cell1 = new Cell(itemTable.Document, lastCellStyleName); Paragraph p1 = ParagraphBuilder.CreateParagraphWithCustomStyle(billingDoc, "ppricetotal"); ((ParagraphStyle)p1.Style).ParagraphProperties.Alignment = TextAlignments.end.ToString(); ((ParagraphStyle)p1.Style).TextProperties.Bold = "bold"; ((ParagraphStyle)p1.Style).TextProperties.FontSize = "11pt"; ((ParagraphStyle)p1.Style).TextProperties.FontName = FontFamilies.Arial; p1.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(billingDoc, priceTotal.ToString())); cell1.Content.Add(p1); priceTotalRow.Cells.Add(cell1); itemTable.Rows.Add(priceTotalRow); } } } }
public class_traslate_spreadsheet(string query_sql, string[] args_names_field, string[] args_type_field, bool typetext, string[] args_field_text, string name_field_text, bool more_title, string[] args_more_title) { //Console.WriteLine(name_field_text+" nombre del campo"); int files_field = 0; string [] array_field_text = new string[args_field_text.Length]; connectionString = conexion_a_DB._url_servidor + conexion_a_DB._port_DB + conexion_a_DB._usuario_DB + conexion_a_DB._passwrd_user_DB; nombrebd = conexion_a_DB._nombrebd; //Create new spreadsheet open document (.ods) AODL.Document.SpreadsheetDocuments.SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new AODL.Document.SpreadsheetDocuments.SpreadsheetDocument(); spreadsheetDocument.New(); //Create a new table AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Table table = new AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Table(spreadsheetDocument, "hoja1", "tablefirst"); NpgsqlConnection conexion; conexion = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString + nombrebd); // Verifica que la base de datos este conectada try{ conexion.Open(); NpgsqlCommand comando; comando = conexion.CreateCommand(); comando.CommandText = query_sql; Console.WriteLine(comando.CommandText); comando.ExecuteNonQuery(); comando.Dispose(); NpgsqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos for (int colum_field = 0; colum_field < args_names_field.Length; colum_field++) { AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); //cell.OfficeValueType ="float"; AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument); string text = (string)args_names_field[colum_field].ToString().Trim(); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field, cell); } if (typetext == true) { // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos cuando son de tipo text (almacenado en una tabla tipo text) for (int colum_field2 = 0; colum_field2 < args_field_text.Length; colum_field2++) { AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); //cell.OfficeValueType ="float"; AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument); string text = (string)args_field_text[colum_field2].ToString().Trim(); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field2 + args_names_field.Length, cell); } } if (more_title == true) { int title_field_text = 0; if (typetext == true) { title_field_text = args_field_text.Length; } // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos cuando son de tipo text (almacenado en una tabla tipo text) for (int colum_field3 = 0; colum_field3 < args_more_title.Length; colum_field3++) { AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); //cell.OfficeValueType ="float"; AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument); string text = (string)args_more_title[colum_field3].ToString().Trim(); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field3 + args_names_field.Length + title_field_text, cell); } } files_field++; string texto = ""; while (lector.Read()) { for (int colum_field = 0; colum_field < args_names_field.Length; colum_field++) { AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); //cell.OfficeValueType ="float"; AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument); string text = lector[(string)args_names_field[colum_field]].ToString().Trim(); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = (string)args_type_field [colum_field]; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field, cell); } if (typetext == true) { texto = (string)lector[name_field_text]; // puede ser una campo de la base de datos tipo Text char[] delimiterChars = { '\n' }; // delimitador de Cadenas char[] delimiterChars1 = { ';' }; // delimitador de Cadenas //string texto = "1;daniel; ;olivares;cuevas"; //"2;genaro;cuevas;bazaldua\n"+ //"3;gladys;perez;orellana\n"; string[] words = texto.Split(delimiterChars); // Separa las Cadenas if (texto != "") { // Recorre la variable foreach (string s in words) { if (s.Length > 0) { string texto1 = (string)s; string[] words1 = texto1.Split(delimiterChars1); //for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){ int i = 0; int i2 = 1; foreach (string s1 in words1) { //Console.WriteLine(s1.ToString()); if (i2 <= args_field_text.Length) { array_field_text[i] = s1.ToString(); } i++; i2++; } } } for (int i = 0; i < array_field_text.Length; i++) { //Console.WriteLine(array_field_text[i]); AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); //cell.OfficeValueType ="float"; AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument); string text = (string)array_field_text[i]; paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(files_field, i + args_names_field.Length, cell); } } else { } } files_field++; } conexion.Close(); //Insert table into the spreadsheet document spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Add(table); spreadsheetDocument.SaveTo("export.ods"); // open the document automatic System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("export.ods"); }catch (NpgsqlException ex) { MessageDialog msgBoxError = new MessageDialog(MyWinError, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close, "PostgresSQL error: {0}", ex.Message); msgBoxError.Run(); msgBoxError.Destroy(); } /* * // Leyendo el archivo .ods * spreadsheetDocument.Load("export.ods"); * Assert.IsNotNull(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection, "Table collection must exits."); * //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Count == 6, "There must be 3 tables available."); * * int paso = spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Count; * * Console.WriteLine(paso.ToString()); * int i2 = 0; // current row index * int ii = 0; // current cell index * string innerText = ""; // current inner text * try{ * //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows.Count == 5, "There must be 6 rows available."); * for(i2= 0; i2 < spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows.Count; i2++){ * string contents = "Row " + i2 + ": "; * //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells.Count == 3, "There must be 3 cells available."); * for(ii = 0; ii < spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells.Count; ii++){ * innerText = spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].Node.InnerText; * if (spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].OfficeValue != null){ * contents += spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].OfficeValue.ToString() + " "; * }else{ * contents += innerText + " "; * } * } * Console.WriteLine(contents); * } * }catch(System.Exception ex){ * string where = "occours in Row " + i2.ToString() + " and cell " + ii.ToString() + " last cell content " + innerText + "\n\n"; * Console.WriteLine(where + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace); * } */ /* * // Usando libreria SmartXLS * WorkBook book = new WorkBook(); * * try{ * //Sets the number of worksheets in this workbook * book.NumSheets = 2; * // set sheet names * book.setSheetName(0, "hoja1"); // renombrando la pestaña * book.setSheetName(1, "hoja2"); // renombrando la pestaña * book.Sheet = 0; * // book.setText(Fila, columna , "texto"); * book.setText(0, 0, "foliodeservicio"); * book.setText(0, 1, "descripcion_producto"); * book.setText(0, 2, "idproducto"); * book.setText(0, 3, "cantidadaplicada"); * book.setText(0, 4, "preciounitario"); * book.setText(0, 5, "ppcantidad"); * book.setText(0, 6, "fechcreacion"); * book.setText(0, 7, "descripcion_admisiones"); * book.setText(0, 8, "idtipoadmision"); * book.setText(0, 9, "descripcion_grupo_producto"); * book.setText(0, 10, "aplicar_iva"); * * NpgsqlConnection conexion; * conexion = new NpgsqlConnection (connectionString+nombrebd); * // Verifica que la base de datos este conectada * try{ * conexion.Open (); * NpgsqlCommand comando; * comando = conexion.CreateCommand (); * comando.CommandText = "SELECT osiris_erp_cobros_deta.folio_de_servicio AS foliodeservicio,descripcion_producto,to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_producto,'999999999999') AS idproducto, "+ * "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.cantidad_aplicada,'99999.99') AS cantidadaplicada,to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.precio_producto,'99999999.99') AS preciounitario,"+ * "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.cantidad_aplicada * osiris_erp_cobros_deta.precio_producto,'99999999.99') AS ppcantidad,"+ * "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.fechahora_creacion,'dd-MM-yyyy HH24:mi:ss') AS fechcreacion, osiris_his_tipo_admisiones.descripcion_admisiones,"+ * "osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones AS idtipoadmision,descripcion_grupo_producto,osiris_productos.aplicar_iva," + * "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_secuencia,'9999999999') AS secuencia " + * "FROM osiris_erp_cobros_deta,osiris_productos,osiris_his_tipo_admisiones,osiris_grupo_producto " + * "WHERE osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_producto = osiris_productos.id_producto " + * "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones = osiris_his_tipo_admisiones.id_tipo_admisiones " + * "AND osiris_productos.id_grupo_producto = osiris_grupo_producto.id_grupo_producto " + * "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.eliminado = false " + * "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.folio_de_servicio IN('"+numeroatencion_+"') " + * "ORDER BY to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.fechahora_creacion,'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mm:ss'),osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones ASC," + * "osiris_productos.id_grupo_producto;"; * comando.ExecuteNonQuery(); comando.Dispose(); * //Console.WriteLine(comando.CommandText); * NpgsqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader (); * while (lector.Read()){ * book.setNumber(number_file, 0, int.Parse(numeroatencion_)); * book.setText(number_file, 1, (string) lector["descripcion_producto"]); * book.setText(number_file, 2, (string) lector["idproducto"]); * number_file++; * } * conexion.Close(); * book.write("export.xls"); * * System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("export.xls"); * * * }catch(NpgsqlException ex){ * MessageDialog msgBoxError = new MessageDialog (MyWinError,DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, * MessageType.Error, * ButtonsType.Close,"PostgresSQL error: {0}",ex.Message); * msgBoxError.Run (); msgBoxError.Destroy(); * } * * * }catch (System.Exception ex){ * Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); * } */ }
/// <summary> /// Makes a copy of a cell /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Cell CloneCell(Cell sourceCell) { Cell clonedCell = new Cell(sourceCell.Document, sourceCell.StyleName); foreach (IContent clonedContent in CloneContentCollection( new ContentCollection(sourceCell.Content))) { clonedCell.Content.Add(clonedContent); } return clonedCell; }
public void SetText(Cell cell, string text) { foreach (IContent content in cell.Content) { if (content is Paragraph == false) continue; Paragraph p = content as Paragraph; foreach (IText cellText in p.TextContent) { cellText.Text = text; } } }
public void SpreadSheetFormsTest() { //Create new spreadsheet document SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new SpreadsheetDocument(); spreadsheetDocument.New(); //Create a new table Table table = new Table(spreadsheetDocument, "First", "tablefirst"); //Create a new cell, without any extra styles Cell cell = new Cell(spreadsheetDocument, "cell001"); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; //Set full border cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border = Border.NormalSolid; //Add a paragraph to this cell Paragraph paragraph = ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph( spreadsheetDocument); //Add some text content paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, "Some text")); //Add paragraph to the cell cell.Content.Add(paragraph); //Insert the cell at row index 2 and column index 3 //All need rows, columns and cells below the given //indexes will be build automatically. table.Rows.Add(new Row(table, "Standard")); table.Rows.Add(new Row(table, "Standard")); table.Rows.Add(new Row(table, "Standard")); table.InsertCellAt(3, 2, cell); //Insert table into the spreadsheet document ODFForm main_form = new ODFForm(spreadsheetDocument, "mainform"); main_form.Method = Method.Get; ODFButton butt = new ODFButton(main_form, cell.Content, "butt", "0cm", "0cm", "15mm", "8mm"); butt.Label = "test :)"; main_form.Controls.Add (butt); spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Add(table); table.Forms.Add(main_form); spreadsheetDocument.SaveTo(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder+"spreadsheet_forms.ods"); SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument2 = new SpreadsheetDocument(); spreadsheetDocument2.Load(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder+"spreadsheet_forms.ods"); ODFButton b = spreadsheetDocument2.TableCollection[0].FindControlById("butt") as ODFButton; Assert.IsNotNull(b); b.Label = "it works!"; spreadsheetDocument2.SaveTo(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder+"spreadsheet_forms2.ods"); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the cell as HTML. /// </summary> /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetCellAsHtml(Cell cell) { string html = "<td "; try { if(cell != null) { if(cell.ColumnRepeating != null) html += "columnspan=\""+cell.ColumnRepeating+"\" "; string cellStyle = this.HTMLStyleBuilder.GetCellStyleAsHtml(cell.CellStyle); if(cellStyle.Length > 0) html += cellStyle; int cellIndex = -1; if(cell.Row != null) cellIndex = cell.Row.GetCellIndex(cell); ColumnStyle colStyle = null; if(cellIndex != -1 && cell.Table != null) if(cell.Table.ColumnCollection != null) if(cell.Table.ColumnCollection.Count-1 <= cellIndex) if(cell.Table.ColumnCollection[cellIndex].ColumnStyle != null) colStyle = cell.Table.ColumnCollection[cellIndex].ColumnStyle; string colHtmlStyle = this.HTMLStyleBuilder.GetColumnStyleAsHtml(colStyle); if(colHtmlStyle.Length > 0) html += colHtmlStyle; html += ">\n"; string contentHtml = this.GetIContentCollectionAsHtml(cell.Content); if(contentHtml.Length > 0) html += contentHtml; } } catch(Exception ex) { AODLException exception = new AODLException("Exception while trying to build a HTML string from a Cell object."); exception.InMethod = AODLException.GetExceptionSourceInfo(new StackFrame(1, true)); exception.OriginalException = ex; throw exception; } if(!html.Equals("<td ")) html += "</td>\n"; else html = ""; return html; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the table cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node.</param> /// <returns></returns> private Cell CreateTableCell(XmlNode node) { try { //Create a new Cel Cell cell = new Cell(this._document, node); ContentCollection iColl = new ContentCollection(); //Recieve CellStyle IStyle cellStyle = this._document.Styles.GetStyleByName(cell.StyleName); if (cellStyle != null) { cell.Style = cellStyle; } //No need for a warning //Create the cells content foreach(XmlNode nodeChild in cell.Node.ChildNodes) { IContent iContent = this.CreateContent(nodeChild); if (iContent != null) { //iColl.Add(iContent); AddToCollection(iContent, iColl); } else { this.OnWarning(new AODLWarning("Couldn't create IContent from a table cell.", nodeChild)); } } cell.Node.InnerXml = ""; foreach(IContent iContent in iColl) AddToCollection(iContent,cell.Content); //cell.Content.Add(iContent); return cell; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new AODLException("Exception while trying to create a Table Row.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the cell as HTML. /// </summary> /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetCellAsHtml(Cell cell) { string html = "<td "; try { if (cell != null) { if (cell.ColumnRepeating != null) html += "columnspan=\""+cell.ColumnRepeating+"\" "; string cellStyle = this.HTMLStyleBuilder.GetCellStyleAsHtml(cell.CellStyle); if (cellStyle.Length > 0) html += cellStyle; int cellIndex = -1; if (cell.Row != null) cellIndex = cell.Row.GetCellIndex(cell); ColumnStyle colStyle = null; if (cellIndex != -1 && cell.Row!= null && cell.Row.Table != null) if (cell.Row.Table.ColumnCollection != null) if (cell.Row.Table.ColumnCollection.Count > cellIndex) if (cell.Row.Table.ColumnCollection[cellIndex].ColumnStyle != null) colStyle = cell.Row.Table.ColumnCollection[cellIndex].ColumnStyle; string colHtmlStyle = this.HTMLStyleBuilder.GetColumnStyleAsHtml(colStyle); if (colHtmlStyle.Length > 0) html += colHtmlStyle; html += ">\n"; string contentHtml = this.GetIContentCollectionAsHtml(cell.Content); if (contentHtml.Length > 0) html += contentHtml; } } catch(Exception ex) { throw new AODLException("Exception while trying to build a HTML string from a Cell object.", ex); } if (!html.Equals("<td ")) html += "</td>\n"; else html = ""; return html; }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the cell at the given zero based position. /// </summary> /// <param name="position">The position.</param> /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param> public void InsertCellAt(int position, Cell cell) { // Phil Jollans 16-Feb-2008: Largely rewritten if ( _cells.Count > position ) { // We need to ask Lars how he intended this list to work. // Note that Table.Row_OnRowChanged() adds cells to all rows when // we add a cell to a single row. _cells.RemoveAt ( position ) ; _cells.Insert ( position, cell ) ; } else { while ( _cells.Count < position ) { _cells.Add ( new Cell ( this.Table.Document ) ) ; } _cells.Add(cell); } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the cell at the specified position. /// The RowCollection, the rows CellCollection and the ColumnCollection /// will be resized automatically. /// </summary> /// <param name="rowIndex">Index of the row.</param> /// <param name="columnIndex">Index of the column.</param> /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param> public void InsertCellAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, Cell cell) { while ( _rows.Count <= rowIndex ) { _rows.Add ( new Row(this, String.Format("row{0}",_rows.Count))); } Row row = _rows [ rowIndex ] ; row.InsertCellAt ( columnIndex, cell ) ; cell.Row = row ; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the text document table. /// </summary> /// <param name="document">The document.</param> /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param> /// <param name="styleName">Name of the style.</param> /// <param name="rows">The rows.</param> /// <param name="columns">The columns.</param> /// <param name="width">The width.</param> /// <param name="useTableRowHeader">if set to <c>true</c> [use table row header].</param> /// <param name="useBorder">The useBorder.</param> /// <returns></returns> private Table CreateTextDocumentTable( AODL.Document.TextDocuments.TextDocument document, string tableName, string styleName, int rows, int columns, double width, Table originalTable) { string tableCnt = document.DocumentMetadata.TableCount.ToString(); Table table = new Table(document, tableName, styleName); table.TableStyle.TableProperties.Width = width.ToString().Replace(",",".")+"cm"; for(int i=0; i < columns; i++) { Column column = new Column(table, originalTable.ColumnCollection[i].StyleName); //column.ColumnStyle.ColumnProperties.Width = GetColumnCellWidth(columns, width); table.ColumnCollection.Add(column); } for(int ir=0; ir < rows; ir++) { Row row = new Row(table, originalTable.Rows[ir].StyleName); for(int ic=0; ic < columns; ic++) { Cell cell = new Cell(table.Document, originalTable.Rows[ir].Cells[ic].StyleName); //if (useBorder) // cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border = Border.NormalSolid; row.Cells.Add(cell); } table.Rows.Add(row); } return table; }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the cell at the given zero based position. /// </summary> /// <param name="position">The position.</param> /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param> public void InsertCellAt(int position, Cell cell) { if(this.CellCollection.Count <= position) { //3 - 5 = 6, 5 - 5 = 6 for(int i=0; i < position-this.CellCollection.Count; i++) this.CellCollection.Add(new Cell(this.Table)); this.CellCollection.Add(cell); } else if(this.CellCollection.Count+1 == position) { this.CellCollection.Add(cell); } else { this.CellCollection.Insert(position, cell); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the table cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node.</param> /// <returns></returns> private Cell CreateTableCell(XmlNode node) { try { //Create a new Cel Cell cell = new Cell(this._document, node); IContentCollection iColl = new IContentCollection(); //Recieve CellStyle IStyle cellStyle = this._document.Styles.GetStyleByName(cell.StyleName); if(cellStyle != null) { int i=0; cell.Style = cellStyle; if(cellStyle.StyleName == "ce244") i=1; } //No need for a warning //Create the cells content foreach(XmlNode nodeChild in cell.Node.ChildNodes) { IContent iContent = this.CreateContent(nodeChild); if(iContent != null) { iColl.Add(iContent); } else { if(this.OnWarning != null) { AODLWarning warning = new AODLWarning("Couldn't create IContent from a table cell."); warning.InMethod = AODLException.GetExceptionSourceInfo(new StackFrame(1, true)); warning.Node = nodeChild; this.OnWarning(warning); } } } cell.Node.InnerXml = ""; foreach(IContent iContent in iColl) cell.Content.Add(iContent); return cell; } catch(Exception ex) { AODLException exception = new AODLException("Exception while trying to create a Table Row."); exception.InMethod = AODLException.GetExceptionSourceInfo(new StackFrame(1, true)); exception.Node = node; exception.OriginalException = ex; throw exception; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the index of the cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param> /// <returns>The index of the cell wthin the cell collection. If the /// cell isn't part of the collection -1 will be returned.</returns> public int GetCellIndex(Cell cell) { if (cell != null && this.Cells != null) { for(int i=0; i<this.Cells.Count; i++) if (this.Cells[i].Equals(cell)) return i; } return -1; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new cell within this table which use the standard style. /// The cell isn't part of the table until you insert it /// via the InsertCellAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, Cell cell) /// </summary> /// <returns>The new cell</returns> public Cell CreateCell() { Cell cell = new Cell(this); return cell; }
/// <summary> /// create the row serial cell /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="SerialNum"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Cell CreateRowSerialCell(Table table,int SerialNum) { Cell cell = new Cell (table.Document); cell.OfficeValueType ="string"; Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph (m_document); string content = SerialNum.ToString ()+"ŠŠ"; paragraph.TextContent .Add (new SimpleText (m_document,content)); cell.Content .Add (paragraph); return cell; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new cell within this table which will have a custom /// cellstyle. /// The cell isn't part of the table until you insert it /// via the InsertCellAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, Cell cell) /// </summary> /// <param name="styleName">Name of the style.</param> /// <returns>The new cell.</returns> public Cell CreateCell(string styleName) { Cell cell = new Cell(this, styleName); return cell; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new cell within this table which will have a custom /// cellstyle and the cell content is type of the given office value typ. /// The cell isn't part of the table until you insert it /// via the InsertCellAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, Cell cell) /// </summary> /// <param name="styleName">Name of the style.</param> /// <param name="officeValueType">Type of the office value.</param> /// <returns></returns> public Cell CreateCell(string styleName, string officeValueType) { Cell cell = new Cell(this, styleName, officeValueType); return cell; }
private void WriteTable(IMultipleRowsProducer rp, Table table, IGenerationContext context) { DataRow[] rows = rp.GetValue(context).ToArray(); if (rows.Length > 0) { DataTable ptab = rows.First().Table; for (int iCol = 0; iCol < ptab.Columns.Count; iCol++) { table.ColumnCollection.Add(new Column(table, string.Empty)); } for (int iRow = -1; iRow < rows.Length; iRow++) { Row row = new Row(table); table.RowCollection.Add(row); for (int iCol = 0; iCol < ptab.Columns.Count; iCol++) { Cell cell = new Cell(table); object value = (iRow == -1) ? ptab.Columns[iCol].ColumnName : rows[iRow][iCol]; CreateAddSimpleText(table.Document, cell.Content, value); row.CellCollection.Add(cell); } } } }